MTL - A Guide to Raising Your Natural Enemy-Chapter 110 The raging enemy

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Elena is very confident and thinks Edgar will agree.

However, when I grew up in the Camilla Empire, I didn’t know what the orcs really wanted...

She thought she knew the Orc Empire, but she didn't actually know it.

At least, no orc in the orc empire would want to have more than a dozen children at a time.

The orcs generally like children very much, but at least a dozen times... If there are so many children at once, where can I take care of them? I am afraid that even the money that allows the child to receive a better education will not be available.

Seeing that Elena is full of confidence, the people on the star network are silent.

"Although I really want children, but so much at a time... that's it."

"If the Hahahaha royal family suddenly pops up so many children, will the emperor be depressed and die?"

"I suddenly look forward to how to break? If the royal family has so many children, they will definitely not be the richest man in the Empire!"

"Upstairs, what you think is too simple. Don't forget the Queen. He can make money too much. Even if he has a hundred children, he will make all these children become monopoly if he is willing."

"The queen can make money. 1. How can such a good orc person not let me meet, although I am also an orc, but I don't mind marrying him!"

"Hey, what are you thinking about! The Queen is my idol. I tell you that if the Emperor’s Majesty is really derailed, I will support the Queen’s divorce!”


"Edgar, if you dare to derail, I must divorce." Shu Shu "啪" put down the handheld computer on his hand, facing Edgar.

Edgar's face is like a pot bottom. Shu Shu is really capable. He said that if he likes Elena, he would dare to shout and divorce.

"What do you think I do? I told you, you can't touch others!" Shu Shu waved his fist and shouted, as long as he thought that Edgar might be with others, he felt very violent.

Edgar looked at Shu Shu and suddenly he was not angry. He still wanted to laugh: "Okay."

"You must not have children with others!" Shu Shu said again.

"It must not." Edgar took Shu Shu's hand: "But that, do you want to give me another one?"

Shu Shu thought about it and tangled: "It is not impossible..."

"Well, I have Fred and Gary two children, but I don't want others to be in between us." Edgar saw that Shu Shu was really serious, and said that he was busy.

Two children are enough, he does not want to have one more, as for a dozen... even if it is Shu Shusheng, think about it and feel scalp numb.

Even if he likes a little hamster like Gary, a dozen or so are too worried!

"In fact, there are a bunch of children is not a bad thing..." Shu Shu suddenly said: "But she has a good life of a dozen or so! In our original place, my hamsters are especially capable of giving birth. There are several births for each of the two births. If I am not with you, I will go to a female hamster. I don’t have a few dozens a year."

Edgar: "..." So he pulled down the fertility rate of Shu Shu?

"But I like you the most, don't let them give me a baby." Shu Shu said, he still knows how to please people.

Edgar kissed Shu Shu’s forehead and kissed Shu Shu’s lips...

The two of them have no time to go to the star network, and I don’t know that Elena is depressed.

Irina was broadcast live on the star network, and she wanted to get support from the people of the orc empire, but obviously she failed.

"Why is the emperor's emperor not willing to have children with me?" Jelena looked at the males who followed her to the orc empire.

"Princess, the orc of the orc empire is very strange, they all like males," said a male of Camilla.

"What is the good man in the hard state, is my tentacle so soft and cute?" Elena was very depressed.

"Of course not! Princess your tentacles is the most perfect." The male did not want to say it, he also felt that the people of the orc empire had problems, they did not like the beautiful female... God knows he wants to find a female master Still can't find it!

"Oh..." Elena sighed: "If you can grab the gene that is under your arm, my descendants will certainly be able to evolve. In that case, Camilla will become very, very powerful... Do you have any way to get the sir and me?"

Several males face each other and can't think of a way. If the sire is not very strong, they can tie him home, but he is too strong...

"Or else, start from the Queen?" A male suddenly said.

"How do you start?" Elena asked inexplicably.

"The princess's tentacles can bring supreme enjoyment. When the queen tries it, he will be addicted to it. In that case, the emperor of the orc empire will be willing to join."

"Also..." Elena nodded. Camilla's female tentacles were amazing. After the contacts of other races in the Stars, they would indulge in them and become the ministers of their skirts, as long as the Queen tried it. Feeling surrounded by tentacles, she secreted some of Camilla's female-only liquids out... I believe that the queen will be fascinated by her... Waiting for the queen, it is the way to get the emperor.

Elena connected to the Star Network and began to check the Queen of the Orc Empire for the care of the Queen.

"A cute male, I can't wait to caress him!" Looking at the photos on the star network, Jelena was a little excited, but soon she showed a disappointing expression: "It's a pity that he looks weak, definitely There is no way to make me pregnant."

Should the orcs be female? The male next to him was a little bit entangled, but he soon stopped taking care of it. The orcs and the orcs looked almost the same, and they looked really male.

Shu Shu didn't know that he was being stared.

In order to avoid trouble, Edgar chose to work at home these days. Even if he had a meeting, he would call someone home. However, after two days of rest, Shu Shu went to the hospital as usual.

However, when he arrived at the hospital and got off the plane, he was stopped. It was Yelena who stopped him.

This is the enemy of trying to destroy the marriage between myself and Edgar! Although Shu Shu likes Elena's looks very much, when he really saw Jelena, he had completely forgotten this. He was full of alert and looked like he would rush out to scratch people at any time.

"It's so cute." Elena said again, and walked toward Shu Shu.

"What do you want?" Shu Shu looked at Elena: "I told you, I will never let you have children with Edgar! Edgar is mine!"

"I don't want to have children with him, how about being born with you?" Elena smiled and looked at Shu Shu, and began to release the unique temptation of Camilla's female. The whole person has become more and more fascinating...

Looking at the way Irina, Shu Shu is awkward, I don’t know why I suddenly feel that this woman is very attractive... this is not right! How could he feel that a woman with long tentacles is attractive?

This woman should be terrible!

Shu Shu felt that something was wrong. After running the spiritual power, she finally woke up, and then found that Elena’s tentacles had stretched out towards herself...

"!!" Is this woman really coming? She really wants to give birth to her own children! ? Shu Shu was frightened, and turned and ran: "Don't come over! I don't want you to give me a baby!" It has made him difficult to accept the birth of a small snake. If he runs out of a group of small octopus... he is determined not to!

"Don't run, don't you like me?" Elena put down her skirt, and the tentacles moved quickly and chased them up.

"I don't like you!" Shu Shuyue runs faster.

"But I like you very much." Elena was chasing after him.

The two people ran around the hospital in Shushu.

At the beginning, Jelena didn't take Shu Shu seriously. She knew the Asian orcs and knew that it was a creature that was much weaker than Camilla's male. They were not interested in them. just now……

Did the Asian orc run faster than her? !

Her running speed is very fast. There are few people chasing her in the Camilla Empire, but now, an Asian orc is running faster than her... This is not right!

"You stop him!" Jelena shouted at the liaison. Soon, there was an aircraft before Shu written, and several Camilla males jumped from above.

Shu Shu's eyes are wide, some are scared, he has already asked for help, but the rescuers are certainly not coming so fast, now...

Biting his teeth, Shu Shu is full of spiritual power around his body so as not to be caught by the gene, and then stretch out his hands and grow his nails...

I scratched, I scratched, I scratched!

Against Elena, Shu Shu used his fame as a hamster.

A pair of hands swayed out the shadows and attacked Jelena. Irina stopped her hand and suddenly caught four blood marks. She exclaimed and extended a tentacle to stop the attack. Then Shu Shu began to grab her tentacles.

Although her tentacle is very soft, even a sharp knife can't cut her skin, but now... her tentacles are quickly caught by Shu Shu's blood and become bloody.

It was very painful to be cut off by Edgar before, but it was more painful to be caught by Shu Shu than to be cut off by a direct contact!

The tentacles are very important for the females. The more the tentacles are, the stronger the strength. Therefore, although the tentacles can be re-growed after being cut, the females are reluctant to hurt them. Jelena does not intend to fight with Shu Shu. Now, I am too busy to go back: "Do not fight, do not fight!"

Shu Shu immediately stopped: "How? I am afraid? I told you, I am also very powerful, you better not to hit my man's idea!" After he was so caught, he did not believe this Yilian Na also dared to marry his man!

"I don't want to hit your man's idea!" Elena said without hesitation, then looked at Shu Shu with a look of admiration: "I want to give you a baby, would you like to have a baby with me?"

"I don't want to!" Shu Shu took a step back.

"Very comfortable, give it a try! I promise you have tried it and want to try it."

"I do not want it!"

"Why don't you, don't you want children?"

"Who wants so many children, the belt can't bring it!" Shu Shu immediately refused.

"You don't have to bring it with you! You don't have to bring a child after I have a baby! We can give it to others, and I promise not to bother you at all." Elena repeatedly promised: "You rest assured, we Camilla Males are happy to help others with their children!"

Edgar rushed in, just to see this scene: "..." What kind of princess does not like him? Why are you staring at Shu Shu again?

"You are strong, not weaker than Edgar, I like you very much, you promise me!" Elena said again, Shu Shu is also very strong, and looked better, so she shifted the target.

Edgar kicked Elena out of the foot and picked up Shu Shu and left.

They must be far from this alien princess!

After Shu Shu was taken away by Edgar, Jelena confessed in public, but her confession was changed, and the emperor of the orc empire was replaced by the queen of the orc empire.

The people of the Orc Empire: What is going on? Just confessed to the emperor and immediately confessed to the queen, is this playing us?

Because I felt that I was being played, some reporters couldn’t help but ran to interview Elena. I was also rude to Irina. "My Majesty the Princess of Camilla, can you find a child in your life?" It won't be that you have already had a lot of it?"

The reporter asked me with irony. However, Elena did not hear it. Instead, she nodded. "Yes, as long as it is strong enough, anyone can have a baby with me! As for I already have a lot of children... …How did you know?"

Elena was curious and the reporter was already stunned.

Elena also ignored him and said again: "Queen, I have been born three times, have fifty-two children, very experienced, you want children to remember to find me!"

Five... fifty-two? !

The people on the star network are stunned.

"God, I can't have so many children in my life!"

"I can't afford to be born! A child is very expensive!"

"I used to think that she wants to be a junior. Now it seems that she is really wrong. The living environment is really different from us..."


"It’s only fifty-two, what's the big deal!" Shu Shu snorted, and he was born very fast. He could live seven or eight a year and live for hundreds of thousands of years...

Shu Shu excitedly counted with Edgar.

Edgar... He suddenly wanted to do the birth control.

Elena confessed to Edgar before, and no one said anything. Everyone is waiting to see Edgar's jokes, but when she confessed to Shu Shu...

Who is Shu Shu? He is the most powerful doctor in the Orc Empire! Not only can he cure any disease, he can still give life, and the old man who is going to die after organ failure will live for several more years.

They are waiting to let Shu Shu adjust their body, so a doctor can not let others go!

All the rich people in the orc empire, those in power do not follow.

On the star network of the orc empire, suddenly everyone began to attack Irina, emphasizing that Shu Shu belongs to the orc empire.

"The queen belongs to the orc empire, and Camilla's people are going away!"

"The queen is the emperor's majesty, others can't be jealous!"

"The queen is mine, you don't want to grab the people of Camilla!"


Elena is puzzling, what is going on in this orc empire, isn't it a child? Why don't you cooperate? She was born to be willing to raise her own! They don't have to pay anything!

It was not until a few days later that it was packed into a spaceship and sent away. Jelena still didn't want to understand, and it was a pity.

The two strong, she did not even entangle, this is really sad!

Countless tentacles waved, and Elena grabbed a male of Camilla to comfort herself.

The male was honoured and buried in the tentacles, trying very hard to make Jelena pregnant...

On the other side, Shu Shu and Edgar looked for this adult movie.

"This movie is actually a tentacle! It's off, I don't want to watch it, I have a shadow on the tentacle." Shu Shu said with dissatisfaction, these projection equipments that would make people feel immersive. People are tired of it!

Edgar silently changed the film and took out the cover.