MTL - A Woman Disguises Herself As a Man and Enters the Men’s Dormitory To Be the Pet of the Villains-Chapter 268 Gu Lan's "subordinates" came to save the Lord

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In the darkness, the chains kept making ear-piercing sounds as Yao continued to struggle. Yao struggled desperately to hold his fallen lover in his arms, but his body was imprisoned, and he could only look at his lover a little bit. Fall slowly.

Anita's body was already very ugly.

Enduring the pain with her last bit of strength, she turned into a human and landed on the dragon's tail raised by Yao.

Yao's dragon tail can only be partially arched, and the end of the dragon's tail is also tightly locked to the ground by shackles. Gu Lan is looking for an opportunity to cut off the shackles "under his body".

At this time, Carlos in white appeared next to her again. Carlos' silver hair and silver eyes stood out in the darkness.

Gu Lan felt dizzy when he saw Carlos.

She wanted to "steal the tower", but here came a tank full of taunts. Isn't this just adding to the chaos.

Carlos also felt Gu Lan's helplessness towards him, he quietly floated beside Gu Lan, and said in a low voice, "I'm here to deal with you."

To this, Gu Lan said perfunctorily, "Oh."

Carlos felt very irritated by being ignored by Gu Lan many times, he turned around and looked directly at Gu Lan's face, and said in a low voice.

"Aren't you curious why I always appear by your side?"

In this regard, Gu Lan's expression is almost like this -


"Oh, not too curious. Could you just stay away from me for a while?"

Gu Lan felt that what she said was very polite, but she didn't know which nerve she touched in Carlos, and Carlos' breathing became heavy.

His entire face is fair, his eyebrows and eyelashes are as silver as frost and snow, and seeing him seems to see the snow that has fallen and the frost that has formed in winter.

His sharp-edged face has a delicacy that is difficult for humans to possess. The human being transformed into a dragon is a beauty that breaks through the dimension, just like a doll.

Carlos stared at Gu Lan closely, and Gu Lan saw that "the enemy is not moving", so she could only "move", so Gu Lan moved to avoid Carlos.

Carlos reached out and grabbed Gu Lan's wrist.

His hands were as cold as the freezer, Gu Lan couldn't help shivering, Carlos frowned quietly, and relaxed a little bit.

His relaxed strength just made Gu Lan run away.

Gu Lan is now racing against time to save Yao, and saving Yao is also saving Anita. At this critical moment, does this guy have to come out to make trouble?

Gu Lan knew that Carlos could not be bypassed for the time being, so she said helplessly and quickly.

"Is it Anita's arrangement for you to appear next to me, or do you have your own arrangement? Well, if you must make me guess, I guess you may have bad intentions. I..."

"I'm not a bad dragon!"

Carlos suddenly interrupted Gu Lan loudly.

In the bitter scene between Anita and Yao, Carlos' voice was not too high, and he didn't attract the attention of any dragon.

Carlos's silver eyelashes fluttered like a helpless butterfly. He was suspended in mid-air, and the night pearls scattered around him floated towards his body as if they were attracted.

He is as beautiful as an existence in a dream, a frosty man who is handsome and flawless.

Beside him was Gu Lan with a ruffian face, Gu Lan curled her lips, seeing that she was already attracting everyone's attention, she simply continued to give the **** to God in the light.

There was boundless darkness under Carlos and Gu Lan's feet, and there was a huge black shadow trembling in the darkness. Around him were countless strange, terrifying and greedy lizard-like monsters.

Gu Lan looked at the eye-catching Carlos, thinking about what Carlos said, she didn't quite agree with it.

At least, now Carlos is a bad dragon to her—

Just as Gu Lan was about to speak, Carlos spoke, his voice was ethereal as if it came from another world.

"I don't have much time... Gu Lan, I know you, I have seen you. I have endured here for a long time, just like Anita, waiting for your return."

Carlos held Gu Lan's hand tightly, stared into Gu Lan's eyes for a long time, and said in a low voice.

"The difference is that Anita is waiting for you to save her lover, but I am different... I am waiting to save you. Gu Lan—"

Gu Lan didn't expect that she still has a story here, she said, "Let's talk about our story later, we should still have time, now I want to—"

Carlos looked as cold as ice, making people afraid to approach, but he spoke very fast, as if he was competing for time with something.

He interrupted Gu Lan again, "I know what you want to do, Gu Lan, I know it all, I've always known it..."

Carlos stared at Gu Lan's eyes, his eyelashes trembled, and the silver eyelashes seemed to be made of ice and snow, as if every trembling would shake off the frost and snow.

Carlos said to Gu Lan, "Everything will be as you wish. As long as you can remember me."

This made Gu Lan feel uncomfortable listening to—

This seems to stand!

Gu Lan didn't know Carlos at all. To be more precise, they only met for one night. No matter how you look at it...

Nothing to say.

For some people, no, even if not people but other beings, a decision is made.

Ice and snow can bloom like fireworks.

Blooms only one night, burns out life—

Carlos grabbed Gu Lan's hand, and suddenly kissed Gu Lan's forehead, then he threw Gu Lan onto Yao's body, and then he let out a low growl.

The cold and handsome man turned into a giant dragon in the depths of the ground, and his low roar roared throughout the ground.

He stared at Gu Lan closely with his eyes, and then resolutely bumped into the chain that locked Yao's dragon claw not far away!

The attack of the Frost Giant Dragon carried the color of snow, and soon, the color of snow turned into the color of snow.

The lizard and three-clawed dragon-like monster next to Yaolong's claw chain clinged to Carlos like a leech after a low growl.

It was difficult for the bodies of the monsters to break through the defense of the Frost Dragon, and some of them even hung to death on the dragon scales, but even so, Carlos was still bleeding.

The snow-like body of the frost dragon turned scarlet.

He used his sharp teeth to bite those hard shackles, the shackles glowed with blood, and the shackles seemed to be constantly absorbing the blood of Carlos.

Every time Carlos absorbed a point of blood, the shackles glowed redder, and as Yao continued to struggle, the chains began to loosen.

Yao's roar accompanied by the frost dragon's roar seemed to collapse the ground, and a black dragon tried to stretch its claws.

The scales on the other snow-white dragon began to fade slowly like Anita...

Obviously, the curse released by the will of the world on Carlos is also in effect.

In this situation, Gu Lan looked too small, she was like a scale on a giant dragon, so small that she couldn't even see it.

Amidst the dragon's roar, she felt her own powerlessness.

It's like the feeling of powerlessness and even panic that ancient humans felt when facing various natural disasters. This kind of power is too strong, but it has nothing to do with her at all.

As if she is just a grain of sand here, she can only witness everything, but can't influence anything...

Gu Lan thought of the way Carlos looked at her—

Where have they met!

Where did you see it? !

Why doesn't she have any memory at all? In her memory, she is just an ordinary student. There are so many memories in her mind, why none of them can help!

As Gu Lan was thinking and observing, her hands were clenched into fists by her side. As a human being, it was difficult for her to breathe, but she stood on Yao's body with her back straight.

She must find a way!

You can't panic, you can't panic, the more you get to this kind of time, the less you can panic.

The golden dragon Gerald never thought that Carlos would take blood to help Yao loosen the shackles. How did Carlos know the key to the shackles and seals...? !

Unexpectedly, there are so many traitors among their dragon clan.

Anita fell in love with humans, and they thought they loved Anita and believed in the ancient **** Carlos, but they also fell in love with humans a long time ago!


The huge claw of the golden dragon slapped Carlos down, and it roared angrily.

"Unforgivable! Our dragon family is the most noble! How can a noble dragon family fall in love with humans so humblely! Carlos, Anita! Even if the ancient gods don't punish you, I, the noble golden dragon, will definitely punish you! "

The golden dragon's claws were about to hit Carlos, and the chains were already wrapped around Carlos' body like poisonous vines, sucking Carlos' blood frantically.

Carlos couldn't move, the shackles were wrapped around Carlos, and Carlos' head would be crushed by the claws of the golden dragon Gerald!

Yao didn't want the person who helped him to be injured, but his body couldn't move, his body was fixed in the dark, and he could only watch the golden dragon attack the person who helped him!

"Do not!-"

Yao has already felt the powerlessness that Gu Lan felt.

Trapped in this place, he doesn't know the sun, the moon, the light, the people he loves can't see each other, he sleeps in the eternal darkness, and his body becomes a nest for pests!

He has always been so powerless, he thought he had become stronger, when he came here he thought he was the protagonist of this world—

Only at the end did he realize that he was just a carrier of the will of the world, a hotbed of evil intentionally cultivated by the world consciousness!

He thought that what fate gave him was a gift, but in fact what fate gave him was endless disasters!

Do not!

Yao hated his own incompetence, he hated his own powerlessness, he hated everything—

Suddenly there was an extremely indescribable singing voice in the darkness, "Son Gerald, I am your father!"

"Son, son, I am your father, come and sit down, we two have a talk today~~~"

Gu Lan's voice has never been so loud. She really almost broke her throat and roared. It is also because the golden dragon is going to attack the frost dragon, so it is very close to her.

Therefore, Gu Lan's completely broken and weird voice once again fell into the ears of the golden dragon Gerald.

The golden dragon was about to take a picture of the claws on the head of the frost dragon, and at this time, Carlos was also very strong. He bit the flesh on his body and let the shackles go directly into his body.

It turned out that these shackles were only binding Carlos, but now, these shackles were deeply embedded in Carlos' flesh, almost fused with Carlos!

This seems to transfer the shackles from Yao to Carlos.

Almost at the same time, Yao reacted, and its claws were released. It raised a scarred and **** black dragon claw, and slapped aside the golden dragon that was approaching and still sluggish.

It all happened very fast, almost within two seconds.

The golden dragon Gerald came back to his senses and glared at Gu Lan, but Gu Lan's body was too small for the dragon, and Gu Lan was wearing a black cloak.

Gu Lan, who was wearing a black cloak in the dark, stood on the black dragon. The effect was like a black man eating dark chocolate in the dark night without stars, moon, lights, and lights. The camouflage was perfect.

The golden dragon Gerald was attracted by Gu Lan's hatred and attention, but he didn't find Gu Lan immediately, so Yao pulled the golden dragon Gerald aside again with only one freed claw.

Yao's dragon claws are very similar to those of the golden dragon Gerald. Gu Lan found that the appearance of the golden dragon is also very similar to the monsters with three claws that cling to Yao's dragon's feet and gnaw.

Gu Lan felt more and more that the golden dragon Gerald absorbed Yao's blood or something else to become what he is now!

This is simply a thief!

All the thief dragons she had met here before had admitted that they were thieves, but this golden dragon stole Yao's things and became a dragon king? !

The more Gu Lan thought about it, the more angry she became, and her broken voice let out a heart-piercing singing.

She wanted to say to the golden dragon—

"Son! Son! I am your own father—! Everything I say and do is for your own good! ~~~ Why don't you die like garbage~! But after listening to it~ you have to digest it with your heart —!”

Gu Lan is singing, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Suddenly, there seemed to be a hole in the dark ground, and a ray of light came in from it.

Then, a voice that Gu Lan was quite familiar with came from below.

"Don't be afraid! Beautiful female dragons, my great golden dragon Galt will definitely protect you. My great master, the patron saint of the elves, and the gospel of all human beings, His Royal Highness Gu Lan is here—!"

"My God, what is this devil's song?! Don't be afraid, my great golden dragon Galt—"

Before the golden dragon Galt could finish speaking, a flash of lightning flashed in the darkness!

The silver lightning directly illuminated the entire dark cave like an overexposed photo, and everything was like daytime. Under the lightning of divine punishment, the six-winged God King rushed in with silver hair flying and red eyes.

"Gu Lan—!"