MTL - A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu-Chapter 433 How are you... no response? (2)

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Xu Youning went upstairs to the front door of Muss, and found that he did not close after entering.

Hey, is this not an indication of her going in?

Xu Youning walked in hesitantly, and as soon as he entered, he saw Mussault leaning on the bed to browse the documents.

Mussou had a habit when he looked at the documents. He liked to frown, as if he could pick out the thorns from the file in minutes, even if the person who knew the documents knew that the document was flawless and would definitely be made by him. Nervousness.

But apart from these details, Muske's resilience and endurance are simply amazing.

His wound was so deep that he had just re-sewed it. It must still be painful now, but his complexion and lip color have returned to normal. On the surface, he is no different from peacetime.

Xu Youning indulged in a moment, still reminded Muske: "You should rest now."

Mussault turned over the documents and did not lift his head. He said faintly: "Don't quarrel with me." He is like a little girlfriend who is reprimanding and ignorant, blaming it, but it is tolerant.


Xu Youning did not have the mind to taste the tone of Muss, listen to him saying this, silently go outside.

As if she likes to talk to him, she actually wants to stay away from him!

Perceiving the movement of Xu Youning's departure, Muss raised his head and stared at her back with a cool gaze: "Who is leaving you?"

Xu Youning had a cold back, and he was dissatisfied and turned back to Muske: "How do you get such a tortoise? Staying and arguing that I am noisy and not letting you, what do you want?"

Musquis pointed to the sofa: "Sit there, don't make a noise."

Xu Youning couldn't stand the boring, and turned his head: "Don't!"

Musijue blinked: "Xu Youning?"

Xu Youning only felt a heavy chill coming in, invading her body from every pore, releasing dangerous signals in her brain.

Her legs suddenly did not accept the control of wisdom, and she went to the sofa without any enthusiasm, and sat down.

I have to admit that even if Mussaud is injured, the shock is still there.

Upon seeing, Mussek showed a satisfactory look and closed the door with a remote control.

The words "Lonely man and woman" floated on Xu Youning's mind, but Muss was injured, and he was single-minded on the document. She only used her as a statue. She was alone.

Xu Youning suddenly felt that she was too evil...

Mussault did not want Xu Youning to play the statue all the time. He occasionally asked her to take a document and pour a cup of water. Xu Youning was probably really bored, moving very diligently, he was not picky, and the two had a good time. in the afternoon.

Dinner or Zhou Wei sent to the room, there are soups and vegetables, vegetarian dishes, nutrition is very comprehensive, very beneficial to the recovery of the wound.

After dinner, Xu Youning raised his chin toward Musiju: ​​"The clothes are off."

Mussler moved his eyebrows and seemed a little surprised: "Think of me?"

"..." Xu Youning did a dry smile, and the teeth of the claws were facing the wounds of Musijue: "I will poke again without talking nonsense! I took off my clothes, I looked at the wound, and I was not responsible for the infection!"

Mussler put down the hand on the chest: "You have to take off your own hands." He is clearly a mermaid, but there is a chilling danger in his eyes.

Xu Youning will not be scared by this little thing, sneer a sneak, pick up the sleeves | bed, cross · sit on the legs of Muss, and try to solve his button.

Anyway, Mussin was injured and could not do anything to her. She let him know what it is to play, fire, self, and burn!

Musi squinted at Xu Youning with a slight squint, so that he did not take Xu Youning as an opponent.

The more calm he is, the more Xu Xuening wants to ignite, the smile of him looking at him, the slender white | 皙 fingers slowly picking up the buttons of his clothes, the soft fingertips from time to time touch his strong chest, gently plunder In the past, with hints of nothing.

In the air, I don’t know when there are more 暧|昧 factors.

Mussard’s twilight was deeper and his breathing became very heavy. At this time, the door was suddenly pushed open, and Zhou’s voice came in: “Xiaoqi, You Ning, you have no food, I... ..."

The scene of the room fell into the eye, and the woman crossed the man. This transcended Zhou’s cognition, and Zhou’s voice stopped.

A strange silence enveloped the entire room.

Shocked for a long time, Zhou Hao finally found his voice: "I, I will go out first." After two steps and then turned back, sighed. "The wound is still not good, for a while... pay attention."

Finished, disappeared from the room at the speed of light.

Xu Youning, who was in the petrochemical state, finally reacted. He said nothing, "Zhou, not..."

When the words were not finished, I heard the smirk of Muss, and she looked at Muss, clearly caught the smile on his lips, and angered from the bottom of his heart.

“Is it funny?” She pushed the shoulders of Muss, and grabbed his clothes, “Pricking—” and tore his clothes, and it was too late to help him see the wound. He heard Muss said:

"The action is so big, if Zhou Wei hasn't gone far, I will think you are in a hurry."

Xu Youning almost squirted a blood on the wound of Mussou: "Anxious your sister!"

She looked at Muske's wound, but it looked normal. So she put the clothes on him: "Nothing, pay attention when you take a shower, don't let the wound touch the water."

"You help me." Musquieu suddenly said.

Xu Youning did not respond for a moment: "What?"

"I am tired." Of course, Mussaud did not seem to feel that there was anything wrong with this request. "You wash it for me."

Xu Youning instantly fried his hair, and he sighed with a sigh of relief: "Mu, Secretary, Jue! You think..."

"We have done everything, what better do you mind?" Mussaud interrupted Xu Youning with a faint temper, and leaned closer to her, slightly hooking his lips. "Moreover, you can only listen to me now."

"..." Xu Youning was so angry that he was cheeky, but he couldn't refute it, but he could resist. Anyway, Muss was injured, but she couldn't help her.

However, her tragedy found that she did not resist.

Every second of time, she and Mussault live together for one second less. It is not that she does not want to resist, but that there is not much time left for her to resist.

She bit her teeth and pointed at the bathroom: "Look at me now I am afraid of you, go in!"

She went to the closet and found a pajama for Muss, and then drove him into the bathroom.

She calculated it very accurately, the water temperature was just right, and the amount of water just happened to the chest of Muss, but it didn't leave his wound.

Mussou was very satisfied with Xu Youning's performance. He closed his eyes and asked Xu Youning to do something to him. Occasionally Xu Youning started to pay a little more. He opened his eyes and swept away with a cold eyes. Xu Youning immediately smashed.

But it was only superficially obscured. Looking at the look of Uncle Musi, there was such an instant. Xu Youning was very glad that Kangrui City did not ask her to assassinate Muss, otherwise... she might choose to do it now.

It was hard to wash the huge monster of Muss, and Xu Youning brought it to his pajamas for him. He finally said: "You can go out."

"..." By, is this not enough to kick it off?

Xu Youning was not angry, and even thoughtfully sorted out the clothes for Mussou: "Okay! But, Seven Brothers, can I ask you a question?"

Muske looked at Xu Youning and glanced at her.

Xu Youning swept up and down the Musijue circle: "I am a woman, I have helped you take a shower. How do you react? Hey, seven brothers, you can't do it with a shot?"

This is obviously a problem of finding death. After Xu Youning turned and wanted to run, she could run faster than Mussaud’s reaction.

Mussou grabbed Xu Youning's arm and forced it. Xu Youning was smashed back. Xu Youning lost the inertia and almost slammed into Musijue's arms. Fortunately, he finally stabilized himself, and she did not hit Musk's wound. .

Mussard did not worry that the wound would be hit. Hit, dangerously staring at Xu Youning: "What reaction do you want?"

His voice changed a tone, still magnetic, but it was obviously a lot lower, and his eyes became very deep. A kind of thing that Xu Youning was familiar with was surging in the depths of his skull.

Xu Youning realized that the person who used the fire to self-immolate was himself. He laughed twice: "Seven brothers, I, I am joking with you, you let me go, can you?... Hey..."

Mussou could not help but block her lips and replaced the answer with an action.

His kiss with a hot temperature, and a few points can not be easily noticed, Xu Youning's teeth quickly opened, his tongue tipped in, arbitrarily attacking the city.

Even if he had injuries, Xu Youning could not resist his request.

The fire from the beginning of the morning, in fact, has always existed, Mussek restrained not to let it burn, Xu Youning did not know the life of the top poured oil.

Since Xu Youning took the initiative, Mussault could not find a reason for restraint.

Xu Youning was almost suffocated by the kiss, could not help but retreat, want to break the Musijue to breathe fresh air.

But Muske did not give her a chance, but pressed hard. Finally, she was pressed against the wall by Muss, he hugged her waist, and finally slowed down the frequency of the attack, the hot kiss slowly moved to On her neck.

Xu Youning remembered that in the elevator of the Marriott Club in the morning, Mussek kissed her like this, if he continued...

Hey, how can you continue? Muss is still hurt!

Xu Youning took a lot of effort and finally pushed Muske to push away. He was so scared that he was so tired that he was ready to stop at his lips and could only look at him in a wrong way.

Did she read it wrong? Why is there no hope in the eyes of Musquito in addition to hot?

Just as she strives to stay with him, no matter how close he is at this moment, she knows that she will leave him one day, but she still can't afford to waste a minute.

Ming knows that there is no hope, but he still refuses to give up the hopelessness.