MTL - Accidentally Become the Belief of the Whole World-Chapter 130 Magician (2)

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His voice was very calm, without any emotional color, and did not mean to seduce or persuade, and even looked at Shi Jingge's eyes with a hint of subtle malice.

He was sitting in a wheelchair, with a thin body, but the sense of oppression seemed to be born with him, making the air around him thinner.

For a moment, Shi Jingge only felt that it was difficult to breathe.

But the man's voice continued, concise and fast.

It's like he doesn't care what Shi Jingge decides, he just enjoys the thrill of being forced.

But for Shi Jingge, this is an opportunity that he has been thinking about for so long.

If he missed this time, would he still have a chance to touch magic?

"Two, one."

Shi Jingge's voice sounded almost at the same time as that person's voice, "I am willing!"

Shi Jingge's chest heaved violently, his face was extremely pale, but his eyes were still so bright.

It was like a little animal that was cornered, but refused to accept its fate, so at the last moment, it resisted desperately, trying to break free from its shackles.

But in the end he was still afraid, all his fingers unconsciously folded into fists, but they were still trembling.

Shi Jingge took a deep breath, clenched his fists tighter, and said again: "I am willing."

It was as if he was convincing himself.

The person in the wheelchair didn't seem to feel Shi Jingge's struggle and sadness, and just said casually: "But, it's time."

He raised his head, leaned back on the wheelchair, looked at Shi Jingge in an extremely comfortable posture, and chuckled softly.

The laughter made Shi Jingge take a step back, shaky, as if he couldn't even stand firmly.

"Brother," Shi Jingge's lips moved twice, his voice was low and inaudible, and seemed to be pleading.

But soon, Shi Jingge realized that showing weakness was useless to the devil.

Shi Jingge took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

"No," Shi Jingge spoke very slowly, but the logic was very clear, "You said two words, I said three words, and we said the last word together, that is to say, it takes time for me to speak." earlier than you."

"I spoke before you."

"I said it before the end of time."

The room was eerily quiet.

After a while, there was a burst of applause.

The man said with a half-smile, "You make a lot of sense."

"I had to give in to that."

"However, you make me very unhappy."

"My dear brother, you must understand that the devil never makes sense."

"They only talk about likes and dislikes."

His voice stopped, and he looked at Shi Jingge leisurely, and traces of malice enveloped Shi Jingge, making his face even paler.

"So?" Shi Jingge asked softly.

The man raised his eyebrows, as if he didn't expect Shi Jingge to remain calm at this time.

"So?" The man repeated these two words, and smiled strangely, "So I'm going to take back your privileges."

"You have no chance to choose."

"If you want to learn magic from me, you can only dedicate everything to me."

"How about it?"

"it is good."

As soon as the man finished speaking, Shi Jingge's voice sounded.

Without hesitation, be decisive.

Surprised the man in the wheelchair.

But he didn't show it, he just raised his eyebrows and said, "Come here."

Shi Jingge pinched his palm and walked up to the man step by step.

He walked very slowly, but the man didn't make any urging, just watched him come quietly.

The breeze blew Shi Jingge's hair, making his face even paler.

He finally walked up to the man.

The man in the wheelchair looked at him quietly and suddenly laughed.

"Remember, you sold yourself to me."

"Everything about you, including body, soul, life span, and thought, belongs to me."

Under his gaze, Shi Jingge nodded slowly.

The surrounding magical elements became more and more intense, surrounding Shi Jingge.

Immediately afterwards, a thin booklet was thrown on Shi Jingge's head.

"Before dinner tomorrow, come and find me."

"I think, facing a devil, you should have a sense of time, right?"

Shi Jingge nodded silently, and then quickly left under the man's urging.

Even the tray was forgotten.

The man lowered his head and didn't look at Shi Jingge, but Shi Jingge's every move was still reflected in his mind.

After a while, he suddenly let out a long sigh, half complaining and half disgusted, and said: "It's really ugly."

The magical elements around him wrapped around his fingertips intimately, echoing his words with a flattering meaning.

However, in the next second, he bent his fingertips, and those magic elements were bounced off by him and fell to the side.

Those magic elements were very aggrieved, but seeing his indifferent expression, they didn't dare to come forward to complain, so they had to float out in aggrieved manner.

—It obviously said what he meant, why is he still unhappy?

—Are human beings so weird and difficult to coax?

The man slowly raised his head, his fingertips twirled a few times in mid-air, the mist condensed in the air, and the magic element rushed towards him. Soon, an oval-shaped object appeared in front of him.

Like a water mirror, but a little different.

There are some ripples in that ellipse, as if connecting two spaces.

Soon, Shi Jingge appeared in front of him.

He was leaning on the wheelchair, his eyes half-opened, he seemed to be watching, but he didn't seem to.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Jingge's voice also appeared in his ears.

Mrs. Li was waiting below, and when she saw Shi Jingge coming down, she hurried up to greet her, "Why have you been here for so long?"

Shi Jingge shook his head, and said softly, "It took me a while to find Big Brother."

Mrs. Li frowned, "At this time, the young master should be in the bedroom."

Shi Jingge said calmly, "But when you went up to knock on the door just now, did elder brother respond to you?"

Aunt Li thought about it too, who can guarantee that the young master will be in the bedroom at this time every day? When she went up to knock on the door, no one paid her any attention.

Maybe this time, the young master is not in the bedroom.

Thinking about it this way, Mrs. Li didn't bother with this issue any more, she just asked, "Has it been delivered to the young master? Has the young master eaten?"

"Eat." Shi Jingge nodded.

"That's good," Aunt Li heaved a sigh of relief, her eyes fell on Shi Jingge, "Why is your face so pale?"

Shi Jingge subconsciously stretched out his hand and touched his cheek, his face naturally showed some doubts, "What's pale?"

Then, he seemed to be stunned, "It's so cool."

"It may be that the magic element upstairs is too strong, and the coercion on the elder brother is too strong, so it is natural."

Shi Jingge seemed to have realized it, and sighed, "Brother is really amazing."

His every move was so natural, Mrs. Li didn't have any doubts in her heart, and she was naturally distracted by Shi Jingge.

The man in the wheelchair snorted softly, "Liar."

The surrounding magical elements moved, but because of the previous lesson, I decided to observe again.

Shi Jingge bid farewell to Aunt Li, and soon returned to his room.

After returning to the room, he seemed to relax completely, threw himself on the bed, then took out the booklet, laid it flat on the bed, and carefully opened the first page.

His movements are slow and very reverent, as if afraid of hurting the booklet.

The man watched his movements, paused his eyes on Shi Jingge's fingers, and suddenly let out a cold snort.

The surrounding magical elements floated outside, farther away from the man, which was a bit strange.

...Is this, angry?

Shi Jingge was fascinated by reading.

He has never really been exposed to magic at all, and has not received any systematic education. All the knowledge about magic comes from Nie Ziyu, but Nie Ziyu doesn't come here for a month or two every year, so what can he teach Shi Jingge?

And the things in this booklet are not the most basic ones, so most of the time scene songs are incomprehensible.

But he has a strong comprehension ability, and his brain turns so fast that he can even understand part of it.

But compared to this guessing game, he prefers to practice it himself.

Shi Jingge didn't know why, but he felt very familiar and intimate with the magical power in his body.

…perhaps he had been to a similar world before?

Shi Jingge didn't take this guess to heart, he closed his eyes, and slowly mobilized the magical power in his body. On the other side, when the man saw his movement, the breath around him was different.

"Stupid." The man almost squeezed the words out between his teeth, "Unbelievably stupid!"

Faintly, with a bit of anger.

If you dare to conduct such an "experiment" after just reading two pages of the book, isn't it stupid? !

The surrounding magical elements sensed his surging anger and understood his heart at this moment, so they quietly floated over, wrapped his fingers around him, and echoed him with righteous indignation.

In the next second, those magical elements were kicked out of the room.

At the same time, there is another cold word.


Those magic elements were stunned, those magic elements were completely dumbfounded!

What are they doing wrong!

They just want to comfort the little master, but did they make a mistake?

They are obviously on the side of the little master, and they are clearly fighting against the little master!

Why let them go? Why!

The magic elements glanced at the door resentfully, but they didn't dare to float past, so they could only float to other places indignantly.

While floating, while secretly making up his mind.

Humans don't need consolation!

I will comfort humans in the future, they are dogs!

Shi Jingge's "experiment" gradually stopped.

One second before Shi Jingge opened his eyes, the man in the room raised his finger slightly, and the magic element in the room was stronger than before.

When Shi Jingge opened his eyes, he was in great spirits, even a little excited.

He could feel how little the magic power in his body seemed to be.

Is it that simple...?

Shi Jingge rubbed his fingers, looked at the pamphlet with a little excitement, but what came to mind was the gloomy and terrifying man upstairs.

For some reason, Shi Jingge wanted to laugh when thinking of that man.

And he did laugh.

His eyebrows are curved, his mood is happy, the sun shines on his body through the window, covering him with a hazy layer of golden gauze, just like an angel.

I don't know when it started, the man in the wheelchair was breathing heavily.

He lowered his eyes, his tone was a bit cold, and he was extremely disgusted.

"It's even uglier."

But because of the lessons learned from the past, the magical elements in the room floated freely, and they didn't even hear this sentence.

Occasionally, magical elements want to go along with their little masters, but they will be stopped by other magical elements.

-do not go! Silence is gold!

Time passed by every minute and every second, and it was time for dinner in a flash.

Shi Jingge was still lying on the bed, concentrating on the booklet in his hand, as if he didn't feel the passage of time at all, and didn't care about hunger at all.

Men actually don't care about these things, but Shi Jing Ge is different.

— He is too weak.

"That body is mine."

The man spoke slowly, without any emotion.

"It's ugly enough, I can't stand him getting uglier."

"Devil, never make a losing trade."

At the top of the castle, on the two huge floors, there are only men themselves.

Only he could hear these few words.

No one heard it, so naturally no one would respond to him.

Today, the magical element that witnessed two lessons learned from the past has also awakened that silence is a golden talent, and does not give any response to the master.

Even if the man's gaze swept over the surrounding magic elements one by one, with a stern and cold expression, it only made the magic elements quieter.

The room was quieter.

Even the wind seemed to be gone.

The man sat quietly in the wheelchair, looking at the picture in the water mirror.

Shi Jingge still didn't do anything, but a housekeeper knocked on the door to remind him to eat, and he directly refused.

The reason is that I was full at noon and not hungry.

The two masters of the castle went to the main city, but they were not in the castle. The young master was on the top two floors and never came down to eat, so in theory, the only "master" who needed to eat at the main table was Shi Jingge, his adopted son. .

If he doesn't eat, the butler is more relaxed and doesn't care.

Shi Jingge returned to the room and continued to compete with the booklet.

The man slowly closed his eyes, and his breathing became much lighter. It took a while before he started to move.

The door opened silently, and the wheelchair slid on the ground by itself, and when it encountered the stairs, the wheelchair would fly by itself.

As the honorable little master in the castle, he left the top floor of the castle for the first time.

That day, everyone in the entire castle was shocked.

Especially when the two masters were absent, the servants were both excited and panicked.

That is the most talented magician in the history of the entire continent, and he is expected to be close to a god!

Moreover, it is so terrible.

When the servant downstairs saw the young master of the castle for the first time, he was so frightened that he almost screamed out.

But an invisible force stopped him.

Even though his mouth had been opened, he still didn't spit out a word.

Immediately afterwards, he put down the things in his hand, turned around and ran away.

The body is completely out of his control.

He found the butler as quickly as possible and explained the matter to him.

At that moment, the butler thought he was joking, but this matter was related to the young master, so he rushed over immediately.

And the servant heaved a sigh of relief, the invisible force had disappeared, he patted his chest in fear, but immediately after, his eyes felt a little hot.

—Is that the power of a magician?

When the housekeeper saw the man, his whole body couldn't help trembling slightly.

Little master—little master actually got down!

The butler immediately stepped forward, bowed his head, and offered his loyalty and faith to the young master of the castle.

The man said coldly, "Dinner time."

The butler immediately understood, first invited the man to the dining room, and then called all the cooks in the castle to prepare a feast for the little master.

"This is the young master's first visit to the restaurant!" The butler was impassioned in the kitchen, mobilizing everyone's motivation, "We must prepare a feast for the young master, so as to retain the young master."

"Think about it, when the two traveling masters come back and see the little master appearing in the dining room, how excited the two masters will be!"

The kitchen is brightly lit and everyone is full of energy.

In order to prevent the little master from waiting for a long time, the division of labor was very clear. Several pots and stoves started working at the same time, hoping to make the most delicious meals as quickly as possible. At the same time, some cold dishes and fruits were sent out first.

The housekeeper also came to the dining room, and stood beside the little master thoughtfully, serving him.

The man looked lazily at everything on the table, "Only me?"

The voice was cold, mixed with annoyance.

The butler didn't dare to be careless, and quickly said, "I'll invite you right away."

The man is noncommittal.

The butler knew in his heart that the young master agreed.

That's right, it's rare for the little master to go downstairs, and it's definitely not just for this meal, of course he needs someone to accompany him.

But who is eligible?

The two masters were also absent.

After thinking about it, there is only a time scene song left.

...too cheap for him.

Although the butler was somewhat reluctant, he had no choice but to invite Shi Jingge.

Shi Jingge was immersed in the magical world, and was slightly taken aback when the door was knocked.

"What's wrong?" Shi Jingge opened the door and asked doubtfully.

"Please go to the restaurant to have dinner now." The butler said succinctly.

"I told you, I'm not hungry." Shi Jingge frowned slightly.

"The little master is down." The housekeeper looked at Shi Jingge sharply, "You should appear in the restaurant now, Master Shi."

Shi Jingge was taken aback for a moment, then shrugged, "Okay."

Shi Jingge soon appeared in the restaurant, looking at the man in the wheelchair at the other end, his heart trembled.

The butler was slightly startled, Master Shi dared to look directly at the young master?

The man in the wheelchair glanced at Shi Jingge lightly, nodded slightly, "Sit."

Shi Jingge originally wanted to find a corner to sit down, but his body seemed out of his control. He walked slowly to the man's side, but he didn't sit down.

"If you don't want to sit down, then don't sit down."

The man smiled strangely, with malicious intent.

A lot of dishes were already placed on the long table, and the fragrance was overflowing, arousing Shi Jingge's appetite.

So Shi Jingge said without hesitation: "No, I think so."

"Oh," the man replied, "what does it have to do with me?"

Shi Jingge thought for a while, and just about to speak, he thought of the butler again, and suddenly couldn't open his mouth, so he looked at the butler carefully.

The butler didn't understand why Shi Jingge was looking at him, it was a little baffling.

But soon, his body walked out uncontrollably, and the housekeeper knew that this was done by the little master.

The little master doesn't want him still in the restaurant.

The butler walked out and closed the door of the restaurant considerately, leaving all the space to those two.

After doing all this, the power disappeared, and the housekeeper looked at the door with some complicated eyes, with unpredictable changes in his eyes.

...Little Master and Master Shi, what happened?

The man didn't look at the butler, as if he didn't know about it.

In fact, this matter cannot be related to the man, but Shi Jingge feels that he did it.

"It still matters." Shi Jingge was silent for a few seconds, then said softly, "I gave myself to you."

"So the body doesn't belong to me, it belongs to you."

"Hunger hurts my body."

"It also means that this will harm your treasure."

The man sneered, as if he heard some joke, and said lazily: "I don't care."


Shi Jingge raised his eyebrows, thoughtful, but didn't speak.

The man gracefully cut up the lamb chops, then forked one of them, and slowly brought it to his mouth. Before he opened his mouth, the lamb chops had already fallen back onto the plate.

"A nauseous smell."

The man commented indifferently.

Before Shi Jingge could speak, the man's wheelchair started to move, and the door of the restaurant opened silently. The wheelchair carried the man and disappeared in front of everyone in the blink of an eye.

Only Shi Jingge was left, thinking about the fragrant lamb chops on the long table.

The butler hurried over, the corners of his lips twitched slightly, "...what's wrong?"

He saw the lamb chop on the fork, "Is there something wrong with this lamb chop?"

"No," Shi Jingge shook his head, "Brother is sleepy."


"He's gone back to sleep." Shi Jingge said calmly, not caring about the butler's probing eyes.

The butler was dubious, "Really?"

Shi Jingge's eyes widened, and he looked at the housekeeper in astonishment, "Do I dare to lie about elder brother's matter?"

It's a matter of course.

The butler looked away, a little regretful.

Is he stupid?

That's the little master.

Who dares to tell lies about the little master behind his back?

Shi Jingge sat down, his eyes full of innocence, "Brother also said, in order to avoid waste, let's eat all of these."

The housekeeper blurted out, "How can that be done?"

Shi Jingge picked some fruit salad, "Brother's order."

The butler frowned.

Naturally, the little master's order cannot be refused.

But this main table, they absolutely must not touch.

In the end, the housekeeper thought of a compromise, the food can be eaten, but not at the main table.

It can be sent to the kitchen or shared table.

Shi Jingge doesn't matter, anyway, it's better not to waste it.

In the water mirror, the man saw this scene and smiled coldly.

"Three times."

Just today, I told three lies about him.

If you can't do anything else, you are quite courageous.

Those dishes were shared, except for the lamb chops that the men had cut.

Don't want to waste?

The man raised his eyebrows, and the next second, the lamb chops moved out of nowhere and landed on Shi Jingge's plate.

Together with the small piece that the man cut off but didn't move.

It's also food.

Nor can it be wasted.

The man looked at Shi Jingge leisurely, seeing Shi Jingge's surprised expression, his mood suddenly improved.

Shi Jingge shrugged, the corner of the man's lips didn't touch the lamb chop at all, this lamb chop was brand new, why didn't he dare to eat it?

So Shi Jingge calmly put the piece of mutton on the fork into his mouth, chewed it carefully, it tasted very good.

His eyes lit up, and he immediately attacked the lamb chops.

The corners of the lips are slightly parted, rosy and full, with a glossy luster, and the tongue can be seen faintly.

At that moment, the man didn't know why, but his throat felt dry.

... He suddenly regretted it.

The author has something to say: The Devil's Diary:

Should have a taste.

Just a lick.

All the cuties still have red envelopes today~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-05-15?23:58:51~2021-05-16?23:56:54~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: Pinlu Chengjiang? 1 piece;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: Ying Xuanyue? 50 bottles; Little Pei Fei? 18 bottles; cheese. ?10 bottles; want to sleep every day? 9 bottles; a little star? 6 bottles; Zhou Jin, Coke Sprite? 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!