MTL - A World Worth Protecting-Chapter 1375 Blue Lefish

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At this moment, Wang Baole's eyes burst with a strong light, like two bolts of lightning, staring at his right hand. In his eyes, there are traces of blue blood scattered around the right hand at this moment.

In addition, there are some pieces of minced meat in his hands.

It's just that all of this only existed for a moment, and they all disappeared. His right hand was still empty, and there was no change in the surroundings. Only in his feelings, there seemed to be wind blowing.

Wang Baole lowered his head and looked at his right hand. After a long silence, he suddenly laughed.

"It's kind of interesting. When you put sixty-six identical sounds on top of each other, the power has reached such a level. Even at that moment, it broke a certain barrier and made me see the world in the desire of listening."

Wang Baole didn't think that his superimposed sound could be as powerful as it could damage the void. According to his realm, after a little thought, he also had an answer in his heart.

The superimposed sound is purely powerful. Although it is strong, it is indeed not strong enough to break the void. The reason for the previous manifestation is that this superimposed sound itself possesses certain attributes.

Like a human talent, the attribute of the superimposed sound should be the broken boundary.

"In this case, my path to the Law of Desire is based on this..." Wang Baole decided in his heart. Although this sound is not good, it is completely different from the other monks of the Chord Sect. Even in Wang Baole's judgment, it should be different from the other monks of the Chord Sect. The other two are also different.

But it doesn't matter, as long as the power is enough, it's fine.

After all, they are all the laws of hearing desires, although they are presented in different ways, as long as they can practice the laws of hearing desires and operate enough to increase the power of the laws of hearing desires, it will do.

"It doesn't matter!" Wang Baole thought, subconsciously fluctuating the superimposed sound in his body. Hearing the familiar pop sound, this sound that originally made him feel a little unpleasant, now seems to be a lot more pleasant.

Thinking of this, Wang Baole's spirit shook slightly, his body shook, and he continued to explore in this dark night, constantly perceiving new notes, and constantly superimposing them.

"I don't know how powerful this sound can be... after being superimposed by hundreds or even thousands or even tens of thousands." Wang Baole still had some expectations in his heart, because he had discovered it a long time ago. The law of hearing desire seems to be the same as his own. Very fit, others often perceive a sound, it takes chance and time.

And here, it seems that you can feel it casually, and sometimes even destroy a weird thing, and the notes in the body will also form one.

In this way, another month passed.

If you count the time, Wang Baole has been in this Tingyu City for almost half a year, although most of the time, Wang Baole stayed in the Chord Sect, even in the daytime.

He tested it a long time ago that at the moment of dawn, as long as he stays in the cave, he will not be affected and sent out. Although it is no longer night outside, the cultivation environment in the cave has not changed much.

Therefore, in the restaurant where he lived in Tingyucheng, he didn't have a lot of time to go back, and he had less contact with the housekeeper, not to mention his two neighbors.

In this regard, the housekeeper of the restaurant was not surprised. It was not the first time that he had dealt with the disciples of the three major sects. He knew that these people were very withdrawn and would not like to be disturbed by others.

Although there were fewer contacts, his service did not diminish in the slightest. Various spiritual things were sent out one after another, and even here in the score, I got another one and gave it to Wang Baole and the other two monks who hadn't met.

Wang Baole was also very satisfied with the support of the butler and his back owner, so when he left Dongfu during the day and returned to the restaurant in Tingyu City a few days later, he did not refuse the butler's request.

Soon, outside of Wang Baole's house, the butler of the restaurant hurriedly arrived. He took a deep breath at the door and tidied up his clothes. After confirming that there was nothing dirty on his body, he knocked on the door respectfully.

Inside the house, Wang Baole sat there, holding a hip flask in his hand, and spoke lightly.

"Come in."

The door opened, and the butler bowed in respectfully and bowed in front of Wang Baole.

"I have seen the Lord."

For the monks of the three major sects, most of the residents of Tingyu City are called this, of course, there are also those called Shangxian. Although the residents of Tingyu City are mostly cultivators, the status of the three major sects is too high. The disciples within are naturally Also superior.

After speaking, the butler took out a storage bag from his arms and put it on the table.

Wang Baole glanced at the housekeeper, smiled and scanned the storage bag with divine thoughts. There were some incomplete music scores in it. This was the last time he arranged to ask the other party to collect these incomplete music scores.

Because it is incomplete and is a re-enactment version, the price is not very outrageous. After all, it is not very meaningful to other monks, at most it is just a reference.

Unless it is not a re-engraved version, it can also give people a chance to perceive the notes on it, and the re-engraved version...not that it is impossible to perceive, but it is too difficult.

But for Wang Baole, it was not like this. He had traded similar items from Chen Ling, a neighbor of the Dongfu Mansion, and he realized the musical notes from it.

That's why the housekeeper was arranged to collect them. Because of this, the housekeeper collected a lot of these incomplete re-engraved scores for Wang Baole. At this moment, seeing Wang Baole smile on his face, the housekeeper blinked and said in a low voice.

"Master, the reason why I can collect so much is because my boss has done a lot..."

"I will think about it carefully about the sound servant." Wang Baole nodded and spoke slowly.

"It's easy to talk about the sound servant..." The butler hesitated for a while, then continued to speak.

"My boss, I would like to trouble your master. In the world of the law of listening and desire, there is a strange fish named Lanle... The blood of this fish is an excellent nourishment for me and other murmur monks. There are not many things of sound, so I don’t know if the master can catch one when he encounters it in the future..."

"The owner is willing to give more incomplete music scores as a reward."

"Lan Le?" Wang Baole blinked.

"Yes, this kind of fish looks very special, it gives people the feeling that the whole body is covered with eyes." The butler hurriedly said.

"High value?" Wang Baole raised his eyebrows.

"It's not very high, it's only effective for noise. I don't dare to deceive my superior in this matter, but this fish is small in number and extremely fast, so it is difficult to catch, so it is precious in the ordinary." The steward explained.

Wang Baole thought for a while, recalling that the fish that was destroyed by his own superimposed sound for the first time seemed to be like this, so after thinking about the location of the fish he encountered at the time, he nodded.