MTL - A Guide to Raising Your Natural Enemy-Chapter 18 Big snake is a genius

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"The big snake, I teach you to practice, we go back." Shu Shu thought of cultivation, and suddenly his face was happy: "You cultivated, do not hibernate, do not sleep."

The snake has cultivated, shouldn't you have to hibernate? Well, even if it doesn't work now, it will definitely work in the future!

Edgar didn't understand what the so-called cultivation meant. He looked at Shu Shu inexplicably, and at the same time was a little faint--Shu Shu will stop him from letting him go back, and he thought it was very important to him.

"The big snake, don't move!" Shu Shu is facing Edgar.

Edgar was stunned.

After a cold wind blew, Shu Shu shivered subconsciously, and quickly wrapped the animal skin tightly, then wrapped around the snake and put a hand on the snake.

Shu Shu had long wanted to teach the serpent to practice. He had never done it before because the snake did not understand how difficult it was to communicate. It was also because... he did not know how to teach.

The stupidity of his own cultivation began, who knows how to teach others!

But now, he is forced to go to Liangshan...

Shu Shu helped the big snake to heal the wounds some days ago. He already knows the meridians of the serpent, but the structure of the snake is completely different from the body of the hamster or his present. He does not know what path the spiritual power is going to run in the snake body...

Shu Shu silently puts the spiritual power into the body of the serpent as before. Even if he can't teach the serpent to practice now, it is ok to let him feel the existence of spiritual power...

Shu Shu’s spiritual power is really pitiful. After a while, he all entered the body of the serpent and nourished the body of the serpent. As for cultivation, no matter whether it is a big snake or a Shu book, he does not know how to come.

Red beads! Can you let me practice, can you let the big snake practice? Shu Shu depressedly poked the red beads in his body with his own mental power.

Just then, from the red bead, there was a warm current that was very familiar to Shu Shulai, and then followed his hand and rushed to the snake.

This is...the warmth that can help people cultivate!

He was still a hamster at the beginning. He didn’t know how to practice, and he didn’t want to practice. This warm current rushed around his body every day, causing great inconvenience to his actions. Sometimes he was working on it. In the toilet, the heat flow suddenly flowed, and he immediately couldn’t get out of it...

However, this heat flow is still useful. After it flows through his body, he introduces spiritual power into his body and makes him smart. After he wakes up and decides to practice well, this heat flow is even more helpful. He was very busy and made him a fairy.

The heat flow now enters the body of the serpent, and the serpent can also cultivate. It is not known how many times the snake needs to flow in this body to learn.

What's the matter, the snake should take a long time to learn? Let him stop when he is...

This heat flow is not controlled by Shu Shu. Shu Shu refuses to avoid it. Edgar is not distracted, but is shocked.

He knows that the little Asian orcs have a magical power that can help people heal. Although it is strange, it is not surprising to tell the truth. Whether it is a beast or an orc, it is possible to awaken talents, and the talents are also varied and control the wind. Fire, treatment of corrosion, charm of poisoning ... all kinds of situations have everything, the small Asian orcs are not outstanding.

To put it bluntly, his previous talent skills were to control the wind and water. Their royal orcs have always been able to ride the wind.

It’s just that the orcs want to use their talents to rely on the beast, so he can't use anything now.

It’s not surprising that the little Asian orcs have talents. What is this heat flow?

When Edgar felt that the heat was flowing in his body, it seemed that something had entered his body. It was similar to the power that the Little Orcs had given him, but he did not help him treat a little wound. Dissipated, but stayed in his body.

The heat flow passed through his body and soon began to flow again for the second time. At the first time, Edgar had not figured out the specific situation, but this time, he remembered all the routes through which the heat flowed.

Two times in the past, Edgar had a small air mass in his body. He didn't know what the air mass was for himself, but he knew he could control the air mass and knew that it was definitely a good thing.

The heat flow begins the third pass.

Edgar controls the air mass in his body to follow the heat flow, and after he has done this, the energy that flows into his body from outside seems to be more and more, and the air mass is getting bigger and bigger...

The fourth, fifth, sixth...

I don't know when the heat has left Edgar's body, but Edgar is still practicing, over and over again.

Shu Shu released his hand after the heat came back, and then he was dumbfounded.

Who will tell him why the first snake cultivation was settled? Also, the surrounding spiritual power is actually going to him!

A lot of spiritual power! Really much better!

When he was on the earth, there was very little spiritual power on the earth. He couldn’t absorb much of his efforts. When he got here, the spiritual power here was much more, but he only crossed half of the robbery and his body was not right, so the same Can't absorb it!

Think about yourself, and then look at the big snake that is absorbing the spiritual power around you. Shu Shu feels very worried.

No, in fact, there is nothing to be good-hearted. This is his own apprentice. The apprentice is definitely a good teacher, and the snakes are so fast, they can become people soon!

Shu Shu thought so, I felt very satisfied, and then took another nap.

It's really cold now!

Shu Shu wants to get back into his own cave, but the big snake is practicing on the road, and it is still settled. It must be someone who looks at it...

Sighing, Shu Shu dug a small pit that could accommodate himself in the side of the big snake, and then covered it with the fur that he had put on his body, and he practiced it boring.

And as soon as he cultivated, he immediately discovered a problem—the spiritual power around him was rushing to the serpent, and he couldn’t even grab it! Really can't grab it at all!

When the apprentice can get the master can not cultivate?

Shu Shu has no choice but to end up being in a hole in the cave, waiting for the end of the snake cultivation.

Numerous spiritual forces poured into Edgar's body, and after Edgar controlled them to flow over and over again, the air mass in his body grew larger and larger. When the air mass is large enough, it begins to shrink again, and eventually condenses into a small water droplet as time goes by.

Edgar was shocked and suddenly woke up and suddenly found that his old wound had completely healed.

His physical condition is as good as ever, and his control of the body is also better than ever. He was somewhat influenced by a little snake instinct before, but now those effects are minimal.

What did the little Asian orc teach him?

Edgar moved his body and looked around, only to find that the world has become clearer in his eyes, and he is very excited.

His strength has recovered a lot!

The little Asian orc is right next to him... Edgar looks at the little dirt pit around him, watching the teenager in the pit, only feeling that one of his heart is filled.

How is this little guy so honest? This kind of practice is actually taught and taught...