MTL - Ace of the Dragon Division-Chapter 1271 1272: Fan Wai: visiting relatives and seeing people

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When I came to my hometown, the power of the landlord Ye Rong and Ye Hua came up.

On the private plane, the whole city is a bird's eye view from the sky, and Xu Jiaming and Xu Lei of Xu Jiada's sons boast of their glorious deeds.

"Cousin, not your glory, I brag, in Yanjing, who dares to bully you, report my name! Rong Ge gives you the title!"

Ye Hua also said to Xu Lei: "Yeah, if you want to bully you later, tell me, you Huage I will support you. Yanjing is a land of mixed land, and most of the state-owned strength of the whole country is here. Here is the most comprehensive city in China. If you study here, you will inevitably have a lot of troubles. Don't be afraid, you will take care of you and your brother."

Ye Xiu also said to Xu Lei: "Lie Lei, since your father has entrusted you to your uncle, the uncle will handle the high school entrance procedures and the school. After that, you will live at home and treat your family as your own home. Uncle usually does not. I will definitely stay here. You have to do anything, tell your two brothers, if they are perfunctory, call my uncle, see me come back and don't pack them!"

Xu Lei slyly nodded: "Thank you, Uncle Ye."

"Which of us will perfuse her, there is no sister, Lei Lei is our sister." Ye Rong quickly took a flattering, looked at Xu Xiaoming who said nothing: "Yes, Mingge?"

Xu Xiao is still a few years older than him. He has inherited his father's stable temper. This time, in addition to visiting relatives in Beijing, his father hopes that he will start to join the guild to make statistics on some of the capabilities of the new human being. After all, he is twenty-five years old, and it is time to take over some of the things at home.

"Master Shu, are you going to retire?" Xu Xiaoming asked to ask Ye Xiu.

"Why dare I retire, your dad doesn't squirt me?" Ye Xiubai glanced and sighed: "This era has just begun, we still need our old people to watch, otherwise the world will be chaotic, the city If the brother knows that I am lazy, I will lick my skin."

Ye Rong added: "Even if the uncle does not say, Grandpa will take his father."

Ye Xiu took a second look: "You have more eyes."

Since the beginning of this era, the status of the guild has become increasingly important, and the influence of Ye Xiu, who was promoted to the guild by Xu Cheng, is now rising. Now Ye Rong and Ye Hua report a leaf in the country, no one is estimated. Dare to provoke, even in the international arena, to report a Ye Xiu special clerk special police minister, few people dare to offend.

Now Ye Xiu, there is no need to rely on the name of Ye Family to gain a firm foot. Therefore, he wants to be lazy, and his father Ye will really smoke him.

Now, the number of Dad’s rights has shifted to internationalization. Everyone knows the era of new human beings. The future rights will be standardized by the guild’s policies. I hope that Ye Xiu can continue to hold his position.

As long as he does not make mistakes, with the brotherhood of Ye Xiu and the Emperor, he will be sure of the future of the guild. Now that Ye Xiu is 50 years old, this is a good life for a man. Now the genetic technology, living at the age of 150 is not a problem at all.

The private plane landed in the Yanjing Military Region, where there was a general who was commander and two men.

Among them, Luo has also been promoted to the general.

The man in the other commander's position is the apprentice of Xu Cheng - Lin Dong!

After hearing the notice from Ye Xiu, the two people were very excited to let go of everything in their hands and rushed over.

After Xu Xiaoming and Xu Lei got off the plane, Lin Dong and Luo Yi looked at each other and were happy.

"Like! Too much like, it is a template for the city brother, Xiaolei is it? You are as beautiful as your mother, so good." Luo is also happy and his body is shaking.

This has been more than 20 years. After the emperor retired, no one had heard any news of him, but he did not expect that he would see future generations today.

"Xiao Ming, come, this is your uncle Luo."

"Uncle Luo is good, my dad often mentioned you to me, one of the three swordsmen." Xu Xiaoming reached out and shook hands with Luo, politely said.

Luo also hugged the child: "What hand to hold, the relationship between the two is not happy, let the uncle hug. This body is good, it is not the son of the city brother."

Luo Yi and Xu Cheng's friendship is a life-and-death situation. He regards Xu Cheng's children as his own children and sees them very happy.

"Uncle Luo, I want to hug." Xu Lei smiled.

Luo Yi also wanted to hold Xu Lei's, but this girl has grown up, men and women are different, and he stunned Xu Lei: "The temper is not like your mother, the kind of temperament of the nephew." I have a cold for the city."

Xu Lei spit out her tongue.

Ye Xiu pointed to Lin Dongdao: "This is your brother Lin, who is a proud student of the city."

After Lin Dong and Xu Xiaoming hugged a bit, Lin Dong told the two people: "In the future, there is any need for help. Although I call the brothers, do you know? If you have time to come to the military area, the brothers are free at any time."

Lin Dong can have today, relying on a good master, so he is wholeheartedly respectful to the teacher Xu Cheng, but for Xu Cheng, there is nothing that Lin Dong needs to return, so Lin Dong only wants to put this The retribution is used in the descendants of the teacher.

Xu Xiaoming and Xu Lei nodded.

Ye Xiu: "Well, don't block it, go, go home, your grandfather is expecting the stars and the moon."

All the people got on the bus, and Minister Ye had already confessed, and directly greeted the urban police. The special police opened the way to avoid the congestion in the city to the Yejia Mansion.

After getting off the bus, Minister Ye and his wife looked forward to the courtyard door early. Lancome and Zhou Zhen also came to wait specially. Now, twenty years later, they are all seven and eighty, and the wrinkles on their faces are particularly obvious, but Mental anomaly is good.

After seeing Xu Xiaoming and Xu Lei getting off the bus, Lan Lan couldn't help but red-eyed her eyes and hugged Xu Xiaoming and Xu Lei.

"There are Xu family, thank God!"

"Are you grandma?" In the introduction of Xu Xiaoming and Dad, Lancome was also an old man. Therefore, when he saw Lancome's words, he guessed the identity of Lancome.

Lancome nodded: "Good boy."

Xu Lei screamed: "My grandmother is good."

Lancome is happy and broken: "Well, this child is really like your mother. I don't know who is blessed to come to you in the future. The young master is really a few decades away, I want to die."

At this time, Ye Xiu looked at the Minister of Ye and asked: "Grandpa, how are you?"

Minister Ye nodded. "The old look, if he can't see the small town, he will not close his eyes and still hold it."

"We have already called the city with the phone. He expects to come in these two days. Let the children go to see him first."

Minister Ye nodded: "Hurry up, the old man saw that they should return to the light."