Master Of None-Chapter 43 - 43. Final Resting Place

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Walker was about to read the journal again to glean more information from it when her heard gils voice yelling for him from outside.

"Walker! Come over here!" Gil sounds like he'd found something. Walker quickly headed towards the garden area to see Gil and his mother by the wall staring at a thorn bush.

"Mom found these while she was trimming back these red thorns. She says the thorns are used for some medicinal purposes as an antiseptic but that's not what's important. That's are headstones there's three." Gil pointed at some small rectangular stones that read,

"Marian ouroboros

Loving mother taken too soon

Avis Ouroboros

Great slayer of demons

Allison ouroboros

Unyielding in pursuit of family"

This must be the family that lived here prior. Now walker had names to place to the journal. The daughter must have passed away after burning her soul. This was a saddening story, "I've learned a bit from some journals in the library about the family. I think we should clean these up and respect them. Their daughter tried very hard in the face of terrible events." Walker then bowed slightly offering a prayer to the souls in hopes it would help them rest more peacefully.

" aye I'll be sure to make this area nice and flowery in the warmer months, I'm sure any spirit would appreciate the view" Gil's mother was looking down with a pensive look. Through many years of working in the fields she accepted the cycle of nature knowing that where something would die another thing would soon grow. But that didn't make it any easier on those left living.

Walker decided not to share the past with his party unless it was necessary, he had already completed the subject of discovering the past of amethyst mansion and didn't want to cause anyone else sadness on a happy day. He was about to turn to walk back inside when he noticed a familiar face measuring the front gate and scribbling down note.

"Rodney?! So the forge sent you to do the gate huh?" Walker approached happy to see a familiar face after the discovery of something unsettling.

"Yup now that I can craft properly I've been running around everywhere! I'll measure this look at the walls then head back. We'll make it today and finish it all tomorrow so you just need to submit payment!" Rodney's works were bursting with energy and fire as usual. 𝗳𝘳𝒆𝘦𝑤𝐞𝚋𝗻𝚘𝘷𝘦𝙡.𝑐𝐨𝘮

"Well I won't get in your way then, but hopefully the walls are easier than they look." Walker was a bit worried the age of the walls would present an expensive challenge.

"Well the gates are easy we just use an existing mold. The walls will take us all day tomorrow depending on test of time. But so far it just looks to be patching jobs which is very easy and will most likely finish earlier than expected." Rodney was showing off. Walker nodded and decided to return inside to finish dusting the library. Saying his goodbyes.

Once he was back in the library he picked up where he left off and cleaned the dust and cobwebs. Every once in a while he'd find a quill, or the odd coin around. He noticed a loose leg on a chair but was easily able to tighten the screw on it without worry. All in all after two more hours it was in pristine condition. fr𝚎e𝙬𝚎𝚋𝚗૦ν𝚎𝒍.c૦m

Noticing the time he went to meet his mother to tell her they could eat outside on the patio. He also made note to grab some chairs for everyone. Setting up and stopping to tell her passed some time and before he knew it everyone was making their way to the table.

Su entered the room helping a skinny and frail looking women with white hair and warm features to sit down. "This is my mother Helena I apologize for the late introduction but she is often ill so we take priority over resting. Behind me is my father Frederick" as a man with grey and brown peppered hair came behind Su he was tall and tired looking. One could tell from the etched lines on his face he spends too much time in worry.

"Nice to meet you." The two unintentionally said in unison causing laughs to resound.

"We look forward to a bright future, especially if I can sit in the garden when it's finished." Su's mother smiled and the world seemed a bit brighter.

"Well of course as long as you don't hurt the plants I'll even build you your own little reading nook!" Gil's mother was happy to see someone else showing enthusiasm for the garden.

Walker was happy everyone was chatting and getting to know each other and as they all finished their food he found a nice time to talk about the quest. "So I've finished the library, and read a journal about the previous owners to discover the past. I saw Rodney at the gate he said as long as I submit payment tomorrow the gate will be delivered and the wall finished so expect noise in the early hours. Clara got in contact with three carpenters for the shutters and roof so we are covered on that as well. Also four adventurers will be visiting to assist in cleaning since I posted a quest. So that being said does anyone want to come to the forge and alchemist buildings with me tomorrow to get the remaining tools?" Walker was thankful he could see the progress of the quest through his system it's was an immense help.

"Actually I would like to come, I want to stop by the orphanage since it will be the first morning without me. Also growing up I learned a few tricks for fevers in the orphanage so I might be able to help pick out some starting herbs." This surprise from Remey was unusual, none of them had expected the hot tempered brawler to also know some alchemy. "What? It's not weird. Did none of you take medicine when you were sick? Just magically got better huh?" Her face had flushed red as she realized she'd shown her caring side to everyone, even some newer people.

They all laughed and began talking and teasing once more after that. Staying up later than usual walkers mother even brought out some apple turnovers as dessert to celebrate. But they would be waking up early so sleep came eventually.