MTL - Addicted Pampering You: The Mysterious Pampered Wife of The Military Ye (Master Fu's Mysterious Darling Wife)-Chapter 508 Counter

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"But I am not sure if Junze is willing to come out." Lu Yaqin hesitated, and Shen Junze is not even willing to see her mother.

"You can call him now. If he is willing to pick you up, he will definitely see you." Lu Jincai gave her an idea.

Lu Yaqin felt that Lu Jincai made a lot of sense. He took out his cell phone and called Shen Junze. Shen Junze hanged up directly.

Lu Yaqin looked at the phone that was hung up and sighed deeply. "Big brother, what did you say?" Shen Junze is now reluctant to care for her.

Lu Jincai did not expect that Shen Junze was doing so absolutely, and even his mother’s phone was not answered. But still some are not reconciled, "You will give him another one."

Lu Yaqin also played three or four consecutive times, and all of them were hanged up by Shen Junze. They were shut down directly. "Big Brother, I am afraid that you can't help you." She smiled bitterly.

"In this way, you will go to his company to look for him tomorrow, stew the soup and bring it to the past, and say that it is to send him soup." Lu Jincai is out of his mind, Lu Yaqin hesitated.

"Yaqin, you can't always talk to Junze all your life. He is your only son after all."

"But..." Lu Yaqin hesitated. If she went to the company and was driven out by Shen Junze, she would be a shame.

When Lu Jincai saw it, she knew what she was thinking and advised, "Is it important to face, or is it important for my son? What is important now is to restore the heart of Junze. You think about why Junze will be born with you to this point?" ”

“Is it estimated that Shen’s family told him what?” Lu Yaqin said that her son used to listen to her most, and now it’s like Shen’s provocation.

"If this is the case, then you have to repair the relationship with Junze. Now Junze is close to the Shen family. If the Shen family said something to him in front of him, he will definitely remember it, alienate you, you Now hesitant, don't get close to him, how can this relationship be saved?"

Lu Yaqin certainly knows this truth, but she is afraid of the opposite. "Big Brother, let me think about it."

Lu Jincai sinks his face. "I am asking you for your goodness. If you are not my sister, what will you do with Junze? Will you take care of you? Anyway, you should consider this matter clearly. I don't care. Junze hates me and hates me. After all, I have a son myself. Someone gives me a pension, but you are different, Yaqin."

Lu Yaqin blushes and looks at Lu Jincai.

Lu Jincai realized that his words were heavy, sighed and eased his tone. "Yaqin, you are my only sister. We are the closest relatives in the world. Can you say that I can harm you? I can’t bear it. Watching your relationship with Junze go further and further. After all, you are a mother and child, and you are not an enemy with deep hatred."

Lu Yaqin was moved by Lu Jincai. "Well, then I will go to Junze Company to find him tomorrow."

"That's right." Lu Jincai was satisfied. "I will remember to bring him some chicken soup tomorrow. Young people can't work hard to work."

Lu Yaqin nodded and thought about how to tell Shen Junze tomorrow.

In the evening, Fan Yanghong also persuaded Lu Yaqin to do something with Lu Jincai. "Yaqin, I don't have children, we are together. Later, Junze is my child. When we are old, there must always be someone to endure." Even if it is not for this, we are both at home on weekdays, and we are blaming it. You have a moderate relationship with Junze. He often comes back to see us. This family is like a complete home."

"I also know that Junze is very mindful of me being with you. I feel that I am a Lu Jincai person, but I will not say anything to Lu Jincai. After all, Lu Jincai is my boss. Junze is my loved one. You can rest assured. If Jun Ze comes to the house, I will talk to him and let him accept me."

As a result, Lu Yaqin has no more concerns.


Bokai Real Estate.

“Shen Zong, there is a lady who claims to be your mother wants to see you.” The secretary went into Shen Junze’s office and said.

Shen Junze looked up from the file and frowned. "My mother?"

The secretary nodded. "She said that she is Lu Yaqin."

Shen Junze’s eyes were unpredictable, and he remembered the few calls that Lu Yaqin played last night.

"You let her in." Shen Junze, faint.

When Lu Yaqin came in, he saw that Shen Junze was burying his head and writing something on the document. She licked her lips and whispered, "Jun Ze."

Shen Junze looked up from the file. "Mom, sit down."

Lu Yaqin did not sit, but walked over and placed the incubator in his hand on the table. "Jun Ze, this is the chicken soup that Mom got up to you in the morning, you taste it."

"Let's put it first, I will drink when I have time."

"Oh, good." Lu Yaqin sighed and saw Shen Junze's willingness to drink. There was a smile on his face. "Jun Ze, isn't it a busy job in these months?"

"If you have something, let's talk."

"Mom is okay, that is, you are worried that you are busy with your work and don't take care of your body, so come over and see you."

"Mom, if you have nothing to do, you should go home first. I am very busy today." Shen Junze said faintly.

Lu Yaqin just had a smile on his face and it was awkward. He said, "Jun Ze, Mom... No.... I have no other for you..." She was incoherent and didn't know what she wanted to say.

"Mom, I will wait for another meeting."

"Jun Ze, do you hate your mother so much?" Lu Yaqin blushes.

"I didn't hate you, I really have something to do." He was only calm to his mother's rest.

"Jun Ze, you haven’t gone back to see your mother for months, do you have dinner with your mother today?"

Shen Junze put down the pen, "Is it Lu Jincai to find you." According to Lu Yaqin's temperament, he used to say that she must have gone back, but today she is not willing to go, which is a bit strange.

Lu Yaqin’s eyes flashed. “No, no. I have been with him for months.”

Shen Junze naturally does not believe this. "Mom, if you want to be a lobbyist today, then you don't have to say anything afterwards. There is no possibility of easing between me and Lu Jincai. Also, I really can't have time. If you want to stay here, you are sitting here, I am leaving." Shen Junze stood up and wanted to leave the office.

Lu Yaqin took him, "Jun Ze, can you really not forgive your mother?"

Shen Junze looked at her eyes deeply. "I never hated you and talked about forgiveness." They just made a difference.

"But you have been reluctant to go home, isn't it blaming me?"

"I thought I had told you the last time. I will call you on time for the cost of living. If you don't, don't say it." Shen Junze opened Lu Yaqin's hand and went out.

Lu Yaqin stood in the same place, with a sad face. After a long time, I left without a soul.

"Is my mother gone?" Shen Junze sat down in the conference room with his head down and the black color was black.

The secretary nodded. "It's gone. I watched her come back to the taxi."

"Well, go to work."

"Okay, Shen."

Shen Junze’s mood is a little annoyed. He didn't really want to be so unrequited for Lu Yaqin, but his mother's temper was too easy to be influenced by others, especially Lu Jincai's words, which was simply an imperial edict for his mother. Once his relationship with his mother has eased, his mother will definitely speak for Lu Jincai. When the relationship between their mother and child will only be worse, it is better to stop this possibility from the beginning. Keeping a certain distance like this is the best.

Shen Junze is very sure that Lu Jincai must have gone to find his mother, otherwise Lu Yaqin will not come to him today.

In recent months, with the help of Shen Junyi, he has expanded the scale of Bokai real estate and has also robbed Lu Jincai of a lot of business. Lu Jincai must be anxious, so he will find his mother.

Thinking of this, Shen Junze's lips evoke a cold arc, Lu Jincai, this is just the beginning, you must hold on, or I can not sing good songs for you.

"Help me and Mr. Wang of Lloyd Real Estate, call me and say that I want to invite him to dinner." Shen Junze said to the secretary before leaving the company.

"What time is it?"

"As soon as possible, give me a call."


The secretary's work was very efficient. It didn't take long for Shen Junze to call and said that he had been at seven o'clock in the evening.

"Is the box booked?"

"Already booked, Shen total."

"Good. Help me prepare two bottles of good wine, and pack them in a car."

"Okay, Shen."


At 7 o'clock in the evening, the restaurant box.

After Shen Junze arrived at the box, there was no one inside. The other party had not arrived yet. He was not in a hurry. He sat there waiting, without any impatientness. After half an hour, Wang Fu was late.

"Uncle Wang, you are coming." Shen Junze saw the incoming people smile and greeted.

Wang Fu licked his stomach and smiled. "The traffic jam on the road is late, waited for a long time."

"Not long, the traffic in Beijing has always been bad, traffic jams are normal, and I am a younger generation. If you should wait a little longer, you should sit down." Shen Junze opened the chair and asked Wang Fu to sit down.

Shen Junze's attitude is very humble, so that Wang Fu is very useful, and the smile on his face is sincere.

"Uncle Wang, haven't we seen you for a while?" Shen Junze poured wine for Wang Fu. "This is what I specially prepared for you. I know you are good."

"Yeah, we haven't seen you for two years." Wang Fuduan took a sip from the glass and squinted his eyes. "Good wine."

"Wang Shushu, you like it. I have two bottles here. When you go back, take it back. You have nothing to drink."

"Haha, that uncle Wang is not welcome."

"Follow me, you are still polite, but you grew up watching me grow up." Shen Junze said with a smile. "I still remember to go to the company with my dad when I was young. He didn't have time to accompany me. You brought me, give me. Buy toys and buy food."

Some words, instantly pulled into the distance between each other, Wang Fu laughed, "Your boy can be naughty. Now you are really grown up, although I have never seen you in these two years, but about you The news, Uncle Wang can listen a lot. You are now a good time? I heard that I recently started the company?"

Shen Junze smiled slightly. "That's all a small fight. It's better than Wang Shushu. When Wang Shushu and my dad started the company together, it was the mainstay of the company. I can often listen to my dad to mention you, saying that if you don't have you. Yeah, the company is not developing as fast."

When I mentioned Shen Cheng, Wang Fu’s eyes flashed a touch of nostalgia. “Yeah, that day is also my happiest day. Although I have suffered a lot, we feel very happy, especially watching the company develop slowly. When I grow up, I don’t want to mention how happy I am. When I started business with your dad, I was almost as big as you are now. After 30 years, I am old. And your dad has been away for so many years. ... things are human."

There is some sadness in Wang Fu’s tone. Shen Junze added another glass of wine to Wang Fu. “Uncle Wang, the past things have passed, and people should look forward when they are alive.”

"Or your kid wants to open, but it’s gone, don't mention it. How do you think about asking my uncle for dinner today?"

"Uncle Uncle Wang said, you are my elder, I am not sure if you want to have a meal, do you have something to invite you to eat?"

"Haha, go ahead, let's eat first, and some things wait until after dinner."

The two chatted while eating.

"You haven't seen your kid for a few years, when you look at it. Especially your company, the recent momentum is fierce, not bad, very good, your father's style, the tiger father has no dogs, did not lose your father's face." Three glasses of wine Belly, Wang Fu’s words have increased.

"Uncle Wang, I am not comparable to my dad. My current achievements are compared with my dad, it is far from good." Shen Junze personally gave Wang Fu a dish.

"You are modest. You have been paying attention to your company for a long time. The momentum is much more than that of ours. Your father didn't have your current grades like you are at this age. You are blue and better than blue, your father. If you are still there, seeing you now, you must be proud of you."

"Uncle Wang, are you here to praise me?" Shen Junze laughed and laughed. The two of them pushed between the cups and the cups.

"This wine is also drunk, and the rice is eaten. Let's talk, what is it for Wang Shushu today?" Wang Fu asked with a smile, and the temperature was as good as chatting with the younger generation.

"Uncle Wang, I am really simple today..."

Wang Fu waved his hand and interrupted him. "If you are kind, don't talk about it. Just say something directly. Uncle Wang knows that you must have dinner with me today."

"I still can't beat Wang Shushu. Since Wang Shushu said this, then I will just say it. Uncle Wang, have you been comfortable with Lu Jincai in the past two years?"

Wang Fu heard that there was no accident in Shen Junze's words. Obviously, he had already expected that he would tell Lu Jincai about him. He smiled. "What kind of comfortable and uncomfortable, just do it, work. I am also old. I will retire after a few more years."

"Uncle Wang, this is not the case. No matter what kind of work, you can do it for a long time, and people can live a little easier."

Wang Fu sighed and did not speak, but the expression on his face sold out his inner real thoughts and counted them for two years. He did not feel comfortable, Lu Jin is a tyrannical man, doubtful and heavy. The old shareholders of these companies are always holding a suspicion.

In the past, Lu Jincai made a lot of conditions for the old shareholders of the company in order to obtain the support of the company's shareholders, but when he was really in the position, none of these conditions were fulfilled.

Take him, Lu Jin only promised him, and he will give him the position of the company's most important financial controller. After he took the post, he did sit in the position of chief financial officer, but not long after, Lu Jincai promoted a so-called deputy director of finance, saying that he was assisting his work. In fact, he was not afraid of embezzling the company’s finances. To monitor him, even in the past two years, he has directly emptied the power in his hands. Wang Fu is not seeing it.

Another example. The few shareholders who were not neutral to Lu Jincai’s support and remained neutral during the past two years were used by various means to take back the company’s shares and kicked out the company.

Such events are too numerous to enumerate. The shareholders in the company actually gave birth to a lot of opinions on Lu Jin.

Especially in recent months, Shen Junze's company has developed too fast, and has grabbed a lot of business from Lushi Real Estate. The director of the business department was stunned by Lu Jincai in public, and the managers under the business department were not spared. Bonus, deduction of wages. Last time he was eating with the director of the business department, the director of the business department was very dissatisfied with Lu Jincai, and he had already changed his mind.

Shen Junze is well prepared tonight. Naturally, he will not know anything about Lu’s situation. He said slowly, “Uncle Wang, who was the first to start a business with my dad, is the company’s veteran, your ability. It is obvious to all. However, in the past few years, I have heard that you are the financial department of Lloyd's Real Estate. It is you who is the actor on the surface. In fact, the deputy director is controlling everything. Is this true?" Shen Junze asked tentatively.

Wang Fu smiled and did not feel the slightest anger. "It is clear that your kid is inquiring."

"Uncle Wang, since you are willing to come out to see me today, it means that your purpose is clear to me. Then I will say it straight. The predecessor of Lushi Real Estate is Shenshi Real Estate, a company founded by my father. The only industry he left for me was that Lu Jin used the mean means to defraud the company from my hands. This matter is clear to the company, and you must know it in your heart."

"Of course, what I said is not to blame you for not helping me at the beginning. I used to know what kind of virtue I have. I know that even if the company has handed it over to me, it will end up being swallowed up, so for In the past, apart from Lu Jincai, I did understand the practices of other uncles and uncles. After all, it was my own mud that could not help the wall. You are all the veterans of the company, and they have developed the company by themselves. My own results were so ruined by my second ancestor." His words were very polite.

Wang Fu listened to this, and some of his heart was not a taste. Speaking of Shen Junze, they also grew up watching them. Shen let the veterans of these companies, it is good to say nothing, it is reasonable to say that Shen let died, the company should of course be handed over to Shen Junze's hands, and these veterans should also help Shen Junze to stabilize the country, but they, not only Instead, he helped Lu Jincai drive him out of the company. This matter is carefully calculated and they are at a loss.

Wang Fu’s heart sighed slightly. “Jun Ze, it’s not that my uncle didn’t want to help you. It’s really... oh, forget it, I’ll not say anything about it that year, you say, this time you want your uncle to help you, as long as Uncle can do it, uncle will definitely help you." It is also a compensation for Shen Junze. Today, Shen Junze mentioned Shen Zeng, but let Wang Fu think of a lot of past, and Shen Junze's mind is more complicated.

"Wang Shushu really is a refreshing person, I want to get back my dad's company, and I need your help." Shen Junze directly said the purpose of tonight.

"What can I do? Now I am a director in the company, and I don't have real power. I am good at the company."

"Uncle Wang, I know that you are a capable person. You just don't want to have a conflict with Lu Jincai. Otherwise, where can your financial deputy director be your opponent?"

"Haha, OK, OK, don't wear a high hat for me. I can't figure out how many pounds I have in my heart." Wang Fu said modestly, but his face was full of smiles, no one didn't like to listen. Good words.

"But Junze, not your uncle and you, but now your company's development momentum is very fierce, but it is still difficult to develop to the height of Lushi in a short period of time. Even if you have a Junyi Group behind you, But as long as the Junyi Group does not take a positive shot, it will not be possible for your small company to swallow Lushi."

Wen Yan, Shen Junze flashed a glimmer of light in his eyes and whispered. "Normal means is not good, but if Lushi encounters a major economic crisis?"

When this statement came out, Wang Fu’s face changed and he looked at Shen Junze’s eyes full of shock. “You...”

Shen Junze smiled slightly. "Uncle Wang, don't be so surprised. I am not a whim, but I have been thinking for a long time."

He didn't want to wait until Bokai grew stronger and then swallowed Lushi, which took too long, and he couldn't wait.

"When I was driven out of the company by Lu Jincai, how did Lu Jincai know about my uncle?"

Wang Fu nodded, Lu Jincai did something too embarrassed, and left nothing else. Shen Junze was a foreigner of Lu Jincai. If there was no letting, Lu Jincai had today, but Shen let one die, Lu Jincai directly started with Shen Junze. These shareholders are chilling. So when Lu Jincai was so right to them, they didn’t have a trace of accidents in their hearts. Even those who can start with their own relatives, do you expect him to have any love?

"Uncle Wang, you have been in the company for many years. I believe that your understanding of the company is definitely deeper than mine. If you want to move your hands on the company's accounts, it should not be difficult?"

Wang rubbed his eyes, hands clasped against the back of the chair, a look of meditation.