MTL - 80s Wedding Night: Cannon Fodder’s Original Partner is Gone-Chapter 262 Pick up Song Changying again

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   Looking at Shen Xuan who had already left, Yao Lingling could only go back in disappointment.

  Although she really wanted Shen Xuan to be her model, but Shen Xuan didn't want to, and she couldn't do things that kept her entangled.

   After going back this time, she didn't look for Shen Xuan and Song Baozhu again.

   After all, Shen Xuan is a **** man, so she also has to pay attention to the influence.

   On Song Baozhu's side, she was still looking forward to it.

   However, after waiting for three days in a row, she didn't get a call from Song Baozhu, so she had no choice but to go back to Jincheng.

   She came to Longjing on a business trip this time. Although the errand has been completed, she has to go back to work and cannot stay in Longjing for a long time.

  Three days is the limit.

  So after receiving a call from home urging her to go back, she bought a ticket and got on the train back to Jincheng.

  Song Baozhu knew nothing about this, but Shen Xuan was quite vigilant.

   But he didn't have any acquaintances in Jincheng that he could use, so even if he knew about the disgusting things Song Changying did, he couldn't help him, and he couldn't find someone to investigate Yao Lingling and Song Changying's situation from Jincheng.

   Soon time is coming to the weekend.

   Shen Xuan went home as usual.

   After seeing Song Baozhu, he suddenly thought of Yao Lingling and couldn't help but be a little worried.

   So he asked her tentatively, "Have you met any strange people recently?"

  Song Baozhu looked at him in surprise: "Strange person? How do you know?"

   Could it be that Shen Xuan found someone to stare at her?

   But it shouldn’t be.

  Song Baozhu stared at Shen Xuan suspiciously, her eyes gradually becoming a little fierce.

   But he found that Shen Xuan's face instantly became extremely ugly: "Have you really met?"

  Song Baozhu felt strange, and after thinking about it, she decided to ask first: "I met a strange person before, but how did you know?"

  Shen Xuan was about to tell the story about Yao Lingling, but after thinking about it, he felt that he should be more cautious, so instead of answering, he asked, "What does this person you said look like?"

  Song Baozhu hesitated for a while, but still blocked Yao Lingling and told her about being a model.

   and then asked again: "You tell me first, how did you know? Are you looking for someone to monitor me?"

  Shen Xuan felt that he was wrongly killed: "Where did you think? How could I do such a thing? I also met that strange woman before."

   He doesn't like people staring at Song Baozhu, whether it's a man or a woman, how could he find someone to watch her?

Song Baozhu was successfully distracted by him: "Have you met too? The person I met was called Yao Lingling, with curly hair, she also said that she likes taking pictures, gave me some pictures, and asked me to be her model, you Did you meet this person?"

   She couldn't believe it.

  She and Shen Xuan's schools are not next to each other, how could they meet the same strange person?

   Shen Xuan's face was very ugly, he asked nervously, "You didn't promise her, did you?"

  Song Baozhu shook his head: "I don't like being a model for others."

  Although she has seen the photos taken by Yao Lingling, they are really good, but she is not used to being a model, so she does not regret that she rejected Yao Lingling.

   And in her opinion, Yao Lingling's appearance is a bit abnormal, maybe there is something wrong with her brain.

   How dare she be a model for such a person?

   "It's fine if you didn't agree." Shen Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, "She also stopped me, wanted me to be her model, and wanted to give me photos, but I was worried about cheating, so I didn't answer and left."

  Song Baozhu hurriedly explained: "I didn't want to pick it up either, but she just threw the photo in my car basket and ran away, so cunning!"

   She was a little depressed, Shen Xuan didn't take the photo, she took it, it seemed like she was not cautious.

   Then she asked in a sensible way: "What do you think is going on with her? It's weird."

   "I suspect she did it on purpose." Shen Xuan directly revealed Yao Lingling's identity, "Do you remember Song Changying encouraging you to divorce before? She just wanted to introduce me to this Yao Lingling."

  Song Baozhu was instantly dumbfounded!

   She opened her mouth and took a long time to digest the news: "Really? She... is she crazy?"

After   , she became nervous again, "What did Yao Lingling say? Did she pester you?"

  Shen Xuan shook his head: "This is what she told me. She said that she knew that Song Changying was lying, so on this business trip, she found me specially and told me about it."

   "Really?" Song Baozhu looked at him suspiciously, "She didn't pester you later?"

  Shen Xuan quickly shook his head: "Of course not, she only said that she wanted me to be her model. After I refused, she appeared again. I don't think she is the kind of stalker."

  Song Baozhu couldn't believe it when she thought of Yao Lingling's two entanglements.

   But... that's all, she believed Shen Xuan once.

   Shen Xuan pondered for a moment, and then asked her: "Song Changying, what are you going to do?"

Song Baozhu frowned, her expression a little tangled: "Of course I want to give her a hard lesson, but I'm not too far away, Grandpa is getting old again, if you let him know about this, he'll be angry. Come on out."

   So this is quite troublesome.

   It is definitely not appropriate to complain directly to the grandfather, nor is it appropriate to ask other people for this matter.

  Although what Song Changying did is really disgusting, speaking out about this kind of thing will have a very bad impact on them and on that Yao Lingling.

  Song Baozhu struggled for a while, and suddenly thought of the contact information left by Yao Lingling.

   So she said: "Yao Lingling left me her contact information before, do you think I should try to contact her? We are too far away, even if you want to teach Song Changying a lesson, it is not easy to find her.

  Yao Lingling is different. She and Song Changying should be very close, and she told me that she works in the hospital. If she made a move there, Song Changying would definitely have no good fruit to eat. "

  Shen Xuan was a little unhappy: "But aren't you worried that she has ghosts?"

   Yao Lingling not only wanted him to be a model, but also wanted Song Baozhu to be her model, and even left her contact information. He always felt that this woman had no good intentions.

  What if she wanted to do something bad to Song Baozhu?

   "It's just a phone call, what's there to be afraid of?" Song Baozhu wasn't very worried. "It's just a test. She really has a bad mind. It's better to be tested than to be kept in the dark."

  Shen Xuan: "…"

The reason    is too strong, he really can't refute it, he can only remind Song Baozhu: "Alright, but don't use the nearby public phone."

   "Well." Song Baozhu nodded, "Then I choose the one that is farther away?"

   If you were using a nearby phone, you must have revealed their location.

  If Yao Lingling has bad intentions, it will be very bad for them.

   So it's better to find a phone that is far away, that's safer.

  Song Baozhu couldn't wait to take out the contact information left by Yao Lingling.

   There are two phone numbers written on it, one is the number of Longjing, the other is the number of Jincheng.

   But now it's too late, Song Baozhu decided to go out and call again tomorrow.