MTL - 9 Heavenly Thunder Manual-Chapter 38 Liu Hao Advanced

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"Yes." Fan Hongchang continued: "Originally, Xiaoyu's power was a combination of some attributes of thunder and lightning, which caused people to have a paralyzing effect. I deliberately concentrated all my qi on my arm to resist this paralyzing effect. Suddenly an inexplicable force burst out of him, and this force was very powerful and had a powerful inhaling effect. My anger was absorbed under uncontrolled conditions. Xiaoyu may have discovered this situation. Will withdraw immediately. "

"Xiao Yu, how many more shocking things did you not tell us?" Nuo Yilong's eyes were full of surprise, and he couldn't help but asked in ecstasy.

"Uncle Nuo, I don't know these things well, I ... I want to go back to rest." Lei Yu didn't know how to explain, this power is brought by the eternal spirit beads, which is the target item for the last mission. But now that this thing is in my body, I ca n’t open the sunroof and tell it all? Even if Nuo Yilong and others don't have any idea, but if things go out, others will definitely use themselves as prey for predation.

"Nuohu, send Xiaoyu back to rest, everyone is also dispersed, I am very confident in this test with Mingjiao!" Nuo Yilong laughed.

Ai Er and Nuo Hu returned Lei Yu to his home. In order to allow Lei Yu to have a sufficient rest, Nuo Hu did not stop too much, and Ai Er just ran away with Lei Yu intimately.

I went back to the room and Lei Yujing was sitting on the bed. He didn't want to practice, but to watch some changes in his body, so he didn't need to take off his clothes.

"Why did the Lingzhu have such an effect? ​​Why hasn't this happened before?" Lei Yu was a little scratched.

When Lei Yu found in his inner vision, he found that the white qi that had previously absorbed Fan Hongchang had disappeared at this time, and he did not know when it would disappear.

"Strange? What's going on? Didn't it absorb some?"

仔细 After careful exploration, there was still no result. The absorbed power disappeared in silence and disappeared without a trace, so it was extremely frustrating for Lei Yu.

Leaving his coat and sitting on the floor with his knees crossed, Lei Yu has always been very rigorous in cultivation and has never relaxed. Since he got the self-defined name of the "Lei Yu Gong", he has never explored and improved continuously. One step further, Lei Yu will feel clear.

For Lei Yu's increasing speed, which has just reached the later stage of convergence, that is, the fourth-order martial artist's late stage, and it sometimes feels that there is no improvement at all, which makes Lei Yu very distressed.

Promote Zhen Qi, in the Qi Sea, all the dead Qi is generally floating, relying on Lei Yu's own mental power to mobilize, reaching the stage of convergence, allowing Lei Yu to better control Zhen Qi, and in cultivation, you can pass the control The thickness of the flow of true energy in the meridians to ensure foolproof, and for more than a year, although the blue inexplicable force has followed the same true day after day to fulfill the role of escort, the number of repairable times But it has decreased a lot, it seems to be related to the improvement of Lei Yu.

It is for this reason that Lei Yu is a little confused. Is it necessary to twist the Qi into a powerful torrent to break the meridians and repair the cyan power to achieve relative improvement? No, this idea was quickly denied by Lei Yu. After reaching the fourth level, all practitioners will encounter a bottleneck that is extremely difficult to break through, and it is the obstacle of this film that makes some people permanently stay on the fourth level. Unable to improve, this is a hurdle, which requires sufficient patience and self-understanding.

He slowly spit out a stale gas. When he opened his eyes again, the sky was already bright. After stretching his body hard, he rushed into the bathroom to clean the impurities and dirt all night.

"Master! I succeeded!" Liu Hao's voice was very excited from the phone.

"What succeeded? Make it clear!" Lei Yu asked blinking.

"Wait a minute, I'll get over Mashan, oh yes, Sister Yingying is with me, let's go together."

"Hey! Wait! Hey! Hey! I'm dizzy!" Lei Yu shook her head helplessly, this Cui Yingying has faded a bit in her life, why suddenly appeared again?

Sure enough, less than half an hour, Liu Hao and Cui Yingying came to Lei Yu's home. Since Lei Yu was concentrating on practicing internal skills and mentality during this time, he wanted to do his best to break through and conquer. Stage, so I do n’t often run to the Dragon team, which is also agreed by Nuo Yilong.

一年 After a year and a half, I saw Cui Yingying again to make Lei Yu's eyes shine. Is this still the Cui Yingying who made people want to be sexy?

At this time, Cui Yingying was wearing a pair of jeans and a white T-shirt, which was completely different from the previous ultra-short sexy. Her black hair was tied with a simple black rubber band and hung on her back. Hold the look of a man's soul flying on her face and the eyes of ecstasy.

"Lei Yu, it's been a long time." Cui Yingying smiled, exposing that charming temperament to the utmost, and matched the clothes she wore to make her look more sunny, completely rid of her **** fashion.

"Yeah, I haven't seen you for a long time. What are you busy with?" Lei Yu asked politely.

"I transferred to a foreign country and learned some management knowledge. My dad wanted me to inherit the business at home. There is no way. I have been trying to change myself for more than a year ~ ~ I have never entered the night again. I did n’t drink a glass of wine in the market. I clearly remember what you said to me before leaving that night. Since you do n’t like me, I will try to change it until you like it. ”Cui Yingying answered with a smile.

Not only did Lei Yu take a breath, she wouldn't! How could a girl be so persistent? However, Cui Yingying, a girl who can't hide everything in her heart, is also the object that many boys like. Lei Yu's heart can't help but be agitated. For this girl, she doesn't know what to say. She can only try to squeeze it out. A seemingly ordinary smile tried to fool through.

"Oh right!" Thinking of one thing, Lei Yu turned his head, "Liu Hao, you said you succeeded, what do you mean?"

"Master, I think you care about telling the old with Sister Yingying, and forget about my existence!" Liu Hao's index finger clasped his chin, showing a bad grin.

"Did you say?" Lei Yu reached out and pretended to be beaten.

"I said I said! I finally broke through the second stage and reached the third stage, and I am now officially a third-order warrior!" Liu Hao smiled proudly.

[Will Cui Yingying and Lei Yu create an unexpected spark? The story will explain things after Lei Yu battles with Ming Jiao Cai, but things in China will soon end, but if you think that the protagonist has only such a feminine relationship, you are wrong. After the climax of fighting and see how Lei Yu is in Kou Guo abuse those beasts! 】

This book's first release comes from 17K Novel Network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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