MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 71 The feast is sealed (5)

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Ming Chang Yan had a thick skin, but he didn't think there was anything to lose in his face.

Huai Yu gave a cold glance at Imam, who was as close to his enemy as possible, from the back all the way to the heart, he quickly shut up and said nothing.

After applying the medicine, Huaiyu looked at Zhao Xiaolan.

Zhao Xiaolan seemed to feel something, bowed his head, and looked like he was rushing to copy the text.

The long feast of the Ming dynasty winked at Liu Kuang, Liu Kuang understood it, and said to Grandma, "Jin Hua, follow me to the study."

Grandma obeyed Liu Qiang obediently. As soon as he spoke, and needless to say, she went happily. Duan Yan followed behind Asao as always, as soon as the two of them left, there were only three left in the room.

Zhao Xiaolan asked: "Sister Yan, are your legs better?"

Ming Chang Yan laughed, not to mention a leg injury: "Xiao Lan, have you been copying books in the academy these days?"

Zhao Xiaolan nodded.

Ming Changyan's body leaned forward slightly, making Zhao Xiaolan feel an invisible oppression.


Zhao Xiaolan swallowed: "I, I didn't go anywhere!"

Ming Chang paused and asked, "Have no one ever seen?"

Zhao Xiaolan's guilty conspicuousness was very obvious. The Ming banquet and Huai Yu glanced at each other. Huai Yu nodded and asked directly: "Who have you met?"

Zhao Xiaolan was startled.

He was a little in awe of Huaiyu, but now when asked by Huaiyu, Zhao Xiaolan's mind was blank, and he was embarrassed: "I've seen Mr. Liu, Grandma, Xiao Duan, Baili ..."

"anything else."

Zhao Xiaolan clenched his fist: "Best brother!"

Ming Chang Yan said: "Sure enough." Then he doubted: There is a hundred mile lamp? He has also seen Xiao Lan, did he come to stare at Xiao Lan to prevent him from getting into trouble?

"He came to you at Egret College? What did you do?"

As soon as Zhao Xiaolan heard it, he was suddenly nervous. He couldn't let Sister Yan know that Brother Zhu wished to come to the academy, and did nothing but hit his neck. What's more, the problem of pinching the neck doesn't look like a good thing. In short, Zhao Xiaolan can never tell the truth to the long feast.

Zhao Xiaolan organised the language ruefully, and said, "... come ... come to me."

Ming Chang Yan raised his eyebrows: "I just want to play with you?"

Before he could say the next sentence, Zhao Xiaolan said immediately: "Brother Huaiyu, my elder sister's birthday will be in a few days. I want to go back to her second uncle's house with elder sister, and I can't stay at Egret Academy!"

Ming Changyan said: "Where is your second uncle's house. With your elder sister?"

Zhao Xiaolan nodded.

The Ming Changyan was still a little uneasy, so he asked, "When will you leave, I will be assured when I send you to your sister."

Zhao Xiaolan confessed that he was imprisoned in Laoszi Po Academy, and his body was almost moldy. At this time, he was promised by the long feast of the Ming Dynasty. He immediately threw the book and jumped up: "I can go now!"

Ming Chang Yan turned to Huai Yu and said, "Keeping him at Egret Academy keeps him from going to Zhuang Xiao, but you and I can't stop Zhuang Xiao from coming to him. In my opinion, it would be better to take this opportunity Bring him back to the Zhao family. Zhao's parents and girls, according to their usual style, must be extravagant, guarded by heavy soldiers, and not even a mosquito can fly in, is it much safer than Egret College. "

Huai Yu nodded: "It makes sense."

Ming Chang feasted: "Zhuang laughed at this man, his city is so deep that no one knows what he is thinking. I think it is better to pack him early so that I don't worry about it all day long."

Huai Yu said: "The time is not ripe yet."

Ming Changyan knew that he was talking about his martial arts.

Nowadays, although his martial arts has recovered to seven or eighty-eight, but for the time being, he still has some instability, and sometimes his internal force is absent. In its heyday, it was able to show what it used to be. If there was something unexpected, it would be three points. It really depends on luck.

If you want to stabilize for a long time, I'm afraid you have to adjust slowly. It's a pity that the feast of the feast is close at hand, there is no more time for the Ming Chang feast to rest and dress up.

"However, I don't understand, what does he want this fairy grass to do? Is it the cure of the brain? I really don't understand what this person is thinking. I really don't understand." Ming Changyan held his head, puzzled. Huaiyu thought for a while and said, "Bali is easier to get than him."

Zhao Xiaolan packed the books three times, five times, and two places. He crossed the waist and followed the Ming Chang feast to the foot of Bailu Academy.

Coincidentally, a team of guards wearing helmets and armor was encountered.

The leader first saw Huaiyu and saluted: "Small country!"

A row of soldiers behind him knelt down.

Zhao Xiaolan wondered: "Isn't this Tujin? You don't stay in the palace, how did you run out? What happened to your uncle?"

The lead said: "Gong son Zhao. Your Majesty is all right, and I will be stationed at Heron College in order to protect the princesses of all countries."

The long feast of the Ming dynasty said: "It seems that the feast of the feast is coming. Kyoto has come with many foreign masters and royal families. The emperor seems to have worked hard to guard against their inaction."

The leader of the Tojin formation said, "Tujin and the fire formation are responsible for daily patrols in Kyoto. If you are disturbed by the small country minister, you will also forgive me."

Huaiyu nodded and said at the long banquet: "In this way, the imperial court intervened in this matter, and the Central Plains martial arts also had a hard time. Kyoto is now heavily guarded and is much safer than before."

Huai Yu said: "The safer the place, the more dangerous it is."

Ming Changyan was trying to answer, but he felt a strange murderous feeling. He hurriedly glanced into the Maple Leaf Forest, the killing intention disappeared completely. Ming Changyan touched his chin and slowed down, walking calmly closer to Zhao Xiaolan.

Out of the Egret Academy, the Ming banquet sent him to Zhao's house.

After hearing the news, Zhao Yan took Zhao Xiaolan away.

Zhao Xiaolan introduced: "Sister! Brother Huaiyu doesn't need me to introduce it. The next person is Sister Yan! My new friend!"

Ming Changyan suddenly said: "Sister Zhao, can you take a step to speak?"

Zhao Yi was slightly hesitant, but watching Huaiyu was also on the side, so she was a lot less alert to the Ming Long Banquet. She said, "Come in and talk."

The Ming feast nodded, and Tong Huaiyu entered Zhao's house.

Zhao Yan pondered for a moment, looked up and down the long banquet, and finally expressed his doubts in his heart: "I heard Xiao Lan call you 'Sister Yan'?"

A long feast in the Ming dynasty, he coughed, "What happened?"

He couldn't see a woman like Zhao Yan, but Zhao Xiaolan was blind, with the words "Sister Yan" on the left and "Sister Yan" on the right.

The long feast of the Ming dynasty was no longer concealed, and explained in a few words: "Xiao Lan may have some harmless misunderstandings to me. My surname is Ming, and sister Zhao's family can call me at will."

Zhao Yan followed the path of goodness: "Mr. Ming."

Suddenly, she was blessed to the heart, raising an eyebrow: "Mr. Ming?"

Ming Chang Yan laughed, "What do you think it is?"

When the three entered the house, Zhao Xiaolan had poured a few cups of tea in a hurry and poured them into his stomach. He was so thirsty along the way, after drinking a few bowls of tea, he quickly took out the signature in the bag.

Zhao Yan scolded: "How many times have you said that you are not allowed to drink herbal tea, why are you always disobedient!"

With a touch of his mouth, Zhao Xiaolan wiped away the water stains and explained: "Sister, you want someone to drink tea on the table. I won't tell you this, sister, do you know what frames you? I'll find him something! "

Zhao Yan said: "What do you have? Do some useless work in Chengri, and do not know how to read well!"

Zhao Xiaolan hummed twice, very proud. He spread out the rice paper in his hand and laughed, "Sister! What do you think this is!"

Zhao Yan glanced, not interested.

Zhao Xiaolan didn't need her interest, Wu Wuxian said, "Do you know what this is? This is Ming Shaoxia's signature! It's hard to get it!"

Zhao Yan cursed: "Gadget boy!"

Zhao Xiaolan was probably accustomed to be scolded by his sister, and his skin was too thick. Anyway, a few words of curse were indispensable, so left ear went in and right ear came out.

After Zhao Yan scolded, he also said, "You have been staying at home honestly recently, and you are not allowed to go anywhere."

Zhao Xiaolan breathed a sigh of relief: "I know! I won't go! Ears are almost out of ears!"

Zhao Yan: "Don't talk about it, turn around and run away with Zhu Yan again! And what and what feast for you this year?"

The Ming feast added: "The feast is sealed."

Zhao Yun said: "That's right, this is it. Zhao Xiaolan, you can't live here again this year."

Zhao Xiaolan said indifferently: "I don't want to go! There is no Ming Shaoxia this year. What's so nice about it? The rest are just rubbish, don't look down!"

Zhao Yan said: "Burst me the pile of stuff in your backyard without seeing it. For so many years, I looked at occupying the place and it was annoying!"

After listening, Zhao Xiaolan jumped up quickly: "No, no!"

Suddenly, he looked at the Ming feast and patted his thigh: "That's right! Sister Yan, speaking, I haven't shown you my treasures! Come!"

He was dragged suddenly by the Ming banquet and had to talk to Zhao Yi in the future, so he was dragged into the backyard by Zhao Xiaolan.

In the backyard, there is a small pavilion set up in the open air. There are several display cabinets in the pavilion. Each cabinet and table cherishes some scattered items such as clothes, gestures, books, etc.

Ming Changyan walked in and took a look. Zhao Xiaolan immediately took out a bucket, and introduced it like a treasure: "Look! This is Ming Shaoxia's same bucket!"

Ming feast: ...

He glanced over, and it turned out that all the display cases were all about him.

Zhao Xiaolan's tireless introduction: "Look at this sword, this is the Xuanyue sword that Ming Shaoxia used to cut and kill mountain thieves when he was eighteen!"

Ming Changyan said: "How do I not know that he used a sword at the age of eighteen, who told you?"

Zhao Xiaolan said: "I bought it at Xiulinglong, she said! She and Ming Shaoxia are good friends and should not lie to me."

Ming Chang Yan secretly said: cheated.

Zhao Xiaolan turned out another album: "This is the 12th year of the Great Chu. Ming Shaoxia traveled to Poyang to commemorate his paintings, and he painted the beauty of Poyang!"

When I opened it, it turned out to be a picture of a beautiful spring sleeping girl.

Ming Changyan quickly explained: "There is no such thing."

He looked at Huaiyu and emphasized again: "It really isn't." Then he asked, "Zhao Xiaolan, who told you that it was painted by Ming Changyan?"

Zhao Xiaolan answered honestly: "Xiu Linglong said ..."

Ming Changyan took another fox mask down: "What about this? What is this?"

Zhao Xiaolan said: "This! This is the fox mask worn by Ming Shaoxia above the Lan'an Lantern Feast four years ago! Speaking, you don't know, Sister Yan, Ming Shaoxia picked the lantern that year, so handsome!"

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty said shamelessly: "Is it awesome, I am handsome!"

Zhao Xiaolan sighed, "God made a difference, not long after the Lantern Festival, something like that happened. Ming Shaoxia ... hey! I'm so angry!"

He said: "If Ming Shaoxia didn't die, I would still be able to meet him this year when the feast was sealed. But unfortunately, Brother Huaiyu has never seen Ming Shaoxia!"

Huai Yu sniffed very dismissively, saying, "Do you know again?"

Ming Chang feast said: "Maybe I have seen it!"

He touched his chin, thinking, more than just seeing it.

Zhao Xiaolan lowered his head and said, "I used to talk to Brother Huaiyu about Ming Shaoxia. When the banquet was closed in the past few years, I asked Brother Huaiyu to come and watch him with me. As a result, Brother Huaiyu was too troubled to come Look. I also did n’t force him. I do n’t want to watch this year. Anyway, there ’s another chance. Who knows that the jealousy and talents of the heavens and the last time I saw him turned out to be a permanent separation. ”

Thinking of this, Zhao Xiaolan's mood was quite low.

Ming Changyan couldn't help crying and patted him on the shoulder: "Don't you believe that Ming Changyan isn't dead? Maybe, he has been there for the past few years, so that when the feast is sealed off, he will stretch his hands and regain it. "Cang Sheng Ling!" Turning his head, he looked at Huai Yu again. This little ghost, all the little boys in the Central Plains worshiped him at that time. I don't know how many people want to go to Lin'an to see him. Don't want to see him?

How can this be true?

Zhao Xiaolan mumbled: "Hey! Sister Yan, you lie to the children!"

Yan Changyan of the Ming Dynasty Banquet smiled and said, "I really don't lie to you. Well, I won't talk nonsense with you, you will know when the feast is sealed."

Huaiyu ordered: "No one is allowed to go. Do all the homework that you left behind at home."

Ming Chang Yan made up the knife: "I will explain to your sister."

After the two put Zhao Xiaolan into the house, the Ming feast first spoke to Zhao Yan: "Don't let Bai Jin and Zhu Yan approach Xiao Lan."

Zhao Kun said: "Bai Jin is the first beauty in the world, and my opinion is that she is not allowed to associate with Xiao Lan. But where does Zhu Xi start?"

Ming Changyan said: "It's a long story. Zhu Rong was the young owner who was lost by the bookmaker. This man was insidious and vicious. In recent years, he has destroyed several rivers and lakes, and lurks beside Xiao Lan. I wonder what he is going to do?"

Zhao Yan's face turned white: "This ..."

A long feast in the Ming dynasty said: "Sister Zhao's family, you don't believe me, you must believe in Huaiyu. There can be no falsehood in this matter. I also hope that Sister A will take care of Xiaolan. There is one more thing, I want to ask you, Zhao family What was the relationship back then? "

Zhao Yan frowned and said, "After all, they are among the top four, and there are some conflicts of interests. This relationship is really not good, but it will not cause deep hatred with us. The fire that year was definitely not what we did. . "

Zhao Yan asked again: "Then Bai Jin ...?"

Ming Changyan said helplessly: "That Bai Jin is not a bad stubble. If Sister Zhao's family wants to ask, what kind of character is the ugly Guanyin among friends in the river and lake?

Zhao Yan quickly asked him: "What kind of character?"

Ming Chang feasted for a moment, and then he reacted. He asked Zhao Huan to inquire with friends on the rivers and lakes, and Zhao Hua asked him directly!

Ming Chang Yan had to say, "It's a devil who doesn't blink."

The author has something to say: Xiao Lan is a fanatic fan

Xiaoyu: I didn't just know Ming Changyan, I also slept with him.

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