MTL - A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu-Chapter 751 Muss, you fouled!

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Xu Youning shrank back and shook his head: "I mean - come back again, I won't run again."

Musi's shackles smacked his lips, and the bottom was full of irony, obviously not convinced of Xu Youning's words.

Xu Youning shrugged and added: "If you can't run anyway, why bother?"

This reason is actually not good enough, Muss's face is still a good look, Shen Sheng ordered: "Get up!"

After the meal, Xu Youning was squatted in the room by Muss, and he could only stare at the ceiling.

It’s hard to wait until ten o'clock. Muss finally came back. She pulled her hand and said, "I want to take a shower."

Muss said coldly: "You only have 5 minutes."

A girl takes a shower and only gives 5 minutes?

This is not uninspired, it is simply anti-aa aa class!

Xu Youning’s provocative question: “If it is over?”

Muss looked at his watch and said with a blank expression: "You waste a decade of nonsense."

Has he started timing?

"I rely!"

Xu Youning almost burst, jumped up and rushed into the bathroom.

She swears that her speed is absolutely comparable to the 12-level typhoon, and finally grabbed the last second to wear clothes.

Almost at the same time, Muske opened the door and walked in. He looked at Xu Youning coldly and ordered: "Go out."

After the order was completed, Mussaud also began to undress regardless of how **** his meat aa was.

Xu Youning snorted and changed his voice and ran out of the bathroom with his head down. This reaction was over, and Mu did not even hold her.

Did he forget, or did he decide that she could not escape?

Xu Youning was lying in bed with doubts, and it didn’t matter how long Mussaud had come out.

He wiped his hair with a white towel, inadvertently revealing the lines of distinct abdominal muscles, the lines of the shoulders and necks were **** and smooth, and the body was so beautiful that people wanted to fly toward him in minutes.

It is a pity that he is Musquieu, a big demon king who is uncompromising. He is not a boy with a long leg and a soft waist and easy to push down. Xu Youning can only silently dispel his thoughts.

Drying his hair, Muske put a used towel aside and slid the quilt to the bed.

For a time, some of the memories of the hot and a lazy floating on Xu Youning's mind, she could not stay on the other side of the bed, the action is difficult to hide.

Mussier noticed the movement of Xu Youning, and the slender legs stretched out and pressed her firmly: "Sleep."

Xu Youning struggled and protested: "You pressed me like this, how can I sleep?"

Musijue slowly looked at Xu Youning: "How is this not enough?"

Not enough... not enough...

Xu Youning admits that his face is not too thin, but he still can't stand it, his cheeks are hot, and he closes his eyes and dare not make any resistance.

She deeply felt that on the perversion, Mussaud was invincible in this world, and the world was invincible.

He is best not to fall into her hands and give her a chance to back pressure.

Otherwise, she will definitely let Muske know what is called "the world's first pressure."

Although the posture was not very comfortable, in the end, Xu Youning still slept.

When she opened her eyes the next day, she found herself in the arms of Muss.

I don't know when I don't know who is holding it first.

Xu Youning only knew that she was relying on the arms of Muss, and Muss put a hand on her waist and gently circled her.

Her breath was sprayed on the chest of Muss, and the relatives of Muske's chin were against her head...

At this moment, they are like a pair of lovers.

Xu Youning closed his eyes and did not dare to move.

If this is a dream, she is willing to indulge in a dream and not sleep.

If this is a reality, she is willing to maintain this position until Mussaud wakes up until he takes the initiative to push her away.

Xu Youning did not know how much time he could live. She was only sure that she and Mussault had such an intimate hug and experienced once less.

Xu Youning is like a thief who has done something wrong, carefully leaning on the chest of Muss, close his eyes, and even dare not force his breath.

As long as she is quiet, Mussaud will not wake up so quickly, she can spend more than a minute?

It turns out that Xu Youning underestimated the biological clock of Muss.

At seven o'clock, Mussard, who was sleeping, moved, and Xu Youning didn't sleep with him in the same bed. He reacted in a flash – Mussaud woke up.

Can't let him discover that she is sleeping!

Xu Youning wants to pretend that she just woke up and jerked her head up, unexpectedly hitting Muske's chin, and then she heard the sound of the two rows of teeth slamming together.

She groaned and looked at Muske, and saw his handsome face covered with clouds.

"Mussell, I didn't mean it..."

Her deer's eyes were full of horror, and at the same time, she was almost subconsciously retreating, and the little action angered Muss.

Mussault held her shoulder and looked at her condescendingly: "The strength is not small, it seems that you really recovered."

Xu Youning looked at Muss in defense: "What do you want?"

"Oh, of course, follow your advice and make good use of you."

The tail sound just fell, Muss's lips have been pressed on Xu Youning's lips, can not refuse to open her teeth, all the way straight into the light, grab the sweetness just waking up.

He pressed Xu Youning's shoulders, and the long and powerful legs pressed Xu Youning, and did not give Xu Youning the opportunity to struggle.

Xu Youning is not a soft-hearted master. He bit his heart and bite the lower lip of Muss.

Musijue stunned his eyebrows and stopped. Xu Youning could clearly see the bleeding of his lower lip.

Oh, don't say, look at Muss in this way... It seems more sexy.

Obsessed for a moment, Xu Youning reacted, this is not the reaction she should have!

Xu Youning was entangled, and Mussault bowed his head and smashed the blood of the blood to her lips, and then took her lips and pushed the faint **** smell into her mouth.


Xu Youning has big eyes, and there are countless barrows in his mind. Each one is bold and bold: metamorphosis! !

She struggled with her hands and feet, but she was not an opponent of Muske.

Mussou was too familiar with her sensitive points. She broke down one by one. After a few times, she gradually lost her senses. The strength of her body was like being exhausted. She could only close her eyes and let Mussault suppress her. begging.

Muske looked at the tamed deer under his body, smacked his lips, took possession of her little by little, took her into another world, and swayed...

Xu Youning resisted to be powerless. In the end, he could only scratch the back of Muss, and could not help but give him the response he wanted...

She thought that as long as she was not struggling, Mussue would soon let her go.

As it turned out, she underestimated the interest of this man.


Xu Youning woke up again, it was already afternoon.

The autumn sun is lazily scattered on the window, and a tree shadow penetrates through the window, beautifully laid on the floor, shaking with the autumn wind.

Xu Youning picked up the quilt and looked at himself. Mussault not only helped her to take a shower, but also helped her to wear clothes.

Most importantly, he did not pick her up.

Mu's perverted conscience found out?

No matter what the answer is, the most important thing at the moment is not this, but she is hungry.

Xu Youning got up and walked out with his soft legs. When passing the study, he heard the voice of Muske:

"I don't plan to let her go."

Xu Youning stunned, stopped, and jumped out of countless barrage in his mind:


Really awkward - Chihuahua, Mussé actually did not intend to let her go!

Not going back, she can not only avenge her grandmother, but everything she has worked hard before, including the knife of Muske, who was smashed two months ago, is in vain!

Saying, does she want to run now?

Xu Youning did not have time to act, Muss has already found her, he came out and looked at her: "When did you come out?"

"Just just now." Xu Youning said frankly, "You don't want me to hear, I have already heard it."

Unexpectedly, Mussard didn’t mind at all, saying, “I’m just going to repeat it with you.”

"Mussell!" Xu Youning was so angry that he wanted to pounce on him. "Is this interesting? Why are you keeping me?"

Mussek lowered his voice, and he vomited a warm breath in Xu Youning's ear: "Because I found out - your availability is great."

"Using" this stalk, when will he be tired when he plays?

Xu Youning couldn't help but sneer: "When are you going to let me go?"

"I don't know." Mussou said in a cloud, "I don't know when I will lose interest in you."

Xu Youning bit his teeth and looked at Muss in a hateful way, passing through one of the ways to escape.

Mussault is like seeing Xu Youning, warning her: "Don't want to escape, otherwise..."

Reluctantly, Xu Youning’s provocative question: “How else?”

Mussou sneered a sneer and said, "You know the consequences."

His evil and charming looks like a special effect Ecstasy, he just came over, Xu Youning's heartbeat has begun to get out of control.

Rely, the rules of the game are not like this, Mussell is a red aa naked aa naked foul!

Xu Youning subconsciously retreats, Mussault responded quickly, reaching out to hug her waist, the more she struggled, the more tight Musquito circled.

For the sake of convenience, Mussaud gave Xu Youning a shirt skirt. Struggling, the button of the skirt was opened, and Mussou looked down and saw a knife on Xu Youning's lower abdomen.

If you remember correctly, this scar should be left by him.

"Your masterpiece." Xu Youning took the opportunity to break the shackles of Muss, and asked coldly, "Are you satisfied?"

"It's too shallow." Musqui said, "Not satisfied enough."


Xu Youning was stunned and had nothing to say, only in the heart of the infinite loop of roar: metamorphosis!

She can't stay here and listen to her life.

Not only because of Muske's perversion, but also because she is more and more susceptible to Muske.

She is afraid of this going on, she will have a crush, and she will never be able to leave Muss.

However, Muss did not love her, his interest in her and the so-called "utilization", but wanted to retaliate against her deception and betrayal of him.

She is not willing to become a tool for Muss.

She wants to go back and wants to take revenge for her grandmother and help Lu Boyan to take down Kangrui City.

As for whether you can come back...

It doesn't matter, she doesn't even know how many days she has left.

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