MTL - 80’s Sweet Marriage: Struggle for a Good Life-Chapter 18 A thief?

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A couple of buckets of paint go home, the next step is to paint the house and organize things.

Suno folded several pointed hats in the newspaper and put one on her brother, mother and grandma.

Although the main force of painting the house was his brother Su Yang, Sunuo never stopped walking with a paint bucket.

Fang Yalan and her grandmother couldn't help laughing when they saw the heat of the two children at home.

The haze over many days, the pain of losing loved ones, is disappearing a little bit.

After two days of busy schedules, the house was completely painted.

Everything in the house was placed in the yard, covered with colorful weatherproof cloth. The windows and doors were open, ventilated, let the paint dry quickly, and only locked the outside door, the family of four went out.

Grandma's legs and feet were inconvenient, she said she was paralyzed but she had a little consciousness, she could barely move if she could sit.

Su Yang borrowed a wheelchair and pushed grandma to the passenger terminal. It was just over an hour by bus to the suburbs. Grandma was quite happy after getting on the bus.

"Grandma, it's different to go out and walk." Sunuo sat next to Grandma, leaning her head on her grandma's shoulders.

Fang Yalan took out two tomatoes from her bag and gave them to Sunuo and Grandma, saying, "The weather is fine, and walking is also good. I just don't know how many people are in the suburbs."

"Not much." Su Yang said, "I have a fellow scholar who lives in the suburbs, saying that there are many people traveling to other places now, but there are not too many people in the farmhouse. We went to find a suitable place to live. You can also live in their house. There is an orchard in his house, and the area is still quite large. "

Su Yang's academic performance is good, and the staff in the class is also good, so good friends are reliable.

With Su Yang's words, Fang Yalan was relieved.

When the car arrived, the family of four got off. There are not many people in the farmhouse. Several of them have suitable houses, and they also come with fruits and vegetables.

Originally intended to stay only one night. But because the air in the suburbs was really good, and the fruits and vegetables were fresh, Fang Yalan promised to stay for two nights, before returning home on the third evening.

Su Nuo was a bit tired, and he didn't feel relieved after sleeping in the car.

However, when I thought of going home to move furniture and pack things, I patted my face vigorously to refresh myself.

Fang Yalan took Su Nuo by her side, and gently touched her head and said, "Xiao Nuo, why don't you and grandma go to Aunt Zhou's house tonight. I'll clean up the house with your brother."

"Mom, I'm very strong now." Su Nuo raised his fist, smiled twice and said, "But he's crazy, hungry. Mom, I want to eat your buns."

"Okay, just pack it when you go home." Fang Yalan smiled and hugged her daughter's shoulder again, walking back side by side with Suno.

Only a family of four returned happily, and no one expected that the courtyard door would be open.

The colored strips of cloth on the furniture were torn down and thrown on the ground, and several small pieces of furniture fell to the ground. The standing cabinets, boxes, and drawers on Suno and Suyang's small desks were all opened.

"Is this ... recruiting a thief?" Su's mother was startled, and she subconsciously protected Su Nuo behind her.

Su Yang, the only man in the family, immediately pushed his grandmother's wheelchair aside. He picked up a wooden stick by the wall and walked into the yard.

"Brother, be careful, or you should call the police." Instead of hiding behind her mother, Sunuo picked up a stick like his brother, and followed Su Yang into the room.