MMORPG: Rebirth of the Shadow Mage-Chapter 18 Tunnel

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1?? Shadow Blast <Lv.1> → <Lv.2>

~ +5% Magical damage

~ +2% To Inflict Critical Hit


My mana was running low, luckily I had some MP potions. I was also in need to upgrade my Mana Regen skill to Lv. 5 so it would get a big boost.

While I was sorting through my thoughts, I noticed some shiny rocks sticking out of the wall. When I threw a lightning spear, I did not see a panel of damage. As I looked closer, I noticed that the shiny rocks were exploding in all directions and one of them rolled near me.

I lowered my body and picked up the fallen pebble.

< LOOT >

1?? Dark sapphire x1


My eyes widened in surprise. Sapphires are insanely rare and expensive. They can be used to enchant weapons with certain elements. When applied to the weapon, the dark sapphire gives the weapon the property of darkness.

Unknowingly, my eyes began to glow. I knelt on the ground and collected every single sapphire that was on the ground.

< LOOT >

1?? Dark sapphire x13


" Maybe I should have bought the pickaxe after all? "

I began to ponder while cleaning my dirty clothes. Tools are used to gather various materials such as wood, fish, ores, etc. If I had used a pickaxe to mine the sapphire, I would have gotten at least 2 times as many materials. 𝐟𝓇ℯ𝐞𝚠𝚎𝒃𝑛𝒐ѵe𝚕.co𝚖

I clicked my tongue and looked around to make sure there was not a single ore left. Even the loss of a single sapphire would be a big loss. A single sapphire is worth about a thousand gold coins.

Still muttering about how the Lightning Spear had destroyed the Sapphire vein, I continued to move. This tunnel was getting on my nerves, I had to check my back every time and be on guard 24/7.

Honestly, I was already pretty worn out from all the traveling. The only thing that kept me going was... Mone... Family.

Yeah, yeah, family...

But to help my family, I need money, right?


A sound snapped me out of my thoughts. Another ordinary stone golem appeared in the wide tunnel. These golems are considered useless because they give a lot of useless loot. Besides, they have defenses that are worth a medal.


~ An Earth type monster; Usually reside in mountains and caves

~ Aggressive

~ Immune to Shock


Lv. 5

HP: 400

MP: 100

STR: 300

AGL: 30

PDEF: 230

MDEF: 240

INT: 100 𝙛𝙧𝙚𝒆𝘸𝚎𝙗𝒏oν𝙚𝘭.𝐜𝒐m



1?? Stealthy Rock < Lv. 1 >

-- Deform the body to blend into the rocky area

-- Sacrifice Defense for Stealth

~ Cost 50 MP

~ 12 hour cooldown

2?? Pebble Throw < Lv. 1 > binations and movements I could use.

A shiver ran down my spine as I imagined a quiet and dark night. The city around me was quiet, when suddenly a faint breeze passed by and a man in a dark hood appeared from nowhere, with a huge shadow covering an area around.

'How cool would that look? '

My mood improved many times over. My previously grumpy face now had a little grin on it.

The possibility of having another element was very exciting.

When I noticed another golem in the distance, I threw a spear at its back and moved a little closer so my Shadow Blast could reach it.

- 201 Magic Damage!

The stone golem's back was badly injured. It turned its faceless head and emitted a few sounds before lunging at me. I launched a Shadow Blast and saw the golem's body crumble to the ground.

- 403 Critical Hit!

< Stone Golem x1 Killed >


The city of Culg was slowly populated by players. More and more people were coming into the town. Every single NPC was talking to at least 4 people at the same time.

The players saw a huge wooden mansion at the end of the village. Some of them approached and tried to get inside. Someone even tried to break into the house through the window.

He succeeded and broke the window with the help of a rock nearby. The person jumped through the window, but soon his bloody body was thrown out of the same window. Even the glass was magically repaired.

That successfully kept other people from vandalizing the house.