Monster Integration (Web Novel)-Chapter 2971: Nine to Harvest II

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"Three blood videttes; your boss much is really angry at me for sending three of you to me," I said as I looked at three of them with a smile, without a hint of heavy cursing that was going on in my mind.

"Don't overestimate yourself, Zaar; you are nothing; the Grimms you have killed were weaklings; we are the real powerhouses. We are the limit," said the Pigeonman haughtily.

The avian Grimms; are quite rare among them Grimms. Very few tribes of them exist in the world; it also did not help that we had wiped out a few.

If I remember right, its name should be Hsas; it was nearly killed by Lord Singh in the battle, but in a single month, a huge transformation had occurred in its power, and now, even I have to be careful of it.

"You are absolutely right, Hsas; they were weaklings, while you guys are the real deal," I said genuinely, truthfully, but it seemed to have made them angry.

They seemed to think I was mocking them.

"Die, you bastard!" It shouted, and a feathery saber appeared in its hand, and it came at, with a speed that broke away the space.

It is not the only one who came at me; the other two are a Rhinoman named Taga and Bullman named Cheas.

These bastards used to be so weak that I could have snapped in two with a flick of my finger, and now they are coming at me with attacks that could wipe me out from the face of the earth.

Three came, but instead of attacking me, they attacked something invisible.


Their attacks landed on my shields, making them visible, and shaking them. I couldn't help but feel surprised, not because they had shaken my shields hard, but because they were able to discover it.

Very few Grimms have been able to do it.

It is good that I have activated the shields instead of fighting against them, which I desperately wanted to do.

These bastards are extremely powerful, seeing how they have detected my shields. I could not underestimate them.

Matron had warned not long ago that be careful of these videttes; they are different from the Grand Lord videttes we have the information of. Their sensory powers are equal to Rhaek, and their reaction speed better than Black Videttes.

The flaw they had was that they did not have much experience in fighting with this power.

If they had the experience of Rhaek or Shael, they would have been in absolute terror.

"Break these shields," shouted the Pigeonman and attacked, and with it, two others

blood videttes also attacked.


Loud ripples spread through my shields, but that is nothing compared to space that breaks away when shockwaves spread; these shockwaves have landed on the ground and turned the destroyed mountain into a fine powder.

The river that used to be present vanished so is the forest; everything had been destroyed, and the more they, the more it destroyed.

It is not happening just around me but everywhere; the sheer destruction the battles are causing is humongous.

It is damaging our world, but there is no other choice than fight these bastards; only after killing them can we begin healing our world.

"Don't hold back; use all the power you have to crack the shields; the sooner we blast them to pieces, the quicker we will be able to kill this bastard," said Pigeonman, an aura so powerful I had never felt before came out it.

The aura had destroyed the space into smithereens as it released from it and moment later, two other Grimms.

They attacked, and it was a sight to behold; as their weapons moved, they cut through the space so cleanly that not a single granule could leak, which is usually not the case, as spatial particles tend to scatter.


All three attacks crashed against my shields simultaneously, with such force that I shook despite being inside the shields.


Also, the first time, the crack had appeared on my shield, a tiny one, but it lit up the eyes of Grimms, and they began to attack with great enthusiasm, not caring about the destruction the shockwave of their attacks was causing.

Crack Crack Crack

The cracks began to spread with each of their attacks while I watched without changing my expression.


I may be looking at them, but most of my focus was on my core, where finally, the thing happened which I had been waiting for.

It had taken a while, which is understandable as it is not one or two Grimms, but nine of them, with three of them being middle-level Grand Lords.

The harvest has begun, and the runes have begun to draw out an immense amount of bloodlines energies.

Immediately, their bloodline phantom materialized, and they began to resist, and the flow of bloodline essence reduced to a tenth of their combined resistance.

It did not surprise me; the bloodlines have quite a power.

They could even resist the pull from runes to a certain extent, and this time, there was resistance from the six bloodlines, but despite the resistance, the runes were still harnessing bloodlines.

Though not in the amount I like to be, it will increase as the runes draw out more bloodline essence weakening the bloodline.

It is futile resistance; they are fighting a losing battle; I wish they would understand. It would have saved both of us a lot of time.

I looked at my shields, the Grimms had already cracked 20% of them, and now they were spreading further, but I was not worried.

They need to crack my shields by 90% to make me worried, and they have not reached that stage, nor will they ever be.

I will be finished with Grimms inside me before that; even if I did not, I have ways to slow it down till I am finished, but I am sure I will not need to use that move.


Suddenly, I focused back on my bloodline as a shocking thing had happened; a Grand Lord with inheritance had awakened the bloodline within it.

"Mazla, my dear friend. You are too good to me; even while dying, you are giving me the parting gift," I said to screaming Grimms as the bloodline awakened inside it.

I truly had not thought this would happen because it is extremely hard to awaken the bloodline, this further in power, when inheritance seeped in very cells of you. It will resist everything it has not to let the bloodline awaken.

But the conditions here are different; the inheritance is fighting the power of runes as it harnesses its essence to create a rose.

It completely focused on that, and on top of that, very powerful bloodlines were resisting, and it could feel the resistance deep within it as runes connected them all, which forced the dormant bloodline within it to awaken.

I am very happy to see it; one new bloodline means more power, and I need more power to deal with these three.

There is no way I could kill them without some extra power.