MTL - 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution-Chapter 4 evolution

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Oh, this is actually the second half of the third chapter. I didn’t send it up yesterday...


The strange cells seem to be aware of the danger, starting to sway the body, ejecting a lot of green liquid, and several relatively close cells are dissolved and festered.

Kill it!

Lin's movements did not stop, more cells rushed up, and when the next few cells were dissolved again, a jagged figure rushed out of their shreds.

That is the diggers.

The serrated teeth on the surface of the body touched the body of the strange cell filled with holes, and the diggers began to twist around. It was like a food-like, scraping the body of a strange cell with a sawtooth.

The cell membrane on the surface of the strange cell is scraped off by a large piece of the diggers. The strange cells are painfully twisted. It does not use green liquid to counterattack. It can only spray a very small amount of liquid, and it cannot damage the harder body surface of the diggers. .

Lynn noticed that these strange cells can only secrete a certain amount of liquid, which seems to be exhausted.

The diggers did not stop for a moment until they completely smashed the outer and inner layers of the strange cells together with the nucleus.

Joy, victory, happy.

Lin got a new feeling. They were exactly the opposite of the pain. Just like getting food, Lin was very fulfilled.

Lin asked several cells to eat all the fragments of strange cells. These strange cells that secrete terrible lysate are no different from those that are white and soft. They are easily digested, except one of them seems to Damaged by the residual solution, the body is slightly damaged.

Suddenly, this somewhat broken cell split.

Splitting is a very special behavior. It not only produces a new cell, but also completely repairs the original damage.

But the new cells that split out seem to be no different in Lin's eyes, except that the cell membrane is darker in color.

Lin doesn't know what special use it is, so let's leave it alone.

As Lin looked far away, I saw that a few other strange cells were far away, as if I had not noticed what happened to their companions, and still ate their own big meals there.

Are their consciousness not common?

Lynn is a bit strange, but it doesn't care.

Now there are thirty-nine cells in the forest. Just a total of eleven cells have been dissolved by the strange cells. Therefore, Lynn intends to continue eating, replenish the previous amount, and then attack these strange cells.

Lin knows that she has the ability to fight back, so it does not want to use this ability to kill things that bring danger to themselves.

Thinking, Lin continues to let the cells eat the white food underneath, it needs more power, quantity, intelligence...

..........................................The beginning is the fourth chapter

Lin's cell population is swallowing up on huge foods. They have already eaten a large and deep cave on this food. Lin let the diggers dig in front, and then follow the big ones. The cells eat the debris they have dug.

Lin wants to try it, so what will happen when I dig it down, maybe there will be interesting things.

There are as many as 100 cell communities in Lin, and there are 30 diggers, but there is only one observer. Lin is puzzled. Why do the new cells split by the observers do not have vision?

Now, one hundred of Lynn's cells are in the big hole they eat. As for the strange cells outside, Lin still hasn't killed them, because after calculation, Lin feels a new word.

...not worthwhile.

Attacking strange cells will sacrifice a lot of cells, probably killing a dozen or so because of the solution, but eating the strange cells can only split three new ones, so it is not worthwhile.

As the cell community grows, Lynn slowly gains computing power, and it believes that it will become smarter in the near future.

So, Lin decided to continue to dig on this huge white food and eat it.

As the progress of the digging became deeper and deeper, Lin found that it was no longer as soft and fragile as the surface. Instead, it slowly became harder. After digging deeper, the diggers began to struggle very hard. Saw the pieces, as for ordinary cells, you can't get a little bit of it.

Although Lin wanted to continue digging, it seemed to have given up. It looked back. Lin found that her community was already deep, and the cave hole seemed to be very small.

Suddenly, Lin thought of a way.

Are those strange cells outside that use dissolved liquids to dissolve food? If you use them, you may be able to dissolve the hard parts of the food here.

But how do you use those solutions? It’s probably not possible to catch them, but Lin remembered that there was only a cell that had eaten the residual cell debris and only some damage, and then successfully split a new cell with some different.

The new cell is darker in color, and the outer cell membrane is not as clear and transparent as other cell membranes. It can clearly see the inner nucleus. The cell membrane of this new cell is a bit muddy.

So, Lin plans to use this new cell to get in touch with those strange cells.

After re-excavating from the hole that I had eaten, Lin’s observer cells quickly discovered traces of those strange cells. Lin found that they did not eat and drill as they did, but eat a little bit here to eat a little. The surface of the huge food is smashed with the dissolved liquid.

Speaking of huge food, Lin still doesn't know what name should be called, because it is soft and white. From the small fragments at the beginning to the huge margins, Lin can't think of any good words, so I always call it food.

However, it is obvious that what can become food is definitely not just such soft and white things. The types of food should be endless.

For example, those strange cells are actually food.

Lin's cell group swam above them, including the observer and the new cell. Lin also carried ten diggers, and a total of twelve cells came out.

As for the others, Lin let them continue to stay in the cave and continue to grow and continue to grow and thrive.

The strange cells have no eyes, so they don't find Lin's community, but Lin knows that they will know if they are too close, but it is not clear what kind of feeling they know.

There are five strange cells, it seems that there is one more than before, maybe it is more divided.

Lynn slowly swims one of the strange cells closest to the group, and then let the new cells go first.

After the new cells approached, the strange cells responded, and the dense holes in the body ejected a large amount of the solution, and the solution easily surrounded the new cells.

The new cells do not collapse into powder as in the case of ordinary cells, but only some signs of decay appear on the outer membrane, but they do not affect the whole cell, and Lin does not feel any pain.

...the original, the new cell has the ability to resist the solution.

In Lin’s thoughts, this idea appeared in an instant.

I know what is going on...

The former cells, because they are constantly rubbing the food, are damaged, so the cells they split become harder and the surface grows serrated, which is the birth of the diggers.

This new cell is also split by cells damaged by the lysate, so it has the ability to resist the solution.

What is this phenomenon called?

That's right... that's...


Although I don't understand the deeper meaning of the word, Lin knows that she can use this way to improve her cell community.

Pain, interrupted Lin’s thoughts.

I saw that the surface of the new cell has been dissolved and rotted. Because it is invaded by the lysate, the whole cell also shows a state of impending collapse. It seems that even if it is resistant, it is impossible to face the strange cell alone.

The strange cells, because of the release of a large amount of lysate, appear to be slow, can be described by the word collapse.

This is already very powerful. Before Lin, a total of more than a dozen cells were sacrificed to consume a strange cell solution.

I only got one with this time.

The strange cells without the lysing liquid faced the digger's group attack and were quickly torn into pieces. As for these pieces, Lin let the digger eat it.

Next is the other strange cells.

But Lynn found a problem, it has no new cells with the ability to resist the solution.

So Lynn had to let the diggers who ate the strange cell fragments eat first and then split, which would probably produce the previous cells with solvency resistance.

However, after waiting for them to eat and split, Lin found that the digger's split cells looked strange.

The first is the shape. These diggers are no longer the round shape of the previous cells, but have a sharp and protruding side, that is, a tapered shape, and a large number of serrations are arranged in a thread.

It seems to be more able to drill holes and dig.

The shape of these cells makes Lin think so, but the resistance of these tapered cells to the solution is still unknown.

So Lin intends to let these new cones attack other strange cells to see what will happen.

There are only three cones, although 10 diggers have eaten fragments of strange cells, but only three split out of the cone, and the remaining seven split are ordinary diggers, perhaps the amount of food. How much is it related?

Lin first let the two cones go up, and the rest left, Lin didn't want to die like last time.

Conical cells use their cones to attack the strange cells. This strange cell has not yet had time to spray the solution, and it is drilled by the cone with strong attack power, but this also led to it. The body bursts open and a large amount of dissolved liquid is sprayed out.

One of the conical cells was covered with the lysate and quickly collapsed into a crumb, while the other one was retired in time because there was some damage on the tapered hardened membrane.

It seems that the cone cells are not very resistant, but they are much better than the basic cells.

But perhaps this damaged cell is able to split cells with solvency resistance.

and many more……

Lin suddenly remembered the original purpose, as if its purpose was not to make any resistant cells here, but to get the lytic cells' lysate into the hole and try to melt the hard parts of the food.

In this case……

Lynn's vision is locked in a large piece of lysate that has just been released after the cell has died.

Maybe you can eat these liquids?

Lin feels that her ideas are getting richer and richer.