MTL - Abe the Wizard-Chapter 1415 Oncoming

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Chapter 1415: Assault

Due to the Kingdom of God, the Wizarding Guild convenes a large number of wizards, which can only be drawn from various branches. It is not convened from the end of the defense wall. Compared to the dwarves, the Kingdom of God is the greatest enemy of the Wizarding Guild.

Besides, with the power of the Wizarding Guild, the Brennan demigod wizard did not think that the dwarves would dare to resist the Wizarding Guild.

This operation is more of a deterrent, as long as the dwarves who believe in the God of the Hill are disposed of, and a new dwarf king is selected from the dwarves.

Regardless of whether the dwarves agreed with the new dwarf king, with the support of the Wizards Guild, coupled with the death of the dwarven king Gunther, the dwarven group had no head, and the dwarven group agreed.

This is the self-confidence of the Brennan demigod sorcerer, and the confidence of the wizarding guild to rule the world.

In fact, he made the same mistake as everyone else, and that was the number of dwarven people who believed in the God of the Hill.

If there are only a few hundred or thousands of people, the dwarven people may still be dealt with by the Wizards Guild because they do not want to destroy the people.

But a whole two million dwarven believers, and most of the dwarven believers are elite among the dwarven clan, which is why the dwarven king Gunther has to refuse the request of the **** wizard even if he is dead.

Don't the dwarven king Gunther know the cost of his rejection of the **** wizard?

Agreeing is genocide, disagreeing is also genocide, then it is not dead with dignity.

Brennan summoned ten demigod wizards and more than 20 legends. Not to mention the 5,000 number of wizards at all levels, just looking at the more than 30 powerful wizards floating in the sky was enough to make any race feel Fearful.

Instead of teleporting directly to Ironforge, they were sent in batches to the Wizards' Guild branch closest to the Dwarven Ironforge.

After reassessing at the branch, this huge team of wizards was constantly 'momentarily moving' towards the direction of Ironforge.

The reason why the Wizards Guild sends so many demigods and legends, they know very well that although the dwarves do not have demigod combat power, they are famous for their institutions and have 20 ancient war machines such as the King of Lands Maybe there are some other means hidden.

The Wizarding Guild did not really want to destroy the dwarves, it was just a means of intimidation, so that the dwarves could not resist it.

This will bring so many wizards. If it is an ordinary race, only one demigod can solve it.

This kind of race with the end of ten thousand years, Brennan demigod wizard does not have the slightest thought.

Of course, if there is a **** level, naturally a **** level can get the dwarves.

In that case, god-level wizards are too worthless. For a race that does not even have a demigod, god-level wizards must be dispatched, and the shaman's guild itself is not good-looking.

Besides, in the past year or two, due to the frequent incidents of the Wizarding Guild, the reputation of the Wizarding Guild has been greatly damaged. This time, it is also a powerful opportunity for the world to know the Wizarding Guild again.

A total of 5,000 wizards on the ground are constantly 'momentarily moving'. The flickering white light makes people look dazzling, not to mention the more than thirty powerful men above the legendary ranks in the sky.

From the Wizardry Guild branch to the Dwarven Ironforge more than 500 miles away, everyone who saw this scene was stunned.

"Everyone, let's enter Ironforge first, block the surroundings, suppress the dwarves, try not to kill people, wait for the situation to be controlled, and then clear the believers of the" God of the Hills "!" Brennan the demon wizard saw Tieluoshan, Shen Sheng said.

Ten demigod wizards and more than twenty legendary wizards nodded their heads, their speed increased, and their 'momentary movement' distance was far longer than that of the wizard above the ground, and the speed of invoking 'momentary movement' was also more rapid. fast.

At this time, after tensing, it naturally dropped 5,000 wizards on the ground and flew over Ironforge.

"What's going on, are the dwarves ready?" Shen Brennan the demigod sorcerer said.

He came to the top of Ironforge, but saw the dwarves of wizards standing there on the top of Ironforge.

In the rest of Ironforge, the dwarves were also full. They looked at the wizard in the sky with hate.

"Master Brennan, I don't feel right!" The legendary Miles wizard whispered.

"Who is kneeling there?" Brennan the demi wizard also felt wrong, he said in a deep voice.

In front of the hilltop palace, in front of several dwarven rule wizards, there were more than twenty dwarves kneeling. These dwarves were tied with iron chains, which were buckled on the body bones.

This is an extremely cruel way of bundling. It is rarely used in general. Only enemies with great hatred will be treated this way.

At least across the central continent, this type of bundling has rarely been seen.

"Master Brennan, it looks like our intelligence officer!" A legendary wizard replied softly.

To come to the dwarves to arrest, it is naturally necessary to know the identity of the dwarven intelligence officer, this legendary wizard is specifically to solve the matter of the dwarven intelligence officer.

Of course, among these dwarven intelligence officers, they will also choose one to become the new dwarven king.

As for Job, the heir to the dwarven king Gunther, he was burned to death as a believer in the "God of the Hills".

This was all planned before the departure, but at this time it was discovered that all of these dwarven intelligence officers were caught by the dwarven clan.

"I'm Brennan, Vice President of the Wizarding Guild. I've been ordered to come to Ironforge to arrest criminals. Anyone who dares to resist will be arrested!" Brennan demigod wizard looked at the demigods and legends around him. He didn't care what action the dwarves had, he said loudly.

"I am a dwarf Faraday. The Wizards Guild will kill my dwarven king and come to arrest the dwarves. Do you want to exterminate my dwarves?" Among the dwarves, the legendary Faraday wizard soared into the air and said in a deep voice.

Even in the face of a powerful wizard whose strength and number are dozens of times more than his, his voice is extremely firm.

"Faraday, I didn't expect you to become a legend, but you only rely on a legendary wizard, plus the defensive array of Ironforge, I'm afraid it can't stop us!" Brennan the demon wizard said coldly.

Just while he was talking, five thousand wizards on the ground also arrived, and they surrounded the fortress of Ironforge from the outside.

As for the teleportation matrix, the dwarven teleportation matrix was disconnected from the transport network long before they acted.

"Brennan Demi wizard, of course I can't stop you, but the Wizards Guild has no right to take care of the dwarves!" Faraday legendary wizard said lightly.

"As a member of the Wizarding Guild, how dare to disobey the laws of the Wizarding Guild, how could the Wizarding Guild have no power over the affairs of the dwarves?" Brennan the demon wizard had sharp eyes, he rebuked.

"There are a lot of wizards here. So many wizards, that group of god-level wizards are afraid to start the **** war here!" A voice sounded from the air, this voice was extremely familiar to the Brennan demi wizard.

"Elder Abel, the Wizarding Guild sent a letter to the Dragons in advance. The Dragons promised not to participate in this matter. Do you want to trigger a war between the Dragons and the Wizards' Guild?" The horror flashed in the eyes of the Brennan demigod wizard. Shen Sheng said.

With his words, a huge golden castle suddenly appeared in the sky that was empty.

Then from the Golden Castle, Abel flew out, and behind him, the second **** of war, the priest, the **** one, the **** two, the **** three, the **** four, and the **** of the hills. , "Goddess of Hunting", "God of Snow" and "God of Black Mist" all flew behind him.

The appearance of a total of nine god-level combat powers made more than 30 wizards in the sky feel great pressure, and even the 5,000 wizards on the ground were afraid to breathe.

"Before receiving the letter from the Wizarding Guild, Job, the dwarven king Gunther's heir, Job swore allegiance to me on behalf of the dwarves, and the dwarves have become my subordinates!" Abel smiled at the legendary Miles wizard He nodded, and said to Brennan the Demigod.

The legendary Miles sorcerer looked at Abel in front of him, feeling deep.

He had helped Abel before, but only a few years later, the situation was reversed. Abel became a demigod, and there were many god-level beings under him.

Brennan's demi-sorcerer was even more smashing his tongue. He saw the entire nine gods, especially the four gods, which were all the gods who had been confined in the basement of the Wizarding Association headquarters for thousands of years. They all recovered in a short period of time.

"Elder Abel, you have no right to take the dwarves as subordinates!" He was still awake and said loudly.

"With the consent of Job's heir Job, and inheritance tokens, the Dwarves chose me, and the wizards' association gave up!" Abel said with a smile.

In his hand, a small hammer appeared in the hand, which is exactly the inheritance token of the dwarven people.

"Elder Abel, are you completely breaking away from the Wizarding Guild? We are not here to exterminate the dwarves, but to re-settle the dwarves after disposing of the believers of the" God of the Hills "according to the theory of evil deities. Order! "Brennan the demon wizard didn't budge, said in a deep voice.

He particularly increased his voice so that his voice could be heard by the dwarves below.

However, he thought that his words would allow the dwarves to think more about it. After all, he was against the Wizards Guild, but he drew the dwarves.

What he didn't expect was that after hearing his words, the eyes of the dwarf below became even more hostile.

"Brennan Demi wizard, you probably don't know how many believers the Dwarves currently have!" Abel said, shaking his head.

When Brennan the demigod listened to what he said, he knew that there must be something wrong.

"The Dwarves now have nearly three million followers of the" God of the Hills ", and you still say that they are not extinct!" Abel said with a sneer.

The Brennan demigod sorcerer paused, and he realized in his mind why the reaction of the dwarves was so fierce.

Even the whole family committed themselves to Abel and became a subordinate race of Abel. This was completely persecuted by the Wizards Guild!

"Damn the Intelligence Department, they didn't find out such a big thing!" He could not help cursing the Wizarding Department Intelligence Department in his heart.

The Wizarding Guild has always been based on the intelligence of the Ministry of Intelligence, and the Ministry of Intelligence rarely disappoints the Wizarding Guild.

This is why the wizarding guilds are so convinced that the situation of the dwarves is not troublesome. They thought it was a simple cleanup task.

They wizards came to the dwarven clan and forcibly eliminated believers who believed in the God of the Hill.

But when three million dwarven believers are involved, the meaning of the matter is completely different.

Three million dwarven believers, even if they stood there to kill them, they would kill them for a long time.

This is the rhythm of the extermination, but it is ridiculous that they didn't know the situation before they came.

"Elder Abel, the Wizarding Guild does not know that there will be so many dwarves involved. I will report to the headquarters. I believe that the headquarters will reconsider the handling of this matter, so as to avoid conflicts between us!" Said the demigod Shen Shen.

In fact, he is also very clear that what has happened today has become a subordinate race of Abel, and there is no room for recovery. He just said that he wanted to report back the situation here and let the wizards do it himself. Solve the problem.

It is no longer his demigod that can deal with it. It is the best policy to get away early.

"No, now that you have announced the decision to deal, will the Wizarding Guild go back and forth and take back the order?" Abel said with a smile.

The meaning of rejection in his words was obvious, but he was here waiting for these wizards, which was not boring to find something to do.

Immediately after accepting Job's allegiance to the Dwarf, yesterday he came to Ironforge.

The first step here was to block the entire Ironforge, allowing only entry and exit, and to recall a large number of dwarves outside Ironforge.

Then, under the leadership of the legendary Faraday Wizard, all the intelligence officers who placed the Wizarding Guild in the dwarves were arrested.

Later, when Dwarf Job announced to all dwarves that Gunther, the Dwarven King, was killed by the Wizarding Guild, and then announced that the Wizarding Guild was about to attack Ironforge, and the decision of the Dwarves to turn to Abel was also announced.

Due to the excellent relationship between the master Elf Bennett of Abel and the dwarves, coupled with many attempts to help the dwarves, especially in the frontline battlefield some time ago, the **** war with the kingdom of gods was started for the dwarves. This is remembered in the eyes of every dwarf.

This, coupled with the death of the dwarven king Gunther by the Wizards Guild, made the dwarves hate the Wizards Guild, which made the dwarves accept the decision of the dwarves to turn to Abel.

Of course, the most important thing is the identity of Job, the dwarf. He is the heir of the dwarven king and has the right to determine the future of the dwarven clan.

Relying on Abel, a strong man with multiple god-level contracts, and an elder of the Dragon clan, his identity is enough to make the dwarves feel that they have not lost their dignity.

Thanks for the "white hot" reward for 100 starting coins! !! Thank you "lobrfish" for rewarding 200 starting coins! !! Thanks to "16829742" for rewarding 100 starting coins! !! Thank you "Fat Fat" for rewarding 700 starting coins! !!

(End of this chapter)