MTL - 80s Wedding Night: Cannon Fodder’s Original Partner is Gone-Chapter 259 treat her in her own way

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  Song Baozhu didn't care what Song Changying said, she continued: "It's not that you want to hook up with Shen Xuan, that is, you want others to hook up with Shen Xuan."

   As soon as these words came out, Song Changying was instantly dumbfounded.

   was silent for a few seconds before she screamed again in anger: "Song Baozhu, stop talking nonsense, I'm telling you this for your own good, forget it if you don't appreciate it!"

   After she finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

  Song Baozhu raised her eyebrows and laughed angrily.

   She originally said it casually, who knew that Song Changying was really guilty.

  Very well, she now understands why Song Changying encouraged her to divorce Shen Xuan.

  This woman is really interesting, she is obviously her cousin, but she always looks down on her, doesn't want her to be good, and does all day to toss these crooked moths.

   By the way, Song Changying just said that she would introduce someone to her?

  Good, she remembered.

  Song Baozhu did not continue to fight with Song Changying, but called Song Changying's husband Yan Bin directly.

   Yan Bin has been a soldier for many years, and now he is a small leader.

   The reason why Song Changying can be arrogant in front of them and look down on them is also because she and Yan Bin have a good job.

   has both decency and status, and earns more than ordinary workers.

  Song Baozhu waited for a while before Yan Bin answered the phone.

   He was quite surprised to learn that Song Baozhu was looking for him, so he asked directly, "Baozhu, are you looking for me?"

  Song Baozhu simply admitted: "Uncle Yan, it's me, I have something to do with you. I just called my cousin, but she seems to be in a bad mood, so I'm a little worried.

   Have you had a relationship problem recently? My cousin took a leave of absence and didn't go to the hospital recently. I called your house, and when she answered the phone, she was shocked, as if she was very scared.

   She also told me a lot of the consequences of a bad relationship between husband and wife, and the more I listened, the more frightened I became. Uncle Yan, what's the matter with your cousin?

   You didn't do something outside to make you feel sorry for your cousin, did you? Why do I think my cousin is wrong? Strangely said that to me.

   Why don't you take time to go back and see her? Her attitude was so strange that I was worried that something would happen to her. But I'm so far away, and I don't dare to let my grandfather know about it, so I can only try to contact you. "

   Yan Bin's face turned dark, his eyes flashed, and he said reluctantly: "Okay, I know about this, I will definitely take the time to go back to see her as soon as possible.

   In fact, I have been in the work unit recently and have no time to go back. Maybe she was stimulated in the hospital.

  You don’t know, there are many people in the hospital every day, and some human tragedies are often seen. Staying there for a long time, people will inevitably be stimulated.

   She told me a lot before, and her mood was also very wrong at that time. It's a pity that I've been so busy lately that I don't have time to go back to see her.

   Fortunately, you told me this, otherwise if something happened to her, I'm afraid I'll regret it for the rest of my life. Thank you so much this time, I'll call her later.

   By the way, do you have anything else to do? If not, I'll hang up first. "

"Oh, then Uncle Yan, you must be nice to your cousin. I just heard the inexplicable words from my cousin. I thought that what you did, Uncle Yan, made her feel bad and wanted to divorce her. Well. You're all right, I'm hanging up."

  Song Baozhu smiled and hung up the phone.

   As a result, she just hung up when the phone rang again.

  Song Baozhu looked at the constantly ringing phone in surprise, hesitated for a while, but picked it up: "Hello?"

   As soon as she finished speaking, she heard Song Changying screaming excitedly: "Song Baozhu, why didn't you answer the phone just now? What are you doing? Why is the phone busy?"

Song Baozhu thought her voice was too loud, so she quickly took the microphone away, and when Song Changying finished calling, she said, "I just feel sorry for seeing you care about me so much, so I called your man. He said he would call you later, and if you have anything to say, just tell him directly."

   After she finished speaking, she hung up, paid the money, and then turned around and left.

   Originally, she wanted to scold Song Changying, but there was someone nearby, and Song Changying's voice was too ugly.

   So she thought about it and decided to do something else.

   Didn't Song Changying encourage her to divorce Shen Xuan?

  Then don't blame her for treating others with the way of others.

  Song Baozhu left in a good mood.

   As a result, not long after he left, he met Shen Xuan.

  Shen Xuan's expression was very flustered. He calmed down after seeing her, and then walked quickly to her: "Why are you here? I'm looking for you everywhere."

  Song Baozhu blinked: "Didn't I tell you not to come? Why are you here? The school is so close, I'll just go back after the exam."

   Shen Xuan was not very happy: "Then you didn't go back directly after the exam."

   He looked at Song Baozhu's direction and asked her again, "What are you doing here?"

  Song Baozhu thought about it for a while, but she didn't hide it, she said it directly: "Before Song Changying, the daughter of my eldest grandfather, you have seen her before, she talked to my mother on the phone before and made my mother very angry.

   So I wanted to scold her, and just after the exam, I called her. And you know what this woman told me? "

  Shen Xuan was curious: "What did she say to you? Isn't it hard to hear? Just don't pay attention to her, don't be angry."

  Song Baozhu snorted: "She said that you definitely don't like me as a country girl, and let me divorce you while I'm young, and she will introduce me to a good one."

  Shen Xuan's face was gloomy for a moment: "She's just talking nonsense, don't believe her nonsense! You know, she's not a good person, and she doesn't like you, she must be telling you this on purpose!"

   At the end, he still felt uneasy, so he asked nervously: "You won't believe her nonsense, will you?"

   "Am I that stupid?" Song Baozhu snorted softly, and then said, "Do you know why she wants me to divorce you? She wants to introduce you to others!"

   Shen Xuan, who was so angry that he wanted to kill: "..."

   He was suddenly embarrassed. After a strange silence, he said, "I don't look down on other women."

  Song Baozhu looked at him suspiciously: "What did you just keep silent? Isn't it a guilty conscience?"

  Shen Xuan felt that he was wronged, he was just surprised just now.

   He grabbed Song Baozhu's hand hard: "Do you think I can still see other women with you?"

  Song Baozhu: "…"

   She silently took out a small mirror and took a look at it, then nodded as a matter of course: "That's right. By the way, I just called her man."

   "Why did you call him?" Shen Xuan recalled Yan Bin's look at Song Baozhu at the time, and was a little unhappy, "That person looks like a hypocrite, you must not take him as a good person."

  Song Baozhu: "???"