MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 119 Grand Banquet (Forty-seven)

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Ming Changyan patted his clothes and said, "I'm gone."

Li Minjun glanced nervously at him: "Is this gone?"

Ming Changyan said: "Otherwise, do you want to be a bullshit? Li Minjun, how old are you, Yubao doesn't follow the back of my **** now, are you old?"

Li Minjun scolded: "Fuck your mother's shit!"

Ming Chang Yan laughed with a smile: "Rest assured, I'll just take a knife. I can take this knife once, can't I take it a second time?"

Li Minjun looked at him slightly worried.

Ming Changyan knew what he was worried about. His current physical condition is not the same as before, and Li Minjun has every reason to believe that he will never return.

"Take your time, don't take it off."

Ming Changyan said impatiently: "Let's go, I'm gone."

Li Minjun said "Hey", and was about to pat his shoulder, but unexpectedly, the long feast of the Ming disappeared in the crowd soon.

The crowd on the spectator platform was so excited that the call was too high. After a few steps of the Ming feast, Li Minjun's voice was no longer heard. He turned his head, glanced at Cang Sheng Ling from a distance, and laughed.

After the horn sounded, there were still three beeps.

The Shimen was wide open, and in the Taiwei Temple, the twelve remaining masters officially began to compete for the Cangsheng order.

The rules of the feast of the feast are simple and rude. As long as you can get the order of Cang Sheng, whether it is to kill the opponent or use other methods, it is not illegal. Because of this, the finals are always full of blood and corpses.

Dressed in the dress of Ming Changyan, as soon as he stepped into the arena, people watching the platform noticed him.

Twelve people, none of them communicated.

Ming Changyan stood for a long time, put his hand under the bucket bucket, and wiped his eyes.

Who knows, just at this time, Xiao Lan saw his movement, immediately seized the opportunity, started to laugh loudly, and the sound was thunderous, ringing the audience.

"Look at that junior gentleman, are you scared to cry?"

Ming Changyan moved a moment, touched his nose, and immediately felt the countless light coming towards him.

A loud hiss and mockery passed into his ears.

There is only one gentleman left on the field, who is it?

Ming Shaoxia secretly said: How can there be such a reason, the fake does not laugh, and laughs at me really, really has no eyes.

Xiao Cui said: "I didn't expect that the previous Ouyang was defeated, and it was clearly the most vocal 'Ming Shaoxia', but he fell in the last round. It is a pity. I do n’t know who this one is now? Kunlun's side made him too small. "

Listening to the long banquet in the Ming Dynasty, even more speechless-

Small? As for?

Xiao Lan said, "However, this man is really weird. Why doesn't he show his true face? Since he already has the ability to reach the finals, why should he be a gentleman?"

Xiao Cui quipped: "Maybe it's a personal hobby. If you care so much, you might as well look at the people here!"

At this moment, it's not just the bustling inside the stadium, but the discussions outside are also raging.

Before the final, Linglong Pavilion last bet opened to the whole of Kyoto.

At the main gate of the Taiwei Temple, a tall stone wall was surrounded by the guards of Linglong Pavilion. This stone wall, also known as "The End of the World", is the piece in which Xiu Linglong has engraved the records of rivers and lakes.

On the horizon, it is the name of the twelve people who entered the final.

At the top of the list is the current abbot of the Dahan Temple, which skips the middle few, and the name of the Ming feast is at the end.

It's a stark contrast to four years ago.

The people standing outside were holding money bags in their hands, one or two intently staring at the stone wall. The people who crushed the abbot of the Dahan Temple were like a river crossing the river. After the name of Ming Changyan, there are only a few notes. Among them, there is a note of friendship from Liu Cangbei, and a steady profit bet that Xiu Linglong did not hesitate to invest.

But now, everyone knows that the Ming Long Banquet has long since died. The "Ming Chang Banquet" emerging from these 12 people is just a fake and shoddy.

"Let's let me!"

Among the crowds crowded, a talented young girl was riveting and pushing inside.

Pink carving and jade carving is the grandma.

She got up late, left the crowd, and hurried to Taiwei Temple.

Today, Duan Ye was in the finals and did not follow her. At this moment, Chu Yunxiao served this little ancestor. He took the grandma out of the palace according to the queen's will and sent him to Huaiyu.

After finally coaxing her here, as she passed the gate of Taiwei Temple, Grandma stopped and pointed at the crowd of people in front of her, asking what Chu Yunxiao was.

Chu Yun Xiao sent people to ask, and the guards who came back told Ah Yi that his eyes were bright, and he immediately became interested.

She is like a rabbit. Unless she is willing, ordinary people will not catch her tail.

Therefore, Chu Xiaoyun hadn't responded yet, and the woman had already penetrated like no bone.

He still intercepted his hand in the air, and finally shook his head and sighed helplessly.

The guard looked at him honestly and asked, "Master Chu, do you want your subordinates to bring the princess back?"

Chu Xiaoyun waved his hand: "No, I'll go in and find her."

By the time Chu Xiaoyun pulled away the crowd and walked in, the grandma was already in the forefront. She is surrounded by three big and five rough men, husband, butcher, hawker, dirty, holding her golden body, called Chu Xiaoyun headache.

Grandma was looking strong, but unexpectedly her arm was dragged. She hurriedly looked back and murmured when she saw Chu Xiaoyun.

Chu Xiaoyun said, "Why don't you listen to me and just come here?"

Grandma said: "I'm here, it's all about you!"

Chu Xiaoyun no longer answered, but compared with gestures.

Immediately, the officers and men on both sides pulled away all the people crowded around the two. Before the end of the earth, a large area of ​​space suddenly appeared. Grandma felt a little easier to breathe.

Thirteen guards stood on both sides and stopped people rigorously.

Grandma asked, "Why did you kick them all out?"

Chu Xiaoyun said: "Don't rush out, let you squeeze in?"

Grandma snorted, "I don't want you to pretend!"

Chu Xiaoyun perfunctoryly said, "Okay, I'm a fake."

Grandma said, "You know how much you know."

Touching her chin, she finally saw Duan Mao's name on the horizon. Grandma slaps her hands in excitement, and quickly tells the humanity of Linglong Pavilion: "I want to suppress Duan! How much is this for you?"

The people at Linglong Court replied, "It's just how much money the guests can get."

"I don't have money."

Then she turned her head, stretched out her hand, and asked, "Give me money."

Chu Xiaoyun looked at her with a smile.

"I'm not asking what you want, I'm asking you to borrow it, and I will be able to pay you back next month! This princess is not such a stingy person!"

Chu Xiaoyun said, "When did I say I want you to pay it back, but I just gave it to you like this, I have no benefit and I am very unhappy."

Grandma said, "Let's take advantage of the fire! Give it if you give it, don't give it if you don't give it, Princess is not rare!"

Chu Xiaoyun took out a stack of thick silver tickets from the arms of his own little sister-in-law. Grandma looked twice inadvertently, Chu Xiaoyun sighed and said, "That's a pity. It seems that I only barely spent the money."

Grandma's eyes widened.

Chu Xiaoyun touched his chin and said to himself: "Let me see, who is more appropriate to hold. Hmm? There is a dude."

Grandma stared at him deadly.

Chu Xiaoyun calmly said: "However, Absen will be the one who has the highest martial arts skills. I think there are many bets in the abbot of this Dahan Temple, so I would choose this one."

He was decisive and almost determined, and he was about to give the silver ticket to the people in Linglong Pavilion.

"No! I'm not sure!"

Chu Xiaoyun said: "Well? Grandma, you are a bit hard for some strong people. You said you don't need my silver ticket. Why do I use my own money and you are not allowed to use it?"

Grandma can't talk about him, and noisy him, her eyes flushed.

Chu Xiaoyun was enough, and finally she followed her meaning and divided the silver ticket into two. Half bet on Duan Jun and half bet on Ming Chang Ban.

After doing this, someone suddenly interjected and said, "It really is a fool."

After hearing the words, Grandma and Chu Xiaoyun turned their heads together. In front of him, Lu Xingjiu held his arms in his arms, hung a sword in his arms, and looked at the two with contempt.

Chu Xiaoyun laughed: "Who am I? It turned out to be this buddy who loves to cry."

Grandma tilted her head and looked at Lu Xingjiu, and seemed to be remembering when he still had the nickname of "love to cry". A moment later, she suddenly remembered that when Chu Xiaoyun met Lu Xingjiu for the first time, this smiling and disgusting guy talked to Lu Xingjiu and wept.

This matter is Lu Xingjiu's unspeakable black history. Once mentioned, Lu Xingjiu's hair exploded all over his body, and bitter words were packed into his throat, but for some reason he was swallowed.

"I'm different from you nonsense today, go away!"

Grandma has always liked raising the bar with him, "If you let it go, let it go. Is this the road you drove?"

Lu Xingjiu refused to be outdone: "I did not drive the road, nor did you drive it." After a pause, he proudly said, "Even if you drive now, it may not be possible in the future."

It seems that he expected that Grandma would use her identity as a princess to press her.

One sentence was unclear, Chu Xiaoyun asked.

"Brother Cry, what's the answer?"

Two rows of green tendons popped between Lu Xing's nine foreheads.

He twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Look at you as a cheap prince. You can't stop talking now, you wait to die!"

Chu Xiaoyun converged with a smile, and couldn't help thinking, it seems that this matter has reached the point where it can't be hidden. Even Lu Xingjiu knows about the rebellion of the foreign nations. If he hides the grandma again, he is afraid that the material will reverse.

Lu Xingjiu pushed them away, seemingly regardless of their royal status. At this time, even Grandma noticed that something was wrong.

"What's going on? Did you take the wrong medicine? Or am I too approachable and told her to ride on Princess Ben?"

Seeing that he couldn't hide it anymore, Chu Xiaoyun said directly: "I'm not telling you a joke. I'll take you to the small country minister at the order of the queen. If you have any questions, you can keep asking him. "

The use of Huaiyu to suppress Grandma was very effective. Although Grandma didn't know what happened, she heard Huaiyu's name and immediately became quite honest.

Anyway, when you reach Huaiyu, you can also see Duan Ye.

Chu Xiaoyun glanced at the Taiwei Temple, and a pillar of stone in the middle pointed directly at the sky, and Cangsheng stood silently under the sky.

A hundred miles away, Hua Yunshang looked back at Cang Shengling. A wedding dress, Bai Shengxue skin. She lowered her eyelashes and walked towards the gate deep in the flowers.

As soon as he arrived at the door, one jumped out of the carriage impatiently.

"Girl Hua!"

Hearing the sound, Hua Yunshang was a little surprised and quite surprised.

Seeing her expression, Chu Zhiyi said directly, "You won't forget to make an appointment with me?"

It seems that it has been at the door for a long time.

Soon, she closed the book in her hand and said gently: "As you see, I forgot."

After a pause, Hua Yunshang kindly said, "But fortunately, you are here. I remember now."

Chu Zhiyi said: "That being the case, let's go to the palace. I have arranged a lot of our people in the Taiwei Temple. As long as I drag there, kill the emperor, write the widow, and when the dust settles, then Help me succeed. "

He said, "Girl Hua, you will help me kill the emperor."

Hua Yunsang turned a page of the booklet and seemed to be looking for something in the book.

In the end, her finger stayed in one place. This page seems to be all people with the surname Chu.

After Chu Zhiyi glanced at him, he was very puzzled: "Girl, Hua, are you listening to me?"

Hua Yunshang was not perfunctory: "I'm listening."

Chu Zhiyi could not help wondering: "What is your book and why is there my Chu family tree?"

For a moment of silence, he seemed to feel something, a chill erupted behind him.

Hua Yunshang turned her head, slightly tickled the thin line on her finger, and used the pen to cross the name of Chu Zhiyi on the book of life and death.

Chu Zhiyan's eyes widened, and a bloodshot suddenly appeared around his neck.

She smiled slightly, her brows stretched, and she was in a good mood.

"I have forgotten that you are also the son of Chu Yun."

Hua Yunshang reached out her hand, and a drop of rain fell silently on her fingertips. 2k novel reading network