MTL - A Guide to Raising Your Natural Enemy-Chapter 20 Elf in the forest

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During this time, Edgar always felt that there were several places in his abdomen that were very itchy.

At first he was only a little discomfort, but later it became more and more serious, so that he always wanted to squat on the stone, and even secretly put a stone in his nest, so that it would be easy to smash after itching.

He couldn't figure out what happened to him. It shouldn't be sued this season. He hasn't been licking for a long time...

Edgar is now spent every night in cultivation, and he can feel that it has great benefits for him.

He was practicing this day, and he was awake again and again. He rolled up the stone hidden in his nest and put his head on the thatched grass collected by the little Asian orcs. Melancholy.

It was not long before Edgar saw that there was light coming in from the vents specially dug by the little Asian orcs. A new day is coming, and the little Asian orcs should wake up.

Thinking this way, Edgar's eyes cast on the cave where the little Asian orcs lived, and they saw the little Asian orcs crawling out of the cave.

The little Asian orcs had a simple stitched animal skin, and two white and tender arms were exposed. Although the animal skin was a cylinder, Edgar still thought he was very beautiful.

He suddenly wanted to stretch his tail and let the little Asian orcs step on the foot... The little Asian orc was always barefoot in the cave, and the little foot on the tail must be very comfortable. .

But that would scare the little Asian orcs... Edgar could only give up his plan.

I don't know if there will be a day when the little Asian orcs are no longer afraid of themselves...

Shu Shu came out of his cave with his eyes closed, all the way to the hole, then opened the straw curtain at the hole, and took a small stone to look out.

The wind blew on his face, and he finally woke up, and then looked outside with some surprises: "It's snowing!"

Yes, it snowed outside, and the snow fell from the sky and fell on the ground. It was slowly making the whole world white, and it looked beautiful.

Shu Shu didn't like snow before. After all, it snowed for cold, but I saw such a clean snow, but I couldn't help but like it.

"It's snowing, you can make a snowman, hit a snowball, we wait for the snow to stop, just go out and play!" Shu Shu is facing the big snake road around him. After he finishes, he thinks that Edgar should not like to go to the snow to put himself. Frozen into a popsicle, he said: "Yes, you should not like to go outside, I will go alone!"

Imagine that the big snake of the cold-blooded animal was frozen into a long strip in the snow, and Shu Shu laughed "giggle".

Edgar really didn't like the cold. He hadn't gone hunting for a few days because the surrounding prey was less, and because it was too cold outside, it affected his actions.

But... if the little orc wants to play nearby, he can still accompany him!

Edgar watched the little orc person pinch a snow from the hole back into the cave, then squeezed the snow into a ball, throwing snowballs in the cave, and the expression became softer and softer.

Shu Shu threw the snowball and caught it. After playing for a while, the snowball in his hand suddenly fell to the ground. He snorted and grinded a snowball to continue playing.

Edgar looked at Shu Shu while he continued to lick his belly and groaned. He suddenly felt something was wrong.

Looking down, Edgar stunned - his scales were smashed and he was smashed a lot!

His scales are very strong. When he was fighting with the tiger, it was not that he was injured. In some places, there were no scales. The tiger could not bite his scales and hurt him.

But now, his scales have been smashed down. When he squats down the scales, he still doesn't feel pain... He is... squashed?

Hair loss becomes bald at most, but scaling off will make him a meat | stick!

Shu Shu did not find the same thing as the big snake. He was different from the big snake race, but he could not see the expression of the snake. At this moment, he was busy making breakfast for himself and the big snake.

The meat is boiled in water. This is for the big snake. As for him, it is the uncooked dried meat and roasted sweet potatoes.

Baked sweet potatoes in the cellar for a long time, eating more and more sweet, Shu book likes to be awful, eat a big one in one breath, then began to eat dried meat, sputum, sputum.

Edgar ate the cooked meat in front of him and watched the little Asian orcs eat quietly.

This evening, the snow stopped, and there was already a thick layer of snow on the ground.

Shu Shu cheered out and ran out. After a while, he ran back and began to wrap the animal skin in the cave.

Until he wrapped himself into a ball, Shu Shu left the cave again, and moved away because of his bloated body.

In the snow, there was a beast who had a hide on his head. He showed two eyes and looked ugly, but Edgar still felt like a beautiful elf.

It’s so cold today, it’s best to drink some hot broth after playing with the little Asian orcs... The soup cooked with meat is not good, is it better for him to catch a prey?

If you can catch a chicken, the little Asian orcs can drink chicken soup!

Running the spirits and feeling that he was not so cold, Edgar quickly smashed out.

The forest after the snow was much quieter than usual, but there were still animal activities. Edgar saw a skinny wolf leaving the team, letting out a little pressure to scare it away from the tail and then continue to climb.

In a snow-covered bush, there was a scream of chicken, and Edgar approached carefully, and the tail swayed, and the bush was broken half a horn.

A few pheasants flew out of the bushes and fled away. Edgar glanced at them and selected the most fat one to grab. He was about to leave, not wanting to hear the human voice.

"Big brother, there is a voice in front!"

"Pheasant, there are pheasants flying over, good fat chicken!"

"Is there anyone in front who was shocked by the chicken coop?"


The language of the familiar orc empire rang in the ear, Edgar froze, until he squatted in the mouth of the pheasant who had not been killed by him, only to wake him up, and then, a few tall The man appeared in front of Edgar.

These are a few orcs, a few orcs who come hunting in the forest.

He always thought about bringing the little orc to find the orc, but he didn't want to wait for him to go out with the little Asian orcs, and the orcs came...

He and the little Asian orc, are you separated?