Manipulative Harem God-Chapter 505 Xiong Mei want to fly? Brother helps with Brownies!

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Chapter 505 Xiong Mei want to fly? Brother helps with Brownies!


Breathlessly reclining against Zhang Wei, Xiong Mei's vision, already blurred, deteriorated further.

At this moment, she was devoid of clothing, and, somewhat astonishingly, Zhang Wei managed the car's steering from beneath her as she nestled into his lap.

The interior of the car was filled with the ambiguous tension.

Today, she had unveiled yet more of "Brother's" hidden talents!

Even as she continued her riding, he maintained a composed focus on the road.

"MF!? Are you stupid!?"

"Who is this lunatic!?"

"Maniac, call the police!"

Shouts pierced the air from outside the window, causing Xiong Mei's brow to furrow with concern.

Zhang Wei was driving recklessly, and she had lost track of just how many laws they were trampling underfoot.

She could also faintly hear unsettling moans beneath her, emanating from under the car tires, sending an eerie shiver up her spine.

"Zhang Wei... could you possibly drive a bit more carefully? Aren't you worried about the violations?" She wrapped her arms around his neck, her voice laced with worry and affection, as Zhang Wei responded with a carefree smile.

"No problem, the more fines the better. I've recently decided to hug bankruptcy," he replied, brushing her lips with a light, mysterious kiss that left Xiong Mei bewildered.

Little did she know, the car was registered under the name Zhang Ming.

All the ensuing violations would be attributed to him.

A silent chuckle escaped Zhang Wei's lips, entertained by his own mischief, while Xiong Mei could only offer a helpless smile in response.

She glanced around the car, her hands deftly sifting through her belongings, gathering her scattered clothes and piecing together her makeup kit.

As she carefully applied her makeup, her thoughts were adrift.

'I, I lost my panties!' she cried out inwardly, her cheeks flushing with a mix of embarrassment and resolve.

She continued to swipe her lipstick with feigned nonchalance, masking her inner scream.

Catching on to her fa?ade, Zhang Wei's eyebrows arched in amusement. "Do you not need this?" he teased, elevating his legs slightly.

Clenched between his toes, he held a small piece of pink triangular fabric, dangling it playfully before her eyes.


"You... Give it to me!" Her eyes flared open in astonishment, her voice tinged with a charming mix of shock and embarrassment as she swiftly snatched the fabric from him.

With a flush creeping up her cheeks, she hurriedly took out her skirt, and put it back into place.

Embarrassment about dressing in a car?

That sentiment now seemed a distant memory.

After numerous instances where he had assisted her in bathing and tidying up, she had become almost too familiar with his touch—so much so that she suspected he knew her body better than she did herself!

Every inch had been explored, leaving her to ponder whether he harbored a peculiar hobby of indulging in such...

As she settled back into the co-pilot seat, arranging her hair with an embarrassed grace, Xiong Mei couldn't resist stealing glances at Zhang Wei.

She watched him maneuver the car effortlessly with just one hand, his composure unshaken, while her own legs still trembling.

Her eyes curved into crescents, a charming smile spreading across her face as she gently bit her lip.

Rich, handsome, and powerful.

Did Zhang Wei have any flaws?

"Zhang Wei... To be honest, you're quite handsome, and you even have money. Why don't you try being less of a scoundrel?"

"Oh, so you've finally noticed I'm handsome?" Zhang Wei responded, skillfully dodging her pointed question with a playful smile that lit up his features.

"Mmm..." Xiong Mei nodded shyly, her cheeks coloring slightly.

Zhang Wei's smile grew even broader as he extended one hand to gently pat her head. "Don't worry, people often make this mistake. They get so caught up with my little brother, they forget to take care of their dear big brother."

"Eh?" Xiong Mei emitted a puzzled gasp, her eyes wide as Zhang Wei ramped up his melodrama.

"Alas, the neglected big brother... unattended and overlooked. Now — How shall he navigate the dangers of this harsh world?" Zhang Wei sulked with a flourish of mock despair.


"Big brother? Little brother...!" Realization dawned on Xiong Mei, and her cheeks ignited with a sudden flush of understanding.


Overcome by an impulse, she leaned forward and bit sharply into his shoulder.

"Asshole!" Her voice was a mix of annoyance and jest as she launched her teeth into his flesh.

Zhang Wei's laughter boomed, a deep, resonant chuckle emanating from his chest as he felt the firm pinch of her teeth. "Ah, so fierce!... But tell me, isn't this domestic violence? Oh, the tragedy, now they've even begun to abuse me..." he teased, his voice dripping with feigned sigh.


Xiong Mei pulled back, her face alight with both exasperation and amusement. "Only you would call a bite a sign of abuse! It's a token of affection!" she corrected him, briskly wiping her lips with the back of her hand.

Zhang Wei's smile stretched even broader. "Then allow me to return the gesture with some affection of my own!"



"Zhang Wei! Stop! It hurts—Agh! Bastard!" Her protests mingled with laughter, even as she tried to evade his retaliation.

Once Zhang Wei had finished imprinting his mark, he pulled back, leisurely wiping his face, while Xiong Mei fixed him with a glare, her left cheek adorned with a vivid bite mark that bore the unmistakable signature of his teeth.

Watching her chest rise and fall with simmering anger, Zhang Wei couldn't help but let a cheeky grin spread across his face.

With a magician's flourish, he pulled a gummy bear from thin air, presenting it to her with a teasing gesture. "Here, for peace?"

"Hmmm... This isn't nearly enough to make up for that!" Xiong Mei retorted, her tone laced with irritation.

Yet, she snatched the gummy bear and popped it into her mouth, missing the flicker of surprise in Zhang Wei's eyes as she chewed.

"You want... brownies?" He asked, his eyebrow arching playfully as he noted her softened demeanor.

"You have brownies?" Her mood brightened instantly, the mark on her cheek momentarily forgotten in anticipation of a sweeter offering.

"Here," Zhang Wei said, producing a brownie with a flourish as if performing another trick of hand, and handed it to her.

"Mmmm... Delicious." Xiong Mei's face transformed into a smile as she savored the rich flavor.

[Is it truly wise to give her these?] The system internally questioned, observing Xiong Mei indulge in the treats, blissfully unaware of any potential consequences from accepting such casual gifts from Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei shrugged inwardly, a knowing smirk touching his lips. 'She's a grown up woman; it's her choice — if she wishes to fly.'