MTL - Absolute Deal-Chapter 600 prewar mobilization meeting

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no doubt.

What happened to the islands of Asgard, even if Thanos himself did not do it himself.

I'm afraid it was also done by the "Sons of Thanos" legion under Thanos.

It can't be Loki and Thor running away with the cosmic cube.

Before the "meeting", Bai Ye sent someone to communicate with Hela.

Hela said that some time ago, she did vaguely feel that someone was spying on Asgard.

But before she could figure it out, that feeling soon disappeared again.

Next, something happened to the autonomous island of Asgard on Earth.

Most of the forces of Thanos have already obtained the whereabouts of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, and they went straight to the earth without any extravagance to trouble Hela.

However, in addition to the space gem hidden in the universe cube, the earth also has the time gem in the hands of the current Supreme Mage Doctor Strange.

The news of the reality gem in his hand may not be known to Thanos.

But the time gem can be sure.

Since the other party took the space gem, there is no reason to let go of the time gem.

"Doctor Strange isn't here..."

In the noisy environment, Bai Ye did not see Doctor Strange.

I don't know if he got the news and didn't come, or didn't get the news at all, or was he stumped by something?

Bai Ye did not know.

"Director, Director Bai!"

Spider-Man Peter raised his hand and shouted loudly.

"Okay, there is a problem with Spider-Man." Bai Ye said, "Old Cha (Professor X), let these guys be quiet, there is a button next to the seat that I don't see, and you can vote according to your preferences to determine the next project process. ."

Professor X stretched out **** and held down his temples.

The room fell silent again.

Of course, some people glared at Professor X, and were extremely dissatisfied with his behavior of intruding into their own brains.

"Okay, you can discuss how to choose, but be quiet and don't disturb others." Bai Ye said, "Ask, Spider-Man."

"I want to know, what did he come to earth for? For what purpose? Is he a person? Or a group of people, by the way, why do you call him Purple Potato?"

Spider-Man asked in a barrage, "I admit that he is purple, but it doesn't look like a purple potato. I think it's more like purple plasticine."

"Purple plasticine, it's a good nickname." Bai Ye nodded, "Yes, you can also call him by this nickname in the future—if you're not afraid of death."


Captain America's unbearable cough came from the broadcast.

"Oh, our Mr. President is angry." Bai Ye said, "Okay, now is the time of Bai Ye's popular science lecture hall."

A hologram appeared beside Bai Ye.

Those are six gems suspended in mid-air, dazzling, even the most precious gems on earth cannot compare with them.

"The Infinity Stones, also known as the Infinity Stones."

Bai Ye said, "Representing the six powers of time, space, reality, power, soul, and mind, respectively, in this area composed of a large number of worlds, it almost represents the strongest power."

"There are two Infinity Stones on Earth, time and space."

"The space gem is now missing and should fall into the hands of Thanos."

"The purpose of Thanos is to collect all six Infinity Stones, and then snap his fingers to destroy the universe, I mean, at least half of the life in this area."

"In addition, Thanos is not alone. He has a terrifying legion, the son of Thanos, commanded by the five obsidian generals under his command."

"Cough, with all due respect, don't say it's Thanos. It's the five obsidian generals, and in front of the vast majority of everyone here, it's my father."

To be honest, Bai Ye is not quite sure what level Thanos and Obsidian are at.

But blow a wave without money.

Judging from the silent destruction of the Asgard island, the weak is not weak.

Definitely not the kind of weak chicken at the movie level.

After all, in this world, even if many people are not as strong as comics, they are far beyond the level of movie-level strength.

If it is a movie-level weak chicken, it is not to **** gems, but to deliver food.

"Okay, is there anything else you want to ask?" Bai Ye said, "If not. I'll give you five minutes to vote. It's a secret ballot, and everyone can vote."

five minutes later.

The poll results were displayed on the big screen.

The first option, that Bai Ye was alarmist, that he could hang Thanos up and beat him, or that he didn't believe what Bai Ye said, accounted for 35%.

The ratio is not low.

The second option, people who feel that they can join forces with Thanos, accounts for 54%.

The third option, thinking that seeking a strong foreign aid is the only way out, is only the pitiful 1%.

Professor X and Magneto looked at each other vaguely.

The exchange was completed in an instant.

"What did you choose?"

"Second, how about you?"

"It's also the second one. Why don't you choose the third one, do you think Bai Ye is alarmist?"

"No, I just don't think we have any money."

"...makes sense."

"Well, ok, the vote has come."

Bai Ye said, "Those who choose to fight alone can leave, don't worry, we will not hold grudges, just be careful when you go out in the future. If the second option stays, the President of the United States will come to give a speech and conduct mobilization before the war."

"Director, Director, isn't there a third choice?" Spider-Man asked.

"Did you choose?" Bai Ye asked.

Or Peter Parker.

"Well, I accidentally touched it," Spider-Man said. "I pressed it over and over at the beginning, and then I couldn't press it when I needed to."

Bai Ye held his forehead: "Tony, Tony, take this little kid away."

Steve Rogers certainly didn't give any boring pre-war speeches.

A group of people gathered together to discuss how to deal with Thanos.

Professor X glanced at Bai Ye and said: "If Director Bai is right, that Thanos is indeed going to crush us in terms of personal strength, we must have someone to hold him back, so that it is possible to solve his subordinates, and there are infinite The problem with gems."

"I can try."

Wolverine said.

He was traded by Bai Ye for the ability of the Hulk to transform into a controllable green Wolverine.

Plus self-healing abilities and Ayman metal claws.

The strength can be described as tyrannical.

"I..." Jean Grey said.

"You can't do it, child, listen to me, you must not do it unless it is absolutely necessary." Professor X said to the Phoenix girl.

After her ability was traded away by Bai Ye, she has now recovered.

Unfortunately, I still can't fully control my abilities.

Even though Jean Grey in this world does not have a dark phoenix, she still has a power that is close to the "Phoenix Power", if it bursts out.

The one that suffers will be the Earth.

"The Hulk can participate in the war, but the problem of loss of control must be considered." Banner said.

Wolverine also nodded.

Whether it is him or the genuine Hulk, there is a possibility of losing control.

"I have an idea." Magneto glanced at Wolverine and said, "If we put all our power on him alone, is it possible to create a powerful enough to kill that Thanos and his legion directly. exist?"

Speaking of the back, the person he looked at was naturally Bai Ye lying on the sofa.

Only a businessman can do this.

Gather the power of many into one person.

Bai Ye stood there, completely ignoring Magneto's words.

"Cough." Nero coughed, signaling his boss to wake up.

This is the Olympics... No, this is a meeting that concerns the earth, which is half of life in this vast region, how much is it okay to give some face?


Bai Ye woke up like a dream, "What did you say, Lao Wan?"

"He said—" Magneto turned his face away and said nothing, and Professor X reluctantly repeated Magneto's thoughts.


Bai Ye looked at Wolverine and shook his head, "No, no, even if he is a professional, he can't be beaten to death, and he can't bear the power of a group of people, he will die. Now is the limit of Wolverine. In addition, Logan , Do you feel that the power that belongs to Hulk has declined a little?"

"Yes." Wolverine said truthfully.

"Yeah." Bai Ye said, "That's right, it proves that the two of you are not compatible in nature. You are completely dependent on your immortality and cannot really integrate into yourself. Hulk's power will decline and even disappear. happen in the future."

"Tell us about Obsidian Five," said Captain America, who had activated the "emergency plan".

What is an emergency plan, it is at a difficult juncture.

He would give up his presidency and become a warrior again, leading the way.

It is not that everyone has not thought that the forces of the world will unite to fight against Thanos.

However, this is not something that can be done.

Unless it is a comprehensive transaction in the white night and the world is unified, otherwise...

And Bai Ye made it very clear that unless everyone recklessly threw nuclear bombs and planted mushrooms, they could only play a part.

Soldier to soldier, the value is really small, and they consume each other, and they cannot really determine the direction of the battle.

Thanos doesn't feel sorry for the legion under his command at all.

Senior leaders of various countries, do you feel distressed?

Instead of starting a full-scale war, it is the correct method to conduct small-scale battles against generals, kings against kings.

In the most pessimistic terms.

Even if it fails in the end, the loss of the earth is only half of its There is a chance to recover.

If you start a total war, you lose everything.

Compared with official politicians, people are more willing to believe in themselves.

The so-called rivers and lakes, the rivers and lakes.

The court is always the background board. After all, it is 404 to arbitrarily discuss the court.

Bai Ye just made everyone firm up their minds a little bit.

"Let's continue to discuss, Lao Wan's idea is actually okay, if the candidate is selected..." Bai Ye pointed to himself, "It is the last trump card, I have invested a lot in the industry in this world, but I can't lose."

"Tony, go."

"Where?" Iron Man asked.

"Go to Doctor Strange," Bai Ye said. "I think it's very likely that something happened to him."