MTL - A Guide to Raising Your Natural Enemy-Chapter 19 Live together

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Shu Shu felt that when he woke up, he saw a huge snake head staring at himself.

He subconsciously retracted his head and hid in the bottom of the pit. After a while, he remembered that this was his own disciple without fear. The current color was sternly squatting at the bottom of the pit: "Look what! Look at the opening, let me go!"

Edgar quietly stepped back, removed a bit, and then saw the little Asian orcs leaping out of the bottom of the pit.

After running for a while, the little Asian orcs ran back again: "You go back with me."

go back? Edgar’s tail was happily rolled up. In fact, he didn’t want to go so far... He planned to go after a few days, and now he suddenly practiced this practice. After the injury recovered, the strength recovered a lot. I felt that I needed to get some news from the little Asian orcs, and I followed the little Asian orcs.

Back in Shu's cave, Shu Shu began to explain to Edgar what is going on.

"If you practice and practice, you can become very powerful! After that, you will become like me!" Shu Shu came back and forth and said this meaning several times with different words, but also hands. It’s the effort of the feet.

Edgar believes that if his language talent is not outstanding, the teachings of the little Asian orcs will certainly not understand his words.

However, he understood it, but he felt that he was somewhat puzzled. How would he become a little Asian orc? Become a sub-orc? What is this?

It’s absolutely confusing for the little Asian orcs to say this, but it’s really good for him to practice it. If you don’t say anything, just say his memory, and suddenly it will improve!

His previous memory was amazing, and he never forgot his ears, but he couldn't do it after he became a beast, but at this moment, his original memory was back.

Every word that the little Asian orcs say, he doesn't need to remember with his heart, he can remember all the things clearly... Edgar is happy in his heart - is this representative, he will not be like other beasts, gradually Forget that I used to be an orc?

"I will see, when have you cultivated?" Shu Shudao, recited a few words "not moving" until Edgar did not move before he came to his side.

Put your hand on the big snake again, and Shu Shu will look it up carefully.

He himself was rushed in the body for a year by the heat, only to practice a small air mass, which is officially stepping into the demon road, but the big snake...

The great snake has a very good talent. So many of the spiritual powers have attracted the past yesterday. I am afraid that I have already trained the air mass.

Shu Shu's spiritual power entered the body of the serpent, and soon found the Dantian of the serpent, but did not find any air mass inside.

It seems that the talent of the snake is like that, and he needs to teach him well... Wait, what is it?

Shu Shu suddenly saw a drop of spiritual power condensed out of the liquid hanging in the big snake's Dantian! After cultivating for a year, he had a small air mass and practiced for more than two hundred years before he finally turned the air mass in his body into a liquid.

He cultivated a realm that was reached for more than two hundred years, and the snake was completed in one night!

This unscientific!

Shu Shu is a bit dumbfounded, and he feels that he is wronged. This is a way of doing things. He knows that their hamster's cultivation talent is very poor, but it can't be worse!

Leprechaun cultivation is much more difficult than human cultivation. The first level that they need to pass on the cultivation road is to open up, and the animals that can be reclaimed in this world are just a few.

After the reclamation, they have to learn to refine the gas, that is, to practice the air mass in the body, relative to the human refining period. Later, the gas became liquid and they entered the base period.

When Shu Shu stayed in the refining period for two hundred years before entering the base period, he stayed longer during the foundation period, so that he thought that he could not bear the adult form in his life, and he simply went to the human world. a pet.

Although the pet is not free, he has been free for hundreds of years, so he doesn't mind at all.

As a result, after he had been a pet for many years, he did not know where to come. He suddenly broke through and condensed his own demon!

With the demon, and the goblin who has passed through the robbery, it will become a human figure, but unfortunately he is now halfway through the robbery, the demon dan disappeared, and the human form became half...

Shu Shu thought of this, could not help but sigh, and then looked at the snake with a sly look.

The big snake skipped the refining period and entered the base period directly. Can it be that one night can be cultivated to become a demon?

How can it be so fast!

Shu Shu slammed the big snake for a while, thinking that after the snake became a person, he would not have to be afraid of him, but he was happy again, and he was still beside the big snake, and he resisted the desire to run away. Take the head of the big snake: "You cultivate well, come on!"

Edgar ordered his head and said he knew it.

Shu Shu is more satisfied with this apprentice.

Shu Shu thinks that the big snake can become a person in a few days, but this is obviously impossible.

In the next few days, Edgar concentrated on practicing every day as soon as he was free, but it only added some strength, and there is still a long way to go.

As a result, Shu Shu, who was somewhat tempted by his cultivation speed, was depressed: "How do you practice so slowly?"

When he heard the words of the little orc, Edgar couldn't help but worry that he had a different mind for the little Asian orcs. He had spent all his free time practicing, but he was still slow.

However, this method is really a good thing. After he started practicing, the whole person will be clearer, and he will be able to suppress his instinct and desire. As a result, he will no longer have to worry that he will hurt the Little Orcs. .

He can leave it with peace of mind, that’s great.

Edgar's original cave was just what he was looking for. He didn't have any feelings about the cave. After he stayed at Shushu, he would never forget to go back and look at it. As for Shushu...

I have never smelled the big snake in my "toilet", and he finally let go of his heart.

The big snake goes out to hunt every day, and even brings a bundle of firewood back to the cave with his tail. Shushu doesn't have to run around looking for something like the beginning.

After the big snake took over the work of getting out of the water, he was more relaxed, and he could not even go out all day.

In this regard, Shu Shu is extremely satisfied, he did not want to go out in the big winter, some people have the best!

No, he is not raised now, this is an apprentice waiting for it!

"The big snake, you drill a few holes here." Take out a piece of relatively soft skin that you have recently obtained, point to the edge of the road, put down the leather and run away again.

The snake looked at the little orc who was too close to relying on himself. When he opened his mouth, he used his teeth to bite a few holes in the leather.

Shu Shu brought the leather back and used the tough grass he found to sew the two skins together through the holes. A piece of clothing was made, and Shu Shu began to do another.

Edgar squatted beside the fire, watching the little Asian orcs make clothes like fire, and the heart was warm.

He hasn’t liked the orcs very much, and now he found out that there is a sub-orc around him that was such a wonderful thing...

Shu Shu made clothes for himself, and then sorted out the place where the snakes slept.

After the big snake practiced, it was no longer hibernating, but the body temperature was too low should still make him feel uncomfortable, Shu Shu also gave him a warm nest.

Originally, he saw too much leather. In fact, he still wanted to get clothes for the big snake. Unfortunately, the snake was so straight and straight. The clothes were definitely slipping. He was crawling on the scales. He couldn’t crawl when he wore clothes... In the end, Shu Shu could only give up his thoughts.

Edgar heard about this from Shu Shu’s self-talk, and only felt a pity.

It would be nice if he had hands and feet... However, where did the snakes grow their hands and feet?

Edgar sighed in his heart as he rubbed his abdomen on a stone next to him and didn't know why it was suddenly itchy.