Monster Integration (Web Novel)-Chapter 3507 Blue Pearl

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Chapter 3507 Blue Pearl

"It seemed like I had underestimated the increased share," I said to myself.

The strengthening energy had stopped and so had the growth energy, both of which had lasted longer than I had thought they would.

Though, I am happy. I had got the bigger boost and a couple of my plants were able to reach the Earth Sovereign.

While it was all happening, I continued moving. 

As I had said, the further away from the battlefield, the better it would be. 

Anybody moving close enough would be able to sense what is happening, and it is someone a Sky Sovereign. They won't have any problem finding me, if I am close enough.

Though I am moving, I am keeping a close on the important thing that is happening in my core.

The spatial seed merges with the abode, and the process is nearly finished. Within a minute, I will know whether I would succeed or not.

I had tried to calm myself, but my heart was beating up wilding in trepidation. 

Seconds passed when suddenly the formation flared up brightly. It was so bright, that I couldn't see what was happening.

The flare only lasted for a fraction of a second before it began to dim rapidly until the formation activated.

Now, in front of me is a thumb-sized sea blue pearl. 

A smile couldn't help but appear on my face, seeing the pearl. I succeeded; I had successfully forged the abode. It is an abode that is going to help me tremendously. I had waited and spent years on it along with resources that would shock even the prime.

I looked at it, before taking the beautiful pearl in my hand and looked inside.

"Fuck!" I said loudly and stopped in my tracks; even my aura shook around me. If there had been Earth Sovereigns near me; they would have been able to discover me.

I couldn't blame myself; the space inside was too shocking.

I had thought of me using Earth-Sovereign grade spatial seed. I will get a space of around two thousand square feet; an area of normal size abode.

To my surprise, I have got four times of that. 

The abode has an internal space of eight thousand two hundred and thirty-two square feet. It shouldn't have been possible, given the grade of spatial seed, but it has.

I wanted to find the reason behind it, but I pushed those thoughts away and placed the pearl on a song of sar, before tapping on a few buttons.

The artifact began to scan and five and a half minutes later; the data appeared in front of me, which once again made my eyes go wide.

The spatial stability of the space inside is off the chart, and it is very important for my purposes. 

I wanted to use it immediately, but I didn't instead handle it over to my clone for further tests and preparations. There are a lot of things that need to be done in the abode.

I have only created a spatial construct, that could bear the weight of the person of my power.

Now, I have to fit in with a life support that will make living in it comfortable. I will also need to create a space to live; I wouldn't be sleeping on the cold, hard floor.

Thankfully, everything is prepared. Though my clone would need to make an adjustment on some things, before fitting them in my core.

I will be done before the evening. 

So, I pulled the focus out of my abode and suspected the connection with my clone. Now, I will not know what is happening with it, till I reestablish my connection with it.

I will not do it, till the evening.

With my full concentration back on the journey. I increased my speed a little and adjusted the stealth method.

Since I have entered this unknown region, I have a couple of places I want to visit, including Oryg pass where something fishy is happening. I won't be going too close to it or any close to it, given the sheer number of Grimms present in there.

The Grimms don't gather in such numbers unless there is something really important in there.

I wish I had the power of Sky Sovereign; then I would be able to get much closer to my abilities and would have tried for benefits.

Even now, the hope is not lost.

Nearly every Sky-Sovereign is going in there, and many Earth-Sovereigns are going there. If we gathered in enough numbers, we could force the Grimms to make the way. 

I am going there but taking a long route. I will visit a few places which I have found interesting.

However, my main objective will remain the same. Which is to find as much as Grimms as possible and kill them. The main target is those with a bloodline, but I would be fine, to kill those without a bloodline too.

It is not like they didn't offer anything other than their life.

Two hours passed, and I have come across a few Grimms. Three to be exact, one was a pair and the other one was alone; all three of them were peak Sovereign and not a single one of them had the bloodline.

Though they did have some good things in their storage.


I was moving when suddenly, I had stopped and activated a few more stealth formations before releasing the soul waves.

A couple of seconds later, the soul waves came back, bringing information with them.

There was a Sky Sovereign a few miles into the direction, I was moving, and it was hitting some stone-like thing. I think, it is trying to break it and seemed to succeed, seeing how the cracks begin to appear on it.

I don't know what that thing is and would love to know, but if I tried, it would discover me and there would only be one thing would have after that.

So, I pushed away my curiosity and began to move away slowly.

I wanted to run away as fast as possible, but I didn't instead, I controlled every instinct and moved as slow as I could, with the full power of my stealth ability intact.

There are really Sky Sovereigns everywhere. I am finding at least one daily, and it is when I am not following the direct path and staying away from the main route.

Sometimes, I really want to leave with all the danger, but that thought gets pushed away as it appears.

I didn't even do that intentionally; the other thoughts, such as excitement, did it.

While I feel fear when I encounter things like this, there is also excitement behind it. I like the danger; it gives me a thrill.

I am not special in getting a feeling like this, most powerhouses feel the same. It is through these dangers, that we get the opportunities. Though many ended up losing their lives.

Still, it is an undeniable fact, that those who take such risks, advance faster and higher, while those who play it safe, advance slower.

However, there are exceptions, like the special inheritances of healers, alchemists, and other professionals. 


I was thinking that when I sensed a group of four Earth Sovereigns. I stopped on my track, but a moment later, resumed my journey, with a disappointment in my heart.