MTL - 80’s Sweet Marriage: Struggle for a Good Life-Chapter 19 Debt repayment

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Sunuo followed Su Yang into the room and froze. The brothers and sisters watched two **** letters on the freshly painted walls, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

Fang Yalan yelled twice at the door, then ran in anxiously and anxiously. At a glance, I saw on the wall: Pay back!

"Mom, you, take your grandma to Aunt Zhou's house first." Sunuo's voice was trembling, not afraid, but angry.

She remembered who did this good thing, it should be her second uncle Wang Dakui.

Daddy issued several notices of critical illness while he was seriously ill. Mom couldn't bear to give up her father, and asked the doctors to do her best to rescue them again and again.

But the rescue fee was high, and her mother borrowed 500 yuan from Ergu's house. At that time, IOU was written, and it was agreed that it would be returned by the end of the year.

At this time in the previous life, the second uncle suddenly ran to the door and asked for money.

However, the previous Suno family did not go out. Although the second aunt uncovered a few things like a robber when he was debt collection, he did not write on the wall.

This time may be because they were not at home, the second uncle broke in directly, tossed the things over, and wrote the wall without stopping.

His elder brother Su Yang also gritted his teeth, then dropped the stick and helped Fang Yalan go out. "Mom, you and grandma go to Aunt Zhou's house, and Xiao Nuo and I clean up at home."

Fang Yalan's tears had flowed down. She held Su Yang's hand and whispered, "No, you go to Aunt Zhou's house, I'll go to your second aunt's house."

"Mom, my brother and I are going to the second aunt's house." Suno went out with the stick and picked up the small bench at the door. of."

Su Nuo understands why the second uncle came here. It should be Eryi who is playing tricks, and learned Su Nuo's words from her aunts and aunts.

With Han Cuiying's temperament, she will definitely add fuel and jealous, saying that Sunuo forced their grandma's maintenance and subsidies to come out.

No one wants to spit out the meat that has been eaten. The second uncle is the kind of character that breaks the horse Zhang Fei, and it is inevitable that he will come to the door.

If it was before, Sunno would just crouch beside the door and cry. Now she's going to talk to her brother, it's not over.

Why the second uncle of the past life did not remember why he came to Suno. But in this life, Suno felt responsible.

But if she restarted her head, she would be ashamed as she should, and she would never let the second wife come to the door, and let her stir up in the middle.

Suno pushed the wheelchair. After Su Yang locked the door, she helped Fang Yalan and sent them to Aunt Zhou's house.

Aunt Zhou's family was having dinner. When they saw them coming, they moved their stools enthusiastically, saying that they would sit and eat together.

So Nuo said, "Aunt Zhou, come to trouble your house again. Will my mother and grandma live here tonight? My house is not packed yet, my brother and I have to go back and clean up."

"Let's go, hurry up." Aunt Zhou saw Su Nuo quietly wink at her, and saw Fang Yalan and Grandma Su silently shed tears, presumably something happened at home.

Settle grandma well, Su Nuo and Su Yang left Aunt Zhou's house and went straight to Er Gu's house.

Er Gu's family was on the main street and lived in a newly built small building.

Su Yang stood downstairs and looked up. Seeing that the window lights of Ergu's house were on, she pulled Su Nuo to her side and said softly, "Xiao Nuo, stand behind your brother after entering the house."