Memoirs of the Returnee-Chapter 319: Usurpation (5)

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Chapter 319: Usurpation (5)

Johanna quietly observed the situation. Shion handed Derek a lunchbox and sat next to him.

The proximity, close enough for their knees to touch, was uncomfortable.

She thought about Leaving, but it wasn't as easy as she wished. Her heart pounded uncomfortably, constricting her, yet she wanted to stay in the same space.

It was paradoxically too much.

From some point, this guy had made her feel so complicated. He endlessly tormented her reason and tested her.


The sound of a phone notification felt overwhelmingly Loud. Johanna flinched.

“l'll be back, I need to take care of some work.”

Suddenly, Shion left. Johanna then regained her composure and glared at Derek.

“Really now.”

In the visitation room, indulging in a Lavish meal, suddenly she felt a surge of anger.

Is this bastard using Shion as a shuttle?


Johanna silently picked up her chopsticks. At that moment, a murderous look flashed in Derek's eyes.

Johanna scoffed.

“Let me have some too, why don't you?”

“Get lost.”

“Ah, damn it.”

Johanna threw the chopsticks down on the table. The chopsticks soared into the air before Landing.

“Even in jail, your gluttony persists.”

“lts not jail, it's a detention center.”

“Whatever. You've always been like this.”

Derek had an unusual obsession with food. There was a day he secretly stole something, pudding perhaps, and ended up being whipped about ten times.

The things Johanna did to Zia were, in fact, a long-standing tradition of bullying that Johanna herself had endured from Derek.

“Why are you making Shion Ascal do your bidding, you should be using a balancer instead?”

“Shut up if you don't know. He brings it out of his own loyalty.”

Johanna's brow twitched.

—It's a loyalty that Libra doesn't deserve.

Shion's father was killed, and Libra, who will cause Shion's death, does not deserve it.

Derek glared at her sharply.

“Can you just leave now? Seeing your face makes me lose my appetite.”

“For someone who claims that, you're eating quite well.”

“Get lost. I won't say it twice.”

“Still talking big after tarnishing the family name.”

Johanna stood up. After all, her purpose of visiting was just to irritate him.

“l'm Leaving. Take care.”

Derek pretended not to hear and focused on his food.

As Johanna turned around, Shion Ascal returned. He nodded at Derek and whispered something to him.

—The Theia operation is ready.

A deep smile spread across Derek's lips.

Johanna stepped outside the detention center. However, she didn't Leave. She Lingered nearby, placing her phone to her ear.


As if she had something to discuss with someone, Johanna scanned the exit of the detention center.

“Miss Johanna”

She waved off the attendants approaching her with a hurried gesture.

About ten minutes passed.

Finally, Shion emerged.

“Yeah, yeah, handle that matter yourself. Yes, just deal with it.”

Johanna muttered as if giving instructions, and soon Shion Ascal stood by her side.

“Handle the report yourself… Hmm?”

Pretending not to notice him at first, Johanna then turned to look at Shion.

“Miss Johanna.”

He bowed his head.

“…l'll contact you later.”

Just as he spoke, a real call came through.

In that instant, Johanna flung her phone to the ground.


Silently, Shion watched the shattered pieces.


Pretending nothing happened, Johanna cleared her throat.



Then, a long silence ensued.



ln Johanna's mind, her relationship with this man was both ambiguous and clear.

They both knew they loved each other.

But they couldn't be together.

They shouldn't be.

Because they would only bring each other sorrow.

Yet, knowing that…


“What's the matter?”

Johanna wanted to talk to him, to exchange even just a few more words, to see him just once more.

“Have some when you have time.”

Shion handed her a lunchbox. It was different from the one Derek had, smaller and simpler.

“Which restaurant did you get this from?”

Johanna accepted it.

“I made it myself.”

“You did?”

“Yes. I packed it for myself to eat.”


She examined the lunchbox from top to bottom and tucked it under her arm.

“I hope it suits your taste, Miss Johanna. I'll be going now.”


She stopped Shion as he was about to leave.

He turned back to face her.

“Are you… alright?”

For the first time, Johanna showed concern for someone, and Shion gave a faint smile.

“As usual.”

Not saying he was fine, but that he was as usual.

He was always honest.

“How about you, Miss Johanna?”

“l'm excessively healthy.”

“That's good to hear.”

“Good to hear, indeed… I'm leaving.”

Johanna quickly left the scene.

Lately, her emotions have been fluctuating frequently, and she might end up crying if she wasn't careful. She couldn't afford to show such a pathetic sight.

She hurried into her limousine.

“Let's go.”


As the car moved forward, she opened the Lunchbox. She couldn't help but laugh upon seeing the contents. The food items were quite charming, especially the octopus-shaped sausages.

“There's a cute side to him.”

Johanna took a bite.


Her eyes widened slightly. She murmured without realizing.

“lts delicious…”

Her admiration was brief. Suddenly, her throat tightened. Johanna clenched her teeth and Looked out the window. Shion Ascal was still standing there. Looking at him, an inexplicable smile appeared on her face.

Johanna laughed as though she was about to cry.

…This is what a fluctuation of emotions Looks Like.

It seems like he has ruined her forever, but she didn't entirely dislike that.

Derek's trial was imminent. I traveled abroad in time for the trial.

I had come to find Emilia, the daughter of Athan, the mentor of Theia EsiL

“My memory isn't certain.”

In a modest mansion, at a garden tea table.

She sipped her coffee and gave a wry smile.

“As I mentioned before, I have no desire to assist Libra's political maneuvers with my uncertain memory.”

“lts not a political maneuver.”

I shook my head.

“We are the ones who can help avenge your father.”

Emilia slightly furrowed her brow.

“…Don*t Lie. Everyone knows you want to take revenge on Theia Esil because of the Al. Even a passing dog wouldn't believe you. You're treating me Like a fool”

“Derek will be punished.”

Indeed, Derek will receive the most certain punishment.

“Everyone must face the consequences of their sins. Theia Esil is no exception, Miss Emilia.”


Still, Emilia Looked displeased.

She was a person of strong principles, and I couldn't persuade her alone.

“There is a witness.”

Thats why we need Akane's cooperation.

“…A witness?”


I nodded towards a spot. From behind a tree in the garden, Akane took a step forward.


Emilia's eyes widened.


Emilia looked at Akane with eyes full of surprise and delight.

“You really haven't aged, have you?”

“lt turned out that way.”

Akane gave a wry smile and sat down beside her.

“Sorry for being so late.”


Emilia fiddled with Akane's hand. Perhaps she was fascinated by her unaged skin.

“Ah. But, a witness? What do you mean?”

“… H mm.”

Akane glanced at me and sighed softly.

“My doll, specifically, saw it. That bitch Theia killing master.”

Emilia's expression hardened.


She quietly lowered her gaze, clutching the hem of her skirt tightly as she pondered silently.

“Why, did she do that? That child?”

Then Akane picked up my teacup. She gulped it down like it was a shot of Liquor and said,

“…lt doesn't really matter. The dead don't come back. You know that, Emilia.”


“…l'm sorry.”

I apologized to Akane.

Emilia had gone inside to pack her things, leaving just the two of us in the garden.

“lts okay.”

Akane smirked slightly and Lit a cigarette.

“You're just as pitiful as we are. Thafs why I understand you.”


I looked at Akane. There was a shadow on her face that differed from her words.



“Do you have a family?”

“I must have had one to be born. But when I opened my eyes, they were gone.”

She exhaled smoke and raised her eyebrows slightly.

“lts probably for the best. Too many people have ruined their Lives because of their parents.”

I just smiled silently.

Akane roughly scratched her head.

“…Anyway. Its a good plan. Theia won't deny her crimes.”

“Yeah. Thats right.”

Theia EsiL was now going to stand trial.

However, she could easily defend her crimes if she chose to.

Just saying that Holy Knight Athan had fallen and become a monster—

Would be enough.

“She'll take the blame alone.”

However, Theia wouldn't do that.

She hadn't in the past Life, and she wouldn't in this one either.

Because thats the kind of person she is.

To avoid staining her mentor Athan with disgrace, and to prevent inflicting further wounds on his daughter Emilia.

She would sacrifice herself.

“What do you know? You're not even close to her.”

Akane glanced at me.

I met her eyes and replied.

“I know as much as you do, Akane.”


“l'm a fan.”

“Crazy bastard.”

Akane chuckled.

Just then, Emilia came out. Her face was resolute, her hands full with luggage.

“Let's go! Time to catch a murderer!”


Akane and I exchanged a slightly bitter look.

At the coming end of autumn, the beginning of winter. On a day when the biting wind carried fallen leaves, marking the change of seasons.

Theia Esil was preparing for the trial, walking through the university district with her disciple.

“Phew. Derek is finished. The evidence is too solid, it's either life imprisonment or this country needs a complete overhaul.”

Despite her disciple 'Aren's' assurance, Theia did not Let her guard down.

She knew all too well how powerful nobility and family influence could be in Edsilla.

“But, Master. About that friend Gerkhen. I heard he's already been scouted by the parliament.”

“…From the parliament?”

Theia lifted her head.

Aren exhaled sharply, nodding in admiration.

“Yes, from the Parliamentary Knights. He really got an offer.”

The Parliamentary Knights are an elite force assigned to the parliament, considered among the most prestigious on the continent. They are not just ordinary knights. About 10% of these knights are actually selected to become Senators.

In other words, it's a stepping stone to entering the parliament.

“We're urging him to go immediately, but it seems Like he's hesitating for some reason.”

“He should go. Obviously.”

The threshold to join the Parliamentary Knights is extremely high. Its almost abnormally so for commoners, with only about two out of two hundred candidates making it.

And now a commoner like Gerkhen is being scouted by them?

It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

“Why is Gerkhen hesitating?”

“He finds it suspicious, but I don't know the details. You should ask him directly.”

As they were exchanging these casual remarks,

Numerous vehicles converged around Theia Esil and Aren.

Screech—! Squeal—!

The sound of tires screeching was Loud.

“Shit, what the hell is this?”

Theia stopped calmly, while Aren drew his sword immediately.

A man with a sleazy look stepped out of the car.

“What do you want?!”

Aren thrust his sword forward. The man raised his hands in alarm.

“Whoa, whoa. Please, put the sword away.”

“Who are you?”

“We're law enforcement. Not here to cause trouble.”

He smiled weakly and showed his ID.

Deputy Prosecutor of Edsilla, 'Al Ras'.

“…Prosecutor? Even a deputy? Why would a deputy prosecutor come Looking for us? Is this a fake?!”

Aren still spoke aggressively.

“Ah, well.”

Al Ras chuckled and cleared his throat.

—And then.

“Holy Knight Theia Esil, you are under arrest for the suspected murder of the former Holy Knight Athan and for treason.”


Aren's eyes widened, and Theia quietly shifted her gaze somewhere else.

Beyond the circle of vehicles, a man stood in the bushes, watching them.

Shion AscaL

“You have the right to remain silent, and anything you say can and will be used against you in court.”

Suddenly, he smiled faintly, and a fire kindled within Theia.

“You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, the state will provide you with one. Do you understand7”

“What the hell are you talking about!”

Aren drew his sword. The other personnel who had alighted from the cars quickly drew their weapons as well.

Al Ras extended his hand.

“Whoa! Any resistance will add to your charges! You'll end up in jail too!”

“Crazy bastard. This makes no sense. What, Holy Knight, murder, are you insane? Do you even know who Theia Esil is?!”

“I know. Why wouldn't I7”



Aren growled as he brandished his sword, but Theia stopped him.

“Come with me.”

“No, Master! This officer is spouting nonsense!”

Theia stepped in front of Al Ras, who smiled in response.

“lndeed, Professor, you do understand. Why don't we go and prove your innocen ce?”

“…Aren. Go back first.”

Aren's face twisted into an expression of utter disbelief, clearly unable to comprehend the situation.


“Go back, I said.”


Leaving Aren behind, Theia climbed into the police's car. Inside, she Looked towards where Shion Ascal had been standing.

He was still there.

It was as if he was politely asking, “How do you Like this situation?”