May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )-Chapter 28 - Chapter 28: I don't want to marry her anymore

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Chapter 28: Chapter 28: I don't want to marry her anymore

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

When Qin Yunting walked into the living room in her long lace dress, she raised her proud chin. Since the Duke came to ask for her hand in marriage, she would use the word "ASK" very loosely.

Zheng Min proudly introduced her daughter. "Madam, this is my daughter, Qin Yunting."

She dressed Qin Yunting up like a flower. Although it took her some time, it was definitely worth it. Even Yunting liked it.

Roland was stunned. Didn't Old Man Yun say that this girl's mother was dead?

Of course, if her mother had not died, it would not be her son's time to marry her. But then where did this woman come from?

"Am I wrong? Isn't her mother dead?'' she blurted out.

Zheng Min almost screeched. Qin Sheng's mother was the one who died!

But for the sake of her daughter's marriage, she endured it.

"Who spread the rumor that I died? I'm clearly alive and well! Madam, don't be deceived!"

Roland was suspicious. Could Old Man Yun have gotten this wrong?

"Well, does your Qin family have another granddaughter?"

Zheng Min's heart sank. Were they looking for Qin Sheng? Qin Sheng's mother was dead...

She looked at her mother-in-law and winked.

He Fen nodded knowingly "We have a granddaughter, but she's very mischievous. She's not worthy of the attention of the Duchess and Duke. She's probably in school with other boys..." She deliberately paused. "I mean, maybe she was detained by the teacher or went out to play..."

"And aren't you looking for Miss Qin? Yunting is Miss Qin."

Qin Sheng, who had been peeping in from outside the door, twitched the corner of her lips. Her grandmother was really good at talking. With one sentence, she made her sound like a bad student. Moreover, she insinuated that she was fooling around with other boys.

She took a deep breath. Only this time, she wasn't angry. Just now, she heard that evil woman ask Qin Yunting if her mother was dead. She guessed that Li Ang was looking for her...

Obviously, her grandmother would not give her any chance to be with the Duke. She was happy about that.

She smiled and turned around to leave. Her grandmother and second aunt had framed her here, which guaranteed that the Duke would never want to marry her.

Roland's face stiffened for a moment. She was with another boy...

No matter what, her family could not marry an unclean girl... right?

"It's Qin Sheng. Call her out. She's at home," Li Ang suddenly said.

He knew they were wrong when he saw Qin Yunting come in. He deliberately did not say anything as he did not want to get engaged to that devious girl. But then maybe he was wrong? He would let his mother torture him slowly...

Who knew that when he turned around he would see a small head leaning against the door. She hid very well. If it was not for the fact that he could see a little bit outside the door from this angle, no one would have discovered her.

What made Li Ang the most angry was that when Qin Sheng left, she actually had a bright smile on her face.

She was so happy to know that his mother had found the wrong person. How much did she not want to marry him?

His lips pursed. If he let her succeed, he would not be Duke Li Ang!

He Fen's face twitched for a moment before she ordered the servants to find Qin Sheng.

Zheng Min said reluctantly, "I-it turns out that I've got the wrong person. I'll go find her, as when that girl goes crazy, these servants won't be able to control her. Yunting, isn't young master Ha coming later? Go prepare some desserts."

She helped her embarrassed daughter out of the predicament so that she could leave.

Qin Yunting's face stiffened. She forced herself to walk out of the living room with Zheng Min. In the corridor, she snapped her necklace in anger. She hated Qin Sheng to death!

The pearls on the necklace fell all over the ground. Zheng Min complained to Qin Yunting, her heart aching.

"What are you doing? This necklace is worth hundreds of thousands! Your father bought it for me for my birthday!" She sighed, turned to the servants and shouted, "Hurry up, come and look for the pearls!"

Qin Yunting kicked the pearls at her feet in frustration "All you care about is money. You've completely embarrassed me. If you had used the excuse that I have a fiancé to reject Duke Li Ang just now, I would have dumped Ha Siqi, no matter how Qin Sheng and the Duke are!

"But though I'm engaged, I still want Li Ang, but he doesn't want me! Qin Sheng will surely laugh at me. If Ha Siqi finds out about this, what will I say to him?"

"You only want to blame me... I did it for your own good. How can the Ha family compare to the Duke?" Zheng Min's gaze hardened. "Qin Sheng wants to marry the Duke, but does she really have such a fate? Don't be anxious. Back then, I could snatch Ha Siqi for you, and today, I can snatch Duke Li Ang for you too!"

Qin Yunting rolled her eyes. "Yesterday, I said that that sl*t had hooked the Duke into her bed. Grandfather didn't believe me. If she doesn't agree to go with Li Ang, will he really propose marriage? He asked for her by name. What can we do?"

"She's not engaged yet though, is she? Why are you so anxious?" Zheng Min said.

"Now that the Duke wants to see that sl*t, can you really stop him?'' Qin Yunting growled.

Zheng Min was also in a dilemma. It seemed that Madam Roland had a quick temper. If she met Qin Sheng, she would most likely be engaged to the Duke immediately.

Just as the mother and daughter were worrying about how to deal with the situation, Qin Sheng walked out of the kitchen, chewing on a sugarcane.

She glanced at the pearls on the ground, and a wicked smile appeared on her lips. "Aiyo, the aura of my cousin who just got engaged to the Duke is sombre. Especially if such a pearl necklace has been destroyed!"

Qin Sheng knew the pearl necklace had been on Qin Yunting's neck. If she did not break it herself, then who did? It was clear that Qin Yunting was in a bad mood, and if Qin Yunting was unhappy, Qin Sheng was very happy.

The corner of Qin Yunting's lips twitched. What the f*ck? Was Qin Sheng mocking her for not getting engaged?

The thing that made her even more angry was the way Qin Sheng ate the sugarcane. She did not look like a lady from a noble family at all. Even with this kind of behavior, she was still liked by the Duke.

Qin Yunting had acted like a lady for eighteen years. Was she not more attractive than this ruffian before her? Her mother did not allow her to touch these things. If she wanted to eat sugarcanes, she would ask the servants to use the juicer to extract the juice and drink it. Of course, the feeling was different from actually eating them.

Qin Yunting's gaze shifted. "Qin Sheng, didn't you know that something happened to your best friend, Chu Xia?"

Qin Sheng was stunned. "What did you say? How do you know that something happened to Chu Xia?"

"Did you forget that my fiancé is Ha Siqi? Today, he brought some people to write a bulletin at school. Chu Xia was in charge of illustrating on the bulletin," Qin Yunting said tauntingly.

Qin Sheng spat out the sugarcane in her mouth and took a step forward. "What did you do to Chu Xia?"

Qin Yunting sneered. "What can we do to her? Is she even worthy? It was that Mr. Sikong who came to the school to cause trouble for her. I've brought the message to you. It's up to you whether you save her or not."

Qin Sheng threw the sugarcane into the trash can. That man wouldn't really force Chu Xia to pay for sex, would he? She ran straight out of the villa to save Chu Xia.

Qin Yunting twisted around as Qin Sheng ran away. She took out her phone and sent a message to Ha Siqi. "Get a few boys to teach Qin Sheng a lesson! She's on her way to the school."

Zheng Min turned around and walked back to the living room. "Mother, Qin Sheng is too unruly. I told her to come and see Duke Li Ang, but she ran away. She told the Dukle to go to Hell! "

Li Ang's face corkscrewed into a scowl. Stupid girl! He didn't think she wanted to live anymore!

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