MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 118 Grand Banquet (Forty-six)

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This situation is by no means a good time for chatting.

Furthermore, what Chu Zhizheng did was not very bright and upright. If it wasn't for the small county master's exclaiming, the Ming feast might not find him.

Chu Zhizheng glanced at the small county master again, and his heart was gradually killing, and he blamed her for showing off her flowers. She was dressed so brightly in the evening.

Huai Yu loosened the waist of the Ming Banquet, the latter walked down from the pavilion, and Chu Zhiyi's body moved and disappeared behind the tree.

When the Ming banquet came down, I only saw the small county leader standing in place.

Tonight, he meant to be unwilling to conflict with Chu Zhi. Not to mention whether the other party has infantry outside the palace, just bringing it at the banquet at home will have a headache. He didn't want to trouble the Queen and Huai Yu, and saw Chu Zhiyu run away as he wished, but felt relieved.

At this point, Grandma stepped on the snow, followed by Duanmao, who was dragged by her hand and walked intermittently.

"Long feast of the Ming! I saw what you ran, oh wow, you don't talk about morality too much, come out by yourself, but don't call me!"

She stepped forward and snorted.

The small county owner saw the grandma, and finally returned to God, saluting himself.

Grandma said, "Why are you here?"

Xiaojun's face turned from white to red, stuttering, and he couldn't say a word for a long time.

Ming Changyan said to Grandma, "You came just right. Take her back, I have business to do, so I won't give you away."

Grandma humped, "What are you doing?"

She looked back and saw Huaiyu, her momentum weakened, and changed her voice: "Okay, tonight is fine, you must make up next time."

Grandma patted Xiaojun's back: "Hey, what's the matter with you, shake like this, hit a ghost?"

The little county chief swallowed and shook his head.

Grandma said, "Don't you run out and shake everywhere if you're so brave, let's go, I'll take you back."

While talking, a palace slave hurried up.

"His Royal Highness!"

Grandma changed her face reluctantly.

The palace slave stepped forward and wiped away tears in tears: "You ran without a word, and the old slave was anxious!"

Arjunu said, "The princess is not a wasteful man. She has two legs and she is not allowed to leave the palace."

Gongnu said: "This is not possible! Father Chu told us to pay close attention to the princess. If something happened to the princess, the old slave's head could not be saved!"

Grandma waved her hand: "Oh, you're sick of it!"

She angered: "Look clearly. Now I am your master, not Chu Xiaoyun is your master. If you listen to him again to monitor me, I will cut your head!"

Palace slaves dare not speak.

Grandma said: "I have a period of protection for me. Chu Xiaoyun is not allowed to come here to pretend. I am not willing to play with him, and he is not allowed to offer me affection."

The palace slave wiped his sweat.

The small county owner gave a glance at Imam, and saw that Imam was so arrogant that he swaggered towards the banquet.

As she saw in Yuguang, Chu Zhiyu had disappeared on the road.

Grandma snorted.

Across the hand-painted veranda, Chu Zhiyu sent a report to the emperor, who lied that he was drunk and overwhelmed by alcohol, and returned to his home first.

When the Daming Hall came out, at the side door, a carriage stopped on the road levelly.

The coachman looked around, and suddenly saw Chu Zhiyu coming out, and quickly knelt down to welcome him.

Chu Zhizhen asked: "Apart from me, who else has come out?"

The coachman shook his head.

Chu Zhihuan's face remained unchanged, and he turned his head and glanced deeply at the palace, and then got into the car.

The driver said, "Master, will you go back?"

Chu Zhizheng said coldly: "Deep in the flowers."

The driver immediately noticed and drove forward. The car ran on the ground, making a dull sound, and it was extremely clear in the dark snowy night.

It's actually weird to have a fan in hand in the middle of the winter. But Chu Zhizheng is Wang Ye, and no one except him himself dares to say that he is not. There was such a fan in his hand, which did not open, and closed tightly. The fan lifted the car curtain, and the snow blew into the car, and the air suddenly cooled down.

The warmth of the stove was not worth the chill that swept away, and Chu Zhizheng was silent for a moment, and lowered the curtain.

The coachman said, "Master, here you are in the depths of the hundred flowers. If you go all the way, the carriage cannot enter."

Chu Zhiyi said: "You are waiting for me here."

The driver responded, and Chu Zhiyu jumped out of the car. There were two guards standing in the doorway of Baihua, both of his own. They saw Chu Zhiyu coming and immediately gave way.

Since Bai Jin's death, Hua Yunshang has placed everyone under Baihua under house arrest. No one has escaped from the inside, and no one can enter outside.

Chu Zhiyi stepped into the depths of the hundreds of flowers that were no longer in the glory of the year, and a strange and peculiar meaning that had been pierced from the soles of his feet all the time. He paused for a moment, tangled in his heart, and finally overcome his fear and went forward.

After Bai Jin's death, Hua Yunshang became increasingly silent.

A few years ago, Chu Zhihuan and Hua Yunshang could still say a few words, and the other side behaved more like a normal person. Recently, she has become more weird and deep in thought. Although her actions and actions have not changed in the past, she is now creepy and shuddering.

Walking in the depths of Baihua, Chu Zhiyu's hands and feet were cold.

Push open the door and walk to the basement.

In the hall, Hua Yunshang did not rest here. He turned a corner and found another, more elaborate and remote house.

This room is made of special materials, so once you enter, you can feel the coldness of the bone. It turned out to be seven or eight minutes colder than the snow outside.

Chu Zhihuan said, "Girl Hua, are you there?"

If she is not in the hall, she must be in this cabin.

Sure enough, two steps forward, they saw Hua Yunchang in a red suit, sitting in a chair with a smile. However, the other party knew he was coming, but did not look at him, looking at the other direction.

On her side, in the middle of the house, was a coffin.

No matter how many times Chu Zhizheng came in, he was stunned when he saw the coffin.

How can a normal person put a coffin in his room, let alone make this room so that the world is not human, Huang Quan is not Huang Quan, and he is so dead and insane. He came here only a few times, and he didn't feel terrible. If you put someone else here, even if the Supreme Master of the Ninth Five-Year Plan arrives, it will only take a few days to go crazy.

Chu Zhiyi looked at the coffin involuntarily.

The only difference between the coffin in the house and other coffins is the material over there. Commonly used to make coffins are golden foxwood, or some other antiseptic wood. Then this mouth in Hua Yun Sang's house was used by the millennium Xuanbing. The coffin is exquisite and clear, glowing with white light. Most of the cold air in the house comes from this ice coffin.

Chu Zhizhen never approached the ice coffin, and every time he talked to Hua Yunshang, he stood ten steps away. Therefore, with his eyesight, he could only discern in front of him that there was a woman in the coffin.

No more, no more.

As for why Hua Yunshang put a dead person in his house, he has no idea.

Standing for a long while, Chu Zhiyi spoke, and first talked about some trivial things. Before and after the feast was closed, there were changes and forces in Beijing.

Hua Yunshang listened lazily and couldn't get much interest.

Until Chu Zhizheng said, "I have a family banquet in the palace today, and I see the Ming feast."

"Zhao Zhao?" Hua Yunshang smiled slightly, sitting upright, as if talking about her mind, "how is he doing?"

Chu Zhiyi remembered the scene he saw in the palace tonight, looked up at Hua Yunshang, and for a time, how to organize the language and how to express the scene that he saw euphemistically became a top priority.

Hua Yunshang did not hear his answer for a long time, "Huh?"

She tapped her finger on the ice coffin, and stroked it slowly along the coffin.

Chu Zhihuan paused and said, "The Ming Banquet seems to be with Yun Qing ..."

Hua Yunshang laughed: "I know."

Chu Zhizheng clearly said nothing, but Hua Yunshang was clear.

"He never listened to me." Hua Yunchang smiled gently: "The more I don't want him to do, the more he has to do. I'm not happy."

Chu Zhi pursed his lips and listened.

Hua Yunshang said: "If he is more obedient and sensible, I don't have to have such a headache."

After hearing what she said, Chu Zhizheng couldn't help asking: "Girl Hua, tomorrow is the feast of the feast. If you promise me, you will do it."

Hua Yunshang said, "Natural. I talk."

Chu Zhihuan's face was not so good, and she wanted to eagerly ask Hua Yunshang for some things to get protection from her. But when she saw the appearance of Hua Yunshang, she did not dare to ask her, for fear that the man laughed and killed him. Thinking about each other, I only felt that I had come to this step. Both were a grasshopper on the line. Hua Yunshang did not make a joke of himself, and gritted his teeth. He said, "I do what you want me to do. done."

Hua Yunsang praised: "You are doing well."

Chu Zhiyi said: "Tomorrow ..."

Hua Yunshang always refused to stand up from the side of the ice coffin. She supported her chin with her right hand, and entangled some dead lines on the five fingers of her left hand. Several fingers seemed to fiddle with the strings, beating gently. Outside the window, a few horrible paper men stared at Chu Zhiyu.

The fur on the back of Chu Zhizhen was upright, and he didn't dare to stay for a moment. After finishing talking, he almost ran out of the house.

In the darkness of the empty ground floor, countless different paper people with different expressions and stiff movements appeared, with pale faces, **** lips, hip-hop, and strange weird laughter from nowhere. Seemingly making trouble and discussing, Ghostly looked at Chu Zhiyu.

Even knowing that these are not living people, Chu Zhizheng's heart inevitably flies for a few beats.

He knows that these paper people are no less cruel than any living person.

The feast of the Ming Dynasty woke up, put on clothes, and went downstairs from the 99th Palace.

Today, the feast was a decisive battle for feasting, and Huai Yu first got up at an hour and left for the egret to be discharged from the hospital.

The Ming feast of the Ming dynasty ate some dim sum and met Li Minjun who rushed to Egret College in the street.

Qin Yubao is extremely serious today, and probably knows the significance of the decisive battle. When he sees the Ming feast, he does not jump up like usual, but nods cautiously.

Ming Changyan rubbed his head. Li Minjun took out the final list from his pocket during this time on the road and handed it to Ming Changyan.

He spread out the list and looked at the names above.

Except for Zhou Zhen's surprise, other names are not much different from the list of places in his mind.

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty put down the black veil and looked around.

As the team gets closer to the Taiwei Temple, the more people there are in the Gentiles.

Hua Yuling, who is not very sensitive, noticed a strangeness and wondered, "Is this an illusion? How do I think there are so many Gentiles today?"

Ming Chang Yan explained: "It's not your illusion. There are indeed many people coming today."

Li Minjun and he exchanged a gaze unconsciously.

According to the news obtained from Mutu before the Ming Chang Banquet, when the results of today ’s decisive battle came out, it was time for everyone to rebel.

If you say that a few days ago, there were still small foreign nations waiting to see if they were going to rebel in this turbulent Kyoto. Then the defeat of Zhou Yan the day before yesterday is equivalent to giving the foreign nations a booster. Preaching: The Central Plains really does not work.

In a feast symbolizing national strength, the Central Plains has always been invincible, and there is no time to show cowardice. For the first time in more than a decade, this is the first time that it has failed. Unless it is the Central Plains that has become a body with a color inward, how could it lose face at the feast of the feast!

Unless, Central Plains is just swollen and fat, if you want to know how much energy it has, then you have to go to the battle to ask for it!

Li Minjun said: "I know what you said, but after the increase in the number of people, in addition to the armed forces of various countries, there are ordinary people. Have you ever thought about what to do?"

Ming Changyan lowered his voice and said, "This matter is handled by Huaiyu. I don't need to worry about you."

Li Minjun listened. When he was nervous, he squeezed out a smile: "This is also a blessing in misfortune."

Yan Yunan interjected aside: "Brother. In addition to watching the war today, I am afraid that some people are here to see Cang Shengling?"

Ming Changyan said: "Otherwise. Don't look at the appearance of this knife, but the world has broken its head for it. Before I held the knife, was there still few tragedies?"

Yan Yunan thought carefully that when everyone chased Cangsheng's order, destroying the door and slaughtering the village were commonplace. If it were not for a long feast, it would have reversed this phenomenon. I am afraid that Central Plains Wulin is still fighting internally.

Li Minjun said, "Don't say this. It's really crowding me! There are so many people, we're better to keep a low profile."

Having said that, he turned to his side and quickly avoided the people who were accidentally squeezed into his side.

Several people managed to enter the Taiwei Temple, and found a little less personal place to stand.

Li Minjun was free, and asked, "Why don't you go and prepare for the game?"

Ming Changyan stood with him at the observation platform and said, "What's the matter, isn't there a sword before the final?"

As soon as the words fell, a dull but deafening horn sounded. Unlike the drum sounds of the previous few days, after the trumpet sound, 10,000 people looked at the high platform in the middle of Taiwei Temple.

In the game, a pillar of heaven. I saw a few men in black, carrying a square box, and flew up from the palace observation platform. Several legs slammed on the stone pillar, and slammed a few times, such as running flat, and went straight to the top of the stone pillar.

With his great work, Lingbo took a small step and won the shouting of the mountains.

The four leaped into the sky and the black box was thrown into the air. Everyone's eyes followed this black box. At this moment, the four people exerted their forces at the same time, and Hachimatsu launched a huge internal force in an instant, shaking the black box.

The thick pieces of wood were scattered in small pieces, impressively, at the top of the pillar, something was inserted straight into the stone pillar, and in the blink of an eye, the dust rose, and after a moment, the dust settled.

An intricate pattern, simple and solemn, full of jealous sword, stood firmly on the pillar.

Cang Sheng Ling!

On the viewing platform, the crows and birds are silent!

Everyone held their breath and stared at the knife.

After the Ming Dynasty feast won the order of life, no one has ever seen this overpowered sword that made the world's heroes slump. Now it is silently placed in the arena, attracting thousands of eyes and coveted, and can't wait to become the winner. Holding a sword in hand.

Even Yan Nan, who wasn't very interested in knives, couldn't help looking at her twice.

Li Minjun turned back and said, "How do you usually hang this knife on your waist so casually, it looks strange when you put it on it?"

The long feast of the Ming dynasty said loudly: "Maybe Ben Shaoxia is too dazzling and too excellent, which makes the Cang Shengling overshadowed."

Li Minjun said, "Do you want a face!"

Cangsheng made the world alive. At this moment, when the sword came out, the atmosphere of the entire Taiwei Temple was suddenly tense and bloody. For this knife, it boiled at the same time.

The author has something to say: Yeah, that's the knife that Xiaoyu took to Zhaozhao grilled fish. 2k novel reading network