MTL - A Simulation Game of the Heavens Starting From Marvel-Chapter 9 Realistic simulation! start up!

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"Reality simulation! Start!"

With an order.

The system immediately radiated pure white light, which enveloped You Ming's entire being.

At this moment.

The flow of time in the Marvel world stopped directly.

At this time, a certain existence in the universe has already set his eyes on the Milky Way.

"It's not a time gem, but it can control time...

Let me observe and observe, who is so domineering! "

at the same time.

The supreme mage, Gu Yi, who owns the time gem, also sensed the pause in time.

She first glanced around and confirmed that the time had stopped, and then activated the Time Gem to reverse the time, but she found that the Time Gem had lost its effect!

"It can't be used?"

"Or is it that the Time Stone released all its power to fight against the opponent so that I would not be affected by the time suspension?"

Gu Yi could not observe who was doing such a terrifying thing.

But she has taken it to heart.

As the guardian of time, she has the responsibility to investigate this matter to the end.

'0 years old: You were born as a boy. Because you are a rebirth, you can speak right after birth. ’

'At the age of 3, you became the king of children in the same village, and your parents trained you to very strict standards, hoping to make you a super-class samurai. ’

'At the age of 6, you showed amazing talent, but in order to give your father a face, you didn't choose to beat him. ’

It has been fifteen years since You Ming was reborn into the world of Ghost Slayer and started a real life simulation.

During these fifteen years, he has been living in the countryside. Although his parents come to visit him every month, most of the time, You Ming stays at home alone and trains silently.

Parents in this world will definitely check You Ming's kendo level every time they come back.

Fortunately, You Ming has always satisfied his parents with his talent and previous ability.

If it weren't for the fact that it was not suitable for him to expose the Yang Yan breathing technique in front of his parents, his father, who might personally test his own level, would not be his opponent.

"In a blink of an eye, it's been fifteen years!"

"Looking at the appearance, it seems that Ghost Dance Tsuji is not miserable, and he has not been born yet, or that he has not let go of his hands and feet?

Forget it, now is not the time to think about it, let's polish up my skills well. "

As You Ming spoke, he honed his skills.

The weapon in his hand is not a sun blade, but an ordinary sword.

However, its sharpness is no less than that of the sun-knife.

After all, this is a weapon that he has been training all year round, so it will naturally be well maintained.

At the same time, when he is training, he will also use his Yang Yan breathing method and penetrate the world.

That's why You Ming is like this, he can't be idle for a moment.

"Master! It's not good, Master! There's an accident at home!"

Suddenly, an old voice rushed out from outside in a panic.

You Ming stopped and looked out the door, only to see his parents' old housekeeper running over covered in blood.

Through the gate, You Ming could even see a group of people in black outside.

Those people have different expressions, but they all have one emotion in common, that is, anger!

"What happened, why are there so many people outside suddenly?"

"Master, we have very bad news. Your parents... were attacked by beasts..."

The old butler said in grief, and even choked up in the middle.

It can be seen that he is very sad.

"Attacked by beasts? Where are my parents? How are they, are they injured?

Also, aren't there many bodyguards around my parents, what do they eat! "

You Ming was also a little shocked. No matter where he went, his parents would be followed by a large number of people.

Even every bodyguard is equipped with a gun.

Although it is said that the guns of this era are very bad, they are still hot weapons, so there is no need to say more about their power.

It stands to reason that even the most ferocious beasts can only escape with their tails between their tails after being shot.

But looking at the butler's appearance, it doesn't seem like this is the case.


"Your parents were killed by beasts, as for those reports..."

Speaking of this, the old butler couldn't help shivering, and immediately waved his hand.

A man in black was sitting in a wheelchair and was pushed up.

His eyes were dull, and Haraziliu was covered in it.

But when he saw You Ming, he was shocked and fell to the ground with a 'thump'.

Only at this time did You Ming see clearly that the opponent's hands and feet were all gone!

There is even a huge scar on the neck!

"Monster! That's a monster! They were all eaten, none of them were left, they were all eaten!

Master, you must believe me, it's not a beast, it's a real monster!

None of them believed me, but you must believe me! "

"He's talking nonsense again, hurry up and drag him down!"

The old butler said with a look of disgust.

He originally asked him to come up because he wanted You Ming to see the tragic state of these bodyguards.

But I didn't expect that the other party would suddenly go crazy.

If it weren't for You Ming's presence, it is estimated that the old butler would have shot and killed him directly.

"In other words, my parents... didn't survive, did they?"

"It's such a young master, but we don't have time to grieve.

Our Montenegrin group is now leaderless, and other forces are eager to learn about our situation.

So now, UU Reading can only rely on you, young master! "

The old butler said with grief.

You Ming turned around and sighed.

He now feels that the talent of his 'Shenzhen Lone Star' seems to be activated all the time without wearing it.

And the parents in this world are pretty good to him, so he will inevitably feel a little sad.

And after listening to the person just now to analyze, he probably understood who attacked his parents.

This is definitely a ghost!

Even if it wasn't Guiwu Tsuji Wumai, it must have something to do with him.

"Tell me what I said, and all the members of the Montenegro team will be dressed in filial piety for a month.

During this month, there must be no conflict with other organizations, let alone murder.

But if someone comes to provoke, we don't have to bear it.

As for other things, let me think about it first. "

"Follow your orders, young master..."

The old butler sighed lightly.

He also knows how stressful it is to suddenly hand over such a big mess to a fifteen-year-old child.

What's more, his parents had just passed away.

But You Ming's performance was quite remarkable, which made the old housekeeper heave a sigh of relief.

As for the other members of the Black Mountain Group, although they disagreed, they would still respect them a little in terms of the bloodline's face.

However, You Ming doesn't care about other forces at all. If it wasn't for the lives of the following people, he wouldn't even want to take over his parents' organization.

But now it seems that he needs to re-plan his future path.

Whether it's for his own mission or to avenge his parents in this life.

No matter what, Oni Mai Tsuji must die!