MTL - Ace Evolution-v13 Chapter 51 1 Worship!

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There is no blind spot on the five elements for such a powerful **** as Yang Yan. In other words, it is useless to think of environmental restraint against surnames like goldfish. If you are more specific, you can understand Yang Xun as a master of the five systems of Jin Mu, Water, Fire, and Earth. You can change your physique at any time according to the spell you cast. At this time, when the water system was deployed, Yang Yan switched to the water system. When others attack him with the technique of the five elements, Yang Yan can choose to defend the enemy's surname.

At this moment, Yang Yan's hands appeared a blue light. At this moment, the place where the battle was apparently was in the densely populated Guankou City, but the distant and dense sound was already distant, as if the waves were beating lightly. embankment! The soft water blue light is full of powerful killing power. Lao Tzu said: Mo Mo is weaker than water. And attacking the strong, Mo Zhi could win. It is not easy to do it. Weak is stronger than strong. Rou Zhisheng just. It is conceivable that this blow from Yang Ming must be overwhelming. Wang Yang's attack is invincible, and it is even more pervasive!

The muscles on Fang Lin's face were twisted, and his eyes suddenly showed a crazy and determined look. He fell to his knees and spread his hands on the ground.

In Chinese ancient culture, kneeling is also divided into many kinds. The way to express greetings between friends is to sit on the mat with their knees and bow slightly. This method is somewhat similar to the way of dealing with Yueben. In fact, the customs of Tang Dynasty were learned by Yue himself. If there is some respect, then kneeling on the mat, holding your hands on your knees and bowing deeply, this is usually a more prudent way to use in ordinary occasions.

But now that Fang Lin is worshiping, that shows extreme respect, even a whole-hearted investment!

The ancients clearly distinguished themselves into five subjects who worshiped in this solemn manner: the Heaven and Earth King Teacher.

So who is Fang Lin worshipping?

Is it worshiping the heaven or the earth?

Or are you protesting your dark fate in such a silent way?

When Fang Lin's head touched the ground, a strong darkness emerged around him, and he gradually looked around. There seemed to be breathing in the darkness, dull and thick. It's like the beast that was injured in the ancient times is quietly licking his wound, and a huge dull sound comes from afar. If there are two big hands in Skyrim, they will interact with each other monotonously.

When the darkness spread, there was an indescribable momentum, just like the tide when it rose, slowly rising and brewing.

The majestic and magnificent feeling seems to be swallowing this world!

Above Yang Yan's hands, there has been a dazzling group of aqua-blue light. This light gives people the illusion that it will explode at any time. It can be said to be the first to win. If Fang Lin's act of worship begins It can still be noticeable, but at this time, the opposites of the palms of Yang Bi's palms have completely absorbed all the brilliance of the surroundings. It is foreseeable that once the power of this spell is released, it will inevitably be described by only four words: Stone is amazing!

However, at this critical moment, the door that was originally damaged was kicked open by one foot, and it slammed against the wall next to it. The door that crashed out immediately broke into several pieces! A person hurried in.

This person's body is somewhat transparent. This description seems a bit difficult to understand, but specifically, the person's sight can be seen through his body to see the back, and there will be some hazy refraction effects. All this shows that this man is a ghost, and judging by the old appearance of his hair and beard graying, it is Fang Lin's task client: Xu Xiawu!

"Go!" Xu Xiawu shouted suddenly.

He had taken out a pale yellow gourd while speaking, and squeezed a trick to lift the plug. I saw a deep yellow light spraying out like smoke and fog, thickly covered three feet outside Yang's body, slowly advancing forward, and a fierce collision with the blue light around Yang's body. A lot of ripples continued to appear, but strangely, the water light around Yang Yan's body was already dim at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

Yang Yan's thick black eyebrows lifted, as sharply as the blade said:

"Sure enough, here you are! Hey, you're so stupid, you just took it out now!"

The light emitted from that gourd is yellow and bright, and there are light and colorful interlacing and weaving. The center is a few yellow sands that are too ordinary, which is the legendary remaining soil of Yu Wang's water control, although the number is quite small However, the five elements have their own magic, just like the giant trees that have lived for thousands of years can't stop a small axe. The Yangtze River must be blocked by the **** to protect Yang Yan's dense pale blue water system. It was also absolutely impossible to stop this little fetish flowing out of the legend. Seeing Yang Ye's water spell that almost forced Fang Lin to win everyone's hands, it would be completely destroyed by this gourd by Xu Xiawu.

However, the yellowish light in that soil was about to touch the water ball that flashed in Yang Yong's hands.

Yang Yan put his hands together, actually pressed the water polo directly into his body, and then extended two fingers. The **** showed a green color, and actually caught the yellow light in front of him.

Xu Xiawu yelled, and the whole person flew out, as if he was struck by one's face in the face, and disappeared in an instant, while the gourd in his hand hovered strangely in the same place, and then burst out , A large group of yellow gas gushes around a little deep star yellow, flew forward, fell into the palm of Yang Yan's palm and disappeared!

This carefully refined soil will be forcibly accommodated!

Yang Jiu's eight or nine mysterious powers were so powerful, they turned Renshui into Jiamu in an instant, and they perfectly contained the soil with the "mu gram soil" trend. Of course, Yang Yan's face was pale, too. The tidal waves of the West Sea that he had been brewing for a long time had been perfectly formed, but in a hurry, he turned the body into a real wood body in order to collect the interest! It was almost as if Yang Yan himself had eaten his blow alive.

At this moment, the darkness around Fang Lin was already thick and dark, but it seemed to give people a delusional and blank illusion, followed by the constant surging of darkness, behind Fang Lin who was kneeling on the ground and could not see his face, but appeared. Scary image of a giant snake. The serpent spiraled and twisted around, and every time it circled, it gave birth to one more skull, and finally formed eight giant serpents!

The eight heads kept stretching and flexing, rising to the sky, appearing agile and brutal, the blue and black air of the large group swept out of the snake like a wild cloud, spreading over the sky, like the ocean, the vastness and immense power People, with their own souls, saw that in addition to being cold and cruel, there was an indescribable sense of smoothness!

Fang Lin slowly got up straight, and he could see his fortitude. Obviously, he had made a determination to go all the way, despite his eyes closed, but he could see the fool's pupil in the center of his heart. Warm blood! The pupil of the fool, who is deep in the darkness like a black hole, has formed a desolate and tragic blood eye! However, Fang Lin's expression seemed to put aside everything and didn't care about anything. It seemed that his life was superfluous, and then he would resolutely worship again!

In the first worship, I proclaimed the prototype of the Yagi snake!

This second worship kneel down, what kind of out-of-phase will occur?

Earlier Fang Lin's hair turned black when he made a move. What does this have to do with Fang Lin's kneeling at this time?

There was a flash of light in Yang Yan ’s eyes, before Fang Lin ’s head touched the ground, and he had already held the tyrannical dog tied to the ground, and the wind raged in the ground. In a blink of an eye, Yang Yan disappeared on the spot, and everyone kept With a long look on alert, it was unbelievable that Yang Ming was forced to live away! Fang Lin's worship was halfway there.

Actually Yang Ye had to leave.

He first felt the immense threat from Fang Lin's body, and the threat was unknown, which made Yang Wei think of the weird disappearance of his weapon and the outrageous blow from the phantom, so he couldn't be cautious.

Secondly, Yang Yan himself is also full of great hidden dangers: his conventional weapon is teleported to Fanglin by Fang Lin, and the dog is also dying at any time. If he fights again, Yang Yan is convinced that he can kill all the enemies in front of him. But it is clear that we have to miss the opportunity to rescue the dog and the five brothers. In fact, Yang Yan was able to come here so quickly, because he did not save the five brothers at all, but directly sealed them, making his injuries worsen greatly at low temperatures.

In the end, Yang Huan had to rush back to absorb the soil. The reason why he tortured Xu Xiawu was definitely not just for venting, forcing the whereabouts of this treasure was the main reason. Of course, Xu Xiawu is also a deliberate person. Knowing that the husband is guilty of not guilty, it is naturally impossible for him to take the initiative to confess that he has such a fetish.


The afternoon sun came in through the window ~ ~ and shone on a large bed.

The bed was covered with a white sheet.

There was a motionless human figure under the sheet.

The human figure was extremely thin and slender, and at first glance it felt helpless.

There was probably something rotten in the room, the smell was not very good, and several flies were flying around steadily.

Fang Lin and Lin Yinshou walked in with serious faces. Fang Lin sighed and opened the white sheet.

Underneath the sheet was a pale, insignificant payment.

His eyes were dull and he was staring at a place, which was reminiscent of the word "dead eyes".

(To be continued)

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