MTL - 80s Wedding Night: Cannon Fodder’s Original Partner is Gone-Chapter 260 Weird Yao Lingling

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   "You don't think he's a good person?" Song Baozhu looked at Shen Xuan strangely, "How did you see that?"

  Shen Xuan said as a matter of course: "Of course you see with your eyes. That person is not a good person at first sight. In short, be careful and don't believe him."

   "Of course I won't believe him." Song Baozhu rolled her eyes, "I've been to the grandpa's house so many times, do you think I don't know what kind of people they are?"

  Song Changying always has eyes above the top, and Yan Bin is not much better.

Although he is not like Song Changying who always likes to say some ugly things, but he looks kind on the surface, but in fact every time Song Changying dictates, he doesn't see it. Too lazy to care.

   She poked Shen Xuan: "Are you stupid? If I didn't know what he was like, why would I call him like this?"

  If Yan Bin is really a decent person, hearing her say that will only worry about Song Changying.

   She made that call, what kind of revenge?

   It is precisely because Yan Bin is a hypocrite that he is dissatisfied with Song Changying after she made that call.

   But in his capacity, divorce is probably impossible, but he will definitely take care of Song Changying and won't let her continue to make trouble.

   She guessed right, just after she hung up the phone, the eye disease called Song Changying.

   At first, I couldn't get through, because Song Changying called Song Baozhu again and the line was busy.

   But after Yan Bin called a few times, the call was quickly connected.

  Song Changying thought it was Song Baozhu calling at first, so as soon as the call was connected, she scolded in dissatisfaction, and Yan Bin shouted angrily on the spot: "What are you making?"

  Song Changying was taken aback: "Why are you?"

   Yan Bin was angry and said in a bad tone: "Of course it's me, or do you think your good niece will still answer your phone?"

   After he finished speaking, he asked dissatisfiedly, "What happened to you recently? She called me to complain!"

   "I...I'm nothing, I just cared about her a few words. Who knows that girl not only doesn't listen, but also makes random calls!"

  Song Changying's eyes flickered, and the expression on his face became very unnatural.

   She thought that Yan Bin was not here because of the telephone line anyway. As long as she didn't say anything, Yan Bin would definitely not find out.

   But what she didn't know was that when Yan Bin heard her words, she realized her guilty conscience.

   His face turned gloomy in an instant: "What did you tell her about that?"

  Song Changying felt guilty for a moment before complaining confidently: "It wasn't because my cousin called me to complain that Shen Xuan was not good to her daughter.

  The girl called me today, and I persuaded her a few words, but who would have thought she would take my breath away! What a kind heart to be regarded as a donkey's liver and lungs! I don't care about her **** anymore! "

   Having said this, she quickly ended the topic: "You don't have to worry about me, I have nothing to do, go and do it, I'll hang up first."

   After she finished speaking, she quickly hung up the phone, thinking that Song Baozhu dared to call Yan Bin to complain, and she was so angry.

   "How can I have such relatives!"

   She sat down on the sofa angrily, thinking about what to do next.

   Originally, she was worried that Yao Lingling would continue to pester her, so she did not dare to go to the hospital for several days. Until a week later, she really didn't dare to wait any longer, so she secretly called colleagues in the hospital to ask.

   As soon as I asked, I found out that Yao Lingling went to Longjing three days ago, and I am afraid that she will be there now!

  Song Changying was instantly dumbfounded.

   She was sluggish for a while, then suddenly rejoiced.

   What she feared most these days was Yao Lingling asking her about where her relatives lived.

   But the problem is, firstly, she doesn't know, and secondly, even if she knows, she doesn't dare to say it.

   After all, once Yao Lingling finds a place, she will know that Shen Xuan is already married, and the lies she said will naturally be exposed.

   Now that Yao Lingling is gone, she finally escaped the disaster.

   Song Changying was completely relieved.

   On the other side, Longjing, Yao Lingling had followed the person who came to pick her up and walked out of the train station.

   She looked at the strange city in front of her and looked around curiously.

  Two days later, she finished her errands and went directly to Song Baozhu's school.

   She arrived in the morning, Song Baozhu knew nothing about it, she was busy with class.

   Yao Lingling was not in a hurry to find someone, instead, she wandered around the school and took a lot of photos with her camera.

   Before I knew it, it was noon, and as soon as the school bell rang, Song Baozhu picked up her schoolbag and rushed out.

   She first went to the classroom to get a bicycle, and then rode the bicycle directly through the school to drive home.

   I didn’t want to be stopped by someone just after riding halfway.

   Seeing that someone suddenly rushed out, Song Baozhu was startled, so she could only quickly hold the brakes and watch the woman blocking the road vigilantly.

   "What are you doing?" She was a little annoyed, "Why did you suddenly rush out? If I didn't press the brakes and accidentally hit you, who would it be?"

   As she said, she looked at Yao Lingling suspiciously, but saw that this woman was very strange.

  Clearly dressed in light, she doesn't look like the kind of person who touches porcelain, but her eyes are straight, and she doesn't look normal.

  Yao Lingling noticed Song Baozhu's dissatisfaction and quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, I just saw you just now and I felt a special fit, so I wanted to be your friend.

  I didn't mean anything else, I just saw you riding a bicycle, I was afraid that you would run away all of a sudden, and I couldn't find you in the future, so I couldn't help rushing out.

   I really did something wrong just now, why don't I invite you to dinner? I apologized at the time. "

  Song Baozhu frowned and refused: "No need, I'm in a hurry, get out of the way, I'm going back."

  Although this woman is very polite, she always feels that this person is strange and unusual, so how can she have dinner with her?

  Yao Lingling was rejected, but she was not discouraged, and pleaded again: "Then can you be my model? I like taking pictures. You look so good, you must be beautiful when you take pictures!"

  Song Baozhu said with a stern face: "No, I really have something else to do, get out of the way, or I'll be rude to you."

  Yao Lingling could only step aside in disappointment.

   Song Baozhu saw this and immediately rode away.

   She didn't know that the Yao Lingling in front of her was the woman Song Changying prepared for Shen Xuan.

   Yao Lingling watched Song Baozhu leave, and was extremely disappointed.

   She really wants to take pictures of her!

   Forget it, let’s go back first.

   She glanced at the campus and sighed regretfully.

   Ever since she found out that Shen Xuan has a partner, and his partner is still going to school here, she couldn't help but want to come and see.

  Unfortunately, she didn't even know the name of Shen Xuan's object, so naturally she couldn't ask anyone.

  I don't know what that person looks like.