MTL - Accidentally born in the ’60s-Chapter 64 Second update Friday

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After dinner, Zhen Zhen returned to her room early and came to Su Weiran's home in the imperial capital. As Su Weiran expected, the house was not as tidy as it was before he left. The door was half hung from the door frame, the stools in the house were gone, and there were signs of being beaten on the table and wardrobe.

Zhen Zhen closed the door and looked towards the big wardrobe. Fortunately, the big wardrobe was made of solid wood, wide and high, so most people could not lift it, so it was still well preserved in situ. Zhen Zhen opened the closet, the contents in it had been looted long ago, not even the original clothes rack was left.

Zhen Zhen did not move the closet, but went straight to the basement in a flash, which is about twenty square meters. brush.

Putting these things in the space, Zhen Zhen's eyes fell on a row of painting tanks in the corner. Because it is underground, it is cold and humid, and in just two years, there are The edge of the scroll is slightly yellowish. Zhen Zhen was worried that this place would be discovered sooner or later, so she simply put everything inside into the space, and found an empty place to store it alone.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhen Zhen teleported to the Imperial Capital Mountain after having breakfast. She took out a large pile of paper from the back basket that she carried with her, and put paints, brushes, etc. one by one. On the table: "There is basically nothing left in the house, but the basement is well locked and no one notices it. I saw that it was a little too humid inside, so I changed everything to a different place. When it's calm outside, you always want to go back. When I get home, I'll bring the things to you."

Su Weiran showed gratitude: "Thanks to you this time, or else my paintings will be ruined over time."

Zhen Zhen smiled and took a breath of cool air from between her missing teeth: "Who asked you to be my teacher, you are polite."

"Yes, yes, and you don't have to be polite." Su Weiran said with a hearty smile, he quickly walked to the table, put the cut paper on the shore, and took the paint from Zhen Zhen He picked out a group and put them on the table, looking at Zhen Zhen with a smile on his face: "What kind of flowers are you painting today?"


The arrogant plum blossom has been favored by painters since ancient times, and the combination of plum blossom and snow is considered a classic combination by the world. Zhen Zhen adjusted the color and began to paint the gorgeous red on the paper. Instead of showing the red plum in the painting, Zhen Zhen showed its brilliant red to the fullest.

Red is also more able to arouse people's enthusiasm. Compared with yesterday's "Lotus Picture", Zhen Zhen's "Ode to Plum Blossoms" uses bolder colors and slightly exaggerated expressions. , to show the fiery side of Hongmei. With a smile in his eyes, Su Weiran stroked his beard and nodded in appreciation.


At twelve youth o'clock, Mingbei called Wang Zehai outside after dinner and while everyone was washing up. Facing the howling north wind, Mingbei lowered his head and said: "I I want to buy back the pen my brother gave me."

Wang Zehai chuckled twice, looking at Li Mingbei with a bit of mockery: "What? Regret? You patted your chest and promised you would never go back."

Mingbei didn't say a word, and said after a while, "I regret it, you make a price, and I'll give you the money."

Wang Zehai kicked the snow under his feet, turned his head to look at Ming Bei and said, "Five dollars, of course you can go to the supply and marketing agency to buy the same one if you think it is expensive, the new one is only eight dollars ."

It's not the same as the new meaning, and besides, I have to give myself a long memory."

Wang Zehai took the money and looked at Mingbei and sneered, then counted two yuan and handed it to him: "I will take advantage of you a little less, and give you two yuan, but you have to Give me my old pen."

Mingbei was a little stunned when he saw Wang Zehai's outstretched hand, Wang Zehai stretched out his hand impatiently: "Hurry up, it'll be frozen in such a cold day."

Mingbei came back to his senses, and quickly took the money. Seeing Wang Zehai's expression that seemed to be both crying and laughing, Wang Zehai twitched the corners of his mouth and turned back to the house.

Mingbei put the money in his pocket and squatted down next to the wall. At this time it was fifteen, and the moonlight was shining in the white light reflected by the thick snow. In the direction, the circles of the eyes are a little red: "Milk, I'm homesick."

Bei, pretending not to see the trace of crying on his face, just said with a blank face: "Go back to the house and give me my pen, I still have to write something."

Mingbei let out a "hey" and hurriedly stood up and entered the door. As soon as the door wrapped in plastic was closed, the cold wind was immediately blocked from the outside. The stove in the middle of the room was burning extremely vigorously, and Ming Bei suddenly sneezed as the cold and heat alternated. He took off the big padded jacket and put it on top of his quilt. He quickly opened his schoolbag, returned Wang Zehai's old pen to him, and brought back the one from Mingdong.

Mingbei decided to change positions after the summer vacation this year. At that time, I thought that there was still the last semester. A few changed pens. Before that, Mingbei didn't understand the meaning of this pen. In addition to his dazed personality, he had put a lot of pen water on the cap and barrel of the pen. However, when the pen was in Wang Zehai's hands, he put These traces were all cleaned up, and they were used very carefully. Now the pen looks brand new and brighter than when it was exchanged.

Mingbei was holding the pen, and his heart was a little sour. He now understands that the reason why grandma used the cigarette bag and pot to smoke him is not entirely because of the price of the pen, but also because he ruined Mingdong's expectations for himself and mind. Closing his eyes, Ming Bei can still think of the package and the letter that Ming Dong sent back. Although Mingdong was not able to bring the things home in person, when he read the letter at that time, he could still read Mingdong's joy and excitement, the first salary and the first gift to his family. The meaning is extraordinary.

Mingbei put the pen in the wooden box in his schoolbag and carefully placed it under his feet. He took off his padded jacket and put it on the quilt, and immediately got into the hot quilt.

After carrying the wood for a day, Mingbei's shoulders still feel a little sore, and it is estimated that he may not even be able to lift it tomorrow. But even so, he still didn't complete all the workload today, and only got seven and a half work points, which means that he didn't even earn two cents today.

Mingbei sighed, his young face was full of sorrow, he calculated according to the meal ticket for today's meal, no matter how much he had to pay for food a month, it would cost five or six yuan, which means that his The poor salary is basically nothing but food. In fact, it is easy to understand that the establishment of the youth point is not for them to make money. This is a place to solve the problem of unemployed youth.

Mingbei couldn't help but took out the change in his pocket and counted it again. He spent two cents for dinner today, plus three yuan to Wang Zehai, and there was only one left in his hand. Three bucks. Calculated according to the amount of food you eat, this is the meal cost for 15 days. Listening to Li Mengwei's meaning, the money is only exchanged once a month, which means that the money for meals in the next half month is estimated to be owed to the youth first.

Mingbei gritted his back molars, and he was worried: he has grown up so much and hasn't owed anything to others.

Rubbing his shoulders, Ming Bei grabbed the padded jacket with his left hand and put on the clothes with difficulty. Looking at the people around him, they were basically in the same position as him, and there was a lot of ouch in the room early in the morning.

Yu Wanqiu collected the meal tickets and scooped the porridge one by one. Finally, it was Mingbei's turn. As he handed over the bowl, he asked softly, "Have you been to the kitchen? Are you not going up the mountain today?"

He glanced back blankly: "Next."

Mingbei returned to the house with a bowl in his hand. He was accustomed to his attitude towards late autumn. Although he was a little disappointed, it did not affect his mood. At present, his mind was on how not to owe the meal ticket to the youth. .

It is impossible to save the province. With such a large amount of labor, if you don’t have enough food, you won’t have the strength to carry the wood. If you want to plug the hole of this money, one is to ask the family for money, and the other is to do extra work. Although Mingbei used to take pocket money from Mrs. Li before, but after playing to the youth point, I don't know why, I always feel that it is not good for a young man like him to reach out and ask his grandma for money. Even if the milk didn't say anything, he himself felt that he couldn't make it through. When the eldest brother, the second brother, and the third brother graduated, they didn't ask the family for a penny.

Ming Bei thought about it for a while, and felt that he should work harder.

These educated youths are basically the children of the hydrolysis plant. In addition, the train tracks have not been renovated. The hydrolysis plant gives them two days off every ten days and asks them to go home and rest. The educated youths were looking forward to the day of the holiday with great difficulty, and after eating early in the morning, they went back with their things on their backs. Mingbei came out and went in and hesitated a few times before he made up his mind whether to go home. Li Mengwei counted the notebook in his hand and looked at Mingbei as if he had no soul. He couldn't help but ask him, "Why haven't you gone home yet?"

Mingbei hesitated for a while, then walked up to Li Mengwei and asked him, "If I don't go home to carry wood on vacation, will I be given work points?"

Li Mengwei didn't lift his head: "record work points, as usual, if you don't go home, hurry up the mountain, and you can delay work if you are late."

Mingbei was instantly happy, he agreed heavily, quickly put his schoolbag on the kang, and called a few educated youths who did not go home to go up the mountain together.

The educated youth point is not too far from Beicha. These educated youths are accustomed to walking on mountain roads again, so they returned to the hydrolysis plant within an hour. When Mingnan came back from get off work, he didn't see Mingbei when he got home, so he asked strangely, "Where did Mingbei go to?"

Wang Sufen raised her head from the kitchen pit and said blankly, "Mingbei didn't come back? Did you watch the police?"

Mingnan took off his big leather jacket, with a bit of confusion on his face: "A lot of educated youths came back from the hydrolysis factory today, saying that the youth point is on vacation for two days, if Mingbei this time If you don’t come back, you will have to enter the twelfth lunar month before you can go home.”

Wang Sufen was instantly angry when she heard this, and threw the fire stick in her hand heavily on the ground: "This **** is designated to play wild, see how I can cut him when he comes back."

Ming Nan went out and brought some firewood in, and helped Wang Sufen to add firewood to the stove: "Mom, I think you may have misunderstood my brother this time, Master Wang in our class works in the afternoon. At that time, it was said that what Mingbei and the others were doing in the youth was carrying wood from the mountains down, and Master Wang’s son fell asleep at noon when he was tired and didn’t even finish eating, and he was so distressed that he cried.”

When Mingnan said this, Wang Sufen couldn't stand it anymore. She let Mingnan look at the dishes in the pot, and hurried into the east room, and shared what Mingnan said with Mrs. Li I studied it again: "Mother, you said that Bei didn't come back this time, so there won't be anything wrong, right?"

"What's the matter?" Mrs. Li didn't lift her eyelids: "I'm too tired to walk, so I'm going to sleep on the kang. It's fine if he doesn't come back, you forget me What did I tell you the other day?"

"Oh! Yes! Yes!" Only then did Wang Sufen come back to her senses. She glanced at Mrs. Li and didn't say anything, but her expression was obviously a little dazed.

Zhen Zhen heard the words of Wang Sufen and Mrs. Li in the room, so she put her consciousness to the youth point. I saw that the big room of the twelve youths was empty, but there were really two people sleeping, Zhen Zhen took a closer look, it was not Ming Bei. She retracted her gaze and looked outside, only to find that Ming Bei was walking down the mountain carrying two thick wooden bowls.

Ming Bei's shoulders, which were pressed by the heavy wood, slanted to one side, only to see him leaning on the wood with both hands, gritted his teeth against the wind and stepped forward one snow pit. Zhen Zhen looked a little distressed, she just wanted to use her supernatural powers to help Ming Bei with a wooden support to save him some energy, but what Mrs. Li told her before appeared in her ears again: "They have their own way to go, You should suffer some hardships, and you can't help them for the rest of your life."

Zhen Zhen bit her lip, but she still took the power back. She didn't know why Mingbei didn't come back during the holiday and chose to continue earning work points, but she knew that since Mingbei chose so, she must have He has his reasons.

Zhen Zhen withdrew her consciousness, pretended not to know all this, and turned to look for Mrs. Li to ask about the Chinese New Year. Last month, Mingdong sent a letter to his home, roughly stating the time to go home, which is expected to be in the past few days.

At this time, in the staff family area of ​​Anbei Agricultural College, Osmanthus hurriedly led the bean bag to the Yuhong class to pick up the meat bag and go home. Mingdong finished the class today and ended the semester. According to the plan of the two, they would take the train back to Beicha early the next day for Chinese New Year.

Ming Dong returned to his small courtyard after class, opened the door, and in front of him was a spotless courtyard. He pushed open the door and entered the house, while taking off his cotton jacket, he stretched out his head and said hello to Osmanthus who was cooking in the kitchen: "Have you swept all the snow in the yard again? I heard on the office radio that it will snow tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Well, aren't you tired for nothing?"

Osmanthus used the stove hook to take out a few potatoes from the stove pit and put them aside to cool, then looked back at Mingdong and smiled: "Anyway, I cleaned up the house before returning home for the New Year, otherwise I am in my heart. It always felt like something was wrong."

Ming Dong squatted in front of the stove to bake the fire, tilted his head and stared at Osmanthus' profile face: "These days you have to clean up the house and work in the kindergarten, do you feel tired? If you can’t stand it, quit your kindergarten job, your health is important, but don’t get sick from exhaustion.”

"It's so tiring, it's just watching the children." Guihua turned back and smiled at Ming Dong: "Actually, I like this job very much, I have something to do every day and still earn money. Ten yuan, I can give more milk when I go home for the New Year, I feel very happy when I think about it."

Seeing her ecstatic expression, Ming Dong couldn't help straightening up and kissing her on the face: "I bought you something for the New Year, have you finished wiping your cream? Wait for me to come back to Beicha. I'll accompany you to the supply and marketing agency to buy it."

Although they have been married for several years, Osmanthus blushed a little when Ming Dong kissed herself in broad daylight. She glanced at Ming Dong coquettishly, her voice soft as if she was acting like a spoiled child The same: "hate, let the child see what it looks like."

& nbsp; ."

Osmanthus tickled her neck with the heat blowing from Mingdong, she turned her head and before she could speak, Mingdong quickly pecked her on the mouth, and got his big hand into her dress , pinched her waist: "You said you have given birth to two children, why is your waist so thin, like an unmarried big girl."

Osmanthus blushed when Ming Dong teased her, she patted off Ming Dong's hand, and her voice was soft as she listened: "Don't make trouble, I'll be angry again!"

"Don't make trouble, don't make trouble!" Ming Dong smiled and held her hand: "I just feel that I haven't been able to accompany you since I hit you. I feel a little guilty about you. How about I take you and your sons out tomorrow? Although Anbei is not as big as Beicha, there is also a supply and marketing cooperative, which is not far from our home."

It was easy to get rid of the heat on her face, Osmanthus looked at Mingdong and couldn't help showing a smile: "Okay, then we will go out after breakfast tomorrow and see if there is anything good for you. Let them buy some milk."

Ming Dong reached out and touched Osmanthus's hand, smiled and shouted into the room: "The meat buns and bean buns are ready to wash your hands and prepare to eat, and go to bed early after eating, I and you Mom has something important to do."

Osmanthus was ashamed and angry, and pinched twice at Ming Dong's ribs: "What nonsense is it? What does it look like for children to hear?"

Ming Dong laughed and hid, Meat Bun ran out of the house and asked the two of them curiously: "Mom, what important things are you and my dad going to do tonight?"

Osmanthus gave Ming Dong an angry look, got up and took the meat bun and walked into the house: "Don't listen to your father's nonsense, he wants you to go to bed earlier and take you to the street tomorrow to play."

As soon as they heard that they were going out tomorrow, the meat bun and the bean bun were very happy, chatting and discussing what good things are out there, and they finished the meal quickly and well. Waiting for Ming Dong to urge, the little brothers went back to the house and went to sleep after washing up.

Osmanthus put the tableware and chopsticks into the kitchen, and was about to scoop up water to wash the dishes, when Ming Dong appeared out of nowhere, picked up Osmanthus, and strode into the house. Osmanthus was so frightened by the sudden hug that she didn't cry out. She covered her mouth before swallowing the scream. One hand subconsciously wrapped her arms around Ming Dong's neck, and the other hammered his chest: "You're going to die, what are you making a fuss about?"

"It's not that I'm going to die. If you don't save me, I'll really die. This month I'm giving my students self-study at night. We haven't been together for a long time." Ming Dong chuckled lightly. Put the sweet-scented osmanthus on the kang, and turn off the light as soon as you turn around and pull it: "It's going to be a holiday tomorrow, so why don't you accompany me?"

Osmanthus snorted, and put both hands on Mingdong's chest, she couldn't help but smiled and patted him twice: "I haven't laid the kang yet, what are you in a hurry?"

"You don't need to spread the kang, I'll make you a quilt." After saying that, Ming Dong hugged Osmanthus tightly in his arms, closed his eyes and kissed her red lips, his breath was a little unstable. Said: "Osmanthus, I love you, do you know that?"

Osmanthus panted heavily, reached out and pulled Ming Dong's neck down, her fiery lips blocked Ming Dong's mouth.

The second bedroom next door, Meat Bun was lying on the kang and saw that the lights next door went out, with a happy face: "Mom sleeps really early today, it seems that tomorrow we can go out to the street very early Come on, Doubao, hurry up to sleep, and don't stay in bed tomorrow."

Doubao nodded earnestly, and closed his eyes obediently: "I won't speak, I'll go to sleep."

Are you going out on the street? It's been a long time since dawn, why are your parents still not getting up, are you lying to me?"

The meat bun angrily slammed the hammer: "It's my dad who lied."

Doubao looked at the meat bun aggrievedly: "Then you go and wake up Dad."

Meat Bun looked sad: "Our dad locked the door, I knocked on the door for a long time and he didn't open the door for me."

Ming Dong, who was sleeping sweetly: ""

The sweet-scented osmanthus lying in Mingdong's arms: ""