MTL - Abe the Wizard-Chapter 1416 Block

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Chapter 1416: Block

"Elder Abel, now that you have decided to shelter the dwarves, how do you deal with us wizards?" Brennan demigod sorcerer looked at the scattered nine god-level fighting powers and asked Abel Shen Shen .

Nine god-level combat power had completely controlled the coming wizards at this time. All the wizards, together with the legends and demigod wizards in the air, could not move, waiting for Abel's disposal.

"Brennan demigod, how can I deal with you, just want you to stay for a while, please watch a good show!" Abel said with a smile.

"Elder Abel, I have nothing to do with the Wizarding Guild, so I won't leave it!" Said Brennan demigod sorcerer in his eyes, he said in a deep voice.

He was also the vice-chairman of the Wizarding Guild, but was abducted by Abel.

He knew from what Abel had said just now that they had become a bargaining chip in Abel's hands, so that the wizard wizards of the Wizarding Guild would not dare to start a **** war here.

"Brennan Demi wizard, please give me some face!" Although Abel was still smiling, his voice aggravated.

He was for the dwarves, but exposed all the god-level combat power, and he waited for another day just to let these wizards fall into his hands.

He didn't want to go to war with god-level wizards in Ironforge, once Ironforge was unbearable.

With so many demigods and legendary sorcerers, plus five thousand sorcerers, I think it's okay to let god-level sorcerers get their shots \\.

He still has nine god-level combat power here, which is also a deterrent.

"Since you must ask, we will stay!" Brennan the demi wizard said in a humiliating manner.

"That's right. Please come to the Golden Castle to sit and rest. I prepared a fine wine!" Abe said with a smile and a greeting.

Sure enough, a cocktail party was arranged on the top platform of the Golden Castle, and the ancient ladies stood there respectfully to prepare for the guests.

The demigods and the legends looked at each other. They had no choice but to fly to the Golden Castle, and each took a seat and sat down.

"You guys, I'm rude today, but as long as the next show is over, everyone can leave safely!" Abel picked up a glass of juice and stood on the theme, saying sorry.

No longer looking at the demigods and legends with different looks, he nodded towards the ‘God of the Hill’ in the sky.

The body of the "God of the Hill" glowed a strong light, and a strong breath poured into the entire Ironforge.

"It is the great 'God of the Hill'!" Exclaimed a dwarf.

The breath of the ‘God of the Hill’ was mixed with the god-level contract, and the ‘God of the Hill’ was intentionally hidden. Naturally, these dwarves did not notice it.

At this moment, with the release of the "God of the Hill", the dwarves can naturally perceive it.

Just yesterday, the number of believers of the dwarven people who believed in the "God of the Hills" just passed two million.

Yesterday, the dwarves heard that the Wizards Guild had killed Gunther the Dwarf King and attacked Ironforge because of their belief in the "God of the Hills". Although these dwarves turned to Abel, Abel came to the solution.

However, this matter started because of faith, and it has caused a rebound of the dwarves. In less than a day, the number of believers in the "God of the Hills" will reach three million.

‘God of the Hill’ is a dwarven deity, the purest dwarven bloodline deity, and because of the deliberate propaganda of the dwarven royal family, it has long been rooted in the hearts of the people.

At this time, the appearance of the "God of the Hill" even caused the madness of the dwarves below. Even Abel, sitting on the top of the Golden Castle, felt the increasing channel of faith.

"Where there are dwarves, there must be my faith. I will shelter the dwarves and fight for them. The dwarves will live with me and die!" The voice of the "God of the hills" sounded like a bell in the air above Ironforge linger.

He studied for a lot of time with the God of War. At this time, he was able to handle most of the affairs independently, and in terms of speaking and doing things, he could not see the innocence of the new soul.

"The great‘ God of the Hill ’, we believe in you, and you are our only god!” The dwarf kept groaning and chanting loudly.

The "God of the Hill", which has a special status among the dwarven people, after he told the coexistence and death, many dwarves thought of the story of the deity in the record.

At the end of the Deity Age, the 'God of the Hills' fought a war with the Wizarding Guild for the survival of the dwarven clan, even if it was knowingly defeated.

Although the captive was defeated in the end, the 'God of the Hill' did exactly what he said.

Now when ‘God of the Hill’ says this again, how can the dwarves who are being persecuted by the Wizards Guild not be enthusiastic.

The fervent beliefs rose throughout Ironforge, and special circumstances and special occasions created an outbreak of faith.

On the top platform of the Golden Castle, the wizards looked ugly at everything that happened in Ironforge.

They all knew that it was precisely this action of the Wizarding Guild that had caused the outbreak of dwarven beliefs.

The Brennan demigod sorcerer looked at Abel, his eyes full of horror, and he guessed in his heart what the "God of the Hill" would do next.

The **** body of the "God of the Hill" is now wrapped in golden divine power because of the congregation of a large number of faith forces.

With a wave of his hand, five hundred 'divine power crystals' flew out of space objects. These 'divine power crystals' turned into five hundred huge transparent crystal plates under his will.

These transparent crystal plates automatically form a surrounded sphere. When the spheres are formed, the gaps between the transparent crystal plates disappear, and a huge transparent crystal ball appears in the sky.

At the same time, a huge breath spreads around with an unstoppable breath.

Abel felt helplessly, and he knew very well that it was almost impossible to build a kingdom of God silently and silently.

Such a big movement, at least above the central continent, can be felt by almost all the strong.

At this time, the construction of the kingdom of God has just begun, and various **** patterns appear on the huge crystal ball. This process takes a long time.

"Who is so brave, dare to build a kingdom of God?" Neith Smith was sitting in the office, waiting for the news of the Brennan demigod wizard, but he felt the breath of building the kingdom of God and could not help anger.

Then several figures appeared in his office, just a few wizards.

There are only five divine wizards, and this is also included with the inner **** Smith wizard, because the kingdom of God has begun harassment again.

The rest of the god-level wizards went to the front-line battlefield. Their five god-level wizards were thinking about the dwarven race, which might cause some trouble. They stayed at the headquarters of the wizard society.

"It's the direction of the dwarves. Is it 'the **** of the hills' building the kingdom of God?" Mosley's god-level wizard sensed the position and said in doubt.

They didn't know that the kingdom of the "God of the Hills" had been swallowed up by war priests, and was wondering at this time.

"Not good, will Brennan be with those wizards?" Exclaimed Hawthorn's divine wizard.

Although the number of wizards who went to the dwarves this time is large, and their combat power is extremely powerful, they still suffer from the deities.

"It should be fine. Although there is no way to fight the 'God of the Hills', there are eleven demigods. Self-protection should not be a problem!" Neith Smith, a god-level wizard, also looked serious, but he was relieved.

It is almost impossible to say that a **** can wipe out so many demigods and legends.

Wizards, however, all ‘momentarily move’. When the demigod meets the deities, they still have a little resistance, and there is no problem in finding a way to escape.

As long as a wizard is out, the Wizarding Guild Headquarters should have received the news long ago.

"Let's go and see, let's solve the gods who build the kingdom of God by hand. Doesn't he know that the kingdom of build cannot move, in this case, he is a target!" Hawthorne-level wizard sneered.

"Go!" The five wizards didn't hesitate anymore, and disappeared into the office in a flash.

Elder Eugene also felt the breath of the kingdom of God. He thought of Abel for the first time, without any hesitation, his figure flew towards the teleportation circle.

Above the Ironforge, the golden divine power radiates a bright light, and the establishment of the kingdom of God is the moment when the believers are most condensed.

The recent outbreak of belief has not yet ended, and another round of outbreak of belief is pouring into the sky.

The establishment of the kingdom of God is not too difficult, it just takes a process.

In fact, the biggest difficulty for the gods to build the kingdom of God lies in the 'divine power crystals'. Five hundred 'divine power crystals' almost blocked the hope of the gods to build the kingdom of God.

In the age of gods, many gods, like the thief Milton, did not have a kingdom, but only the body of the god.

Because they have an immortal life, they continuously accumulate the power of faith, and enough of the power of faith can condense the ‘divine power’. The time and energy they spend is unimaginable.

Of course, there are still many deities who take out the costly deities, and take risks and fight for a ‘divine power’.

‘Divine Power Crystals’ was the strongest trading object in the age of the gods, and it was a consumable that all gods needed.

That is to say, Abel was lucky. He obtained a large amount of "divine power crystals" from the central temple of the kingdom of God. He also produced "divine power crystals" in the dark world. Otherwise, he would not be able to continuously consume them.

Don't look at the pirate **** Milton killing people around the kingdom of God and killing constantly, but as long as he is in contact with the powerful combat power, he needs to consume `` divine power crystals '' to maintain the strongest combat power or escape.

The same is true of the second body of God of War. As long as fighting, it is also a common method to temporarily increase the defense power by consuming "Divine Power Crystals".

This time, four more deities are consumed, and there is not a lot of `` divine power crystals '' in their hands. They have been poor by these deities.

"Master, there are five god-level wizards approaching!" War God Doom's second **** body reported through the soul chain.

"Inspire the breath and let them go!" Abel frowned, returning through the soul chain.

Then, in addition to the “God of the Hill” who is building the kingdom of God, the eight god-like breaths with horror power go to the five god-level wizards.

"Damn, where are there so many gods!" Neith Smith, the wizard, stopped in the air, looking ugly.

He could already dimly see the presence of Ironforge of the Dwarves, but he did not dare to get closer there.

The deity building the kingdom of God is actually protected by eight deities.

"It goes without saying that Elder Abel is there!" Hawthorn's divine wizard also stopped, he said in a deep voice.

God-level combat power is not Chinese cabbage, so much God-level combat power, most likely is Elder Abel.

Although I do n’t understand how many more elder Abel ’s god-level combat powers, but just think about the 'God of the Hills' being resurrected and the 'God of Black Mist' being resurrected, then the other two gods are resurrected as well. It's easy to understand.

In this way, aren't the four resurrected gods plus the five god-level covenants before Abel exactly nine god-level combat power?

Of course, Hawthorn's god-level wizard didn't expect that Thief Milton did not return from the kingdom of God, and instead replaced him with God-level four.

"Elder Abel, I'm Neith Smith, and I need to talk to you!" Shen Smith, the god-level wizard, said.

His voice turned into a line, gushing forward.

A figure soon appeared, which was the second body of the **** of war.

"The master said, please wait for the god-level wizards to wait for a while. He is enjoying the show with the wizards of the wizard association, and will naturally send them away after the end!" The second **** of war godhood stopped five kilometers away from the five god-level wizards. Come down, Shen Sheng said.

"Dwarves are members of the Wizarding Guild. There are gods who build the kingdom of God in the Dwarves. Does Elder Abel want to fight against the Wizarding Guild?" Shen Smith, a god-level wizard, said Sheng Sheng.

"The master said, I'll see you in a while!" War God Doom's second body did not respond, but said blankly.

The reaction of the War Godfather's Second God Body made the inner-Smith-level wizard so angry that this War Godfather's Second God Body simply wanted to complete the construction of the **** kingdom over there, and then let them approach.

If all the god-level wizards of the Wizarding Guild come here, he will still have the strength to approach them, but besides the **** who can't move, there will be a total of eight god-level combat power. With only five god-level wizards, he didn't dare to approach it like that.

For a moment, he stayed in the air, and the other four god-level wizards looked ugly.

"Some of them are coming fast!" Elder Eugene appeared from the rear. He was flying at the dragon at this time. The speed was extremely fast, but it was far less than the "momentary movement" of the god-level wizard. .

"Elder Eugene, you're here exactly, the Dragons give us an explanation!" Nesmith's god-level wizard saw Elder Eugene, and couldn't help but greet him and said aloud.

"What's the explanation, I've just arrived, I don't know anything, you guys talk to me!" When Elder Eugene saw the second **** body of the war priest who blocked the way, he naturally understood that Abel in front didn't want to be disturbed, he Said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)