MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 8 Lost Gentleman (7)

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Zhao Xiaolan said: "Mr. Liu takes care of everyone. Brother Lu takes the first exam. Mr. likes you most. If someone breaks the reputation of the academy, Brother Lu can use his own power to turn the tide!"

Lu Xingjiu's face was red and white for a while, and when Zhao Xiaolan said nothing, he did not change his face, unlike the intentional irony, but the talker was careless, but the listener was intentional. He was indignant: What a reason! What a reason! But rely on the queen to spoil him, a stupid thing relying on a woman, dare to ride on me!

Zhao Xiaolan hugged his fist and said, "Brother Lu, I still have something to do, so let's go first!"

Lu Xingjiu took advantage of him to turn around and tried to kick Zhao Xiaolan into the Royal Golden Pool. He just raised his foot, but screamed, "Ouch!"

Friends said: "Brother Lu ?! What happened to you? Ah! Your legs !!!"

Lu Xingjiu bowed his head, and when he did n’t know when to insert a needle in his right leg, he was bleeding continuously. Leng Buding, his legs were out of control and ran towards Yu Jinchi.

The crowd shouted: "Brother Lu! My mother! What are you running!"

Lu Xingjiu cried: "I don't know! My legs moved!"

One screamed: "It won't be a ghost! I heard that the palace has been haunted recently!"

One person said: "It's the Ming feast! Look at the needle on his leg! It's the evil spirit of the Ming feast!"

Zhao Xiaolan's face changed, raising her voice, and saying a rare sentence: "You, you bullshit!"

Lu Xingjiu rushed to his feet, jumping and spinning for a while, he yelled, "Help! Help! Zhao Xiaolan!"

Zhao Xiaolan's eyes widened: "Not me!"

A fellow friend of the same class of Xingjiu and Xingjiu pointed at him sharply: "It is Zhao Xiaolan. This person likes to imitate the crooked way of a gentleman most. He likes to use needles, and what heroes he hangs in his mouth, not who you are!"

"Well said! Zhao Xiaolan, you are too vicious, but you have only learned a few tricks of the three-legged cat and bullied the college classmates. How are you shameless! What other heroes are you talking about, I'm alas!"

"Yes, this boy worships the Ming feast most, but unfortunately he is the world ’s number one, and he is the last last year!"

Zhao Xiaolan was said to be very embarrassed, but he was the last one, no doubt, so it was difficult to refute, and he could only listen blushingly.

Lu Xingjiu danced on the shore of Yujinchi for a while, like an evil spirit, and finally fell into the pond with all hope. Taking a sip of water, Lu Xingjiu Teng Teng shouted, "I won't ... I won't sip water ... I won't! I ... coo ..."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Zhao Xiaolan turned back, and the Ming banquet came out from behind the rockery. He laughed wildly, and said, "Look at how high the water level of Yujinchi is!"

Lu Xingjiu struggled for a while, then sat up straight: Yu Jinchi's water was over his waist.

Ming Changyan saw this scene and laughed even more wildly. Lu Xingjiu became angry and yelled, "Who are you!"

Ming Changyan: "I?" He turned his head: "Zhao Xiaolan, you? Are you Zhao Xiaolan? Are you okay? Today, I will teach you a trick. This trick is derived from the Six Swords of Tianqing: Shoot the dog with a stick.

Zhao Xiaolan's eyes widened, Ming Changyan picked up a stick and put it upside down in his hand, facing Lu Xingjiu's buttock just after climbing up. Lu Xingjiu was so big that he hadn't been spanked yet, and his face turned pale all at once, as if he was going to lose his breath and faint.

Everyone on the side said: "You, you, you, you, you are so brave!"

Ming Chang Yan smiled grinning, "How do you stutter you?"

Lu Xingjiu climbed ashore several times in a row, and was repeatedly poked into the water with a stick by Ming Changyan. He breathed a sigh of relief, and finally yelled, "Zhao Xiaolan! Are you mentally sick!"

Zhao Xiaolan touched his nose and felt injustice, so he had to correct: "Brother Lu, I didn't hit you, you scolded the wrong person!"

Lu Xingjiu tossed off the water dog after being beaten by the stick of the long feast of the Ming dynasty, finally defeated and confessed, got up from the water, and stumbled away.

Ming Changyan threw the stick and clapped his hands. Zhao Xiaolan rushed forward and said, "Thank you ... this ..."

Fuling said: "This is Yan Shao."

Zhao Xiaolan shouted respectfully: "Thank you Sister Yan for your help."

Ming Changyan said: "You're welcome, you're welcome!" He paused and asked casually, "Are you a student at Egret College?"

Zhao Xiaolan nodded. Ming Chang Yan groaned for a moment, then suddenly put on a very bright smile: "Brother Xiao Lan, I heard from your classmates, do you like Ming Chang Yan very much?"

Zhao Xiaolan's eyes brightened: "Yes, Ming Shaoxia is the best hero in the world. I ... I admire him!"

"What a coincidence!" Ming Changyan slaps his palm vigorously and says, "I also like Ming Changyan!"

When a gentleman thinks of a long feast, he knows the world in his youth and a decade of fame. He hates him more and loves him more. He has a lofty status in the rivers and lakes, martial arts reaches the peak of the peak, is the only one in the world, he is the best in the world, holding a Cangsheng order, calling the Tianqing faction, but only twenty-four years old has this achievement, naturally has a group of supporters of the brain.

Zhao Xiaolan was alone in the palace, the temple was so high, so he never met like-minded people in the palace, so he was surprised: "You also like Ming Shaoxia! What do you like about him?"

The long feast of the Ming dynasty was embarrassed and said shamelessly: "Me, I like him handsome!"

Zhao Xiaolan laughed loudly, and was innocent: "But no one has ever seen the appearance of Ming Shaoxia?"

Ming Changyan listened and said mysteriously, "Who said no one had seen him? You? Me? Or she?"

Zhao Xiaolan was puzzled.

Ming Changyan took a small incense fan from Poria and made a deep impression: "Actually, I am Ming Changyan."

Zhao Xiaolan opened his mouth wide and said slowly at the long banquet: "——The sister of his aunt, his aunt."

"Sister?" Zhao Xiaolan asked.

"Yes, that's right, my sister! Come here, speaking of this, I know a lot of gossip about the Ming Chang feast. Would you like to hear it?"

Zhao Xiaolan clutched the book in his hands tightly, rolled his throat up and down, his face turned reddish, and then the chicken nodded madly.

Ming Changyan laughed: "That's right, but since I told you something about Ming Changyan, in return, should you also tell me a little bit of information exchange?"

Zhao Xiaolan said: "No problem, I know nothing about it!"

Ming Chang Yan nodded: "Okay, then you say it."

Zhao Xiaolan tilted her head and asked, "You haven't said it yet?"

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty was surprised: "I said it!"


Ming Chang Yan grinned, "Sister. I already told you, Ming Chang Yan has a sister."

Zhao Xiaolan listened and pressed the impulse to jump, and trembled and asked, "Ming Shaoxia and his sister?"

"Well, why not, twin sister, looks exactly like him, strange! Oh, what kind of look do you have, stop me, even if he has a sister, he won't marry you."

Zhao Xiaolan scratched his head: "I, I didn't say ..."

He eagerly opened and opened the book in his hand, took out the writing brush, licked it twice, and then wrote in the blank space on the latest page of the book: On a certain day and a certain month, it turned out that Ming Shaoxia had a younger sister and he The same looks, must be a stunning beauty.

Ming Chang Yan exclaimed, "What do you write?"

He reached out his hand, grabbed the book in Zhao Xiaolan's hand, turned it to the front, and wrote the four big words on the cover: "The Way for Kings."

Ming Chang feasted and laughed loudly. He wiped his tears and asked, "Where did you get this thing ?!"

Zhao Xiaolan took the book back and doubled it babyishly: "I bought it at Linglong Pavilion."

This "The Way for Kings" was made up by the Ming Dynasty when the banquet was boring, and the words were few. I did not expect that Xiu Linglong was brought back to Linglong Pavilion after her death, and sold to Zhao Xiaolan. He glanced roughly, most of the content in the book is nonsense, wording is rash, and deliberately romantic, it is the inferior work that he always writes difficultly.

Zhao Xiaolan said: "This is written by Ming Shaoxia himself. The above are all his experience as a hero. I spent thousands of purchases. After I study this book, I can become a generation of heroes. First in the day! "

When Ming Shaoxia heard the price, he felt a pain in his heart, and reluctantly said, "It seems that you really like the Ming feast. But I see that your martial arts foundation is so weak, the first in the world, and some difficulties. Walking like you, walking Have n’t you suffered a lot? ”

Zhao Xiaolan quickly said: "It doesn't matter! I have a very good friend, he is very good, I have never been beaten!"

The long feast of the Ming dynasty thought: The children did not know the heights and heights, and they were cute.

Zhao Xiaolan also said, "Sister Yan, how did you use the tricks you had with Brother Lu just now? How could he move by himself?"

Ming Changyan took out a few silk threads from his arms and stroked them in his hand: "Of course, needlework!"

Using the line as a weapon, it is subtle and imperceptible. I tied Lu Xingjiu's two legs and manipulated it slightly. The other party didn't let it go?

"Needlework!" Zhao Xiaolan said: "This is Ming Shaoxia's weapon!"

"Xunzi can also teach. Seeing how you want to learn, I'm not a nagging person, this trick I will teach you only one person. But before I teach you, I want you to help me inquire about a place and a person."

Zhao Xiaolan stared with satisfaction at the needle thread in Ming Changyan's hand, and said in a voice: "Sister Yan, rest assured, wrap it on me. Who do you want to ask?"

The long feast of the Ming dynasty said: "The Yunqing immortal in the ninety-nine palace, oh, it is your little countryman."

Zhao Xiaolan blurted out, "Brother Huaiyu?"

After listening to the long feast of Ming, the smile was frozen on his face, and he held it for more than three seconds, repeating: "Huaiyu?"

Zhao Xiaolan said: "Sister Yan asked what brother Huaiyu was doing?"

Fuling stood beside her, and when she saw Ming Changyan staying in place, she thought that the young waiter had made another mistake and forgot the names of others, so he stepped forward and reminded: "Young waiter, this is the common name of a small country minister."

The feast of the Ming dynasty suddenly returned to his mind, astonished, like a thunderbolt on a sunny day: "Huaiyu? He, him, him, he, he is Huaiyu ?!"

Zhao Xiaolan asked in doubt: "Did Sister Yan know Brother Huaiyu?"

The long banquet in the Ming Dynasty was amidst a raging sea, and shouting for misery and sadness! Good and bad spirits are really this little ancestor!

He knew more than that. When the two men met at the beginning of the year, Ming Shaoxia lost the biggest face in his life! 2k novel reading network