MTL - A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu-Chapter 446 Let's end it

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The night fell quickly, and the island was illuminated by bright lights.

At the same time, no other tourists, a strange quiet enveloped the entire island, the occasional wind and waves hit the reef sounds abrupt and embarrassing.

Rao is Xu Youning, who is arrogant and daring, and feels infiltrated. He hid back into the house early.

Su Jianan is not afraid. She has observed the body in a more strange environment. There are very few things in the world that can scare her.

Lu Shaoyan came back from the outside and saw Su Jianan sitting at the window staring outside. He walked over and the sea outside the window was dark. What is good looking?

He pulled Su Jianan up, buried his head sniffing in her neck, and the faint fragrance from the nose was the taste of Su Jianan's usual shower gel.

Looking up at her: "Is it a shower?"

Su Jianan nodded and pointed to the bathroom: "Pajamas help you get it."

Lu Boyan raised his lips and gently kissed Su Jian'an's lips: "Thank you wife. Why don't you help me a little, wash with me?"

"..." Su Jianan said nothing about her little belly. "They can now hear you talking, and they are flowing in front of them. Is it really good?"

Lu Jianyan indulged for a moment, and said that he did not change his color: "Advance in advance|Teach my son, nothing bad."

Su Jianan: "...In case, are two daughters?"

Lu Jianyan said, "If you are a daughter, I think you have taught them how to prevent wolves in the past few months."

"..." Su Jian's Anghe thoroughly, completely speechless.

Ten minutes later, Lu Jianyan took a shower and found that Su Jianan was still sitting at the window and staring out.

He finally noticed something that was not right. He heated the cup of milk in the microwave and handed it to Su Jianan. He asked: "What happened?"

Su Jianan thought about it, or shook his head: "Nothing."

Xu Youning is a bit strange about this kind of thing, or do not tell Lu Boyan, Lu Shaoyan is less aware of Xu Youning than her, probably will not have an answer.

Lu Jianyan did not pursue it. He believed that if it was something that he needed to solve, Su Jianan would take the initiative to tell him.

He urged Su Jianan: "Come and drink milk. Sleep."

The bigger the month, the sooner Su Jianan slept, and it was not long after drinking milk to lie on the bed. A thick tiredness surrounded her, and she fell into a sweet home without any precautions.

Lu Jianyan held Su Jianan from behind and felt that her breathing became even and long, and she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Quiet and safe, enveloped the entire wooden house.

In contrast, another wooden house separated by the road is far from being so quiet.

Realizing that she was used by Muss, Xu Youning did not complain. Anyway, she did not doubt the good intentions to approach Muss, and was used against it. She could only blame her for her poor skills.

But another thing, she couldn't accept it anyway - Muss gave her one of his women, most likely just to avenge her.

That is to say, Mussaud has no interest in her, but when she plunders, Muske can obtain a sense of satisfaction in anti-utilization.

She is so low that it is so low that it is as low as the geological layer!

So as soon as he returned to the log house, Xu Youning studied how to terminate this unfair relationship between men and women, but did not come up with an answer. The door was suddenly pushed open and Muss returned.

Compared to Lu’s thoughtfulness, Muss is the uncle. When he returns, he orders: “I want to take a shower and help me get my clothes ready.”

Xu Youning was indifferent and asked: "Mu Sijue, what is your order to order me?"

Musijue screamed: "The identity of your boss." After a pause, he said, "Xu Youning, no more nonsense, you are looking for death."

The errands are prepared for the boss and take it for granted.

With this in mind, Xu Youning was very neat to help Mussell prepare the toiletries, and when he left the bathroom, he was very close to help him bring the door.

Mussie took a quick shower and got it in less than fifteen minutes. She rubbed her hair out of the bathroom and found Xu Youning sitting thoughtfully on the sofa with her legs crossed.

He went to Xu Youning and said: "When are you going to get rid of? Go to sleep!"

Xu Youning squinted and looked at Muske: "Where are you ordering me?"

Mussou blinked his eyes and revealed danger in the light: "Is your man's identity satisfied with this answer?"

This time, Xu Youning did not move.

He stared at Mussett for a while, and suddenly he said, "Musuke, from now on, I am no longer your woman... so you can ask me to do things for you, but You can't take care of my sleep."

If Xu Youning’s expression was too serious, Muss even suspected that he had got it wrong.

Start now, no longer his woman? Can help him do things, but he can't manage her in private life?

Mussie smirked and laughed: "Xu Youning, you say it again."

"You still don't understand?" Xu Youning repeated it all the time. "I said, I want to terminate that relationship with you!"

"Our relationship is very complicated." Mussaud asked with a blank expression. "What do you say clearly?"

"Meat|body relationship!" Xu Youning broke the can of the jar and broke. "Is it clear enough?"

Mussek smiled coldly, and a chill spread instantly spread his handsome facial features: "Good."

Xu Youning is a glimpse.

How good is it? Muss, this is promised, or is it necessary to kill her?

I haven't figured out an answer yet. Xu Youning suddenly felt that the arm had pulled a pull. She was picked up from the sofa. Mussaud approached her dangerously: "Xu Youning, how long have you been wondering about this?"

"No, not long." Xu Youning said with no conviction, "Yes, just now, for a moment, things."

"Following me is a momentary decision. Is it a momentary decision to go?" Muske's tone became more and more cold.

"Isn't all the decisions a momentary thing?" Xu Youning moved the eyelashes, a serious sophistry. "No matter how entangled in the previous period, the decision is a matter of moments. However, it is not time, it is me. It’s already decided!”

"Xu Youning, who gave you such great courage?"

Every word of Mussaud was dangerous. His blue-eyed hand almost slammed Xu Youning's throat, but in the end, he kissed her.

This is a punitive kiss, as if to squeeze Xu Youning, Musijue kissed and worked hard, and the strength of his hand was too big to crush Xu Youning.

At this moment, Xu Youning did not doubt that she would die - was killed by Muss.

She struggled hard and resisted, but she was not the opponent of Muss, but in the end she bitten the lips of Muss, but Muss did not loosen her, and the **** smell spread into the mouths of two people.

They don't kiss a lot, but almost every time, they are full of blood.

Xu Youning thought of himself, this is like her hostile relationship with Muss, one day, war and blood will spread between them.

I don't know how long the past, the attack of Mussault's plundering slowed down, and Xu Youning gasped and greedily breathed the fresh air, and did not even push the power of Muss.

Mussault loosened her and asked in a word: "Xu Youning, what made you think that I can come here, I want to go, I can go?"

"I don't want to go on like this anymore." Xu Youning looked at Mussett's eyes and replied in a word, "Mussian, do you know how many criticisms I have to follow you? I was suspected that I was with you." There is an improper relationship, so you take me with you. Now, you take me to your home, and I am close to me in the face of Zhao Yinghong. We have been confirmed to have an improper relationship. They can name it. The surname of the road attacked me."


"I thought I couldn't care if I could be with you. But now I find that I am wrong, I can't do it, I can't stand others talking about me, but I don't want to enemies. So, I want End that relationship with you."

Mussuke certainly knows that this is not the reason. Xu Youning has never been afraid of enemies. Those who talk about her behind her are not even picked up by Ah Guang.

She suddenly wants to end, not because she is ready to go, that is because she remembered Kangrui City.

For either of these reasons, Mussaud can't stand it.

Muske's face is gloomy: "Xu Youning, now close your mouth, I can hear nothing, this is your last chance."

"Mussou, why are you doing this?" Xu Youning not only shut up, but more words. "You have changed a lot of women. According to your past frequency, I should change it. In other words, you don't want to. It’s easy for me to let go of my misunderstanding that you have feelings for me."

"..." Muske's face was even darker.

Xu Youning knew that this would anger Muss, smiled and continued to add fuel to the fire: "Oh, I remembered it. Before, you all opened the woman, and no one dared to propose the right to end with you. Ok? Well, when I didn’t say anything, you gave me a check and told me to get out, I’ll get out of the way, can I?”

She looked sincere, a virginity, and finally let Mussin's patience reach the limit.

Mussin pushed Xu Youning back, and Xu Youning fell to the bed when he couldn't help it. He wanted to get up, but Mussaud's tall body had already been pressed.

His face was covered with dark clouds, and the dark bottom was full of danger.

Xu Youning finally knows what is the big disaster.

"Mussell, we are negotiating." Xu Youning swallowed his throat. "You violated the rules of the game."

"Consult me, how can I talk, I have the final say." Mussin squinted his lips. "If you don't faint tonight, I promise you, how?"

Xu Youning's cheeks are built on the walls of the city. Hearing this sentence will also burn red, and he pushed the squad to push the Muss: "Wang Ba... Hey..."

The kiss that couldn’t be said was overwhelming to Xu Youning, and she didn’t even have the strength to resist...