MTL - A Woman Disguises Herself As a Man and Enters the Men’s Dormitory To Be the Pet of the Villains-Chapter 267 The legendary 5-clawed golden dragon

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The eyes that slowly opened behind Gu Lan were bigger than Gu Lan herself.

These are the eyes that Gu Lan saw when she first came to the Dragon Tomb. They were pitch black with vertical pupils, and the pupils were filled with the evil intent of a giant dragon. At this moment, these eyes seemed to be burning with anger.

The golden dragon Gerald couldn't help exclaiming, "Yao... are you awake?!"

The black dragon lurks in the darkness. He is a Chinese human, his body has become a dragon, and his soul supports the countless dragons here.

When Gu Lan first arrived, she saw the giant dragon opened its eyes, but it was obvious that Yao would be unconscious in the eyes of the golden dragon.

Following the exclamation of the golden dragon Gerald, the dragons below the dragon tomb who were waiting to open their mouths and Gu Lan fell into their mouths opened their mouths even wider!

"Yao woke up?!"

"Yao really exists?"

"I'll **** it up, I'm scaring the dragon to death!"

The other colorful killing matronzus were also alarmed.

The purple lightning dragon was in a complicated mood. It let out a low growl, and its body turned into a dragon, completely destroying the house Anita once lived in.

Obviously, he was jealous of Yao.

Due to the madness of the lightning dragon, several other dragons also continued to fall, and the two dragons with green and red hair turned into dragons.

The red dragon and the green dragon surrounded the golden dragon.

Carlos the Frost Dragon looked at the current situation, his silver eyebrows slightly frowned, and finally, his eyes fell on Gu Lan.

He stared at Gu Lan for a long time, then slowly landed beside Gu Lan.

Afterwards, the Frost Dragon Carlos was almost slapped away by the black dragon's tail.

Gu Lan still kept pointing her **** at the old man, and a black dragon's tail under her lifted up to catch Gu Lan.

The bottom of this dragon tomb is darkness.

And Yao is the deepest darkness at the bottom of this dragon tomb.

Even his head is hidden in the darkness, and he can see that his body is covered with scales, which looks like a western dragon...

But Gu Lan suspects that the dragon's body is not so long at all.

Beneath this darkness may be the body of an oriental dragon.

The stench in the air spread along with uneasiness and fear. It was obvious that Yao's awakening was beyond the expectation of the golden dragon.

The golden dragon wanted to say something, but Yao let out a low growl.

Then, there was a deep and magnetic sound that could only be heard from an uncle who was thirty years old at most. He spoke Chinese, and Gu Lan could hear it clearly——

"You dragon cubs, you really deserve to die!"

Accompanied by Yao's words, the entire space of the Dragon Tomb seemed to shake.

Gu Lan couldn't tell what the golden dragon Gerald looked like now. After all, the species were different, but he could feel that the golden dragon was afraid.

In the darkness, the giant dragons gathered around Gerald like bugs gathering.

Yao ignored them, his eyes looked at the sky—

Anita also looked at the ground.

Anita's beautiful scales have now fallen off, as if a human beauty had been skinned and disfigured.

Yao only had distress in his eyes, and he called out to Anita.

"Anita! Anita!"

The sound of chains shaking came from the depths of the darkness. Yao's feet buried in the depths of the darkness must be covered with anklets.

Gu Lan felt that she was useful.

Now that everyone is paying attention to Yao, she must find a way to untie these chains...

She remembered that there seemed to be a black cloak in the bag Yan Xiao gave her.

In this kind of darkness, one has to become a night walker in the dark, and at the same time, silently pray that these giant dragons are all short-sighted.

Gu Lan planned quickly and moved quickly.

Carlos the Frost Dragon stood beside Gu Lan, quietly helping Gu Lan block a few waves of attacks, and quietly watching Gu Lan.

Gu Lan suddenly turned her head to look at Carlos, which made Carlos a little nervous.

There was an unnatural look on his pale face, he wanted to turn his head aside, but he couldn't restrain himself from staring at Gu Lan.

Gu Lan just looked at him quietly, just like at that time...

Gu Lan said, "Can you stay away from me?"

Carlos: …

Well, it is indeed the same as back then, I hate him very much.

Carlos didn't make a sound, and quietly moved away from Gu Lan, and then Gu Lan calmed down and hid under the huge scales of the black dragon and quietly put on a cloak.

To be honest, Gu Lan's impression of Carlos is very simple - Anita's suitor.

Now that Carlos is showing affection to her inexplicably, Gu Lan feels that either this man has no masculinity, or Anita told him to protect her.

No matter which one, Gu Lan doesn't trust Carlos very much.

Carlos was very hurt in his heart. He watched Gu Lan hide in Yao's shelter all in white, and there was no movement for a long time. He couldn't help but whispered under the cover of the golden dragon's roar at Yao.

"Why did you tell me to stay away... Didn't Yan Xiao protect you?"

Gu Lan did not respond to his words.

A self-deprecating smile appeared on Carlos' fair face.

He should know, he is a dragon, Gu Lan is a human being, how can a human fall in love with a dragon... Yao will love Anita, he is so envious... so envious...

Gu Lan had no idea what Carlos was thinking about. At this moment, she was no longer at Yao's black dragon tail, and Gu Lan quietly fled wrapped in a black cloak.

Yao's body is huge, and to Yao, Gu Lan is like a tiny ant on a lion's body, and he won't have any unnecessary reactions.

The golden dragon Gerald was still roaring loudly at Yao, "Yao, you shouldn't have woken up! It was you who brought our dragon clan into hell! It was you who made our dragon clan stay here and be buried with you !"

Yao didn't care what the golden dragon Gerald said, he raised his head and roared at the sky!

Anita's mournful cry resounded throughout the dragon tomb.

The flesh and blood on Anita's body fell off layer by layer. This appearance is like a "thousand cuts" of human beings. It makes you hurt and hurts you, but it won't let you die.

The green dragon tried to stop Anita from falling, but his movement was intercepted by the golden dragon Gerald.

The golden dragon Gerald's eyes are full of evil, his eyes are so big, Gu Lan can hear his abacus ringing in Yao.

Gu Lan quickened her pace and walked towards the chain. Yao Julong's body was hard and rough, and Gu Lan's body was covered with blood. Her blood attracted the monsters at the bottom of the darkness.

The monsters in the dark are the dragons who opened their mouths to eat Gu Lan not long ago.

There are falling night pearls slowly falling in mid-air, Gu Lan relies on these night pearls to look around, and at the same time she is lucky enough to pick one up.

Gu Lan put the luminous pearls she picked up into a bag, and she hid in a dark place to observe secretly with many scattered luminous pearls.

The giant dragons here do not have the immortal and human aura of the six great dragon ancestors at all. They are completely a group of lizards, a group of greedy monsters.

They all look different.

Part of the body is thick, with two huge bat wings, four short and thick legs, like a horse, and horns on its head.

Some are like large lizards with long tails and barbs behind them.

There is also a part that looks like Dongfang Long...

The dragon is an animal in ancient Chinese mythology. It is the head of scale insects and one of the symbols of the Chinese nation.

According to legend, the dragon can fly, is good at changing, and can call the wind and rain, etc., and is listed as auspicious together with the phoenix and unicorn.

Its appearance is very abstractly described—"horns like a deer, head like a camel, eyes like a rabbit, neck like a snake, belly like a house, scales like a fish, claws like an eagle, palms like a tiger, ears like a cow".

It's hard to understand that.

Anyone who has seen anime, movies, various dragon boat dances and other elements, and even "China's First Dragon" and so on in the sixth grade Chinese textbooks.

He may not be able to describe what the dragon looks like, but if the Huaxia dragon appears in front of him, he will definitely be able to recognize it.

Gu Lan was in this state at this time, and suddenly saw a few familiar faces among a group of crooked melons and cracked dates.

However, these dragons are completely different from the dragons that represent auspiciousness in China. They are more like a hybrid of Western lizards and Eastern dragons. The evil in their eyes is full of animalistic greed.

In their eyes, there is no communication, only the desire to eat and reproduce.

Gu Lan had a bold conjecture, which made her choose to quietly approach these Huaxia dragon-like guys among the monster piles.

Darkness is the best cover, Yao and Anita's love is enough to attract the attention of 80% of the dragons here.

Gu Lan can also understand, after all, the Dragon Tomb is so dark that even if they are in a relationship, they don't know the other party's parents without making a sound.

And the topic of love is usually the highest ratings.

No exception here.

The boring life of the giant dragons is fun because of watching the "bitter love drama". What's more exciting is that this bitter love drama also has a vicious supporting role, the golden dragon.

At the same time, this drama also involves elements such as reunion after a long absence, love between humans and dragons, unrequited love, sadomasochism, beating mandarin ducks with clubs, the return of the king of soldiers... the return of the dragon king, and the blackening of the villain.

The dragons ate melons very well, which gave Gu Lan a chance to commit crimes.

Gu Lan quietly approached the group of guys who looked like Huaxia dragons, and she found that the three giant dragons on the top were all gathered beside Yao's dragon claws that were locked by golden shackles.

They seem to have survived by eating Yao's meat, so they also have the characteristics of a Huaxia dragon.

In this case, Yao is likely to be a five-clawed dragon, or maybe a five-clawed golden dragon. The golden dragon may have such beautiful scales because it has benefited from Yao.

Moreover, Gu Lan counted these Chinese-like giant dragons lying on Yao's dragon claws, all of them had three legs.

There is a saying in China about dragon feet—

The three claws are jiao, the four claws are pythons, and the five claws are dragons.

These giant dragons ate Yao's meat, and their bodies began to transform into Huaxia dragons. However, they were still the lowest level and could not be called dragons yet.

Gu Lan thought about it, and began to think about how to transfer these dragons away, how to untie the shackles that trapped Yao.

She has to hurry up!

At this time, the dragon tomb here seems to be divided into two battlefields.

On the top of the battlefield are Yao's head and the six great dragon ancestors. There is still a slight light on them. The night pearl falls in midair and falls romantically on Yao's body, illuminating his black scales.

It was as if Anita's tears lit him up.

Anita's body fell slowly, the tears on her face were mixed with blood, she wanted to get close to her lover—

Even though she was so ugly, she still wanted to rely on him.

"Yao! Yao! I love you! I miss you so much!"

Yao is a little more reserved than Anita, UU Reading He can't say love and has never said it. At this time, he didn't speak, and his amber eyes were fixed on Anita.

He wanted to hug his lover, but now he couldn't.

In the darkness, the sound of Yao trying to break free from the chain became louder and louder, and in the depths of the darkness, the sound of the chain being rattled was endless.

What the other dragons heard from this voice was the fear that Yao was about to break free from the shackles, but what Anita heard was the sound of her lover being restricted in freedom and being strangled by the shackles.

Anita's wailing became louder and she wept to Yao.

"Don't move anymore...don't move anymore! You can't break free from the shackles of the ancient gods...this is a shackle specially designed for you..."

"Don't hurt yourself for me...don't...I don't want I don't want this..."

Hearing this, Yao felt sorry for Anita even more. His face was ferocious, his body tried to float upwards, and the chains under him made loud noises.