MTL - A Tale of Two Phoenixes-Chapter 268 Cut off the human intestine

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知道 Since knowing that "watching the sea" is not watching the sea, but tolerating the disguise, Chu Yu's good feelings about viewing the sea in a genuine way suddenly drop to the freezing point. Although the leader is tolerance, it is an indisputable fact that Guan Canghai fully cooperates with tolerance.

Guan Canghai also seemed to know the embarrassment in her heart. He came to Pingcheng with Rong Zhi more than three years ago, but rarely appeared in front of her. The two did not interact very much. They appeared in her courtyard as quietly as now. It's never happened.

The fishing rod flung back leisurely, and the slender figure sitting under the tree stood up and watched the sea turn to Chu Yu. His eyes were still covered with a layer of brocade—he had been blind for too long. However, he still can barely distinguish between light and shadow and blurred outlines. Instead, he is more convenient to use ear ears. Therefore, watching the sea has always been blindfolded, right when he is completely invisible-facing Chu Yu, he smiled: "I have something to tell you."

Chu Chuyu hesitated for a moment, and said, "Enter the house."

The two of them walked into the house one after the other, and Chu Yu let herself watch the sea, and found a chair to sit down.

The two of them sat down and watched the sea without being polite. They opened their doors and said, "I'm here as a lobbyist. I advise you to stay."

Xu Chuyu picked up the teapot on the table beside him and poured herself a cup of cold tea.

Xuanguan Canghai continued: "You should know for sure why I came, and for whom, do you have to tell me?"

Wu Chuyu put down the teapot with a wry smile, and lowered his head, "Since you know that I don't want to say this, why do you want to say it?"

The dumb mystery was on their lips, but their hearts were clear.

——Do you really do n’t understand or do n’t understand?

Wu Yuan's words still lingered in his ears. Now when I think of it, Chu Yu can only smile bitterly.

How could I not understand?

Maybe in the first year, she can still test all acts of tolerance with the most malicious intentions, but in the second and third years ... She tried to avoid thinking about it, even though she was reluctant to admit it, but in her heart There have been answers.

Staring intently at the tea cup, as if a flower could be seen from the water, Chu Yu quietly said, "Even so, but why should I stay? Could it be that he is good to me, I should be grateful Go up and repay his gift? "

She chose not to leave, not to make hasty decisions in order to escape, but the result of calm thinking. Guan Canghai said nothing to her.

Raising her eyes, Chu Yu looked towards the view of the sea. Although she might not see her, she still wanted to speak to this person: "This is my will, and it doesn't matter how I treat you. I thought so many years ago, and today, three years later, I think so too. "

"Different ways are not the same. I am not on the same road with him. Although I can live in peace for the past three years, it is because our roads have staggered and we can walk together for a while, but now we always have to separate. He There is his emperor chart industry, but what about me, what do I stay for? "Chu Yu expressionless, calmly," I don't know what he will do in the future, be king or defeat, but this has nothing to do with me, even What if he can dominate the world as an emperor? Am I to be his concubine in the harem? Stop joking. "

Chu Yu smiled slightly, but her eyes were a little sad: "I like tolerance, yes, but I also cannot accept some of his thoughts and actions. If I stay with him, I will inevitably see him hurt and hurt. I will not resent because he does not like me, because I like him is voluntary, but relative, I will not ignore all his actions because he changed his attitude. "Her tone was very calm and calm from beginning to end. It's chilling, "You should understand more about what kind of person you are than me. I don't expect him to change, nor do I plan to change for him."

There is a saying that it is easy to get along with each other. Maybe love is not necessarily easy, but getting along is more difficult than the former. Light is just a liking and cannot whitewash everything, at least for Chu Yu.

Rongzhi has a tolerant heart, she has her pride ... In the final analysis, there is only such a way to separate.

Hearing that her meaning was unchangeable, Guan Canghai sighed, and said, "You said ... well. It was me who took the liberty." He pondered for a moment, and said, "Are you sure to leave?"

Wu Chuyu nodded and said, "Yes."

Maybe after a few months, she can forget him, maybe she can't wear it out all her life, she will always miss him, but she will never see him again.

That's it, that's it.

有 There is an insurmountable gulf between them. They can only look at each other, they cannot keep each other.

It seems that Guanguan Canghai still wants to say something, but in the end, he still didn't say it, but smiled helplessly: "Also, this is my trouble, and even with my previous help to stop cheating you, I apologize to you here."

It's just that, even though there are so many different things, he still has to help him.

Listening to his sincerity and sincerity, Chu Yu also relieved and smiled, "I am also careful to say that I have remembered for so long." In fact, Guan Canghai is not obliged to stand by her side, but she is only observing Cang Hai The first impression was too good to be accepted for a while.

When the two talked about this, they had already said everything they had said, and their unexplained hearts were clear. If Chu Yu ’s mind could not be changed, even if she forcibly restrained her to stay, she would not change her determination. Instead, she would The situation is getting worse.

Bian Rongzhi was exquisite and clear-hearted. He knew what to do to be the best. Therefore, compared with the puzzled view of the sea, he never retained Chu Yu.

Because he knows he can't keep it, just like Zhu Yan's words and flowers.

Uh ...

The day that I left was sunny.

Sun shining brightly, bathed in dazzling sunlight, Chu Yu walked out of the door, a bright light in front of her eyes.

In the past three days, she has never seen Rong Zhi again. Rong Zhi has remained in his yard, but she never set foot near the courtyard once, and Rong Zhi never came out.

See you and see each other.

Qiu Chuyu's entire body was bathed in the sun, and the sun was sprinkled on the white shirt. Looking down, she looked a little dazzling, and her face still felt a thin warmth. Standing next to her, Yuanyuan Aman and Huacuo, after thinking about it for a day, Huacuo said that they want to go back to Luoyang together. Maybe he wants to understand that he is not a tolerant opponent, so he will stop doing nothing.

Tong Chuyu was lifting the hem of her shirt, raising her feet to step on the carriage, and a crisp, clear leaf flute made a roundabout movement, breaking through unhurriedly.

Is not a coherent tone, the undulation is very sad, and the sound of leaves flute is clear and crisp, but at this moment it shows the lingering distant water.

In the sound of Ye Di, the brilliant light of the day was soaked with a strong sense of parting. The tolerant composition of music is not as good as Xiaobei, but the person who plays the music is him, and the person who listens to the music is Chu Yu. All mean different things.

She Chuyu listened carefully for a while, and glanced at Yuan Yuan's worried expression beside her. She smiled slightly and said, "Get in the car, and leave."

The horse-drawn carriage quickly moved, and the wheels rolled across the stone road, making a continuous low sound, leaving the sound of the leaf flute far away.