MTL - A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu-Chapter 434 Forced cohabitation? (1)

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Looking at Muske, what is hopeless in his eyes? Clearly full of plunder!

This kind of look represents what Xu Youning knows.

At this moment, she is no different from the prey for Musquieu.

Thinking of this, Xu Youning decisively took the door.

The room that Zhou Wei arranged for her was next door to Musquieu. When she rushed into the room, she slipped on the floor against the wall and found that her heartbeat was accelerating. "Hey," then the heart seemed to be The throat leaped out.

Grandma's legs, like Mussier for so long, how is it still so good?

Xu Youning was annoyed with one night, and when he woke up the next day, he was confused and vaguely felt that the old house seemed to be more lively than usual.

Looking down the stairs, sure enough, the old man sitting in the cold and clear living room.

Several old people are of similar age, old-fashioned, but neatly arranged, and the face is covered with traces of the years, but the powerful king's gas field is revealed from their calm manners, even without losing Muss.

Sitting in the middle of the old man and Aguang looks very much like, Xu Youning heard Aguang call him "Dad."

The Muss, who is the master, is dressed casually, sitting on a single sofa facing the three old people. His face is not as cold and gloomy as he used to be. He is replaced by a modest and courteous look.

Xu Youning intuitively feels that the three old people and the Mu family have a close relationship, and Ah Guang’s father is even more.

Muss, Aguang, Aguang’s father... Xu Youning suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Before she could figure out a clue, Ah Guang found her and waved at her: "You Ning sister, you woke up, come down."

Xu Youning took back his thoughts, smiled and walked downstairs.

A light enthusiastically introduced her to the three old people: "This is Yang Shu, the next one is Ji Shu, and this is my father. They are all looking at the Seven Brothers."

Xu Youning politely said hello to the three old people, and then said with restraint: "Seven brothers, a few uncles, you talk, I go to make tea."

"Sit down." Mussin faintly ordered Xu Youning, "Yang Shu has something to tell you."

Xu Youning sighed, "Oh," and then naturally, fell to the generous sitting on the single sofa next to Muss.

Musijue’s attitude has already explained the status of several young people in Yang Shu. They are old rivers and lakes. Maybe they don’t have the high IQ of Musijue, but they are definitely more rigorous and succinct than Muss, and once she is nervous, it is easy to see Breaking down.

She must remain respectful and normal.

Yang Shu smiled and waved his hand: "Jie Jue, don't be so serious, scare Miss Xu." Speaking to see Xu Youning, "You Ning, yesterday's thing Aguang said to us. Yang Shu just wants to thank you, Without you, the sergeant’s injured thing is exposed.”

Ah Guang’s father answered: “Things are exposed, half a city will be chaotic.”

Xu Youning smiled and said: "There is a situation in the Seven Brothers. I should have tried to deal with it."

"The wound of the prince needs people to take care of, but the doctor is now inconvenient to enter and leave the Mu family." Ji Shu said, "You Ning, I have trouble staying here to take care of the prince in these few days. We know that you still have a grandmother, the old man. We will take care of it, you can rest assured."

Xu Youning nodded: "Thank you, Ji Shu."

"Okay." Ah Guang’s father stood up and said, "We should leave these old bones, and staying there again will cause Zhao Yinghong’s suspicion."

A Guang and Xu Youning sent a few old people, leaving Muss in the living room.

Resting for one night, Mussaud was no different from usual. He was sitting on the sofa at random, and the unsuspecting person could not believe that there was a deep wound on his chest.

He stared at the back of Xu Youning, and licked a touch of anything.

Several uncles came suddenly. He couldn't stop it. Xu Youning was slow again. After knowing that Aguang's father and Mu family had a relationship, they should soon be aware of what.

Then, what happened should happen.

Mussour knew that the day would come sooner or later, but he did not expect that things would suddenly break away from his control and come so fast.


Outside the door, Xu Youning sent Aguang and Yang Shu. After they walked away, they turned back to the house.

When she saw Ah Guang’s father, the feeling of something wrong was already thrown into her head.

Going back to the living room, I didn't see Muss, but I found him in the restaurant.

Muss gave himself a cup of coffee and was about to send it to his lips. Xu Youning rushed to the ground and couldn’t help but grab it.

Mussie dissatisfied with Xu Youning's glance, and waited for him to make trouble, Xu Youning first made a man-made: "I have a wound and dare to drink coffee, you don't want to be good, I still want to leave here soon!"

Mussard’s expression became a bit of fun: “Oh? How much do you think?”

"..." Xu Youning knows that he has said the wrong words, and he can't help but succumb to his mouth.

Why not rely on long memory! Musque, the wicked person, knows what you want, and the more he does not give you anything! Tell him that he wants to leave here soon, he may shut her for a few months!

"I don't want to be at all!" Xu Youning shook his head like a rattle, and looked sincere and charming. "Seven brothers, I think you are here, I don't want to leave at all!"

"In this case," Mussett was satisfied with the cup holding the milk. "You are staying here. Without my permission, you are not allowed to move."

"Booming -"

Xu Youning feels like being knocked out by the head, she doesn't mean it! She doesn't want to live at all!

Why is this happening? According to her logic, Mussaud should immediately drive her away!

"Seven brothers..." Xu Youning softened his voice and tried to make Mussin soft.

However, Muske did not eat this set at all, and coldly poured a cup of milk in front of her: "I will go to the company after breakfast."

Xu Youning was enslaved enough to push the milk away: "Why?"

"Xu Youning," Mussaud’s warning eyes drifted over. "This is work."

"..." Xu Youning was safely divided in an instant, and he accepted his life. The bread on his hand was silently made into Musi, and he was torn into two pieces.


After breakfast, the driver sent Muske and Xu Youning to mj Technology.

Musquieu left so many days, the company's things piled up like a mountain, a large conference was scheduled to start in five minutes, he took Xu Youning straight to the conference room.

After Xu Youning saw the destination, he stopped at the door: "Seven brother, I am waiting for you outside."

Mussou screamed: "Follow me."

"Is it not good?" Xu Youning resisted. She was not an employee of the company. Secondly, she was not a friend of Muss, so it would be strange to follow Muss.

Mussek’s brows were deeper and obviously lost patience: “Don’t waste my time, come in!”

"..." Xu Youning did not have the courage to resist. He could only quietly greet the ancestors of Mussek in his heart and hang his head and enter the meeting room with him.

After sitting down, Xu Youning saw the same look from the eyes of a group of men and women in suits and suits: strange.

Hey, aren't they still used to their bosses who are handsome?

It doesn't matter, she has been used to it!

As everyone knows, a group of employees attending the meeting is a different attitude toward Mu Youjue.

In the company, Musijue basically has no expression. He is absolutely authoritative and absolutely indifferent. Even if he is not satisfied with your work, it is only a faint one to make changes, or directly smash your squid.

Mussek’s emotions are basically not exposed, so from the superficial expression, he can’t judge his mood.

When facing Xu Youning, every expression of Muske was so obvious, happy, unhappy, he did not mind let Xu Youning know.

Perhaps even he did not notice himself. When Xu Youning was arrogant, his tone revealed a strong desire for exclusivity.


Muske’s assistant announced the start of the meeting, and a group of professionals immediately took back the gossip and put it into the work.

Mussaud opened a technology company, and even the company's front desk was a technically skilled sister. It happened that Xu Youning knew nothing about this. So during the whole meeting, she listened to all the speeches like the Tianshu, the renderings of the program on the big screen. She is even more full of questions.

After a while, her eyes unconsciously moved to Mussek’s face—

Mussault sat on the main seat with his chest, and turned his head slightly to see the big screen. The outline of the face was quite deep, and the whole person seemed more calm and wise.

He is like the pinnacle of this company, as long as he is there, everything will be orderly.

Xu Youning looked more and more idiots. Mussaud’s assistant announced that she had not heard the meeting, but she was staring at Muss, and everyone noticed.

Mussuke’s assistant was an informed and interesting person, indicating that everyone should not speak out and leave the meeting room quietly.

Xu Youning didn't go back to God until he saw Muss gave her a paper towel. "Well?" he stunned and looked at Muss.

Muske said: "Scratch the saliva."

Xu Youning was not fooled. He opened the hand of Muss, and found that the meeting room was empty. He curiously asked, "Are they all gone?"

Mussin leaned back on the chair: "They don't want to bother you."

“What bother me?” Xu Youning suddenly reacted. “They won’t think I’m watching you?”

Mussou hooked his lips: "Is it not?"

Xu Youning screamed and vigorously spit out: "I watched you eight hundred times a day, I have been tired of aesthetics for a long time? I am watching your effect demonstration!"

"Oh?" Mussaud asked faintly. "What do you think of the effect?"

Xu Youning was stunned. She didn't even look at it. She was watching Muske's face all the time.

But this problem can't be dealt with, she is not Xu Youning.

She snorted and replied bluntly: "I didn't understand!"

This is the style of Xu Youning, Mussaud did not accidentally hear this answer, got up: "Go to the office half an hour later to find me."

Half an hour?

Xu Youning licked his fingers and figured out that this half an hour was probably her time. When the time came, she would go back and be enslaved by Muss.

How to spend this half an hour is a problem.