MTL - 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution-v9 Chapter 94 possible

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"It's an experiment."

Lin's battleship is parked in a space.

This place was constantly changing into various states not so long ago, and now its change has stopped.

After these environments stopped changing, it was found that it was a pure white space surrounded by floating objects of different sizes that looked like white squares.

And these squares are printed with a lot of textures, which look like some text.

The closest thing to Lin's battleship was a one-hundred-meter-sized block. When Lin approached it, the 'text' on its surface began to flicker, and some signals were sent.

These signals can also be sensed by many local land mass organisms, and the signals mainly describe an 'experiment'.

This experiment is about 'shortcuts', and Lin feels that the overall experiment can be called the 'ultimate evolution experiment', an experiment that helps rovers to 'evolve'.

In the message, rovers are described as beings with 'infinite possibilities', rovers have a wonderful ability, that is, they can mix their surroundings, an ultimate hybrid creature.

That is, if the rover has something mixed into it, and that thing doesn't kill it quickly, it can make that thing work.

Let's say a rover eats a stone, and the stone slowly... works within it.

It may be decomposed as a carapace, or it may be used in other places. In short, it is different from ordinary organisms. For example, if a cellular organism is mixed with something that cannot be excreted and has no effect in the body, this thing will only be pure. Staying in it, always occupying a place, and this roamer seems to be able to convert whatever enters the body into part of their own organs and participate in the operation of the body.

Of course, the wanderer won't be noticed if it just transforms a stone, but it can transform a lot of wonderful things, such as 'part of the shadow of the void'.

It seems that the descriptor somehow created a 'miniature void shadow' and then got this thing into the rover's body.

Then the rover absorbed this miniature void shadow, and they began to grow in a wonderful pattern. The general growth direction at the beginning was similar to what Lin saw now, that is, from very small to very large.

But the thousand-kilometer-sized ones that Lin had seen before were not the limit. They could continue to grow until they became... a shortcut.

In the description of the information, this shortcut is actually a rover itself, which has grown to a very abnormal level, becoming a huge spatial structure in itself.

But it also says that not every roamer has this kind of growth, and most rovers die for various reasons during the growth process.

This seems to be one of their shortcomings. If they sometimes let the transformed things slowly occupy the whole of their lives, it is easy to have various "failures" at this time.

The description doesn't say what it is, but it mentions that many rovers died in the process of growing up, but there was still one that succeeded. It kept changing itself in the process of growing, and it had changed its original 'material structure' completely replaced.

After this, a large number of rovers have been put into this 'shortcut', where they can grow better without being disturbed by the outside world.

In this message, these "rovers growth experiments" are a very powerful civilization, but they do not make any description of themselves.

The initial experiments of this group of experimenters went well. In the environment of 'shortcuts', they believed that there was hope to cultivate more shortcuts, but then something happened.

They find that the original rovers...the current shortcuts have stopped growing.

They believe that the shortcut should continue to grow until it is as huge as the shadow of the void, but after the shortcut has grown to a certain level, it will no longer move.

So they think that this shortcut, like other rovers, died in the process of growing up, or stopped growing for some reason, and finally they left here disappointed...but not completely.

Because these experimenters will come back from time to time to observe the situation here to see if the shortcut will change, and they have found a very strange phenomenon, that is, the smaller rovers use the shortcut as a 'crusher' Used to break up land masses, large rovers fly into shortcuts and enter a 'sleepwalking' state.

And the growth process of these rovers has also changed. They will 'mix' into the consciousness of other creatures, causing many changes in their growth process.

But what made the experimenter more concerned was the shortcut itself. The shortcut itself began to function in a certain way. Although it did not continue to grow, it came to life.

The storm phenomenon that Lin had seen in the shortcut before was actually a part of the activities in the shortcut's body, as well as the various changes in it, and it was also the 'life activity' of the shortcut.

It's just that many activities don't know what the specific meaning is.

Each growth stage of the rover doesn't know much about the other stage. For example, those outside who want to break up the land mass don't know what's going on inside.

But they still have ideas that are good for the population, so they want to get rid of the land masses.

As for the shortcut itself, no rover knows what it actually is.

At the same time, the experimenters also found that occasionally some creatures tried to pass through the shortcut. Although it was rare, it did happen, so the experimenters put the information-storing block that Lin saw here at the end of the shortcut.

Their purpose seems to be to give general information about shortcuts to creatures that can traverse them.

But I don't know what they are doing this for, maybe they just want to share their experiments.

In short, a long time passed after that, and the experimenter didn't seem to come anymore, and these blocks also had the function of continuously recording the shortcut activity, and they recorded the state change of the shortcut.

It seems that its inner workings have been changing for a long time. In the end, this is what Lin is seeing now. The space wall in the middle seems to have been generated by itself.

And those giant nebulae seem to be surprised by what's going on here and come here to investigate... These cubes also record their activity.

Lin felt that these experimental creatures may have come from the 'dark side of the void', because the blocks and traces they left seemed to extend all the way to the entrance of the dark side.