MTL - Ace of the Dragon Division-Chapter 17 017: Beauty is not used

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It is a pity that this lawyer does not learn to change his face. ??八?一中文?W(eight)W?W?. (1) 8?1?Z?W. COM

Xu Cheng smiled slightly: "Do not sell."

The lawyer grinned: "1oo million, you don't have to take a shot."

"Just let you lead people to go, but still want to fix me? Now I change my mind, no one is allowed to leave, no one is allowed to go out after 15 days, are you not accusing? Go to tell me, my hand These evidences are clear in our hearts."

The lawyer's face is as funny as constipation.

Yun Shao’s gang wanted to come out of the iron prison and ask what happened. The lawyers were a little bit stunned. The lawyer called his lawyer and asked, “What’s wrong? This guy is still Rush, then tell him that he can't afford to go bankrupt!"

The lawyer smiled and walked over and whispered: "There are few clouds. I went to buy and delete the videos that I bought this morning. I didn't expect him to copy them in advance. Now he has videos and recordings. It is very bad for you. These evidences will make his law enforcement lawful, tell him that he has no chance of winning, and that he has to force you to shut down, we can't win."

The face of the cloud was slightly changed, including the other rich and rich people beside him. The man immediately wanted to get out of the already-opened iron cage. Who knows that Xu Cheng will come over and put the iron door together.

"I have already given the opportunity. If you don't leave it, it is your business. After 15 days, you will come back and pick someone." Xu Cheng said while locking the door.

A few rich and poor are anxious inside: "Do you dare to shut us?"

"! Try ah" Xu Cheng looked up to them, his face revealing a firm: "You always say I can not beat you, I beat a result, you say I can not catch you, you are now in my Tielao Here, now you try, I dare not shut down for 15 days?"

The cloud took a sigh of relief and tried to make his tone and emotions euphemistic. He said: "Can we talk?"

Xu Cheng: "What are you talking about?"

Less cloud: "Let us go out, there will be good gifts."

Xu Cheng smiled at the face and smiled at them. For a long time, he said: "Sorry, I am not a policeman to save the criminals, but to bring them to justice, not to mention that the lawyer opened 1oo million, that is, one thousand. Wan, this matter is also free."

After that, he pulled out the new lock key and smashed it into his bag and turned and left.

The buddies inside are roaring: "Don't go! You are going to let us go!"

The lawyers surrounded Xu Cheng one by one, and they all threatened with their faces: "Do you believe that you will eat a lawsuit like this?"

Xu Cheng dismissed: "Do you believe it or not? If you are here to influence our law enforcement, I will even bring you in with you? Please note that all the people you want to bail are illegal. If you insist on bail, Sorry, I can only put you in, don't doubt me."

A few lawyers now Xu Cheng's face sank down, one by one step back, swallowed and swallowed, all of them have a look at it and can only go to the iron prison to discuss with their own parties.

Xu Cheng bird is not a bird of this group. When he turns around, he goes out and leaves the district police station. He has to go to it.

Behind him, he heard the insults of the sons and sons, and Xu Cheng turned to him: "There are monitoring here. Be careful that your insulting words will keep you waiting for a few more days."

Then the sons of the brothers shut up one by one, especially the few clouds, holding the iron fence tightly with both hands. If they didn’t make trouble, they would be able to go out today, and they wanted to give this little policeman a good look. He was detained by his righteousness.

When the lawyers saw that they had negotiated with the iron **** Xu Cheng, they had no choice but to find a director. The director directly snorted: "Sorry, I don't know anything about this."

The instructor was also preparing to go to the field. When he saw him turn around, his fist waved and said loudly: "Shuang!"

Several police officers at work began to beat the lawyers impatiently: "Well, the bail time is up, let's leave, don't worry about our work here, wait 15 days to come and pick someone."

After the lawyers were all blasted, the gangsters in the iron prison wanted to cry without tears: "I knew that the special thing just went out, now it’s good, I’m here for 15 days, going out to be jokes. What are you special? The first time I was detained, the key point was that I was also detained by a police officer who was detained and could not appeal. It was really shit!"

After the cloud listened to the complaints of other friends, the two eyes screamed with anger: "Do not worry, wait until you are out of the bad guys!"

The lawyers here are not guilty, so they have to ask the helpers of their own family.

They couldn't find a relationship and let Xu Cheng manage it. After he had beaten the lawyers, he also returned to his apartment. When he entered, he saw the quiet information in the high-level leisure area, and Shen Yao. Showing the whole white leg holding the nail polish on the way, apparently did not notice that her own skirt fell down and thighs bare outside, waiting for her subconscious to see Xu Cheng also looked at her when she stunned, and immediately smashed Xu Cheng Quickly put your legs down and cover them with skirts.

"See what?" Shen Yao snorted.

Xu Chengdao: "If you are afraid of being seen, you should not live here. This is the inconvenience between men and women I want to say."

Shen Yaodao: "I don't ask for high fees, and I can give you the liquidated damages and rents. But I am used to living here, I don't want to move, and I usually want to fly around the world. I can occasionally spend time in Shang City. Not much, so the rate of my stay is not too high, you don't have to worry, anyway, you are so big here, how many rooms are rented to me?"

Xu Cheng nodded and reached out: "Money."

Shen Yao blinked and said, "You really want it?"

If it is other rich and less pursuers, don't say this rent, I don't want to spend a lot of money for her every day. This man is the best!

Xu Cheng still does not move for the move.

Shen Yao grinned and pointed to the quiet side of the road: "So why don't you accept her money?"

"Her work wages are not too high, and she promised to do the housework in the house. Can you do it? If you can, you don't have to pay." Xu Chengdao.

This is not a question of paying the money, but a man who is willing to collect money from a beautiful woman. This is completely a matter of degrading the charm of Shen Yao. She gnawed her teeth and put all the hundred dollar bills in the bag in Xu Cheng’s hand and snorted.

Xu Cheng counted the money and went to his room.

Shen Yao looked at his back and wanted to shoot him with a dark weapon.

Quietly floated out of the corner: "The beauty is not useful to him, I have tried it."

Shen Yao felt that the reason for his anger was seen through, and suddenly he was not convinced: "This lady still does not believe that a man has turned a blind eye to me! The man who chased me, the successful business person, went to the international prince Wang Jue, Today, I was mad at a man and rushed to collect my rent! I must give him a powerful look."

Quietly, he smiled and said: "I tried this too yesterday. I found the most able to play in the game. As a result, I was suspected of being beaten by this guy."

(End of this chapter)