MTL - 9 Heavenly Thunder Manual-Chapter 39 Pre-war grinding gun

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"Your kid can do it!" Lei Yu laughed, "but you can't be complacent because of a little progress, continue to work hard, you know?"

"I know! Master, today I sit in the village and ask you to have dinner with Sister Yingying. The first is to catch the wind for Sister Yingying, and the second is for my advanced."

"Okay, let's have a meal together." Lei Yu smiled and looked at Cui Yingying with no trace of her eyes.

During lunch, Lei Yu explained to the two that they would have a decisive battle about Wu Zong's reputation after more than a month, and they consciously agreed that they would no longer hinder their practice.

观察 After observation, Lei Yu found that Cui Yingying did change a lot. Not only did she become quieter than before, but she even blushed occasionally when speaking, which is like the old lady who is not afraid of the past.

When I saw Lei Yu again, Cui Yingying also had a new plan, but in her heart she never gave up the idea of ​​being with Lei Yu. Maybe she fell in love with him ignorantly in the past two years. The ignorant obsession has not diminished until now, but it is more intense, but keep in mind that Lei Yu's words before leaving that day, Cui Yingying will not be too entangled, instead it will make the relationship between the two more stalemate.

I returned home and entered another area to practice the room.

"My specialty is speed. With static braking, I can give my opponent a fatal blow in extreme moments, and it will also play a short paralyzing effect. However, it is not easy to defeat Cai Zhong by relying on this." Lei In Yu's heart, Cai Zhong has always been an opponent. Although this opponent was tied three years ago, there is no guarantee that there will be any adventures. Perhaps the speed of cultivation is faster than himself, and Lei Yu dare not give up.

The unsteady movement of the lame foot can lead to a more flexible pace of the body, and the mind is still thinking about how to use its strengths to face the adversary in actual combat.

It is indeed a relatively good place to use static braking. It is unexpectedly unprepared, and it does work well when facing weaker or evenly matched opponents. However, if the opponent is strong or even surpasses himself, then it seems a bit passive, even Before he had time to shoot, he was already dead.

Fortunately, Lei Yu has experienced the refining stage, and her own anti-beating ability can be regarded as BT level. Blending these characteristics that are beyond ordinary people, Lei Yu is pondering carefully how to integrate these strengths into an explosion and produce extraordinary results. Effect?

At the same time, Lei Yu has always thought of his mother ’s enemies and the murderer of his grandfather. Nuo Yilong and his grandfather have said that he is not an opponent of the enemies at all now, so these even force Lei Yu to want to be stronger. Sometimes Hate can blind people's eyes, block sensible minds, and make rebellious and transgressive things, but sometimes it can also become a motivation. This motivation can drive a person to think about success. Obviously, Lei Yu is such a person, at least he has not lost his mind.

内 In a huge villa in another city.

"Cai Zhong, you did not disappoint me." A thin man in black smiled back at Cai Zhong.

"Thank you for your praise!" Cai Zhong stood in the villa hall and bowed respectfully.

"Very well, now that you have reached the fourth level of the Demon Realm, I have a treasure here to reward you." With that, the man in black shook with one hand slightly, a flash of black light and shadow flickered, and then, his A short black blade appeared in his hand.

"Ah! Thank you for your help!" Cai Zhong hurriedly thanked him.

"You remember, this short blade is called a blood blade, and it has powerful magical powers. It will gradually develop a corresponding understanding with you as you improve. If you can take good care of it, then it is possible to work with this short blade. Become one with you, but it needs blood to feed to make it better. Remember? "

"Take care of Cai Zhong, thank you for your reward!" Cai Zhong held his hands full of black blood blades in his eyes. "Master, after a while, I will fight with Lei Yu. Have you made a decision?" Cai Zhong put away the blood blade and asked.

"Well, yes, I have arranged it and informed the other two forces about this event. I believe that the duel on that day will have an unexpected effect. As long as you can defeat or even kill that stinky boy named Lei Yu, I teach No doubt the reputation in Tenglong Kingdom will be closer!

"Subordinates understand!"

He ordered a room in the villa for Cai Zhong after the order of the Ming leader.

Holding the blood blade in his hand, Cai Zhong's eyes closed gently, focusing his spirit on the blood blade in his hand. Suddenly, a terrible force of resentment filled the whole room with the blood blade as the root, and this power was He rushed into Cai Zhong's body bit by bit, and his mentality was completely changed at this time. The huge force of resentment washed like Cai Zhongnun everywhere.

From the invasion of the blood blade, Cai Zhong felt a terrible killing breath. It can be seen how much blood was contaminated by this small soldier blade.

After a while, Cai Zhong spit blood and covered her chest tightly. The blood blade also miraculously disappeared from his hands. The next moment, Cai Zhong opened her eyes, her eyes shocked, "I didn't expect a small The Blood Blade actually contains such powerful power, but in just a few hours, my strength has actually grown so much! I have touched the edge of the fourth segment of the Devil. "

Both of them are trying to polish their possession for the prewar period, while on the other side, they are above the main hall of the Lei family.

"There is such a thing!" Lei Yuntian raised a hot force in his hands and shattered the red invitation in his hands.

"Homeowner, I did not expect that Xiao Yu would represent Wu Zong to fight against the main lord of the Ming Dynasty. This is indeed unpredictable. However, it can be seen that Xiao Yu is indeed taken seriously by Wu Zong. Unfortunately, ... "The elder said helplessly aside.

"It's too late to say anything now, but my Lei Yuntian won't give up. If he doesn't want to return to our family, he will be tied even if he is tied!"

"Let's wait until the start of the fight, let's see what happens? The conclusion variable may be bigger too soon!"

"You are right, since we have missed it once that day, we can't make another mistake for the second time. In just a few years, Xiaoyu would be so valued by Wu Zong. It can be seen that his talent has been revealed. The lifeblood of Heaven must not be profitable for others! "

There is a large mountain village in a mountain forest. The buildings in the mountain village are mainly made of wood or bamboo, which outlines a beautiful picture. The antique atmosphere permeates all parts of the mountain village. At the top of the mountain village, there are three striking characters. It is obvious that everyone here has an extraordinary identity, "Xianren Pavilion".

"Elder, the Lord is not here now, should we participate in their duel?" A gray-haired old man in a white gown, politely asked a middle-aged man sitting on a high platform. Qi Yun.

"Participate, why not participate? Let's take a look at their dog biting the dog. UU reading maybe there will be something unexpected." Middle-aged man chuckled.

"Yes, the disciples understand." The old man nodded, and the middle-aged man who seemed to be called the elder had a forty-year-old appearance, but his appearance would look a little younger for the sake of practicing the magic of immortality No wonder the gray-haired old man claimed to be a disciple.

One and a half months passed. As early as a month ago, a stadium was completely wrapped up. After a month of arrangement, the original large stadium had changed its appearance.

As the weather is hot, several gazebos have been added to the northeast, southwest, and northwest of the stand, respectively. It seems to be prepared for the main characters of the four forces.

The 400-meter large playground is indeed a bit scary as a contestant. The usual martial arts competitions are only 15 steps away. Such a large bench is indeed difficult to understand, but as a practitioner, it is very difficult. It is clear that people who have cultivated themselves may be turbulent beyond ten meters to dozens of meters, so in their eyes, this is the most normal thing.

普通 Ordinary people are not qualified to watch this duel. Only the talents of the four major forces will be allowed to enter. Even the few guarded at the door are second-order martial arts. This shows how much they value this duel.

[The **** battle will begin soon, brothers, the first big climax of white heat is coming, flowers, collect fiercely! With the strong push this week, there will be a strong outbreak every day! 】

This book's first release comes from 17K Novel Network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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