MTL - A Simulation Game of the Heavens Starting From Marvel-Chapter 83 well prepared

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"Is this the legendary soul gem? It doesn't look that good!"

Stark looked at this thing and felt nothing special.

However, the Mind Gem is relatively peaceful after all, not as domineering as the Power Gem.

So even if you touch it directly with your hands, it will not have any effect.

There is no problem as long as it is not held for a long time.

Then You Ming glanced at the Destroyer armor that was sealed up.

He feels that if this thing is used to motivate the destroyer armor, it may have a good effect.

Although it is said that the future Stark will use this thing to create illusions.

But You Ming felt that, purely in terms of destructive power, the Destroyer was stronger.

Vision is just a bit more versatile and has a human mind.

But You Ming doesn't need these, all he wants is a powerful combat power.

"Stark, I have an idea, if the Mind Stone is used as a new energy source, can the Destroyer be restarted?"

"Activate the Destroyer?"

Hearing You Ming's question, Stark also frowned, and then used Jarvis to conduct a series of data experiments.

Although he said that there is no data about the Mind Gem here, he has judged based on past data that as long as it is given to the Destroyer, it is almost equivalent to the energy when the star explodes, and it can be restarted.

"It can be done, but the operation is too difficult, so I can't guarantee success."

"That's fine, leave the rest to me."

You Ming had already thought of what to do.

He first took the Mind Gem back into the system space, and then looked at the trio of spiders.

This time, their credit is not small.

In order to repay them, Stark decided to give each of them a custom set of armor and equipment.

And it's all nanotechnology!

This made the trio cheer.

Although Harry doesn't need customization, his Green Goblin armor is indeed a bit old.

Compared to Stark's black technology, it's not a little bit worse.

If you can get the nanotechnology armor, this is really a profit for Harry.

Then Stark sent someone to send the three little ones back.

You Ming asked Guiwu Tsuji Wumisui to go home to see if there was anything else that could be used.

If you run out of things, you can just move in.

Because he glanced at it when he was fighting, his apartment was half destroyed.

In other words, this ten-year-old house has now become a dilapidated house.

No one can live.

You Ming was forced to go to a new house to live with Oniwu Tsuji Wumai.

However, Stark suggested that he also intends to live with You Ming, but Pepper Potts will not go with him for the time being.

Because Stark planned to study the Mind Gem carefully, he chose to live with You Ming.

By the way, you can also see how to transplant the Mind Gem to the Destroyer and turn it into something under his control.

It's just that You Ming suddenly remembered that if he did this, perhaps the Ultron of Avengers 2 would not be born.

After all, this guy, aside from being easy to kill, doesn't pose much of a threat.

Even if you can control the nuclear warheads of the entire world, this is not a threat to You Ming.

In the end, You Ming followed Stark to the small dark room and saw the imprisoned SHIELD members.

These two are the people who sneaked into the building before and didn't know what they wanted to do.

Thirteen people have committed suicide by taking poison, these are the last two, who have been in a coma.

You Ming did not hesitate, and directly used the power of the Mind Stone to awaken and control the two.

But after ten minutes of interrogation, the two spit out a shocking secret!

They are Hydra people!

And according to them, You Ming and Stark also got a list of Hydra agents lurking in S.H.I.E.L.D.!

this moment.

Stark was extremely angry.

Because it was the Hydra that killed his father, he and the Hydra were completely mortal enemies!

However, the level of these two people is not very high.

They just know a few agents and don't give a complete list.

But just relying on these people is enough to completely clean up the interior of S.H.I.E.L.D.

to this.

Stark contacted Nick Fury directly and asked him to come over in person.

And when Nick Fury heard about this, he was very shocked and rushed over without stopping.

At the same time, there were Coulson, Melinda, Black Widow, Hawkeye and a relatively unfamiliar man.

He calls himself the Punisher, and his name is Frank.

This person has a good relationship with Nick Fury, and the two often work together, which is why they appear here.

Then Stark handed the list, and two Hydra agents to Nick Fury in exchange for a lot of resources.

You Ming reached a deal with the other party, so he chose to help Nick Fury and organize the Hydra personnel within S.H.I.E.L.D.

The content of the transaction is also very simple, that is, the support of some funds and equipment, plus a special action card, which allows him to move freely without restrictions.

At the same time, if You Ming chooses to form a team, S.H.I.E.L.D. cannot interfere with him for any reason or method.

In this way, You Ming is considered a thorough, extra-legal person.

But to be honest, this kind of certificate is not really useful, it is only used to get rid of some small troubles.

If the other party is cheating, in fact, they have to look at their fists and speak.

In this extraordinary world, it is natural to respect strength.

that's it.

Three days have passed.

The interior of S.H.I.E.L.D. has been completely sorted out.

All the Hydra agents were pulled out.

Even Nick Fury's old friend and boss is a member of Hydra.

As for the senior officials within the government, not to mention, almost two-thirds were infiltrated by Hydra.

And it was this group of people who agreed to launch a nuclear warhead!

Relying on the Soul Gem, You Ming cooperated with S.H.I.E.L.D., and directly came to a blitz battle to completely disintegrate the Hydra!

Now that they can't make any waves, You Ming can finally go home to rest.

And two days later, Sol came to You Ming's villa with a container containing ether particles and a lot of Asgard equipment.

He didn't stay too much, just left after having dinner.

You Ming gave the equipment to Stark.

Because he wants these things in order to make a deal with Stark, and then exchange some of the things he In addition, he needs to pay some rewards for processing the Mind Stone and the Destroyer. .

These Asgard equipment is just right.

At the same time, it can also give Stark some inspiration and let him research more armors.

After all, his current research has reached a bottleneck, and naturally he needs some new inspiration.

After finishing these things, You Ming can finally rest for a while, and at the same time conduct a new round of reality simulation.

He hasn't simulated in a long time.

And this time, he has made adequate preparations and strives to clear the world of pirates once!
