MTL - Abe the Wizard-Chapter 1417 Give in

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Chapter 1417: Concede

"Abel is an elder of the Dragon clan. Should he be restrained by what he does?" Nesmith's god-level wizard stared at Elder Eugene, said Shen Sheng.

"This is natural, but you always have to tell me what it is?" Elder Eugene responded with a smile. He turned into a human figure at this time, and his body seemed to be inadvertently blocked in the direction to Ironforge.

Of course, even if he didn't obstruct that direction, Neith Smith and other wizards would not dare to approach.

Nine horrible gods gathered there. This situation has not been seen in other forces except the Wizards Guild.

Even the outlying sea beasts who claim to be unable to count God-level combat power have never seen the scene where nine god-level combat capabilities have gathered.

"The affairs of the dwarves are the internal affairs of the Wizarding Guild, but Elder Abel is laying so much divine power in Ironforge to prevent me from approaching, and there are gods in Ironforge to build the kingdom of God. The promised action of that year! "Although the Necromantic wizard knew that Elder Eugene was delaying time, he could only continue to say helplessly.

"Inner Smith, there must be some misunderstanding in this matter, or I'll ask first, and then give you an explanation?" Elder Eugene replied with a smile.

"Elder Eugene, you should know that although I have no way to take Elder Abel from the Wizarding Guild, Elder Abel has always challenged the Wizarding Guild like this, and when the President returns, Elder Abel is afraid that he cannot be good!" God Smith The senior wizard heard his perfunctory words, took a breath, stabilized his anger, and threatened with a deep voice.

When he said such things, it was helpless. When Abel had five god-level combat powers before, the Wizarding Guild had no way to take Abel. Now, although I do n’t know what the relationship between the four gods saved by Abel and Abel is, But if they can appear together, it is estimated that the relationship is very close.

In this case, the Wizards Guild had no way to take Abel.

Even at this moment, all the god-level wizards of the Wizarding Guild were transferred, and it was impossible to say that they would defeat Abel.

"Inner Smith, you also have to figure out one thing. The president of your Wizarding Guild is indeed powerful, but is my Dragon Dragon Lord weak? At that time, the Wizarding Guild shared the land with the Dragon. Could it be a peaceful discussion? Did it come out? That was an agreement made after the battle between Lord Dragon God and the President of the Wizarding Guild. Remember, our dragons are not afraid of the Wizarding Guild. Do n’t use your president to oppress others! ”Elder Eugene heard the threat. Speaking, the voice also became tough.

The most powerful of the gods, the Wizards Guild, and the Dragons, so Elder Eugene's confidence is still very strong.

There is still a beak here, and above the Ironforge, the golden pattern drawn by the golden divine power is covered with a huge transparent crystal ball.

The work of "God of the Hills" to build the kingdom of God has come to an end.

Abel felt five god-level wizards from the Wizarding Guild in the distance, and found that Elder Eugene had arrived, and was very grateful.

Although he has up to eight god-level fighting powers here, there are not many god-level fighting powers that can really be shot.

God-level two, god-level three, and god-level four are all god-level paladins, and as long as they take a shot, they must reveal their god-level paladins.

Although he is no longer afraid of the Wizarding Guild, he does not want the Wizarding Guild to be jealous of his relationship with the kingdom of God.

In addition, although the four gods have recovered for several months, he cannot really tell how strong the combat power can be.

After all, although there are many god-level combat powers under his command, because of the rebirth of the soul, the combat experience is far worse than the truly growing god-level combat power.

Being able to stop fighting, the later the Wizarding Guild finds this out, the more time he has for the god-level covenants to grow up.

Just as he thought about it, the huge crystal ball full of golden divine power and divine patterns slowly disappeared, and the true formation of the kingdom of God immediately entered another space to hide.

"Those who believe in me will have eternal life. This is the land of my faith, the land of my kingdom of God!" The God of the Hill at this time the power of faith erupted, and his voice took the might of God in the sky towards his feet. Away from the land.

The place of faith is an important foundation of the gods, but its formation has extremely important conditions.

Like the God of War, the land of faith in Warsong Plateau, where almost all barbarians are believers in God of War, so he can form the land of faith so easily.

The other is the resurrection of the other three gods. Their place of faith is a place of faith long ago. Now they are just reactivating.

The "God of the Hill" belongs to rebuilding a place of faith out of nothing, and its conditions are extremely harsh.

But he has a large number of believers in the dwarven clan, and has gone through the previous outbreak of belief. In addition, he built a kingdom of God in front of a group of people of the same family. Nothing.

So after the Kingdom of God was established, the ‘God of the Hill’ found that the conditions of the place of faith had been fulfilled. Most of the dwarves living on this land already believed in him.

The golden light appeared above the earth and spread out all around.

This is a **** who is using his faith to forcibly open up the land of faith. The land here will become part of his power.

"This is the Land of Faith!" Exclaimed Neith Smith, a god-level wizard, aware of the change in the earth.

They are too close to Ironforge, not only Ironforge, but also the dwarves' neighbourhoods, which were opened up by the 'God of the Hills' as places of faith.

On this land, all the non-believers felt a slight oppression.

Although the land of suppression is not strong at this moment, but this already represents the dwarven territory has become the land of faith.

The body of the "God of the Hill" took a step forward, and the figure disappeared. It was to enter the kingdom of God and build and perfect the interior of the kingdom of God.

Abel did not participate in the construction of the kingdom of God, and the ‘God of the Hill’ followed the war priests to learn this knowledge long ago.

"Sorry, Brennan Demigod, I'm sorry to leave you here, the show is over, you can leave at any time!" He said with a smile to the expressionless Brennan Demigod.

"The Wizarding Guild thanks Elder Abel for the hospitality!" Said Brennan, a demi-level wizard, Shen Sheng, hearing Abel's words.

After speaking, he stood up, and other demigods and legendary wizards also stood up, flew out of the golden castle, and flew towards the distance.

At this moment, the second **** of War Godfather standing next to the five god-level wizards and Elder Eugene.

"Several wizards, Elder Eugene, and the host invited some to the Golden Castle!" He said, slightly bowed.

"I'll see what Elder Abel has to say!" Neith Smith and the other four **** wizards glanced at each other, exchanged ideas with each other, and then said in a deep voice.

"Haha, I was just wanting to meet Elder Abel!" Elder Eugene said with a smile.

Six gods flew to Ironforge, approached and saw the Golden Castle in the sky.

I also saw Abel standing on the top platform of the Golden Castle, and five god-level contracts around Abel.

The other gods were gone, but Abel was sent to the kingdom of the God of the Hill to help the God of the Hill complete the kingdom of God as soon as possible.

The five wizard-level wizards of the Wizarding Guild saw that there were only five god-level covenants, and the last trace of anxiety in their hearts disappeared.

Just now they were a bit afraid of the number of gods here. The act of wanting to come to Abel was to avoid disturbing these god-like wizards.

The fact was that they thought too much. Aberco didn't have that idea, it was just a coincidence.

"Elder Abel, meet again!" Neith Smith and the other four god-level wizards bowed and saluted to Abel.

"Sorry, I was just a bit busy, so I invited several people as soon as I was free!" Abe said with a smile.

Instead, he and Elder Eugene just nodded their heads a little, both of them were less polite.

"Elder Abel, shouldn't you tell the Wizarding Guild about the dwarves?" Neith Smith, the god-level wizard, did not sit down, but asked directly.

His attitude was clear. Abel's behavior was to challenge the wizarding guild's bottom line.

Whether it is a dwarven clan or building a kingdom of gods, they are playing the face of the Wizarding Guild.

"Inner Smith god-level wizard, in fact, there is a reason for this. The new dwarven king Job has long been loyal to me on behalf of the dwarves. The dwarves now belong to my subordinates. What do my subordinates believe in? This is my business. What is the relationship with the Wizarding Guild? "Abel explained with a smile.

"Elder Abel, you should be very clear, our wizarding guild has been continually polite to you, but this kind of courtesy is not uncontrolled, and your behavior is now against the wizarding guild!" Neith Smith Said.

"Inner Smith, a wizard-level wizard, the Wizards’ Guild has shown me the politeness. If I were weaker, I would have been killed many times by the Wizards ’Guild!” Abel also sank and said.

He thought that the dwarves had trusted him, and he was naturally protected by him. He did nothing wrong in this matter.

As for the Wizarding Guild, he is not really scared now. If it were not for the existence of the Kingdom of God, he would have waged a war with the Wizarding Guild.

"Two, listen to me." As soon as Elder Eugene saw Abel talking with Nesmith's god-level wizard, the atmosphere grew tense and he interrupted.

Abel and Nesmith's god-level wizards looked at him, and they didn't want each other to just start the **** war.

"Since it has become a reality for the Dwarves to trust in Elder Abel, then the Wizarding Guild should not pursue this matter anymore, and Elder Abel is also wrong. They rushed into the internal affairs of the Wizarding Guild and did not say hello to the Wizarding Guild beforehand!" The elder said with a smile.

Although it is clear that Elder Eugene and Abel belonged to one group, neither the Neismith wizards nor the **** wizards present had expected that Elder Eugene would say such things.

Such a big thing, in Elder Eugene's mouth, is just an end without saying hello?

"Inner Smith god-level wizard, this is my fault. I should say hello to the wizards association in advance, but I did not expect that you would come so fast. I originally planned to explain the dwarves to the wizards tomorrow. That's the case! "Abe said apologetically to the inner wizard of Nesmith.

Neith Smith, the sorcerer, wanted to speak, but was blocked in his throat with a word, and he only hummed.

"Elder Abel, let the dwarves take refuge in you, let go, and the 'God of the Hills' builds a kingdom of God and turns the dwarven lands into his place of faith. What about this?" Said.

"Are you a Hawthorne **** wizard?" Abel didn't answer him, but looked at him with a playful look and asked aloud.

"Yes!" Hawthorn's divine wizard nodded. He didn't understand what Abel's eyes meant, and his heart was strange.

"Horthorne **** wizard, I know that you have always been dissatisfied with me, and he did not hesitate to use the dwarf Bernie to formulate traps against me, but 'God of the Hill' and I are just a cooperative relationship. If you want to ask about the construction of the kingdom of God, You go to the 'God of the Hill', I'm only responsible for the safety of the dwarves! "Abel said coldly, looking at the holy wizard of Hawthorn.

Abel's words were very bland, but it gave Hawthorn's divine wizard a sense of death.

Although Abel seemed to just mention the previous trap casually, when he said that at that time, he pointed out the hatred between him and the holy wizard of Hawthorn.

Hawthorn's divine wizard was shocked, and at this moment thought of Abel's temper, as he knew it, and he was never dead to the enemy.

Although the past had passed, if the Hawthorne wizard had said anything more now, he had a feeling that Abel's revenge would soon come.

Even if he is a divine wizard, he is extremely respected and rarely threatened, but in the face of the threat of a powerful existence with up to nine divine powers, there is a sense of shock.

"Elder Abel, regarding the dwarves, our wizards' association recognizes this loss!" Nesmith's god-level wizard stopped Hawthorn's god-level wizard and said Shen Sheng.

He knew very well that there was a kingdom of God here, coupled with the suppression of the land of faith, as well as the support of up to nine divine powers at any time. The Wizarding Guild wanted to deal with the dwarves, and it was necessary to start a battle Superior war.

In particular, the target of divine warfare is this crazy Abel. As long as you think about the method of the last Abel, you directly sent god-level combat power to the Wizarding Guild headquarters and rescued four gods.

Now these four deities have successfully resurrected and become a threat to the existence of the Wizarding Guild.

Under the headquarters of the Wizarding Guild, there are more gods and bodies. At that time, the **** level sent by Abel only reached the level of the stone room. If Abel was given the opportunity to retaliate, the consequences would be serious. .

The five god-level wizards no longer stayed, and failed, failing. They thought about waiting for the return of the wizarding guild's combat power, and then dealt with the matter of Abel.

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(End of this chapter)