MTL - A Sorcerer’s Journey-v32 Chapter 2065 50 years later

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Fifty years later.

The sorcerer’s emptiness, the witches and sorcerers never thought about it. One day, they would have killed the ancient ingenuity of the ancient wizards who were defeated by the ancient wizards, or the descendants of the incomparable ancient devils, the abyss. Mozu.

"Guide, those who have escaped from the abyss and the sorcerer have escaped, and those who have not escaped have been completely left behind. We have nothing to do with this void battlefield."

In front of the glass window of a virtual mothership corridor, Xiao Yushen was behind a ring of real spirits, staring at the long empty sky and low.

The reason why this little wizard has made such a name is also because of his mentor, a true spiritual wizard.

Fifty years ago, when the war between the Demon Sorcerers and the Abyssal Demons was initially established, from the blade of the Devil, the Evil Demon, and the one-eyed ancestor descending on the projection battlefield, Silvana and the King of the First Wizards Projection roaming in the void, chatting casually, accompanied by the first generation of wizards, the king’s consciousness projection passed the last few hourglasses, but did not expect to save a baby in a space fortress that was saved by both of them. .

When Silvana and the king of the early wizards saved the baby, they were dying of the abyss, and their parents were gone in the chaos. It was supposed to be fierce.

In this way, the baby was rescued by a true spiritual wizard, perhaps because of the joy of victory in the hope, the disciples were accepted on the spot, and named Xiao Yushen, seems to be because of the commemoration of some stories of the relics of the fairyland.

Fifty years have passed.

Although the little wizard has grown up, under the wizarding world education system, it is only a little guy who learns the basics. Moreover, his tutor is unusual and stricter.

"Yeah, can kill, have been killed by the demon wizards, how can there be tens of millions of dead in the dead?"

Silvana sighed and seemed to be remembering the second war of civilization in the wizarding world. At that time, she was only a shameless four-small sorcerer, growing up in one miracle that was created by ancient wizards. With the world of the sky city cast, the dark and glorious stage of the world community is frantically expanded.

At that time, every wizard was caught in the maddening pride, and he thought he had mastered the unparalleled power to break all the shackles. From the perspective of today, it is so ignorant.

At that time, he was one of them, and he fell into a strange circle of arrogance and arrogance.

Until the defeat of the Second Civilization War, the friends who once accompanied themselves to conquer one world after another were ruthlessly killed by the incomparable ancient devil. Silvana fled into the void in a panic, and died in a long life until the third. The current wizarding world was found before the war of subculture.

At this time, in the emptiness of the sky in front of you, is there any ancient demon like that at that time?

"Thousands of abyss of the abyss, I am afraid that it has already reached the sum of the six eras of the six-nation parliament! Like such a large-scale victory, the six races have never been seen since the beginning of the abyss, the great second generation The kings of wizards are afraid that they are already busy, huh, huh. The abyss of the abyss is different from our wizards, even if the billions and tens of billions of sorcerers can afford it, they are far less than our wizards."

Xiao Yu Shen was full of pride and his words became brisk.

There is such a mentor, although the pressure of study is extremely heavy, but the problem of survival is not at all uncomfortable. Xiaofu and Jinyun are also concerned about it, and let his horizons be at the level of the wizard. Standing in a very high realm.

As the creator of the Wizarding World Enlightenment School, Silvana has her own way of learning and education, and she pays more attention to the cultivation of mind and morality. Now the violent anger of the wizarding world is getting weaker and weaker, and the intellectual civilization is gradually becoming the mainstream, and She has the most direct relationship.

After hearing the words of Xiao Yushen behind him, Silvana did not look back, but he whispered in a muttering voice: "In the wizarding world before the king of the early wizards, it was actually not much better..."

Like Xiao Yushen’s guess, the second generation of wizards is very busy and very busy.

The mother's nest civilization, the Suihua division civilization, the Jagged River civilization, the Sanskrit King Kong civilization, the frost engulfing the animal civilization, the distribution of interests between the Promise gods and the entanglements, as if playing the hamster, endless, no end, everyday The messenger exchanges arguments and is annoying.

Underneath, there are dozens of small ethnic groups like the Void Avengers and the Thunder Clan. They sway between the major races. At this time, the Wizarding League is full of momentum and unparalleled power. The six ethnic groups are hard to compete. There have been a lot of gains, and they have followed.

On this, after the rumors of other abyss battlefields, they rushed to explore the details of the Abyssal Devils, the Jiudou Civilization, the Nanzhao Head Association, the Fog Hidden Civilization, the Plane Monitor Civilization, the Beast Alliance, the Evil Dragon World. group……

Even some civilizations that the king of the second generation of wizards had never heard of were also actively contacted by the Wizarding League after they got the abyss defeat and the ancestors fled.

Similar to the ghost of the second generation of wizards, the wizarding world is unheard of.

"The world of the soul is located between the evil dragon world group and the Otani ancient ruins. It is surrounded by the boundless world of debris. Although it is a famous place in time and space, it is too far away from here. I pass the crescent. The door time and space jumped here to consume 7.9 billion kWh of energy stone, and the farther wizard world has not heard of it, it is normal."

At this moment, the sorcerer dominated, forming a condensed shape in the flame of a candle, and chatted with the king of the second generation wizard.

Around the king of the second generation of wizards, a true spiritual wizard, Samsung real spirit wizard sitting, are in the way of their own way across the strange life.

It must be said that the life form that was born in a completely different world group of rules is completely different. The soul is dominated by the eyes of the second generation of wizards, and there are some projections of the illusory world. The natural radiation emitted is extremely harmful to the ordinary life of the wizarding world.

"Hey, the wizard is willing to make friends with any civilization without conflict of interest. For the exact information about the ancestor of the one-armed sacred body, I will give you a copy of the crystal ball light and shadow consciousness. The information of the door, I also harvested."

Under the hands of the second generation of wizards, it is a green flame, and its fuel is the spar dust that runs out of energy.

After picking up the crystal ball, the candlelight grimace wrapped the crystal ball, revealing the color of joy, and it was sinister. "In the abyss of the abyss, the ancestor is the most ancient ancestor, but the most cherished is The one-eyed ancestor is said to have its magic eyes able to see some mysteries beyond the higher latitudes, and to pull out many unspeakable mighty powers, which is why it has always advocated the abyss expedition in the abyss world."

After the gloomy, it was a greed, and the candlelight sighed and sighed: "What a wonderful eye."

On the other hand, the second generation of wizards wearing the face of truth, the mouth of the king's mouth slightly showed a hint of indifference, but the mouth said: "The messenger straddles such a long void, I think it has not completely separated from the transformation of time and space, can now be this space The fortress will rest for a while and appreciate the alien customs of the wizard."