MTL - A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu-Chapter 447 Her relationship with Muske is very simple.

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the next day.

Xu Youning seems to wake up from a dream, and when he opens his eyes, his mind is blank.

For a long time in the past, the scene of last night was re-emerged before her eyes.

At the end of the picture, she closed her eyes and completely fainted.

Subsequently, Mussou’s voice echoed in her ear: “If you don’t faint tonight, I promise you, how?”


This must have been planned by Mussaud!

When Mussell said this sentence, she should have expected that she was in danger of escaping!

Xu Youning did not reluctantly kicked the quilt, but unexpectedly moved the whole body, half of the body followed.

This kind of disintegration and reorganization is generally painful, comparable to the first time.

Grandma's legs, Muss is a true bird | beast!

Xu Youning clenched his teeth and climbed up. After washing, Muss was just coming back from the outside.

Her scars were full of grievances, but Muss was a refreshing and satisfied person. When she saw her, he was quite surprised to ask: "Wake up?"

"Mussian!" Xu Youning seriously pulled a chair from the bottom of the table, sat down and looked at Muss in a negotiating manner: "What happened yesterday, we haven't finished talking, now we can continue!"

Musijue poured a glass of water from his own self: "I said, if you don't faint, I can promise you. But as a result, you know it too - unfortunately."

"Mussell, don't you think such a small person?" Xu Youning asked angrily. "Is it not afraid to damage your brother's reputation?"

Mussault drank his mouth fluently and raised his eyebrows: "Who will pass it out?"

"..." Xu Youning was thundered.

Yes, Musquieu will not say, she is embarrassed to say, who will pass this kind of thing?

By the way, this problem is not a brain!

Ming knows that he lost with Mussault, but Xu Youning has been unable to suppress the anger of his heart: "Mu Sijue, I am serious, I want to end that relationship with you, you can find the next woman."

"..." Muske looked at Xu Youning and did not speak.

He was not angry, Xu Youning thought he was looking for a right entry point and continued: "If you are too lazy to find, there is Yang Shanshan ready-made!"


The delicate glass instantly turned into pieces in the hands of Muss, Xu Youning blinked his eyes, and then he heard the sound of Mussile’s cold ice slag: "Xu Youning, shut up!"

"..." Xu Youning raised his lips and looked at Muske.

Musquieu loosened the pieces and forced him to move toward Xu Youning. The slender fingers pinched her chin: "It seems that I still didn't understand what I said yesterday. It doesn't matter, I can repeat it again - Xu Youning, unless I allow Otherwise, you will only stay with me in your life."

Xu Youning suddenly calmed down from the shackles, "嗤-" smiled. "You allow? I stayed with you for the rest of my life? Seven brothers, have you had a fever?"

Her undercover identity will be exposed one day sooner or later. At that time, even if Mussett does not kill her, his brothers will try to put her to death.

Musquis will leave her with her, and which one will serve him?

She does not believe that Muske can risk losing her trust for her.

Musijue stared at Xu Youning.

Maybe someone else can't understand Xu Youning's sentence, but he knows what Xu Youning means, and she really notices something.

Oh, dare to make such a clear statement, is she really planning to leave?

Thinking, the strength of Muske’s hand increased a bit: "Don’t let me hear you say the end, otherwise..."

Xu Youning is not afraid of death and provokes his chin to provoke: "How else?"

Muss looked at the time, 11 am.

His lips twitched with a sneer that was unclear: "Otherwise, you will wake up later tomorrow."

After that, he let go of Xu Youning and left without returning.

After a long while, Xu Youning finally returned from the inside of Li Jiao, and slammed a cup and smashed in the direction of Mussett’s back: "Be mad, go to hell!"

After breakfast, Xu Youning dragged his sore body out of the wooden house, just happened to meet Su Jianan who went out for a walk.

Su Jianan came over and said hello to her and asked, "I just woke up?"

Xu Youning nodded honestly and stretched out.

Su Jianan "hmm", and smiled very concealed: "You Ning, you and the prince, just together soon?"


Xu Youning is stunned, what is it together? Su Jianan asked what to do?

Her relationship with Muske is very simple, very simple meat and body relationship, how long it is not the same!

"Oh, don't be shy." Su Jianan gave Xu Youning an understanding smile. "Just together, cough, all this..."

Xu Youning stunned and understood the meaning of Su Jianan and laughed a few times.

same? How is it the same?

In this world, where can I find the second bird, the beast?

Xu Youning took the topic off: "Yes, is there any arrangement in the afternoon? There are no other tourists on the island. If there are no other arrangements, it will be too stuffy."

"Going out to sea in the afternoon," Su Jianan said. "But wait for the more than the river."

"They also come over?" Xu Youning asked unexpectedly. "When is it?"

Su Jianan looked at the time: "They should be on the plane now."

Su Jianan guessed it, Xiao Yu and Shen Yuechuan were on the same plane, and the seats were adjacent.

Before they recognized each other, Shen Yuechuan and Xiao Yu did not think that there would be such a clever thing.

Shen Yuechuan took off the sunglasses and hung it on the neckline of the shirt. He reached out to Xiao Yu: "abc, teach you a new word: fate."

"Oh." Xiao Xiao said with a smile, squeezed out two words from his teeth, "Get out."

Shen Yuechuan frowned. "Girls, can you learn your cousin, and occasionally a thick mouth is also very elegant?"

Xiao Yu puts on a correct standard sitting posture, politely making a "please" gesture: "Mr., trouble you, give me a roll!!!"

Shen Yuechuan shook his head: "Forget it, ask your cousin as a ruler to ask you. It's a bit too much for you. Don't talk about this sad topic. I have another question - are you going to the island?"

"You go too?" Xiao Yu rushed through 10,000 alpacas. "Isn't my cousin cousin and a few of them friends?"

Shen Yuechuan shrugged: "I am also their friend."

"..." Xiao Yu twisted his head. "Before the plane landed, don't talk to me!"

She and Shen Yuechuan are like the family of the last generation.

The first time she met, she was tied to a chair by Shen Yuechuan, and that memory was humiliating.

After that, every time they met, they were either chickens or dogs. Now they can even come across a plane.

Their hatred seems to have no solution in this life.

Shen Yuechuan is not a person who is not interested. He spreads a financial newspaper and squints Xiao Xiao’s eyes. His lips smack a smile, like a playful taste, but also like a happy.

Not waiting for this smile to be noticed by Xiao Yu, Shen Yuechuan converges, and looks at the newspaper from his own.

Until they got off the plane, both of them were safe.

Shen Yuechuan's surface is on the wind | The flow is not good, but the work has always been well-prepared. Everything was arranged before departure. Someone left the car to drive to him at the airport: "Mr. Shen, please get on the bus, the speedboat will wait for you at the port. ”

On the other hand, Xiao Yu, because he was not prepared in advance, can only follow the long queue behind the airport after waiting for the taxi.

People lined up in a long queue, but the taxi did not come to the car for a long time. At this time, she said that she did not envy that Shen Yuechuan was a fake.

But Xiao Yu is very angry, she does not look at Shen Yuechuan!

Shen Yuechuan also ignored Xiao Yu, but after thinking about it, he told the driver: "Open to the taxi waiting area."

After a while, the car drove to Xu Youning, Shen Yuechuan told the driver to stop, lowered the window and smiled at Xiao Yu: "I have already got off the plane, can I talk to you?"

"..." Xiao Yu thought that Shen Yuechuan was coming to the show. He did not expect that he would break the deadlock in this way. He couldn't help but feel that he had some gentleman's heart.

She was thinking about how to answer that Shen Yuechuan was enough to have a gas field. Suddenly he heard Shen Yuechuan’s voice screaming: “At this speed, you still have to wait for forty minutes to get on the bus. I am wronged, let You are in my car."

Xiao Yu suddenly realized that something was wrong: "On your car, the person who is wronged is me?"

"Oh." Shen Yuechuan shrugged indifferently. "If you are wronged, then don't come up." After that, he will close the window.

"Hey, wait!" Xiao Xiao was busy going up on the window, thinking about it and choosing soft clothes. "Actually, I can be wronged."

She hates waiting so much, it is a waste of time.

Compared with the time of wasting, it is not a big deal to compromise with the yummy of Shen Yuechuan. Anyway, there is a chance to double back later!

Shen Yuechuan smiled and said: "Which dare to make you Missy?" said the car, put Xiao Yu's luggage in the rear compartment, and returned to open the door for Xiao Yu, "Get on the bus."

This is a rare gentleman's manner in Shen Yuechuan. Xu Youning looked at Shen Yuechuan with some surprises and squeezed out a sentence: "Thank you." Then get on the bus.

Soon, the car drove from the airport to the port.

In the afternoon, the port was very quiet. Several water speedboats docked on the shore. Shenyuechuan’s car just stopped, and someone warmly greeted: “Shente!”

Xiao Yu carefully looked at people, like ordinary workers on the island. It is reasonable to say that such people should not be so familiar with Shen Yuechuan.

Shen Yuechuan is the general manager of the island development project. Every worker is under his control. The workers should respect him more than his enthusiasm.

But the fact is that Shen Yuechuan seems to be playing with these workers.

"Lao Zhang, it’s hard." Shen Yuechuan took the smoke from the workers and asked about the recent situation in the port. He nodded. "It’s not too late. I will go to the island first and have time to eat together."

"Well, I let my wife do her most drunken crab to entertain you." Lao Zhang waved his hand toward Shen Yuechuan. "The speedboat is ready for you, can you alone?"

"no problem."

Shen Yuechuan sent him and Xiao Yu’s baggage to the speedboat and immediately signaled Xiao Yu: “Go up.”

Instead of entering, Xiao Yu has stepped back two steps.