Monster Integration (Web Novel)-Chapter 3506 Bloodline Essence

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Chapter 3506 Bloodline Essence

"Since your brothers have died, there is no reason for you to stay alive," I said and threw my spear toward the running Alabaster Snakeman.

I wanted to punish this bastard the most; it had kept eating, even during the battle, stopping only when I had frozen its brother.


It had tried to dodge the spear and even erect multiple defensive shields, but my spear had still pierced through its chest, dead in the center.

I appeared beside it, and it disappeared.

I wanted to punish it myself, but I didn't. The Grimms would receive the punishment in my core; no pain I could give them could compare to what it will feel, when the runes harvest, every part of it.

I didn't stay on the battlefield, even a second, and moved.

This is a dangerous place, and I want to get away from it as soon as possible. Even when I want to watch the Grimms get harvested and suffer the pain for all the sins, they had committed.

Two seconds after I had moved away, the runes came out and started to cover both Grimms.

They tried to resist, but will all the suppression, they couldn't even move. Forget resisting the runes, that are from the being of power far above their imagination.

Which I still do not understand how it happens.

Not the harvesting part, which I understood long ago and used to do before the runes took over. I am talking about bloodline harvesting; it is still a complete enigma to me and will remain as such, in the foreseeable future.



It took a few seconds for the runes to spread over them before the harvesting began.

For the second Grimm, it was straightforward. Not so much, with the first Grimm.

The moment the harvest began, its bloodline materialized and roared in defiance, but it didn't stop the harvest.


I have even been surprised, seeing how much the bloodline essence the runes are harvesting. Before, at the start, there used to be only a trickle due to all the resistance, but now it has started with more than a trickle.

As the runes harvest the bloodline; I had realized one thing.

The essence is getting divided into two shares instead of four. That had been happening for years.

My share is getting divided even further between the tree and me. Still, my share is much bigger than it used to be before.

Though it didn't make me happy, seeing what had caused it.

I pushed the sadness away and looked at the changes happening to the tree, which were growing rapidly, absorbing the bloodline essence.

It was the first time; the tree had absorbed the bloodline essence from Earth-Sovereign Grimms.

So, its rapid growth isn't surprising.

Though, I welcome the rapid growth. The books on the new floor gave me a better glimpse into these trees, and they are amazing.


Soon, the whole bloodline essence got absorbed, and the Grimms turned into the dust. While the core buzzed, released the strengthening essence into me.


An unconscious moan couldn't help but escape from my mouth as I began to absorb the strengthening energy.

It had been years since I last had it, but now this had brought all the memories back.

My strength begins to rise rapidly as more strengthening energy is getting absorbed by me. My body is like a hungry beast, it is absorbing everything that coming at it, but more is coming from the core.

I smiled, seeing that, before focusing on the thing happening in my core, where a single thing is absorbing a massive number of energies.

All the growth energy released from the trees is being fed to the single spatial tree, which is guzzling it all and still hasn't taken the step, I am waiting for it to do it.

It was already at the Peak of Sovereign but still consuming a massive energy to take a leap forward. 

The energy it had consumed till now would have made tens of trees at peak Sovereign take a step into the Earth Sovereign.

Time passed, and it consumed more and more energy; that I started to fear whether growth energy from single Mid-Earth Sovereigns wouldn't be enough for it to take the step forward.


I was just thinking that when the change begins to occur in the tree.

It begins to get bigger, with powerful energy fluctuation released from it, which is being rapidly stabilized into the Earth Sovereign.

It took eleven seconds after that to stabilize in the Earth Sovereign. Just as it did, I had diverted the energy into the other essential plants, like metal essence trees, stainless lotus, and a few others.

The growth energy continued, but my clone had already plucked the two seeds from the spatial tree.

One it had burrowed back into the ground since the tree had turned into the ashes, while the other it took to the song of sar, where the set-up had been ready for it months.

On it, there is already an elaborate formation and a square blue block.

It may look rough and rusted, but it was something I had worked on for months and used extremely precious resources that only an idiot would spend on crafting an abode.

It will not be a simple abode, but something amazing. Something could be upgraded at every level.

Though, before all that could happen. The process needs to succeed; the process should be safe, but there is a chance of failure.


My clone put a spatial seed on it and activated the formation. 

The process begins and it won't take long, ten minutes to max. In ten minutes, I will know whether my months of hard work and countless extremely precious resources bore the fruit I want.

The chances of success would have been higher if I had a Sky-grade spatial seed, but I need to wait for months for this Earth Sovereign one.

For sky grade one, I would need to wait for years.

I don't want to wait for that long. I need my abode now; it will help me tremendously in surviving this place.