MTL - A Guide to Raising Your Natural Enemy-Chapter 40 Lived in the palace

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The people around me were quiet, and they were not excited to block the road. The duel was also solved, and nothing happened...

Edgar looks to the crowd: "Calvin."

"In!" Calvin emerged from a group of orcs and came to Edgar to reveal his handsome face.

"Those stars have been handed over to you, and those who have been beastified today are arrested." Edgar said that Calvin is the deputy director of the Capital Star Police Department and a former friend of his former classmates. Before he came to the capital star, he had already informed Calvin, let him maintain order and take away those star thieves. Of course, in the current situation, the person who took him is estimated to be more than he thought at the beginning.

"No problem." Calvin immediately said, and looked at Edgar with curiosity. He was very curious about Edgar's sudden increase in strength. Unfortunately, this is not a place to talk.

After Calvin finished, he waved his hand. Many of the staff who had tried to maintain order before stood up. They looked at Edgar with admiration, and then began to catch up with the messy people to receive those star thieves.

Those star thieves were scared by Edgar, and they were very honest. They didn't bother to receive it, but the beasts of the beasts were not easy to handle.

"You are a rhinoceros. I can't handcuff you for such a big one. I am going back soon." Several policemen were facing the huge rhinoceros.

The rhinoceros looked at the policeman grievously, but he couldn’t move. He was innocent. He didn’t know how he suddenly became a prototype. Now he can’t become a human being again...

The policeman rushed several times and saw that the rhinoceros did not respond and couldn't help but frown. At this moment, Calvin came over and he seized the huge giant that could have several tons. The rhino went up and walked out, then threw it away and threw it on a truck that had just entered.

After doing all this easily, Calvin smiled and took away the other beasts.

These people dared to mess up under his eyes, Calvin's smile was deeper.

The other capitals are shaking, and their boss doesn't have a good time every time they laugh!

Not far away, several Asian orcs were excited to see Edgar and Calvin: "His Royal Highness!"

"The policeman is also handsome. He has helped us before."

"I prefer my Highness."

"His Royal Highness is too cold. I was afraid of death just now... I think the policeman is closer!"


Before Edgar used the level of suppression to make everyone feel the fear, but this time they are much better, the orcs are not orcs, the powerful orcs will not let them fear, only let them want to chase, It has now been restored.

However, the situation just scared them. They are not daring to move now. They only dare to discuss a few words in private.

The card thieves and other star thieves will clearly see Calvin's beastly orc. They have felt the pressure from Edgar before, and they are as good as a cockroach.

The people in the capital star are really amazing. They can’t make any more moths in the future!

Speaking of it, they used to be too arrogant. They escaped several military pursuits and thought how powerful they were, but actually? They estimate that hiding people is more powerful.

Yes, they just heard that someone was planning to find the Edgar duel?

When these pirates passed by Jeo, everyone looked at Jeo again, and then frowned and frowned. Such a person who will not look at the roots, but also wants to fight with the monster? This person is definitely a problem with the brain!

These star thieves are very unfriendly when they see Jieo. Although most of them are worse than Jieao, they have experienced a lot of battles. They have been swaying in the interstellar for a long time. Some people have been hurt by Edgar.

Jao Ben was scared, and now he sees the sinister star thief who is wounded in front of him, and it is even more shivering.

And this kind of such a way, through the camera to the star network, almost everyone who is concerned about the situation has seen. For a time, the person who supported him was like a slap in the face, and he didn’t dare to speak on the star network.

At the same time, some people began to analyze the psychology of Jeo on the Internet. Of course, normal people will not sneak out of the royal family, but Jieo should be a person who lacks a sense of existence. If he wants to "show" himself through some things, he will stand up.

The crowd discussed Jieo and began to discuss the recruits. At this time, the military announced the training materials of the recruits, indicating that the recruits had been reluctant to obey orders and had already been asked to retire.

Such evidence came out early. Everyone might have decided that the military wanted to wash White Edgar. Now it is taken out, but they all believe.

"I am at the scene, I am a four-star orc, but when the pressure of His Royal Highness came out, I could not move at all."

"His Royal Highness is so powerful, where do you need to find a sense of existence from the weak like the losers?"

"I don't know who is aiming for His Royal Highness, and it is really vicious for the royal family!"

"Yes! The previous thing must have been someone!"


The royal family's rich life occasionally makes people hate the rich, but the vast majority of the people do not feel bad about the royal family. They were angry before, because they were worried that the royal family could really cover the sky. They worried that Edgar would become a beast and kill people. ......

Now, it is found that the royal family will be trapped, and their previous fears will naturally disappear. For a time, they are sympathetic to the royal family.

His Royal Highness is unlucky, and even others are framed!

Edgar didn't know the reactions of people on the Internet. At this time, he had already sat on the plane with Shu Shu and then dared to go to the palace.

The other people will be sent to a special hotel, but Shu Shu is definitely going to be with him... When his father’s mother sent him to pick up his own aircraft, Edgar also wondered how to relate to people. Introducing Shu Shu, it was later discovered that the driver did not return to him with Edgar back.

Of course, everyone will not have anything different. You must know that the emperor and the queen are watching the images of Shu Shu at this time!

There were so many cameras in the past, one of them was sent by them. The camera started shooting Edgar for a while, but then went to Shu Shu.

"Before I saw the photos sent by Leva, I still think he is a little timid. Now it seems that the courage is still quite big and lively and lovely." Ian sat watched the video on his hand satisfactorily. Jump to the ground to see Edgar.

Chris nodded. "It's a little small."

Ian sighed: "It's a little smaller..." The child looked like a minor, or just a grown-up... I hope that the child will actually be small because of the baby's face, and he must ask for it.

Chris saw his own orc tangled, and immediately said: "There is nothing small. Before the information sent by Jones, Edgar is not saying that the origin of this child is a bit strange, the language of our empire and the situation outside. Don't know? You can go to school for two years."

"Also." Ian nodded.

The first time they knew Shu Shu, it was from the message sent by Jones. The information was actually written by Edgar. At that time Edgar said that he had become a beast, and that an orc had helped him. Hope They take good care of the Asian orcs, and the Asian orcs are undoubtedly Shu Shu.

They just got this information, and they didn't have time to digest it. Soon they learned about Edgar's nothing at the press conference.

Then they waited for another three days and they received some information again.

Edgar succinctly told them that he was fine and would return soon. Jones sent a video to them, a video of Edgar being thundered.

In that video, there was a face that was stunned and blackened by the orcs. Later Edgar also kissed the orc...

Their son, this is the case!

They scratched their heads and wanted to know what happened next. Later, they received a photo from Leva and found that the orc was very good, and Edgar’s flying ship was close to the capital star. After they contacted Jones, they learned more from Jones. For example, Edgar could become a person again and should be related to Shu.

It is this sub-orc who saved their son!

Even if their son doesn't like this orc, they will be grateful to him at this time, not to mention that their son still likes this orc.

Chris and Ian looked at each other and prepared for the son's companion.

The aircraft carrying Edgar kept driving inside the palace and parked in front of a beautiful house. Edgar came down from the plane and saw his two fathers.

"Father, mother," Edgar called.

Shu Shu stood next to Edgar. He has never had the experience of visiting an elder as a hamster. At this time, some Ai Ai’s: "Hello."

"Hello." Chris and Ian ignored Edgar and looked at the orcs around Edgar.

The royal family has been born for thousands of years without the orcs. They were young when they first gave birth to Edgar. They thought that they might regenerate one, but in fact... for so many years, Edgar was thirty. In the early days, they have no second child.

"You called Susu? It's a good-natured child." Ian laughed.

"It’s not Susu, it’s Shu Shu." Edgar said: "He saved me, so that I can become a human being, and even wake up the blood."

"Thank you." Chris thanked Shu Shu.

When my son came up, he said that he obviously attached great importance to Shu Shu. When Ian faced Shu Shu, his expression was softer: "A thousand miles have come, I have encountered some troubles before, you are tired." Come with me, I will prepare for you."

Hearing that there was food, Shu Shu, who had been instilled by Edgar in the capital star with a lot of delicious food, looked forward to it. Ian glanced at him with a smile and took his hand and took him forward.

Shu Shu is not used to being held up, but Ian's temperament is gentle, but it also makes him feel uncomfortable, and then thinks about some of his previous guesses.

At that time, he thought that Edgar was alone in the forest and was rejected by his parents. Now it seems not?

As the master of Edgar, he has to wait for a chance to ask... Edgar was only able to hunt and eat in the forest, but he could only eat raw, really poor.

Shu Shu walked away with some incomprehensibility, and then saw a table of food.

He hasn't started to eat, but just seeing the food and smelling the food, he can't help but want to drool, and he can't wait to rush to eat it.

"I am hungry." Edgar took the initiative.

Ian glanced at his son with a smile and greeted the son of his son and his son.

His son has not been hungry for a long time, he thought that he could never hear it again in this life. He did not expect that he would now shout for others.

Those foods are really very delicious!

Shu Shu was very happy to eat. The other three people on the table looked so happy that he had eaten, and always felt that his appetite had also improved.

Shu Shu didn't hide the food in his own food container this time, and he was restrained, so he didn't eat much... Of course, he has eaten more than most of the orcs. After eating, he finally couldn't help his curiosity and asked Ian who was especially friendly to him: "Why Edgar was in the forest before? Did you want him to throw him away?"

Ian stunned and immediately laughed: "Of course not, why do you think so?"

Chris also looked at Shu Shu with amazement, and immediately made a better impression of this sub-orc. This orc can't hide his mind, and he looks simple, and he can ask such questions on such occasions. It’s also true to Edgar.

"He was alone in the forest." Shu Shudao: "But it doesn't matter if you have nothing to do with it."

"We have been looking for him before, but I didn't expect him to be in the forest." Ian said that Shu Shu had already eaten, and now he started to talk about Shu Shu.

Before Shu Shu thought that Edgar was the crown prince, his home was estimated to be very big and very strict, and his parents must be difficult to get along with, but it really came, but found that the situation is completely different from what he thought, when Under a sigh of relief, there is nothing to guard against.

Even though I have seen a lot of movies and TV dramas, Shu Shu didn’t actually get along with people. It wasn’t long before Ian spoke, and Ian put out a lot of information. He didn’t say that he used to be a little hamster. But he exposed his own things from a strange place, but Ian and Chris did not take this matter seriously.

Since Shu Shu is not malicious to them, it doesn't matter where he came from.

When they arrived at the palace, it was not too late. After eating and talking for a while, the sky was already dark.

"You have experienced a long-distance interstellar trip. Now you need to take a good sleep and go to rest." Ian smiled. "Edgar, I have already let you live in the room divider to clean up a room, you can let Shu Shu lived in."

"Mother, we are gone." Edgar said, his mouth unconsciously hooked up, and his father's work really suits his heart.

"Where is your room?" Shu Shu looked at the stairs. Although the house is different from the palace he imagined, it is very beautiful. There is a large balcony upstairs...

He didn't like the sun before, but he didn't like to bask in the sun, but now it's different. He now feels comfortable in the sun.

"We are flying in the air." Edgar said.

"Sit on the plane?" Shu Shu is somewhat puzzled.

"I lived a little far from here," Edgar looked at Shu Shu and thought that Shu Shu didn't understand the palace completely. Now the explanation is: "This whole island belongs to the royal family. Here is where my parents usually live. I live in another place."

Shu Shu also thought about why there was no giant door story that had to go to the door for a long time before entering the door. As a result, people might not be able to walk, so they took the aircraft directly into the house.

I followed Edgar back to my place of residence and saw the same beautiful house, and the bedroom on the second floor was so huge that I couldn’t help but swear by the bathroom and the cloakroom.

He had only given the small snake a small place as a place to live, but he was really embarrassed...

After visiting his room, Shu Shu went into sleep with a soft quilt and went to sleep in the morning. When he went out, he saw a robot coming over: "Mr. Shu Shu, Ed Mr. Jia is exercising in the back, I have prepared breakfast for you..."

"What is your name?" Shu Shu looked at the robot a bit strange, thinking that he heard the owner said that the robot in the Science and Technology Museum can talk to humans, and asked now.

"My name is km006." Robot Road.

"How old are you?" Shu Shu asked.

"I have been out of the factory for five years."

"What do you like?" Shu Shu continued to ask.

"I like to do housework."

"Do you want to eat? Do you want to fall in love? Do your robots want to sleep?" Shu Shu kept asking.

Shu Shu has never been to the Science and Technology Museum for the rest of his life. He has never seen a robot that can talk. After a while, he was very happy. He felt hungry after practicing with the robot for a while.

He is hungry, but he can't help Edgar himself to eat first...

Shu Shu thought for a moment and said: "006, you took me to find Edgar!"

The robot 006, which was almost confusing, came to the back of the house with Edgar. There was a huge one... should it be a gymnasium?

Shu Shu pushed the door in, just to see that the animalized Edgar was hitting a wall with his tail, and some values ​​appeared on the wall, which should be calculated.

"How come you?" Edgar quickly became a human figure. He opened all the permissions to Shu Shu, but he did not expect Shu Shu to come over suddenly.

"I am coming to you to eat!" Shu Shudao, then looked at the wall again: "What is that?"

"It was used to test the strength of the orcs." Edgar said, punching a punch and suddenly appeared a number of 1129.

"I will try it too!" Shu Shu quickly said, and he took a punch when he walked over.

"21." A number appears on the screen, and then there is another sound: "This product has a certain reaction force, not suitable for the use of the orcs."

"How can this be done!" Shu Shu is not satisfied, he even can not even get a fraction of Edgar?

"I will come again!" Shu Shu used the power of strength, and it was a punch.

The fist is too hard, the hand hurts a bit, but the data coming out this time is not bad: "119, one star orc."

"Look, it also thinks I am an orc!" Shu Shu looked at Edgar happily.

Edgar nodded.

Shu Shu asked at this time: "How much can you play?"

"I haven't tried it yet. To play the highest should use the animal type." Edgar said.

"Then try it!" Shu Shudao.

"Let's go eat first?" Edgar said. He had been practicing his own control of power. As for the wall, he felt that he might break the wall.

"I have food on my body, or do you want to eat a little more?" Shu Shu took out a lot of food from his own pouch and said: "I really want to see how powerful you are."

The eyes of the orcs were sparkling... Edgar did not hesitate to become an orc, and then slammed the wall toward the wall.

There was a flash of light on the wall, and no number came out. However, there was a voice saying: "This product is more than nine stars or more, or eight or more power orcs are not applicable, and can be customized in time."

"..." is so bad? No wonder Edgar didn't want to try it. Shu Shu was a little embarrassed. He glanced at Edgar with apologetic eyes and touched Edgar's tail with courage: "Do you hurt? This thing is leaking, will it be electric to you?"

"No pain, no." Edgar said, what is this computer? He is a Thunderman! However, the touch of the little Asian orcs makes him feel like a slap.

Edgar's scales are golden and faint, and Shu Shu lets himself imagine these scales as gold. He is not afraid at all, and he has reached out and touched it a few times.

Edgar felt more and more comfortable, Shu Shu's hand was really soft and soft, and it was too comfortable to touch him!

"Hey, what is this?" Shu Shu suddenly found that the place he touched cracked a hole. He looked inside and there seemed to be... two meat balls? The meat ball seems to have grown a little bigger...

Edgar jerked back to God, only to find out that his cloaca didn't know how it turned on. Although the organs inside had not come out, the little Asian orcs were looking inside!

"What are these two? It looks very cute." Shu Shu used his fingers to fiddle with something that was a little bigger, or something a little longer.

Edgar fled quickly and turned into a human form.