MTL - ABO Cadets-Chapter 18

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Chapter 018: Fighting

Lin Yuan, who was appointed as the squad leader, needs to cooperate with Knox instructors to supervise the training of the students. After the end of the military training, he must continue to cooperate with the Irene instructors to supervise the students' academic studies. In addition, for example, it is the responsibility of the squad leader to register a classmate who is late, and a classmate who has absenteeism... Is this obviously a sinner's chore?

Shell classmates are just pig-like teammates.

Lin Yuan is very familiar with this unsatisfied squad leader, because he has been a squad leader in primary and secondary schools, but most of the children on Ryan's planet are beta. He is a squad leader who is more relaxed, unlike San Lomia. The military academy, there are too many pure-blooded alphas, and his beta squad leader will really make some people very unconvinced.

In the afternoon, the military training ended in the boring physical training. Lin Yuan found a corner in the dining hall to eat. Just took a sip and saw a chocolate-colored face appearing in front of him. He smiled and said: Squad leader, can I sit here?"

"..." Lin Yuan looked at him helplessly, "Sit down."

Baker sat down and smiled and said, "I am sorry this morning! I heard that you have a beta test score and feel very unconvinced, so I am looking for you trouble..." While scratching his head, the red hair was scratched by him. A mess.

What a stupid boy!

Lin Yuan smiled and said: "Are you convinced now?"

Baker immediately nodded like a garlic, "I am convinced!"

The guy with simple limbs and simple mind, looking at Lin Yuan’s look, almost said: "I recognize you as the boss, I will mix with you later."

Lin Yuan sighed in his heart and turned his attention to food.

The two soon finished their dinner and walked to the dormitory. When I walked to the corner, I was suddenly stopped by two tall alphas. The two men were very proud of each other. The alpha smell on the body was very rich, and the face of a nobleman’s eyes was higher than the top. .

……finally come.

Baker’s level of hatred is too high, and Lin Yuan has long expected that there will be such a moment.

Sure enough, one of them sneaked at Lin Yuan and looked cold and cold: "The squad leader, I heard that you have scored a perfect score? A beta is so powerful? Isn't that cheating?"

"..." This provocative expression and movement is exactly the same as the original Baker, and I don't know how to improve and innovate.

Lin Yuan smashed the two alphas in front of his heart, but his face showed a friendly smile: "It’s just luck to get the perfect score. There are a few questions that I guess. Are you looking for me?"

Another boy stepped forward and said with a cold face: "I want to see how much you have!"

The voice just fell, the boy's hand was directly grabbed toward Lin Yuan's shoulder, and a sweep at the foot, wanting to control Lin Yuan's shoulder while directly dumping him to the ground!

- This guy has learned fighting!

Lin Yuan immediately responded! At the moment when his hand was about to touch his shoulder, Lin Yuan’s left hand suddenly extended upwards. Lightning quickly buckled the other’s wrist, pulling his arm forward and kicking his right foot directly to his knee. The body is at the same time a dexterous step to the side -

The boy stretched out his foot and just wanted to put Lin Yuan down. As a result, Lin Yuan shunned and slammed forward. Instead, he slammed the ground because of the unstable center of gravity. The limbs came into close contact with the earth and came directly to a dog. The squatting posture!

"..." The boys groaned, and when they were shocked, their heads were blank, and they were forgotten when they climbed on the ground.

He was actually given a beta...down...? ?

How did this guy just shoot? How did he not see it at all...? !

Lin Yuan took back his hand and glanced at the boy who was stunned on the ground. He smiled and said, "Who did you teach this fighting? Let's practice."

Then, he directly bypassed the other side of the face like the pig liver color, turned and walked to the dormitory.

Lin Yuan’s principle has always been this way.

You don't mess with me, I naturally won't mess with you. If you provoke me? Ok, come fight! I will not be afraid of you!

Yesterday, when Brian touched his head, he made a counterattack in the first time. However, there was no success at the time of Nishizawa. In other words, Nishizawa’s fighting technique was significantly higher than today’s alpha. I caught my wrist accurately in an instant, and the reaction ability is really fast. If it was just Nishizawa, it would not be so easy to succeed...

Lin Yuan thought thoughtfully.

Baker looked excitedly with Lin Yuan. "Boss, you just got a trick! What kind of fighting is that?"

"That's not fighting." Lin Yuan smiled and said, "It is a kind of martial art popular in Asian countries in the ancient earth era. It is more suitable for the yellow-skinned people with less developed muscles. When fighting against tall muscle men, You can use your skills to win."


Use skills to win?

No wonder that Lin Yuan, who is only one meter seven or eight in height, can win an alpha higher than him!

In Baker's eyes, Lin Yuan is already a god.

A beta put down an alpha in three seconds? ! How did you just look at it? Why did you forget the video? If you just recorded a video upload to the Internet, the click rate will definitely break through 100 million!

Lin Yuan should be glad that Baker did not have a video, and did not bring him the hatred of the entire Empire alpha...


Not far away, I saw that Lin Yuan was blocked by two alphas. I wanted to help.

As a result, when he stepped forward, he saw an alpha that was stunned on the ground and a face that was as dark as the end of the world.

So, Nishizawa pretended not to see, and circumvented them without squinting.

Thinking of the scene just now, Nishizawa’s heart could not help but move a little...

The juvenile's fingers are so dexterous that people can't see his movements at all. When you flip between them, you directly and accurately hold the other's wrists. The posture that is staggered to the side is like the same gust, so fast that it is too late to capture.

This guy……

The flexibility and flexibility of the body is amazing, and it is almost comparable to gymnasts?

When Nishizawa returned to the dormitory, Lin Yuan was heading in the direction of the bedroom.

I don’t know whether it’s for temptation or other reasons. Nishizawa suddenly stepped over to Lin Yuan’s body, stretching out his slender fingers and grabbing Lin Yuan’s arm!

Lin Yuan stunned, and immediately turned around instinctively and made a comeback!

The flexible fingers quickly flipped and buckled against each other, and a beautiful 擒 擒 hand put the other's arm directly back to the back! Unexpectedly, the first action of Nishizawa is just a scam! His other hand suddenly grabbed Lin Yuan's shoulder, and a long leg stretched out at the same time, and exerted a force on Lin Yuan's knee!

Lin Yuan rushed to avoid the attack on his side, but he was pushed back by a strong push on his shoulder! Lin Yuan, who is not convinced, clutches the arms of Nishizawa. The result of the two people fighting together is not to let go...

Lin Yuan’s body lost balance and fell to the ground.

Nishizawa was dragged by him, and he flew forward and pressed directly on Lin Yuan’s body.



The two of them had big eyes and eyes, and for a while, Nishizawa discovered that this posture seemed too embarrassing.

The nose of the two people almost stick together, and the warm breathing of the teenager gently squats on his face. The skin of the messy shirt neck is smooth and white, and the delicate collarbone is close at hand. Just a little bow can reach him. Lips...

Nishizawa's heartbeat suddenly paused for a half-shot, and immediately stood up, and by the way, stretched out Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan put together a messy shirt and stared at Nishizawa. "Why are you suddenly attacking me?"

Nishizawa turned his attention and said calmly: "I want to try the level of your fighting skills."

Lin Yuan said helplessly: "Try it now? I am not your opponent."


As a prince, Nishizawa trained in a very professional and standardized fighting technique from childhood to age. Lin Yuan is not his opponent. What is rare is that Lin Yuan's responsiveness and dexterity are much higher than the average alpha, so he can win by skill. Dealing with the alpha who are not professionally trained is more than enough, but the gap between the professional level master of the West Side and the physical strength of the alpha is still a slight disadvantage.

Even so, Nishizawa confirmed the level of fighting in Lin Yuan.

At first, I was worried that Lin Yuan, who was not convinced after being the squad leader, would bully him. Now it seems that this worry is superfluous. Lin Yuan’s skill and personality are enough to protect himself from being bullied by anyone.

Nishizawa was silent for a moment, looking back at Lin Yuan and said: "You have a good skill, have you been to the fighting school?"

"No." Lin Yuan smiled and scratched his head. "It was my master who taught me. When he saw me at the age of eight, he accepted me as an apprentice... He was a soldier. After retiring, he was on the mining of Ryan Planet. When the company is a security guard, I usually like to find me to practice when I am bored."

Looking at Lin Yuan’s happy smile when he mentioned Master, Nishizawa couldn’t help but think of his teacher...

The coach who directed the Nishizawa fighting technique was Kenny, who had won the championship in the Empire Fighting Competition. The tempered man pulled a face all day, and his sharp eyes swept through almost piercing people. . Nishizawa was very afraid of him when he was a child, so he also worked hard to learn because he was worried that he would be embarrassed if he could not meet the requirements of the coach.

The two people who remembered Master were silent in silence.

At this moment, the sound of the card was suddenly heard at the door, and as the door was opened, Snow in a military uniform came in.

Lin Yuan looked back at Snow and couldn't help but smile: "Snow, your feeling of wearing military uniforms has completely changed!"

The look of a young man in a military uniform is cold and serious. It does give people a sense of forbidden/destination. Plus, Snow has always looked good. The delicate face under the dark blue military cap is very attractive. .

Snow hadn't had time to answer, Brian was back, the same uniform, Snow's clothes were neat and clean as if they had just been taken out of the closet, and Brian's uniform was terrible, and the uniform was as messy as being stepped on by the foot. Unbearable, there are even some strange stains on the cuffs...

Lin Yuan looked at him and couldn't help but wonder: Where did the engineering students go to train today? Did you visit the mecha factory? How do you look at Brian's look, like climbing back from the garbage? In stark contrast to Snow, who is neat and clean...

Brian walked into the room and saw Snow wearing a neat uniform. His eyes lit up and he immediately smiled and said, "Snow, come back? Why didn't you see you at noon today?"

Snow looked at the cluttered Brian classmates with a disappointment. He said: "The morning class teacher took us to visit the hospital. It only gave me 20 minutes at noon. I went to the dormitory and changed my uniform. I missed it. ”

When I said, I looked back to Lin Yuan. "I will go to the bath first, change my clothes, and go to the library later."

Lin Yuan said with a smile: "I am also going to the library to check some information, let's go together later."

Snow nodded. "Well, I will come to you after the shower."

"Well, we will see you at seven."

So, each of them went back to their room to take a shower and left Nishizawa and Brian in the same place.

Nishizawa and Brian in the living room looked at each other.

After a moment, Brian lowered his voice and said, "How do you arrange this evening?"

Nishizawa said: "No arrangement."

Brian touched his chin: "Do you want to go to the library?"

Nishizawa nodded solemnly: "Good."

Read The Duke's Passion