MTL - 80s Wedding Night: Cannon Fodder’s Original Partner is Gone-Chapter 345 Song Baozhu VS Qi Lanzhu

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   Chapter 345 Song Baozhu VS Qi Lanzhu

  Drinking water, Li Xiaolan suddenly felt that she was indeed a little stupid.

   I was just patronizing and scolding people, but I forgot to buy water.

   As a result, his throat was almost smoking, and he was torturing himself.

   Thinking of this, she couldn't help but glance at Song Baozhu, then glanced coldly at Duan Aihua and Qi Lanzhu opposite, and raised her chin disdainfully.

   then complained dissatisfiedly: "Baozhu, you can't blame me for this, I'm not mad at some people.

  Tell me, back then, it was clear that all the good children belonged to me, someone never paid a penny, but now he suddenly ran out and wanted to kidnap my son, can you tell me, is this still a human? "

   As soon as these words came out, Duan Aihua and Qi Lanzhu's faces suddenly became very ugly.

   Duan Aihua frowned and wanted to refute. Qi Lanzhu quickly grabbed him and said softly, "Sister Xiaolan, you misunderstood. Brother Duan just wants children, so I came here to see, not to kidnap the child."

   When Li Xiaolan heard this, she was so angry that she wanted to quarrel with her again.

  Song Baozhu looked at her like this, and hurriedly grabbed her, fearing that if she really quarreled, it would appear that they didn't care.

So she said lightly: "Even if he misses the child, he should tell the child's mother. He didn't even say hello, he brought his second wife to see the child, and wanted to take the child away behind his mother's back. Is this inappropriate?

   What's more, as the biological father of the child, he has not paid anything, paid child support, or sent anything to the child over the years. Now he suddenly runs out and says he misses the child, don't you think it's a bit funny? "

  Song Baozhu's words were plain, but the meaning revealed was very sharp. Unlike Li Xiaolan, who only quarreled in a sharp voice before, she looked like an unreasonable shrew.

   So as soon as Song Baozhu opened her mouth, those surrounding her who didn't agree with Li Xiaolan very much, and even thought she was a bit too much, changed their faces slightly, and their expressions towards Duan Aihua and Qi Lanzhu also changed.

   Qi Lanzhu's heart skipped a beat when she saw it, and her eyes towards Song Baozhu also became vigilant.

   She and Duan Aihua came to see the children. Although they knew that Li Xiaolan would be in trouble, they never thought that a Song Baozhu would suddenly appear.

   And this person is different from Li Xiaolan.

  Li Xiaolan is impulsive and only screams and curses like a shrew.

   This Song Baozhu is obviously different.

   She is more difficult to deal with than Li Xiaolan.

  Qi Lanzhu thought of this and couldn't help sighing inwardly.

   She doesn't want to come over if she can. But there is no way. In the past three years, she has been pregnant several times, and she has all flowed, and she can't keep it at all.

   went to the hospital for an examination and said it was her body problem.

   She hurt her body before, so with such a problem, even if she is pregnant, she will have a spontaneous abortion.

   After finding out this problem, she did not give up, and has been working hard to treat it.

  Unfortunately, no matter how many doctors I saw, it was useless.

   I came here this time, firstly because I wanted to come and see the child, and secondly, I heard that there was a very powerful Doctor Song here, and wanted to see him.

  If her problem can be cured, naturally there is no need to rob Li Xiaolan for children.

   In fact, she doesn't want to rob her now, but she has never been able to give birth to a child, and she still carries four oil bottles. The Duan family has a lot of opinions on her.

  Although Duan Aihua has been protecting her, she can see that Duan Aihua also wants to have a child of her own.

   Qi Lanzhu's eyes darkened, she looked at Song Baozhu again, and explained helplessly: "This..."

   Having said this, she suddenly got stuck.

   She wanted to call her sister, but found that Song Baozhu was very young, and the title "sister" was really difficult to call.

So I can only temporarily change my words, "Comrade Baozhu, you may have misunderstood, it's not that Brother Duan and I refused to pay child support and send things, it's because Sister Xiaolan said that we wouldn't give it, and she didn't give us the address. , we all spent a lot of thought to find out later."

   When Li Xiaolan heard this, she was so angry that she wanted to curse again, but she was still held back by Song Baozhu.

  Song Baozhu likes her very much now, because Li Xiaolan is very talented in beauty and she can also do styling.

   Now they have opened a styling salon together, and Li Xiaolan is the store manager, responsible for makeup and styling for customers.

  Business is not bad.

   It can be said that Li Xiaolan is now Song Baozhu's cash cow, and she naturally needs to maintain it. How can someone bully Li Xiaolan and affect her future performance?

   So she pulled Li Xiaolan, didn't let her have a seizure, and then directly broke down and said: "You are really interesting, Xiaolan doesn't let you send things for alimony, you won't give it.

  Xiaolan didn't let you see the children, why didn't you listen? When Xiaolan got divorced, she was alone in Longjing with three children. What did you give her?

   Now that she has brought up the child, you suddenly run out and want to pick peaches, and you blame her for not letting you send things for the alimony, don't you feel shameless? "

   Qi Lanzhu and Duan Aihua were hot on their faces by her words.

   Duan Aihua frowned, looked at Song Baozhu's face, and asked in disbelief, "Are you Song Baozhu?"

   He really didn't dare to recognize it, Song Baozhu in front of him looked too young.

   I'm afraid some people believe it is his daughter.

   Obviously he is not much older than Song Baozhu, but seeing him now is like a generation behind.

   After so many years, why hasn't Song Baozhu changed at all?

   No, she has become better-looking than before, even better-looking than those heroines in TV series.

   Duan Aihua couldn't tell exactly what kind of thoughts he had in his heart. He just felt that all kinds of emotions were mixed together, which was extremely complicated.

  Looking at Li Xiaolan again, she is also young and beautiful.

   Compared with before, she has also changed a lot.

   Not only is he dressed very fashionably, but he also has makeup on his face, and he looks like a different person.

   Duan Aihua's mood is more complicated.

   When Li Xiaolan saw him and Qi Lanzhu before, he made a big noise, reminding him of Li Xiaolan back then, but he didn't pay attention to her current appearance.

   At this moment, Li Xiaolan stood quietly beside Song Baozhu, which made him even more frightened.

   They have changed so much, don't women get old?

   Just when Duan Aihua felt guilty and complicated, Qi Lanzhu next to him was also shocked.

   She looked at Song Baozhu in disbelief and couldn't help but exclaimed, "Is she Song Baozhu?"

   Song Baozhu was a little surprised when he heard this, so he couldn't help but ask, "Have you heard of me?"

  Although the two sides have never met, she still cares about this transmigration girl.

  In the original dream, this person wore it on her.

  Although she did not marry Duan Aihua and completely escaped this catastrophe, it was still difficult for her to calm down looking at this person.

   Qi Lanzhu looked at Song Baozhu with complicated eyes, but did not speak.

   She has indeed heard of Song Baozhu, because the Song family has invested a lot of business in their hometown, and she often hears people mentioning them and saying that they have made a lot of money.

   There is one more thing that makes her very concerned.

   (end of this chapter)